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Tips for Vitamins in Fruit Not Lost

Fresh fruits such as degan (young coconut) and citrus fruits are very tasty when served into drinks. Not to mention if coupled with basil seeds that can reduce heat inside. Beside rich in vitamins, can also be serving delicious drinks for loved ones.

It is true that fruits contain lots of vitamins and minerals, but if processed in a way that is less precise, vitamin content can be reduced and even disappear. This Berukut tips in order to present the fruits vitamin content remains intact or awake.

Here are Some Tips on How To Vitamins in Fruit Not Lost:

1. Choose fresh fruit.
Signs fresh fruit is the color is bright and not too soft when pressed. If there happens to be part of the fruit is damaged, then please remove the damaged part.

2. Wash the fruit thoroughly with running water.
Once washed, then peeled before being given to the child. For some specific fruits such as apples, pears, tomatoes and grapes do not need to peel because it kulitnyalah section that contains nutrients.

3. If juiced, make sure all equipment sneezing.
If made juice, make sure that all equipment such as blenders, knives to cut, and the glass is in pristine condition. Then serve juice with pulp. Because the nutrients in the juice pulp actually more contained. While the juice contains only water, a little vitamins and sugar.

That's the simple tips that can be done to contain vitamins in fruits are not immediately disappear.

Hope it is useful.

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