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Some of the reason why you often feel tired body


Tired is a humane thing and considered normal for everyone. Therefore, no one can fit at any time, because all definitely need a break. However, did you know that tired that frequency is unnatural for our bodies? All must be a reason.

Here are 10 reasons why you often feel tired body:

1. Lack of Drinking Water
Water is one drink that healthy for our body. The body requires the intake of fluids to support our daily activities. Thus, if the intake of fluids, we are not fulfilled it will make us tired. For tips, it is advisable for us to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

2. Less Sports
Lack of exercise turned out to be harmful for our body. According to research from the University of Hong Kong, the long-term effects of exercise never as dangerous as smoking. If the smoke only affect lethal means lack of exercise can also affect deadly later.

Exercise has many benefits that make the muscles and move because the actual order that our body functions to make the body wants to move, in addition to exercise will increase your heart rate so that the blood along with oxygen and nutrients can be supplied with either throughout the body.

3. Less Consume Iron
Iron is one of the intake of the body that must be met. Body iron deficiency will lead to tiredness, dizziness and feeling restless uncertain. Moreover, the condition often occurs in women during menstruation, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Lack of iron can cause anemia. So it is advisable to eat foods that contain enough iron and vitamins. Iron is obtained from meat, seafood, vitamin C as oranges, strawberries, papaya, and tomatoes.

4. Skipping breakfast
Many people overlook the breakfast because it was not accustomed to eating breakfast, diet, and do not have time. And if we want to get used to, breakfast has many benefits, which improve concentration, increase endurance, as well as reducing fatigue and drowsiness.

5. Always Forcing Yourself
Always push yourself a perfectionist traits. Indeed we are in doing any work must act professionally, but not necessarily have to push yourself when we can not afford. We tend to do anything in a hurry or haste, meng'iya'kan all the bosses we say, and sometimes procrastinate-nuda job although the results are completed on time. That's what we unknowingly make our body is tired.

6. Junk Food
Junk Food or Fast Food synonymous with the food of the city. Fast food is usually eaten by people for reasons not had time to cook for themselves, or even just on the grounds of "cool" or "luxury". In fact, if we understand more Junk Food is a food rich in sugar and saturated fat, so it is possible for fans of fast food they will be affected by the disease of obesity.

7. Less Clean Environment
Less clean environment also affect the performance of our body. In the dirty environment saved many vector-borne germs and toxins. Thousands and even millions around us. It all affected because our lifestyles are less healthy. When germs or toxins are allowed to enter our bodies would endanger the health of our bodies.

8. Depending on Caffeine
Coffee actually has benefits for health if consumed in appropriate levels or no more than four cups a day. However, if the coffee is consumed too much would cause adverse effects to our body. Some of the negative effects that cause restlessness, headaches, digestive disorders, disorders of urination, and also insomnia. Insomnia will certainly make us tired so would interfere with our activities in the morning.

9. The Now Playing gadget Rest
Probably most of you have a special reason to play gadgets at rest. There are as a matter of urgency, there is no time, or even for fun because they can not sleep. However, please note that it can disturb your rest time, which means your rest time will be reduced, so that will make you tired when on the move tomorrow.

In addition, if you are too often playing gadget will be bad also for eye health AYou, our eyes will feel dry and hot. According to dr. Ikhsan Revino, ophthalmologists and clinics SMEC, the eyes are used for too long to see the gadgets being offset by a break will cause the eyes tired and sleepy.

10. Staying up late in Time Weekend
Weekend is a time for your vacation. It is unfortunate if you are wasting precious time on things that are less useful. Most of us actually take advantage of the weekend to stay up late just to watch a movie or watch the ball until morning. Take time to rest, so that the body fit back when busy days we have come.

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