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Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

Destructive Bad Habits Skin

The skin is the body's largest organ that wraps muscles and blood vessels. As with other organs, the skin needs care and protection. To get a beautiful and healthy skin, you do not need to spend a lot of money to do the expensive treatments.
So, what's the solution? Enough to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will not only affect the condition of the body, but also the appearance, including skin. Well, to live a healthy lifestyle, there are some habits that you need to avoid, the following among others:

1. Linger in the sun
Sunbathing for 15-20 minutes in the morning it gives so many health benefits. However, if the skin is too much exposure to the sun at the wrong time without sunscreen, it can increase the risk of skin cancer. You can easily find out if a person often move in the sun for long periods and unprotected. The skin will look more wrinkled and filled with black spots or stains.

2. Lazy using sunscreen
Many people make the biggest mistake by not using sunscreen with SPF enough. There is also no use repeatedly in accordance with the rules contained in the bottle of sunscreen. Although you are just being outdoors when going to the office or go to lunch, you still need SPF skin. And remember, use sunscreen in the morning will not protect the skin during the day. So, make sure you always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more in the morning and afternoon. Sunscreen should be used 30 minutes before leaving the room and repeated every 2 hours.

3. Frequent tanning spa
Tanning beds are safer than the sun? Think again. Tanning beds are often found in the salon or a body treatment, can lead to skin aging and wrinkles faster. In addition, it can increase the risk of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer. It is caused by the ultraviolet radiation emitted daritanning bed.

4. Smoking
Sure you know some of the diseases caused by smoking, such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and stroke. But, did you know that smoking is also one of the main causes of premature aging of the skin? The toxins in cigarette smoke are known to damage skin cells, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Smoking also makes skin dull, causing dry skin, and inhibits the process of wound healing and skin tissue
5. Washing your face with any cleaning product
Do not use soap intended for skin. In fact, the condition of the body's skin is much different from the skin. Unlike other parts of the body, the skin is relatively thinner. So, use a soap that is specially formulated for the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. While for those who are prone, make sure the products you use facial cleansers are free of oil and can not clog pores. Typically, in the product packaging label lettering oil-free and / or non-comedogenic.

6. Too often menggunakanscrub
Washing your face is not enough to overcome the problem of dull skin. Therefore, you need melakukanscrub or exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and clean the dirt that clog pores. However, this treatment should only be done once a week maximum, using a scrub microdemabration. That is, scrub that is used is smaller, so it feels softer on the skin. Do not ever do that when skin breakouts, because scrubbing can irritate the skin and make acne more inflamed.

7. Squeeze acne
Control yourself to not squeeze pimples, acne or even how much you desire. Instead squeeze acne, you should apply acne medicine or plaster containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. If your facial skin condition did not improve, try to consult with a dermatologist.

8. Prolonged stress
Do not let stress take control of your mind, because stress can influence the condition of your skin. A person who is under stress tend to neglect the health of the skin. If not addressed, stress can trigger psoriasis, rosacea and acne. This condition can also reduce the skin's ability to fight infection and irritation.

9. Tempted with skin care 'cheap'
Youthful and radiant skin is the desire of every person, especially women. To realize that dream, of course there is a price to pay. Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to do beauty treatments. However, not a few who dared to do maintenance because tempted by the low price. Be careful, when doing chemical peels or facial treatments without accompanied by expert demartologis, because there you will kemungkinankulit injury, infection or irritation. Instead, leave it to the experts.

10. Overeating
Prevent before it's too late. Keep your diet in order to avoid the risk of obesity. When your body is overweight, the skin will be interested to adjust the shape of your body. When the less elasticity, the skin most likely will not shrink back when body weight decreased. Although your body take care, sagging skin will appear many times and hang.

11. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep or stay up late will cause the formation of eye bags colored black. In addition, your face will look dull and listless. During sleep, the energy will flow throughout the body for cell rejuvenation process. So, if you sleep less, your body will lose the moment of skin rejuvenation.

12. Ignoring the signs of skin cancer
Generally, moles are harmless. As with the mole who experience sudden changes, because it could be a symptom of skin cancer. Changes frequently encountered is the size, shape, color and quantity. From now on, try to pay attention to your skin regularly. When there is a change or a family member who has a history of skin cancer, immediately consult your dermatologist expert.

Habits That Make The Severe Acne

For teenagers, acne is a problem that is difficult to avoid. The problem is the bad habits without realizing it they are actually trigger acne on the face.

Here are some habits that will lead to acne come and come again:

• Dirty Handphone
Your face produces oil and sweat that sticks on the mobile phone when you call. Well, imagine the rest of the oil, sweat, or dirt that stick in your face. Consequently face so full of bacteria trigger acne.

• Too Many Uses Hair Products
In some events, you certainly use hair spray or pomade for hair. Try not to use them excessively. Some hair products can trigger acne, especially in the forehead area.

• Too often Cleaning Face
One of the myths about acne is acne appears as a dirty face, so should be cleaned frequently. But according to the study, cleaning your face too often can scrape the oil on the face. This would trigger excessive facial oil production resulting in acne.

• Too Many Acne Removal Cream
Sometimes when it's upset, so that acne is gone, you apply a lot of acne removal cream in the face. The fact is that some of the ingredients in acne removal creams can irritate the skin. So, apply only in moderation.

• Squeeze Acne
Squeeze acne it will only make acne more serious. One result of this is a difficult acne scars disappear.

• Eating Foods High Sugar
Foods that are high in sugar associated with the growing number of acne. Avoid foods such as bread, pasta, potato chips, or cookies.

In order for acne cured perch in the face, of course, you have to stop this bad habit and start cleaning the face regularly every morning and after the move. Choose cleaning products that contain the entire circuit is active formula to fight the 10 problems of oily skin and acne skin at once enlightening.



Some Things to note after eating

Many factors affect our health. That we can not control may only genetic and age. However, we can make a change in lifestyle. Lifestyle is very important because how we live make choices and these choices decide how healthy we are. Habits are an important part of the lifestyle.

Many of us do not habit basically healthy after eating. Doing certain things or eat anything after meals will cause our body reactions that can interfere with digestion and metabolism. But most of us are not aware of these things, and eventually gave birth to the myth.
There are several myths about what not to do after eating. Let's explore what are they.

Do not walk after eating.
Streets after eating is actually not bad at all. In contrast, free time after a meal by walking instead help in digestion of food, weight control, and is very good for people who often face the problem of indigestion or flatulence. But a walk immediately after a meal will make it difficult for the digestive system to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Preferably, first wait at least 30 minutes to an hour after eating, then the stroll.

Do not smoke.
There is no evidence that smoking after a meal increases the risks associated with smoking. Smoking is harmful to our health at all times. Smoking is one of the deadly carcinogens (substances that cause cancer).

Drinking tea helps digestion.
Drink tea after a meal can interfere with the absorption of non-heme iron (found in plants as opposed to heme iron found in meat) consumed in the diet. Tea contains tannin which can bind iron minerals so that the absorption of red blood cells to iron decreased. If the tea is too close to meal times continuously, then the absorption of iron in the blood will be disturbed. As a result, we become more susceptible to anemia. Instead, drink tea about two hours before or after meals. Also, do not consume tea too thick or excessive amounts. Because, tea contains caffeine which has diuretic properties, which can cause dehydration.

Drinking coffee after a meal.
Coffee contains substances similar to tea, so that its effect was almost the same. However, a decrease in fiber iron from drinking coffee is not for tea. It is recommended, to consume approximately 2 hours before or after a meal. Do not add too much sugar and should be made to dilute it. Diuretic effect is also found in coffee, if consumed too much can lead to dehydration.

Do not get to sleep.
Sleep immediately after eating can cause digestive problems that cause gastro-intestinal problems. Because, after eating the basal metabolic rate increases and decreases sleep immediately that cause digestive problems. Sleep immediately after eating habits will also increase the tendency to become obese. Wait at least 2-3 hours, then go to bed. When sleep, sleep in a position such that the head is slightly higher than the body.

Bath after eating.
Bath immediately after meals will cause digestive problems that will result in the long run, because they interfere with the basal metabolic rate earlier.

Avoid cold water.
Many people believe that cold water can freeze food, especially those containing oils which can cause cancer. In fact, the internal heat of your body quickly cancel the difference in temperature at various foods we ingest before it reaches the intestine.

Eat fruit after a meal.
Some fruits contain natural citric and may cause further reactions due to acid and complex compounds in foods can cause digestive problems. Therefore, you should eat fruits one or two hours before or after meals. It is also intended to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. When you eat fruits before eating large, we will feel more full so do not go crazy when eating the main course. Consumption of fruits are high in fiber can also help prevent blood sugar go up - down drastically which will make us quickly feel hungry.

Eating pickles.
Eating fruit pickles or pickled vegetables is not prohibited. However, the acid contained in a pickle can increase the risk of gastric inflammation caused by teriritasinya stomach wall. Preferably, this pickle eating shortly after stomach filled. So when acidic substances into the body, the stomach is already protected by the food.

Sweet foods.
Eating sugary foods, such as sweets, can increase blood sugar levels quickly. Glucose satiating effect quickly, but it would be easy to feel hungry again. If eating sweet foods before eating it will make feel hungry faster, and ultimately consume more food. Preferably, eating sweet foods after the main course. Choose sweet foods that contain fiber, in order to increase and decrease blood sugar levels more stable. Also remember, do not be too excessive.

Living a healthy lifestyle and learn to eat healthy is actually easier than we think so far. We do not need to pay extra and not also require expensive equipment.

Skin damage can be Caused by Bad Habits

The skin is the body's largest organ that wraps muscles and blood vessels. As with other organs, the skin needs care and protection. To get a beautiful and healthy skin, you do not need to spend a lot of money to do the expensive treatments.
So, what's the solution ? 
Enough to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will not only affect the condition of the body, but also the appearance, including skin. Well, to live a healthy lifestyle, there are some habits that you need to avoid, the following among others:

1. Linger in the sun
Sunbathing for 15-20 minutes in the morning it gives so many health benefits. However, if the skin is too much exposure to the sun at the wrong time without sunscreen, it can increase the risk of skin cancer. You can easily find out if a person often move in the sun for long periods and unprotected. The skin will look more wrinkled and filled with black spots or stains.

2. Lazy using sunscreen
Many people make the biggest mistake by not using sunscreen with SPF enough. There is also no use repeatedly in accordance with the rules contained in the bottle of sunscreen. Although you are just being outdoors when going to the office or go to lunch, you still need SPF skin. And remember, use sunscreen in the morning will not protect the skin during the day. So, make sure you always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more in the morning and afternoon. Sunscreen should be used 30 minutes before leaving the room and repeated every 2 hours.

3. Frequent tanning spa
leather, custom Tanning beds are safer than the sun? Think again. Tanning beds are often found in the salon or a body treatment, can lead to skin aging and wrinkles faster. In addition, it can increase the risk of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer. It is caused by the ultraviolet radiation emitted from tanning beds.

4. Smoking
Sure you know some of the diseases caused by smoking, such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and stroke. But, did you know that smoking is also one of the main causes of premature aging of the skin? The toxins in cigarette smoke are known to damage skin cells, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Smoking also makes skin dull, causing dry skin, and inhibits the process of wound healing and skin tissue.
5. Washing your face with any cleaning product
Do not use soap intended for skin. In fact, the condition of the body's skin is much different from the skin. Unlike other parts of the body, the skin is relatively thinner. So, use a soap that is specially formulated for the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. While for those who are prone, make sure the products you use facial cleansers are free of oil and can not clog pores. Typically, in the product packaging label lettering oil-free and / or non-comedogenic.

6. Too often use scrubs
Washing your face is not enough to overcome the problem of dull skin. Therefore, you need to scrub or exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and clean the dirt that clog pores. However, this treatment should only be done once a week maximum, using a scrub microdemabration. That is, scrub that is used is smaller, so it feels softer on the skin. Do not ever do that when skin breakouts, because scrubbing can irritate the skin and make acne more inflamed.

7. Squeeze acne
Control yourself to not squeeze pimples, acne or even how much you desire. Instead squeeze acne, you should apply acne medicine or plaster containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. If your facial skin condition did not improve, try to consult with a dermatologist.

8. Prolonged stress
Do not let stress take control of your mind, because stress can influence the condition of your skin. A person who is under stress tend to neglect the health of the skin. If not addressed, stress can trigger psoriasis, rosacea and acne. This condition can also reduce the skin's ability to fight infection and irritation.

9. Tempted with skin care 'cheap'
Youthful and radiant skin is the desire of every person, especially women. To realize that dream, of course there is a price to pay. Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to do beauty treatments. However, not a few who dared to do maintenance because tempted by the low price. Be careful, when doing chemical peels or facial treatments without accompanied by expert demartologis, because there you will kemungkinankulit injury, infection or irritation. Instead, leave it to the experts.

10. Overeating
Prevent before it's too late. Keep your diet in order to avoid the risk of obesity. When your body is overweight, the skin will be interested to adjust the shape of your body. When the less elasticity, the skin most likely will not shrink back when body weight decreased. Although your body take care, sagging skin will appear many times and hang.

11. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep or stay up late will cause the formation of eye bags colored black. In addition, your face will look dull and listless. During sleep, the energy will flow throughout the body for cell rejuvenation process. So, if you sleep less, your body will lose the moment of skin rejuvenation.

12. Ignoring the signs of skin cancer
Generally, moles are harmless. As with the mole who experience sudden changes, because it could be a symptom of skin cancer. Changes frequently encountered is the size, shape, color and quantity. From now on, try to pay attention to your skin regularly. When there is a change or a family member who has a history of skin cancer, immediately consult your dermatologist expert.

Habits that can kill you slowly without realizing it

In addition to adding your life expectancy, healthy life also have a positive effect for yourself. However, did you know there are some daily habits that can kill you slowly without you knowing? Here's the bad habits quoted

Obsessed with age
Waking up every morning and look in the mirror to check directly wrinkles? Disturbed by the number of digits in a birthday cake? You may at any time to think about your age increases, but believe me, it will not change anything. According to research from Purdue University, a person who always thought of the bad things of age, it will make you faster older than it should. One way that you look younger is always think if you are young. Trust me, the positive energy will bring good effect also on yourself.

Free Diet Nuts
If you are not allergic to peanuts, it may be time to add nuts in your daily diet. As a snack was not anything. Forget that peanuts make your acne. Harvard researchers found people who eat nuts regularly avoid cancer, heart disease, and respiratory. It's up to you what kind of nut would you consume, be it almonds, peanuts, pistachios, or any kind.

Stingy and cool
American Journal of Health found that helping others can reduce stress and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases. Feeling happy that you feel after helping others will give a good impact on your self. This is one advantage 'hand over hand is better than under.'

Sitting all day
You spend a lot of time to sit in the office? The following facts will probably make you surprised. According to the journal BMJ, sit more than three hours a day reduces your life expectancy of two years. So what if your job requires you to more sedentary? Make a habit of walking while taking something, got up from the chair when they want to discuss with friends, and if necessary, stand up when you are doing your job.
Up all night

Lack of sleep or forcing your body to work when it should break, very dangerous for your body. Your bad habits that will make you prone to obesity, disease of the heart, diabetes, and stroke. Lack of sleep also makes your brain's ability decreases.

Running slow
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory studies found that the mortality rate is highest in people who walk slowly. Someone who goes by fast, his heart will work harder, sweat flowed, so that a higher life expectancy than people who walk slowly.

Grieving too long
Grieving is too long it is also dangerous for yourself. According to a study American Academy of Neurology, someone who always moody, anxious, upset, or depressed, the risk of Alzheimer's disease in later life is greater than the one who is always cheerful. If you can not stop grieving, you should talk with your therapist.

Boring sex life
A study published in the journal Biological Psychology found that people who have recently had sexual intercourse have lower blood pressure than those who do not. In addition, sex has long been one of the secrets to younger, more peaceful life, and increase life expectancy.

In addition to the above habits, there are some bad habits that you know it's bad, but still you do. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating fast food, for example. Maybe it's time you bernar completely quit bad habits.

Some Bad Habits that Deplete Eyes

As we get older, declining performance of our sense of sight. Maybe now you can see clearly near and distance without tools. But when was the age of 40 years, you will need glasses to see up close.
Although the glasses can help, there is another problem lurking when you are aged 50 years and over, which is a disease of the eye. Many eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye will appear at the age of 40 to 50 years.

Cause many kinds. Here are the habits that you do not realize can damage the eyes:

1. Reading while sleeping
When you read while lying down, the ideal reading distance of the eye to the book difficult to set up. Consequently eyes so tired and sore. If this is often done, it can lead to eye damage.

2. Reading with minimal lighting
It can force the ability of the lens to thicken and thinned and dilated pupils forced to make eyes tired. If it continues to do, cause damage to the eyes. And vice versa, read in the light of the circumstances are not very good for the eyes as it can dazzle.

3. Care of contact lenses that are less clean
Some people prefer to use contact lenses instead of glasses. But if you do not take care of properly, can cause eye irritation. Wash and dry your hands before using or caring for contact lenses. Besides release the contact lenses before bed because it can increase the risk of eye infection.

4. Rubbed eye
This is often done at the time of itchy eyes. Rubbed his eyes can damage the cornea and causes the circulation of blood vessels in the eye impaired. Additionally habit rubbed his eyes can also lead to smooth wrinkles around the eyes. Use eye drops if eye itching to rinse the dirt.

5. Looking at a computer screen for too long
Radiation emitted by a computer screen is very harmful to the eye. This makes the eye fatigue and cause disruption or other eye diseases. Looking at the monitor for too long can reduce the frequency of flicker that can cause dry eyes.

6. Smoking
We know smoking damages the body. But many are not aware, smoking is bad for the eyes. The risk of cataracts and retinal disease because smoking increases. Smoking can make the circulation of oxygenated blood and nutrients so disturbed.

Tips on Reading Books More fun

Everyone must know that the book is a window to the world, so the reading we can get to know the world is considered in more depth and also expand our knowledge.

The question is, when you know that reading is the key of knowledge that you can, why most of us are not aware of diligent reading? How you can make yourself comfortable and unconsciously like to read?
Well, the following tips so you can be interested in reading and making fun activities:

1. Listen to soothing music while reading, using soothing music will help us to focus and explore what we read so that we can see what will stick in your brain.

2. Read at place that makes you comfortable, can be in the mall, home, library, or on campus. Because of the convenience of different people there are comfortable in a crowded place there is the need to be alone, as long as I am sure you are comfortable you can read well.

3. Read a book or ebook that really make you interested. If you want to get used to read, make yourself comfortable in the first reading, a case of choosing a book that you really like and you are really interested in the book so that you can continue reading to books heavier.

4. Bring stabillo with bright colors, by doing this make you cool to mark important phrases or sentences that are good for you to remember.

5. Always make a review of each finished reading, so you do not forget important things in the passage that you read and you can feel the usefulness of reading itself so as to make you more interested in reading the book.

6. Provide tea or soft drinks and snacks that do not make your hands dirty, with this hunger and thirst will not bother you in the reading.



Some Diseases Affecting the Human Body
So many types of diseases that can strike at any time if it is not maintained and it prevented us always to maintain good health by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy sepreti 4 5 sempura should tepenuhi . Now let us discuss about the disease of mild to severe like cancer starts one by one .

The types of diseases in humans

1 . Cardiac disease
This name is used for all the disturbances that occur in the heart organ , disorders stretcher certainly different and has different effects to each other .
One example is cardiovascular disease, is a condition in which the narrowing of the arteries and blood clots . This disorder can lead to a stroke , the wind sitting and chest pain .
There are also arrhythmia , a condition where the heart beats too fast , slow or irregular . All disturbances in the organs more often called the heart disease . The disease is reported to be the number one killer of people in the world and the most suffered by the inhabitants of the earth .

2 . Cancer
Health problems have many types , depending on where the cancer cells to grow and thrive . If it grows and attacks the tongue is called cancer of the tongue , if attacking the throat then the experts named with throat cancer .
Cancer is a killer after heart normor two . Is a disease that begins with the development of abnormal cells in the body or specific organs . The development is relatively fast and can spread and infect other parts .

3 . Arthritis
Included in arthritis such as osteoarthritis , gout , ankylosing spondylitis , rheumatoid arthritis and others. They have causes and triggering factors respectively .
But whatever the cause , this disorder is usually characterized by inflammation of the joints .
Results of research conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joints most often contracted by humans than other types of inflammation .
Osteoarthritis trigger pain in lower back , knees , hips , hands and neck . It is usually caused due to the crystallization of uric acid .

4 . Acne
according to the study , approximately 80 % of all people have acne first . acne as a disease of the skin that is caused by bacteria that grow in the skin and pores connect to oil glands under the skin . Acne can develop if healing is not done in the initial step appearance . Acne is not just growing in the face , but can also grow other parts of the body especially the back .

5 . Hypertension
The disease is usually triggered due to the narrowing of the blood vessels . High blood pressure can affect anyone and would risk factors increase with age .

6 . Kwashiorkor are diseases caused by protein deficiency
7 . Edema is a disease due to lack of carbohydrates .
8 . Obesity is a disease due to an excess of carbohydrate and fat .
9 . Sprue is a disease due to deficiency of vitamin C.
10 . Night blindness is a disease due to deficiency of vitamin A.
11 . Beriberi is a disease due to deficiency of vitamin B.
12 . Disease Bone loss is due to calcium deficiency .
13 . Anemia is a disease due to iron deficiency .
14 . Rickets is a disease due to deficiency of vitamin D.
15 . Ulcer is a disease of the stomach due to irregular eating .
16. Mumps due to iodine deficiency salt .

17 . Several Diseases Due to Bad Environment ( Pollution )
a. Shortness of breath due to air pollution can be prevented by using a mask .
b . Itching ( skin disease ) can be prevented by using soap and bath turns wearing clothing with the patient .

18 . Dengue fever ( DHF ) and cikungunya transmitted by mosquitoes to prevent the break the mosquito life cycle include making 3M ( drain and close the stagnant water , and hoards junk ) .

19 . Rabies is a disease due to dog bites .

20 . Leptospirosis is a disease transmitted by rodents ( rat urine ) is prevented by eradicating rats and hygiene utensils.

Habits that can kill you slowly without realizing it


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