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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tips & Disorders Health Use In Tight Underwear

Tight Underwear photo

Underwear has a function that is not less important with outerwear. Should have functions such as outerwear, namely as a skin protector body from the outside environment are dirty, the use of underwear is also intended for the comfort and health of the wearer.

To support these functions, consider the choice of material and size underwear. The type of material that does not absorb sweat or size in very tight clothing can be detrimental to health.

Indeed, tight underwear can give more body shape look slim. So tight underwear that can "hide" body fat globules become very popular among women.

But it turns tight underwear can give you problems in the body, including:

1. underwear is too tight can cause skin problems.
This can occur if the material used is derived from materials that do not absorb sweat, and used in the long term.
So that the area covered by clothing in becomes more humid.
Humidity of the area will then trigger the proliferation of bacteria and cause complaints of itching and redness of the skin.
The images on this article shows examples of cases of skin irritation due underwear is too tight.

2. Underwear strictly said to be related to digestive problems.
Tight underwear especially bras that are too tight can press the ribs, and if the pressure is too strong, it can affect the digestive system.
The British School of Osteopathy stated several diseases that can result from the use of a tight bra is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and constipation (bowel movement is not smooth).
Clothing in question in this case is not only limited to the type of bra, but can also have a negative impact on the use of a tank or even a tight corset on women. photo

3. Use a tight bra also known to cause respiratory problems.
Research suggests that tight bra will put pressure on the ribs and accessory respiratory muscles are supporting muscles that are used to aid the process of breathing.

• specifically for the sports bra should not be used at all times, because it is more stringent than other types of bras. The goal is to maintain the breast remains in position during exercise, can cause the wearer to experience difficulty breathing if used at all times.

• circulation problems can also occur in the use of a tight bra, especially a bra that is destined for the sport if encircling rubber ribs are too tight. The use of this type of bra is prolonged is not good, because the breasts are pressed to the chest that can cause bottlenecks in circulation, which in turn can damage the breast tissue.

• Pain in the shoulder area, neck and back was apparently also can be caused by the use of a tight bra. Trapezius muscle that connects the neck to the shoulder will be strained by the use of bras that do not provide scaffolding. photo

4. Underwear tight Risk Factors and Health Premature Ejaculation Sperm.
This is just a myth, because premature ejaculation occurs due to interference with the physical and psychological condition. As for the tight pants that are often associated with a low sperm count in men has not been proven.

The formation of sperm (spermatogenesis) is strongly influenced by the high temperature and that is why the testicles located in the scrotal sac that is outside the body. Located aims to maintain the temperature of the testicles to be 1-2 degrees below body temperature. In theory, using tight underwear will put testes become closer to the body and increases the temperature of the scrotum. This situation is potentially lead to a decrease in both sperm count and motility (movement) of sperm.

However, until now the research trying to prove this theory is less and less convincing. As reported by The Journal of Urology, researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook says that testing on approximately 100 men who use the boxer (more loose pants) and briefs (underwear tighter) not found the difference in sperm count, concentration or temperature of the scrotum (testicles). Furthermore, although the difference was not found the men were tested without using underwear.

5. The Importance of Choosing a Healthy Underwear
Election forms and types of fabrics in important legal turns. Because of its user must be precise in order to avoid health problems as above.

• Choose a comfortable, not too tight, absorbs sweat and does not interfere with your slightest movement ranging from respiratory motion.

• We recommend using a loose underwear and do not need to use a bra when sleeping. Besides disturbing comfort during sleep, is also a way to rest the whole body of the pressure exerted in everyday clothing.

• Keep the inside of your clothing, especially underwear replace 3x / day, always dry each wash the genital area.

So, make sure you choose clothes that are not only stylish as you want, but note also the convenience factor and health.

(various source)

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Some Tips to Avoid Cell phone radiation

Avoid Cell phone radiation photo

Can not be denied if the present era super-sophisticated and more advanced technological developments in the world especially those in our country. The development also occurs in communication media such as mobile phones are the average population in Indonesia already have it.

There are many benefits that can be obtained from the phone. But behind the positive side of the phone / cell was found to have a negative side as well.
As quoted from the World Health Organization World Health Organization (WHO): "Cell phone use can increase is possible cancer risk". See the revelation of the World Health Organization (WHO) before we can conclude that the use of cell phones can increase the chances of developing cancer.
As we said before if the cell phone / mobile phone has great benefits so we do not have to throw or not to use cell phones / mobile phones to communicate in order to avoid the cancer.

Some tips that can be used in the use of mobile phones / mobile phone in order to avoid cell phone radiation terbut and reduce the likelihood of radiation-induced cancer cell phone.

Here are some health tips that can be used to prevent cancer caused by radiation cell phone / mobile phone:

1. You should use a headset when talking on a cell phone / mobile phone that you have. This is to keep the radiation source on the phone from your head.

2. Utilizing SMS
You should take better advantage of SMS (Short messange Service) on a mobile phone to connect with the people closest to you than to call him directly. It also aims to keep the mobile phone radiation source of your head.

3. Never Too Old Calls
If you are not using a headset during a call, try not too long talking on the phone. It is also intended that you are not exposed to the radiation source is too long to use the phone when you call them.

4. Avoid the use of mobile phones currently Weak Signals
Do not use or call a friend on your mobile phone when the phone signal is weak condition.
When the mobile phone signal is weak, the phone will try to find a signal with a bang. Thereby increasing the radiation on the phone that is not good for you, if exposed to radiation.

5. Tearing of ear phones
Cell phone radiation will increase when making a phone call.
So try a little distance phone from your ear when you call a friend over the phone, and bring your ketelinga when your friend's voice was heard. With the aim of minimizing the radiation cell phone when you call.

6. Do not call while in the car or in the lift
Try not to call someone else when you're in a car or in the elevator. This is because, the phone will use more power or great when used in enclosed spaces such as metallic with conditions in the car or in the elevator.

7. Using a cell phone / mobile phone radiation levels low
Tips seventh ie buy a cell phone / mobile phone with low radiation levels. This is probably one of the alternatives that you can take to reduce radiation hazards that can befall you through the use of the mobile phone.

source: who

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Tips How to Increase Weight body

Some people will desperately trying to lose weight, but there is also a wish to fatten the body. Adding eating it can be used as a simple alternative to gain weight.

Well, here are some foods that are believed to increase the weight:

• Eggs
An egg has a protein content as much as 5-6 grams so effectively raise the weight. Egg yolks are also believed to have a fat content which is good for the body.

• Milk
The content of nutrients in the milk is very good for the body. Not only that, various types of foods containing milk also has a protein content as much as 8-9 grams. Milk also contains fat that can raise your body weight.

• Vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables are also good to fatten the body because it can make the process more smoothly metabolism of nutrients in the body.

• Bread wheat
The best carbohydrate content in the grain can help your digestion becomes more smoothly.

Well, that's some kind of food that is believed to help to fatten weight. But, remember that you should not eat them in excess in order to avoid obesity.

Good luck!

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Tips Longevity of those who already live

long life tips photo

Some people who can more than 100 years old and in good health. What is their secret? Many 100an year-old man was in the habit or routine morning.

Their habit is unique, there are a nap and others. Here are a few things that made them so they can live longer:

1. Do not look at the calendar, age is just a matter of numbers that do not need to be considered. But Celebrate life every day.
2. Invest in quality matters, it will never be stale.
3. "I always go out, even though it was just touring around the house. The key to staying young is always moving.
4. Exercise fitness, for me it was not necessary. It was too much
5. Take vitamins, forget. I also do not advise people to pegi to the doctor.
6. Fall in love and get married. Sex is important.
7. Even if you feel hatred to someone or something, stored in the liver only. Never hurt anyone else for any reason.
8. Never give up to fight for love.
9. Nobody can mengontrolmu.
10. Take time to cry
11. Perform traveling while young. Do not worry about money, which is an important way. The experience was far more valuable than money.
12. Do not ever compare. You will never feel happy life. The grass is always greener.
13. If a relationship shy, do not be enforced.
14. Do something that "you really" every day
15. Do not be stingy
16. Forgiveness
17. Find passionmu and turn.
18. Have a pet, because in life sometimes feel lonely
19. Learn to adapt
20 Take your time to grieve for the things you have lost
21. Life is beautiful. Feel pretty. We do not need to be happy all the time, but we need to be satisfied.
22. Love people, Find what you love about them.

The advice of the 100-year-old who was interviewed by Jay Leno. He gives advice:
23. Think positive
Do positive photo

In 2011 Huffington Post interviewed a female centenarians (people aged over 100 years old) named Ruth. Since 1992 women have been committed weekly Pilates classes. In addition, he also ekstentrik.

NBC has also been interviewed a doctor who is 100 years old that are still active in clinical practice. He has some medical wisdom that we need to know. He also gives advice on love, forgiveness and passion:

source: Huffington, and various other sources

Signs Your health is not fit

human health indicator photo

When sick, the body is like a wake-up call system or other organs to be woken up. But often, the mind makes it trivial. To prevent prolonged illness, it might be worthwhile for you to see some signs of the body is not healthy, as quoted Idiva, Thursday (02/05/2015) the following:

1. Shortness of breath
Have you ever short of breath after going up or down stairs? Well, it's not normal. Chances stamina you've hit rock bottom. Begin to exercise or physical activity such as joining a yoga or other classes that fit body.

2. Chapped lips
If this happens, then you have to stop blaming the weather. Because dry lips and chapped is a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to diseases such as anemia and weakness. Consumption of meat, poultry, eggs, milk and if necessary the consumption of vitamin B12 supplements.

3. Colds
Do you often have a cold? It was a sign of your immune system is low. It would be better to consult this with your doctor, as well as taking Vitamin C.

4. Urine yellow
Note the color of your urine to see your body health indicators. What is the relation? If you drink enough water and hydrated, then the healthy urine is not yellow. So drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If the yellow color does not change, you may need to check your kidneys.

5. Fatigue
Fatigue for no apparent reason could mean you have a thyroid problem.

6. Snoring
Do not ignore a snoring. Because it could be, this is related to the condition of sleep apnea or sleep disorders that occur when there is obstruction of the airways. This can increase the risk of pulmonary hypertension and lead to heart failure as well.

7. Skin Problems
If you have acne or other skin disorders on a regular basis, you should check whether you are using the wrong beauty products. Moreover, it could be because you are too stressed. Vacation, clear your mind and adequate rest is the right way to overcome this problem.

8. Joint pain
Joint pain has nothing to do with your weight but is related to the lack of physical activity. Slip a 45-minute stroll on the sidelines of your busy schedule and you will begin to notice a difference.

9. Sleep patterns change
Clear your head and try to deal with your problems in a rational way.

10. Skin itching
Even after continuous use of ointments, your skin is still very itchy. Consult with a doctor because it could be a sign of liver disease.


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Impact of High Cholesterol Levels for Health

High Cholesterol Levels photo

When I hear the word cholesterol, usually you will only imagine the heart disease and the process of becoming the rigidity of blood vessels. Where blockages in blood vessels commonly we know leads to heart disease, stroke, and even further, death.
But you know, the impact of uncontrolled cholesterol levels that are widely not only blocked arteries alone? High cholesterol is broad, one of which is to increase a person's risk of stone formed in the bile sac.

What is a stone in the gall bladder? What to do with high cholesterol? And how could cause this? Here's the explanation:

How Can?
bile, cholesterol, batuEmpedu is part of a large family of human digestive organs, a small pouch is adjacent to the liver. Although small, its contribution in the conduct of the human digestive process is fairly large.

Gall bladder is fully engaged in the process of formation of bile which is sprayed into the intestine to aid digestion, especially fatty foods, at the end of the tunnel intestine, the liquid will be pulled back to be reused. You need to understand that the bile is made from cholesterol, which is of course taken from cholesterol in human blood.

If cholesterol is too concentrated, there will be a saturation process and the formation of stones in the gallbladder, this stone can block the bile that must pass, so can you imagine how great disturbance. The patient will feel a tremendous pain in the right upper abdomen, pain often radiating to the shoulder and usually felt after eating fatty foods. Handling? Surgical removal of the stone.

Who's at Risk Exposure Gallstones?
Those at risk of gallstones is known to 4F, which is female, fat, forty, fertile, which means that women aged 40 years and over, still productive for reproduction and fat.
So what should we do to prevent these stones?
Reduce consumption of fatty foods (including food coconut milk, fried)

Eat foods high in fiber, such as wheat and vegetables. high-fiber foods will bind bile so it can not be reused, so that bile was forced to take a new cholesterol to be processed into bile, this means that the levels of cholesterol in the blood will be automatically dropped.

Some Simple Tips Removing water from the ear

Removing water from the ear photo

Sometimes when bathing, ear can take in water which will cause discomfort to your ear area, such as tingling. Sometimes it can also cause pain and cause hearing loss.
Although this is not a serious condition, but the tingling due to the water trapped in the ear canal. So you need to remove the water from your ear.

Here is a simple way to remove water from your ear:

Method 1:
Tilt your head such that your ear is parallel to the floor. Place your palms flat on the ears take in water, pressed for a few seconds and then remove your hand quickly. This action can cause the atmosphere as a temporary vacuum that can suck the water out. Then you can use a cotton bud to clean your ears and make sure that all the water out.

Method 2:
Close your mouth and hold your nostrils with your fingers. Take a deep breath and then gently blow air through your nostrils. It will regulate the air pressure and open the Eustachian tube (This channel connects the middle ear space to the back of the nasal cavity and upper throat), thereby reducing the tingling sensation of your ear.

Method 3:
You can also use a hair dryer to remove water from your ear. Hold the hair dryer about 20 cm away from your ear, and set the heat and low speed. Turn on the hair dryer and allow it to blow your ear area. Hold the hair dryer for a few seconds and repeat according to your needs.

Method 4:
Fill quarter cup with salt and then reheat in the microwave. Enter a cotton cloth and then squeeze. Put the cloth of your ear area that take in water for a few seconds to help absorb the water.

Method 5:
You can use a few cloves of garlic and then extracted. Take about two or three drops of garlic extract is placed on the ears take in water. Wait one or two minutes, then drain your ear from a safe distance, get use a hair dryer. This will relieve the pain and tingling you feel.


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Some Causes of Tingling in Hands and Feet


Tingling in hands or feet or both a sure thing experienced by everyone. Tingling may occur due to pressure on nerves when your hands folded under your head while you sleep or due to pressure on the nerves when you bend your legs are too long. Tingling that occurs due to pressure on nerves will usually subside soon after the cause of the pressure is removed.

However, in many cases that occurred tingling in hands or feet or both be very severe, episodic, or even chronic. Tingling also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, itching, numbness, and muscle weakness.
If so, then the tingling can be a sign of nerve damage, which can be caused by a variety of traumatic injuries or injuries due to repetitive motion, bacterial or viral infections, exposure to a certain toxins, and systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy often occur on the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy can worsen over time and cause the sufferer difficulty moving and even cause disability.

Diabetes is one of the main causes of the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy, in which approximately 30% of cases of peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes. In diabetic neuropathy, numbness and various other symptoms often occur in both legs and will spread to the top, followed by tingling in the hands that spread in the direction of the arm. Approximately two-thirds of people with diabetes have mild to severe nerve damage. In some cases, this phenomenon is an early sign of diabetes.

Meanwhile, about 30% of cases of peripheral neuropathy others occur without any obvious cause. This situation is known as idiopathic neuropathy.

Approximately 40% of cases of peripheral neuropathy caused by many things such as mentioned below.

  1. pinching of nerves
One of the causes of tingling in the hands and feet are pinched nerve as occurs in carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve palsy, peroneal nerve palsy, and radial nerve palsy.

  2. Systemic Disease
Are included in the systemic disease that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are kidney disorders, liver disorders, blood vessel damage and blood diseases, amyloidosis, connective tissue disorders, chronic inflammation, hormonal balance disorders (hypothyroidism), cancer, and benign tumors about nerves.

  3. Lack of Vitamin Specific
Vitamin E, B1, B6, B12, and vitamin B3 is essential that the body needs to maintain healthy nerves. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause pernicious anemia, which can cause peripheral neuropathy. However, the levels are too high in vitamin B6 in the body can cause tingling in the hands and feet.

  4. Alcoholism
An alcoholic prone to deficiency of vitamin B1 or other essential vitamins because of poor diet, which is one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy. In addition, alcoholism itself also can cause nerve damage called alcoholic neuropathy.

  5. Exposure To Toxic Substances
The meaning here is a toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, thallium, and some types of industrial and environmental chemicals. In addition, some types of drugs, especially chemotherapy drugs, antiviral drugs, and antibiotics can also cause tingling in the hands and feet.

  6. Infection
Some types of infection that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are Lyme disease, herpes, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, and HIV / AIDS.

  7. Autoimmune Diseases
Some examples of autoimmune diseases that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  8. Congenital Abnormalities
There is a congenital disorder that can cause tingling in the hands and feet, the disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth.

  9. Injury
As a result of a trauma; nerve can be pinched, destroyed, or damaged and cause pain. Some examples of causes of nerve entrapment is a herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) or dislocation (shift) bone.

How does the solution?

Before knowing what can be done to overcome the tingling in the hands and feet, the doctor must perform various checks both physical examination and investigation to find out what the cause of the occurrence of the tingling.

Your doctor may also ask you some questions such as:
• any symptoms you are experiencing
• Do you frequently consume alcoholic beverages
• Where you work
• Have you been exposed to certain toxic substances
• Are you at risk of being infected by HIV or various other germs
• Do you have a family member suffering from a neurological disease
In addition, your doctor may also do some investigation following, namely:
• Blood tests to detect diabetes, deficiency (deficiency) of vitamin, impaired kidney function, liver function disorders, metabolic disorders, and disorders of the immune system activity
• Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid
• Examination of electromyogram (EMG), to check the electrical activity in the muscles
• Examination of nerve conduction velocity
• CT scan
• Nerve biopsy
• A skin biopsy to see how things end of the nerve fibers

Successful treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and cause disease. However, until now there is no treatment that can be done to cope with peripheral neuropathy (tingling) that are passed down in families.

However, most of the acquired neuropathy (not congenital) can be improved by treatment, for example in a patient with diabetes keep blood sugar levels remain stable (not high) can help slow the occurrence of diabetic neuropathy.
When neuropathy caused by certain vitamin deficiencies, then the provision of vitamin supplements can help overcome neuropathy usually experienced.

In addition, there are several things that need to be patient to prevent recurrence or worsening symptoms such as tingling symptoms:

• Maintain ideal weight remains
• Avoid exposure to various types of toxic substances
• Exercise as recommended by your doctor
• Eat a balanced diet
• Avoid or limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages
• Stop smoking

In some circumstances, peripheral neuropathy can be treated with antidepressants or anti-seizure medications.


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Which body fluids that can transmit disease

human photo

There are several infections that can be transmitted through blood or saliva mixed with blood. The risk of transmission depends on the type of infection and how you are exposed to the infected blood. 

Some infections that can be transmitted through blood, among others:
hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, and

blood contact with another person's blood saliva danger of contracting aidsDari above three diseases, hepatitis B is a disease that is most likely to be transmitted through the blood, whereas the most difficult HIV. These viruses can also be found in body fluids other than blood, such as semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Body fluids such as urine, saliva, and sweat has a very small risk of infection, unless mixed with blood. However, the presence of blood can not always be ascertained because it could have been someone infected unknowingly.

The highest risk of infection when the skin is punctured when there is contact with infected blood. For example, if you pierce the skin with a needle or other sharp instrument exposed to infected blood or when a person with blood in saliva bite and hurt your skin.

Low risk of infection occurs when the blood of the eyes, mouth, nose or skin that has been injured. For example, if someone spit in your face. The risk of infection is also low when the blood of certain skin lesions such as eczema.

Although the risk of infection is low, follow the steps below immediately after exposure to blood or saliva others:
*. Wash the blood or saliva from the skin with soap and running water
If the skin is injured, press to bleed and rinse with running water. Do not rub or suck the wound.
*. Wash the blood or saliva of the eyes with cold water in large quantities. If you wear contact lenses, remove it first.
*. When you clean your mouth, do not swallow the water.
*. When there is a high risk of infection, you may be given immunization against hepatitis B or hepatitis C antiviral drug for the prevention of HIV transmission while, you may be given medication in an effort to post-exposure prophylaxis within 72 hours after exposure.

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Some Secrets Should you know of Health

Health photo

Health is the main thing that humans need. Without it, you can not enjoy your life fully. For that reason, many health experts are asked to do this or it can help you to stay healthy.

Health itself actually save some shocking secrets. Reporting from, this is the mystery of mandatory health for you to know.

1. Cough and net spread bacteria
It is perhaps surprising. But when you sneeze, then you have the power to sneeze speed 166 km / h. Meanwhile, when you cough, the cough blows your strength is 100 km / h. And this means that if you do not shut your mouth when coughing or covering your nose when sneezing, then you played a major role in the spread of germs.

2. On average, each person inhaling dust 20kg lifetime
Any average person never inhale 20 kg of dust lifetime. In addition, your lungs are the only organ that can float in water because it contains 300 million alveoli or bubble like a balloon.

3. Men produce sperm every heart beat 1500
A man who produces an average fertile sperm 1500 each time the heart beats. Ejaculated sperm out any range of 280 to 500 million.

4. Each person produces an average of saliva as much as 2 large swimming pools
All his life, on average each person produces saliva as much as 2 large swimming pools. Not only that, the amount of food consumed by humans is as much as 27 tons of a lifetime.

5. Human averaged 2,580 times sex
For those who are already paired, some studies have found that at least 2,580 times the man ever did during his lifetime sex. Another fact, humans and dolphins are living things that have sex for pleasure.

6. The beer will increase the baby's immune system
Did you know that in some areas in Malaysia, the baby usually bathed with beer? According to belief in Malaysia, the beer is able to protect the baby from illness.

These babies are technically be placed in a tub containing beer and then lifted and then wipe with a towel that had been dipped in beer.

7. Your mouth is a source of bacteria
Did you know that there are more than 6 million bacteria that live in your mouth? The rest of the food, saliva, and humid conditions become ideal home for bacteria. The bacteria themselves are able to multiply into millions in just over 5 hours. That's why you have to be diligent in cleaning the mouth and teeth.

8. banging head burn calories
Any activity that you do burn calories. Including head banging or shaking the head to the rhythm of music. If you do so within 1 hour, then you've burned 150 calories.

9. Flies regurgitate food before eating it
Do you like any snack? Perhaps this fact will make you rethink to eat food that has been exposed to flies. Because actually flies can not eat solid foods. They will spit back the food they bite and turn it until it turns into a liquid form. Then they will be sucked in liquid form.

10. Beard is a favorite residence for bacteria - you grow a beard? If yes, then keep it clean. Because beard also became a favorite residence for bacteria. Even if you sweat, then you will be smelling beard similar to your armpits.

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Energizing Drink danger for Our Bodies photo

Basic needs for the human body is eating and drinking enough, in both the number and value of its nutritional content. Conceivably, if the human body is not met the intake of food and beverages. The impact will be very bad for the growth of the human body itself. For that keep the body healthy, strong, and develop properly encouraged to consume foods and beverages that are natural and do not contain chemicals.

Lately found many energy drinks that contain harmful substances that can cause high blood pressure, heart beat fast, and stroke. This is a side effect of the energy drinks.

If too much consume energy drinks, the risk is very fatal that can cause death. If you are a field worker who often experience fatigue and less fit to live a work activity, do not drink energy drinks. Should augment drinking water is more beneficial to the body.

Below are some of the effects or dangers if too often consume energy drinks for health.

1. Energy drinks are not recommended for people with hypertension

The effects of energy drinks is stimulate the heart to work more quickly than usual in order to have greater energy to restore lost energy during the move. But for those of you who have hypertension do not advisable to drink energy drinks because it can lead to a high risk of a heart attack until death.

2. Energy drinks contain caffeine high

Caffeine is often found in the content of coffee, this substance is also contained in energy drinks. The effects of caffeine are generating energy by stimulating the nervous system in the brain and if excess will cause addiction to drink constantly. Other side effects of caffeine is that it can lead to awake. If you want to rest at night, you should avoid drinking energy drinks. Drink water more tangible benefits.

3. Contains artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are often found in the composition of energy drinks. This low-calorie artificial sweeteners but are high in fat. If you are too often consume energy drinks, your weight will be growing and will cause obesity. Too much drinking energy drink two to three glasses a day will cause the concentration to be disturbed and it will affect the activities you will do everyday. Just as if you are still a student, you will be hard to think to do the questions given by your teacher. Or you are already working, you will be hard to concentrate to complete your job properly.

4. Contains artificial preservatives

In the energy drink also contains artificial preservatives such as Sodium Citrate. Too much drinking energy drinks hoard artificial preservatives into the body. If this practice is not fixed soon it will pose a high risk.

5. Contains vitamin B artificial

Vitamin B is made in no benefits for the body because it directly discharged to the sewer. Another case of vitamin B is supported with other vitamins that serve to maintain the energy to prevent rapid fatigue on exertion, but are difficult to find on the composition of sports drinks that have a lot of vitamin content.

6. It contains substances that can anesthetize the brain

Other hazardous substances contained in energy drinks is Taurine. This substance is not so obvious benefits but its side effects are directly on brain performance degradation. Because this substance if too much is consumed can anesthetize the brain to stimulate energy. The point energy is given it is only apparent or real.

7. Energy drinks can cause miscarriage

If you are a woman who frequently consume drinking energy drinks, better stop bad habits from an early age, due to the side effects of drinking energy drinks can cause miscarriage. On the content of energy drinks contained high levels of caffeine and if not eat too much it will greater risk of miscarriage.

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Some of this snack food can make you slim fast

women health photo

Eating snacks is one way that is considered to make the body fat fast. But make no mistake, not all can make fat snack. Some healthy snacks can actually help you to diet and lose weight.

Sheila Zhou, researcher of USANA Health Sciences, reveal some kind of snack that can provide essential nutrients for the body and help you lose weight. 

Here are some healthy snack that you can make a quick trim, as reported by the Daily Mail (16/01).

1. Fish
Zhou first recommendation would probably surprise. Zhou recommend eating fish as a snack. The fish will help you more quickly satisfied and not easily hungry. In addition, fish full of nutrients and contain omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Frozen Food
Frozen food often gets a bad reputation in terms of health. However, frozen vegetables such as frozen beans and corn can be a good source of nutrition. Frozen vegetables contain nutrients that are the same height as fresh vegetables. In addition, frozen vegetables contain more fiber and fewer calories.

3. Nuts
Nuts can be a good snack if you want to lose weight. Peanuts are rich in vitamins, such as vitamin E and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Recent studies in New Zealand explains that eating peanuts can improve your health and help you lose weight.

4. Milk
Zhou explained that consumed four glasses of milk a day will meet the needs of energy, nutrients, proteins, as well as help ward off hunger. In addition, milk is also filled with calcium and vitamin D, and contains very little carbohydrate.

5. Popcorn
Popcorn contains very little calories, with 20 calories. Therefore, popcorn including healthy snack. In addition, popcorn can also make satiety.

That is some kind of snack that can be consumed every day without fear of fat. Do not be afraid to eat a snack, but make sure you eat a healthy snack and do not contain a lot of calories or oil.

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Understanding Some thing about the Human Body Not Know

Human Organs photo

Advances in science and technology increasingly reveal elements of sophistication human body system.
Not a few things about human named keistemewaan either unique or commonly known.

There are some unique facts nan interesting note on our bodies, what is it? read the following:

1. Every hour trillion cells in the body must be replaced.
2. The human eye can distinguish 500 shades of gray.
3. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
4. The human heart is capable of creating enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet so far (9 m).
5. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
6. The average cough comes out of our mouths speed of 60 miles (96.5 km) per hour.
7. A beard is the fastest growing hair in humans. If the average man never cut his beard, then this will make it grow to nearly 30 feet in life.
8. The baby's eyes do not produce tears until the baby was about six or eight weeks.
9. Every person has a different tongue.
10. A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 m / h.
11. The dead cells in our body eventually carried to the kidneys for excretion.
12. A smile is a facial expression that is most frequently used. A smile can be anywhere from 5 to 53 pairs of facial muscles.
13. One in 20 people have more ribs.
14. People with darker skin will not wrinkle as fast as those with light skin.
15. Human blood through the journey of 60,000 (96 540 km) per day on a journey through the body.
16. 85% of the population can bend their tongue into a tube.
17. It takes the food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.
18. The heart beats faster women than men
19. In one day, our heart beats 100,000 kal1.
20. Hair is made of the same material as nails. (*)

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Recognizing Some Symptoms & Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas is an organ shaped like a tube with a length of about 15 cm and is located at the rear of the abdomen, just behind the stomach. Two main tasks of the pancreas is formed digestive enzymes whose function is to digest food and to produce hormones, including insulin, which is a hormone that functions to regulate sugar levels in the blood. Pancreatic cancer occurs when cancer cells grow, divide, and spread in the tissues of the pancreas.

Causes and Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer Occurrence
The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is unknown, but smoking is a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Smokers have 2-3 times higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer than those who do not smoke.

In addition, age was also influential. Pancreatic cancer usually occurs in people over the age of 45 years. Diabetes also allegedly associated with the occurrence of pancreatic cancer, in which about 10-20% of pancreatic cancer patients also suffer from diabetes.

Some other things that also increase the risk of pancreatic cancer is chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas that occurs in a long time) and liver cirrhosis. In addition, the presence of family members who menderia pancreatic cancer, high-fat diet, obesity, and lack of exercise can also increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer usually does not cause any symptoms in the early stages of disease. Symptoms begin to appear when the disease has progressed and spread to other organs. Symptoms commonly found are:

Pain in the upper abdomen, which sometimes spreads to the back. The pain is usually worse after eating or lying down
Jaundice (yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes yellowish)
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Body feels weak and limp

Do I Suffer Pancreatic Cancer?
Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage and can not be found through a physical examination of the abdomen (belly). Diagnosis is based on the results of a CT scan of the abdomen. In addition, CT scans can also show the extent to which the disease has progressed.

Other tests for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is pancreatic tissue biopsy. A biopsy can be done through inserting a needle into the stomach and reach the pancreas or through surgery.

Treatment Options In Pancreatic Cancer
Measures Surgery
Surgery can cure pancreatic cancer when the cancer has not spread to other organs. Removal of the tumor is done to continue to maintain as much as possible to normal pancreatic tissue. Side effects of surgery depends on how much pancreatic tissue removed.

However, because of newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer usually when cancer cells have spread far from the pancreas and makes surgery alone can not cure cancer completely.

Surgery can still be done even if the cancer cells have spread to other organs to reduce symptoms and prevent complications due to the large size of this pancreatic cancer.

Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment step by using strong radiation to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy is usually performed for 5 days a week for several weeks or months. These restrictions are intended to protect normal tissues or cells of this radiation.

Radiation therapy is often combined with surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery. In addition, radiation therapy can also help reduce pain or indigestion due to the magnitude of the cancer mass.

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment uses drugs to destroy cancer cells and stop the growth and development of cancer cells. Chemotherapy can only use one type of drug or combination of drugs.

These drugs can be given orally (by mouth) or by injection (intravenously). Because these drugs enter the bloodstream and travel through the body, then chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for cancer that has spread. Chemotherapy can also be combined with surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery.

Target Cell Therapy
Therapeutic target cells can attack cancer cells specifically. This therapy has fewer side effects than chemotherapy and is not harmful to normal cells.

Palliative therapy
Palliative therapy is a therapy that aims to improve the quality of life by reducing symptoms penderta and relieve pain caused by disease.

Because the exact cause of pancreatic cancer is unknown, there is no special thing to do to prevent this disease. However, avoid pancreatic cancer risk factors can help you, such as:

quit smoking
Reduce your fat intake and start eating high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits
Exercise regularly


Some of the reason why you often feel tired body


Tired is a humane thing and considered normal for everyone. Therefore, no one can fit at any time, because all definitely need a break. However, did you know that tired that frequency is unnatural for our bodies? All must be a reason.

Here are 10 reasons why you often feel tired body:

1. Lack of Drinking Water
Water is one drink that healthy for our body. The body requires the intake of fluids to support our daily activities. Thus, if the intake of fluids, we are not fulfilled it will make us tired. For tips, it is advisable for us to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

2. Less Sports
Lack of exercise turned out to be harmful for our body. According to research from the University of Hong Kong, the long-term effects of exercise never as dangerous as smoking. If the smoke only affect lethal means lack of exercise can also affect deadly later.

Exercise has many benefits that make the muscles and move because the actual order that our body functions to make the body wants to move, in addition to exercise will increase your heart rate so that the blood along with oxygen and nutrients can be supplied with either throughout the body.

3. Less Consume Iron
Iron is one of the intake of the body that must be met. Body iron deficiency will lead to tiredness, dizziness and feeling restless uncertain. Moreover, the condition often occurs in women during menstruation, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Lack of iron can cause anemia. So it is advisable to eat foods that contain enough iron and vitamins. Iron is obtained from meat, seafood, vitamin C as oranges, strawberries, papaya, and tomatoes.

4. Skipping breakfast
Many people overlook the breakfast because it was not accustomed to eating breakfast, diet, and do not have time. And if we want to get used to, breakfast has many benefits, which improve concentration, increase endurance, as well as reducing fatigue and drowsiness.

5. Always Forcing Yourself
Always push yourself a perfectionist traits. Indeed we are in doing any work must act professionally, but not necessarily have to push yourself when we can not afford. We tend to do anything in a hurry or haste, meng'iya'kan all the bosses we say, and sometimes procrastinate-nuda job although the results are completed on time. That's what we unknowingly make our body is tired.

6. Junk Food
Junk Food or Fast Food synonymous with the food of the city. Fast food is usually eaten by people for reasons not had time to cook for themselves, or even just on the grounds of "cool" or "luxury". In fact, if we understand more Junk Food is a food rich in sugar and saturated fat, so it is possible for fans of fast food they will be affected by the disease of obesity.

7. Less Clean Environment
Less clean environment also affect the performance of our body. In the dirty environment saved many vector-borne germs and toxins. Thousands and even millions around us. It all affected because our lifestyles are less healthy. When germs or toxins are allowed to enter our bodies would endanger the health of our bodies.

8. Depending on Caffeine
Coffee actually has benefits for health if consumed in appropriate levels or no more than four cups a day. However, if the coffee is consumed too much would cause adverse effects to our body. Some of the negative effects that cause restlessness, headaches, digestive disorders, disorders of urination, and also insomnia. Insomnia will certainly make us tired so would interfere with our activities in the morning.

9. The Now Playing gadget Rest
Probably most of you have a special reason to play gadgets at rest. There are as a matter of urgency, there is no time, or even for fun because they can not sleep. However, please note that it can disturb your rest time, which means your rest time will be reduced, so that will make you tired when on the move tomorrow.

In addition, if you are too often playing gadget will be bad also for eye health AYou, our eyes will feel dry and hot. According to dr. Ikhsan Revino, ophthalmologists and clinics SMEC, the eyes are used for too long to see the gadgets being offset by a break will cause the eyes tired and sleepy.

10. Staying up late in Time Weekend
Weekend is a time for your vacation. It is unfortunate if you are wasting precious time on things that are less useful. Most of us actually take advantage of the weekend to stay up late just to watch a movie or watch the ball until morning. Take time to rest, so that the body fit back when busy days we have come.

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E-coli bacteria

E. coli bacteria can cause various diseases of gastrointestinal infections in humans, such as enterotoxigenic, enterohaemorrhagik, enteropathogenic, enteroinuasiue, and enteroagregatif. These bacteria can be anywhere. Eating dirty hands when conditions can also lead to the presence of bacterial infection.

The presence of these bacteria is actually harmless. In population control, e-coli live in the digestive tract of humans and animals, and have a tendency to do no harm. E-coli was found in 1885 and known in 1935 found that certain strains can cause severe illness.

E-coli is often present in beef, fruits, vegetables and water. To clean the e-coli bacteria can be done by considering hygiene in daily activities. Cook cooked cooking can kill e-coli bacteria. E-coli is known to be able to live in a high-temperature habitats. In everyday life, try to always wash hands with soap and running water.

Some of the daily activities that require special attention hygiene by washing hands:
After bladder and bowel
of toilets
Before eating and drinking
Before preparing food and drinks to eat
After cleaning the baby's diaper
After touching pets

To prevent e-coli can be a five-step standardized World Health Organization (WHO), among others:
maintain cleanliness
Separate raw material with mature material
Cook food thoroughly
Keep food at safe temperatures
Use clean water to wash hands and wash your food.

E-coli infection symptoms may include diarrhea (may be followed bleeding), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Some Things About Regarding Appendix

Appendix (appendix) is an organ that resembles a worm, and is an extension of the cecum (part of the large intestine). The length of the appendix is usually about 8-10 cm, but may vary from 2 to 20 cm.
Appendicitis (appendicitis) is a prosses inflammation of the inner lining of the appendix (appendix), which spread to the surrounding area. Inflammation in this region causes tremendous pain and can cause death if too late to seek help.

Some myths are often heard about appendicitis example:

1. MYTH: Eating guava, or chili can cause appendicitis.
A fellow surgeon who has more than often do apendectomi (surgical removal of the appendix) never found a seed nut and seed peppers.

2. MYTH: Running after eating cause appendicitis.
There is absolutely nothing to do. Actually, medically appendicitis occurs because of blockage in the intestinal lumen.
This blockage causes an increase in pressure within the lumen of the intestine, this blockage which causes secretion of intestinal fluid accumulates and utilized by bacteria in the gut that is thriving.
These bacteria activate the body's defenses by white blood cells, is formed pus (pus) that makes the higher pressure in the intestine.

3. MYTH: The appendix is one organ that has no function
Prof, Loren G. Martin of Oklahoma State University, argues that the appendix has a dual function in humans, namely:
When the human form of the fetus in the mother's womb
At the age of 11 week fetus, appendix taken an important role in the process of biological control mechanisms. Where appendix took control in the process of resistance or environmental regulatory mechanisms of dynamic balance consistently. Where Martin in his research proved that endocrine cells found in the 11-week-old fetus.
When the old man adult
While the human body grown old, the appendix has a function as a lymphatic organ. In Martin's research also found that the appendix contains lymphoid cells which indicates the strong possibility of the appendix is taking part in the mechanism of the human immune system.

After knowing the cause of this fatal disease, of course, now we become more open minds

The danger Phone Radiation Damage DNA

It's been a long time suspicion leads to cell phones. Radiation exposure may be potentially harmful to the body, and even human lives.
George Carlo, PhD, JD, epidemiologists and health scientists are researchers on this issue for the first time. He mentions the existence of the hidden dangers of exposure to these waves. From 1993 to 1999 and still continues.
None of the studies prove the safety of all the tools, how well they make products and claims security, said Carlo.

How cell phone radiation penetrates the brain?

5 Years
Skull thickness 1/2 mm
Average absorption 4.49.W / kg

10 Years
The thickness of the skull 1 mm
The average uptake of 3.21W / kg

Skull thickness 2 mm
The average uptake of 2.93W / kg

Basically, the phone is a radio that sends a signal through the waves to the receiving station. This carrier signal radiating or spread through the two types of radiation, near and far. Living organisms, emitting electromagnetic waves in mobile phones, tissues, organs, and organisms called biofield.

According to Dr. Carlo, the waves are radiated in most phones around 1,900 megahertz (MHz) and is not visible and does not damage our body directly.
Meksi so data such as voice or other data can be a problem. Although no damage, the wave was recognized by the body as an attack. And this is what makes the body to form a self-defense system.
Disturbance by Carlo over the attacks that can alter the biochemistry in the cells of our body.

There are several disorders that can occur due to the release of the defense system, among others:

Thickened cell membranes and cause nutrient difficult entry and the finished product incoming trash.
Garbage that accumulates in the cells can cause the appearance of free radicals and DNA damage.

Cell death, loss of mikronuklei of damaged DNA and into the fluid between the cells to become free and grown a lot. This is called a potential cancer by Dr. Carlo.
Damage to proteins in the cell membrane, the disappearance of intercellular communication. Consequently, damaged tissues, organs and organisms do not work anymore.

Alert to danger of Plastic Bottles


There have been many people who give a warning, rumors, gossip and even a magazine article about the dangers of plastic bottles. But still only a handful of people who menggubris, matter or to investigate further.

Plastics are synthetic materials that are manufactured using many compounds. While some plastic known as PET plastic is safe to use, but this is just a disposable plastic only. This is because when recycled back there will be a chemical process which makes this plastic release a chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA).

BPA has some harmful effects on your health, eight of them, namely behavioral problems, low immunity, early puberty in girls, fertility problems, low sperm count, capture power in the study, diabetes, obesity, prostate cancer to breast cancer .

To avoid health problems like this would be better to reduce the use of plastic bottles more than once. It would be better if you start drinking from a cup or glass bottles. In addition it will also be safer more environmentally friendly.

Some Signs Before Person Dies

intesive care unit

Dying condition is a condition of the possibility of life is minimal. In the middle of the face of a dying condition, of course there are symptoms that are going through.

Matters relating to it should be understood by us that may have to be forced to accompany the dying person. So no action from us to help people who are dying. However, for the actors themselves will experience things that happen in the body the dying. Reported by, there are things that happen to the body when it is dying.

Appetite Start Missing Or Will not Eat
Someone who is dying does not want to eat or lust then disappear. When it does, then you try to fight it by giving people the appetite stimulant, and try to encourage eating together.
If allowed doctors, can use marijuana. According Hospice Patients Alliance, forcing people who are dying to eat not recommended. The body should be given permission to terminate itself.

Excessive fatigue, excess sleep, And Withdrawal Of Social Life
Someone who is dying more often sleep. It bother you and maybe it was a warning and that you are better prepared, and do not be afraid to lose the ability or opportunity to communicate with him.
The experts on this show that we can not force him to keep vigil or communicate. It is important to let him rest as much as possible. This will allow him to surrender.

Physical weakness
The process of gradual loss of a loved one. The first stage of the dying person may be sick, he has to fight the pain of what physical again began to weaken. The second stage is that he needs to use a walker.
This was followed by her wheelchair. And finally could not even muster the energy to get out of bed. It must be difficult for him. When people are approaching the time of death, you must brace yourself when the first physical touching of the head and face.

Mental confusion
There is some confusion that occurs during the process. Some tend to be asked to go to a distant place, he thought it was their home. Then, puzzled by people who surround him. Confusion could happen if someone was given morphine to strengthen it, of course with the permission of the doctor, ladies.

difficulty Breathing
Body began to slowly abandoned soul, making breathing becomes breathless. So difficult to attract and breath, and irregular.

Changes in urination
Once a person stops drinking, the kidneys become depressed. This leads to a decrease of urine, and the urine turns a dark golden brown. This process is usually characterized by a decrease in blood pressure. Urine dying decreased significantly, and the darker the color of urine. Forced to use a catheter, so it is easy to see the changes.

Finger Hands And Feet Being Cold
Blood circulation and body temperature decreases making, finger someone who is dying and feet become cold. Although the dying man still has a high spirit of life still can not fight destiny who charged him. It makes much oxygen out, and brain, while other parts of the body start to die or passive.

Stained vein (The Pale Skin Tones)
At the end of the process, the skin begins to develop a pattern more typical pale purple or red or blue spots appear.

For those of you who are accompanying someone who is dying, you should be concerned with the physical changes and behavioral symptoms that person thinning opportunity of his life. Faced with the death of a loved one is so confusing, exhausting, and heartbreaking. Therefore, you should be ready to deal with it.


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