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Some Bad Habits that Deplete Eyes

As we get older, declining performance of our sense of sight. Maybe now you can see clearly near and distance without tools. But when was the age of 40 years, you will need glasses to see up close.
Although the glasses can help, there is another problem lurking when you are aged 50 years and over, which is a disease of the eye. Many eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye will appear at the age of 40 to 50 years.

Cause many kinds. Here are the habits that you do not realize can damage the eyes:

1. Reading while sleeping
When you read while lying down, the ideal reading distance of the eye to the book difficult to set up. Consequently eyes so tired and sore. If this is often done, it can lead to eye damage.

2. Reading with minimal lighting
It can force the ability of the lens to thicken and thinned and dilated pupils forced to make eyes tired. If it continues to do, cause damage to the eyes. And vice versa, read in the light of the circumstances are not very good for the eyes as it can dazzle.

3. Care of contact lenses that are less clean
Some people prefer to use contact lenses instead of glasses. But if you do not take care of properly, can cause eye irritation. Wash and dry your hands before using or caring for contact lenses. Besides release the contact lenses before bed because it can increase the risk of eye infection.

4. Rubbed eye
This is often done at the time of itchy eyes. Rubbed his eyes can damage the cornea and causes the circulation of blood vessels in the eye impaired. Additionally habit rubbed his eyes can also lead to smooth wrinkles around the eyes. Use eye drops if eye itching to rinse the dirt.

5. Looking at a computer screen for too long
Radiation emitted by a computer screen is very harmful to the eye. This makes the eye fatigue and cause disruption or other eye diseases. Looking at the monitor for too long can reduce the frequency of flicker that can cause dry eyes.

6. Smoking
We know smoking damages the body. But many are not aware, smoking is bad for the eyes. The risk of cataracts and retinal disease because smoking increases. Smoking can make the circulation of oxygenated blood and nutrients so disturbed.

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