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Tips & Disorders Health Use In Tight Underwear

Tight Underwear photo

Underwear has a function that is not less important with outerwear. Should have functions such as outerwear, namely as a skin protector body from the outside environment are dirty, the use of underwear is also intended for the comfort and health of the wearer.

To support these functions, consider the choice of material and size underwear. The type of material that does not absorb sweat or size in very tight clothing can be detrimental to health.

Indeed, tight underwear can give more body shape look slim. So tight underwear that can "hide" body fat globules become very popular among women.

But it turns tight underwear can give you problems in the body, including:

1. underwear is too tight can cause skin problems.
This can occur if the material used is derived from materials that do not absorb sweat, and used in the long term.
So that the area covered by clothing in becomes more humid.
Humidity of the area will then trigger the proliferation of bacteria and cause complaints of itching and redness of the skin.
The images on this article shows examples of cases of skin irritation due underwear is too tight.

2. Underwear strictly said to be related to digestive problems.
Tight underwear especially bras that are too tight can press the ribs, and if the pressure is too strong, it can affect the digestive system.
The British School of Osteopathy stated several diseases that can result from the use of a tight bra is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and constipation (bowel movement is not smooth).
Clothing in question in this case is not only limited to the type of bra, but can also have a negative impact on the use of a tank or even a tight corset on women. photo

3. Use a tight bra also known to cause respiratory problems.
Research suggests that tight bra will put pressure on the ribs and accessory respiratory muscles are supporting muscles that are used to aid the process of breathing.

• specifically for the sports bra should not be used at all times, because it is more stringent than other types of bras. The goal is to maintain the breast remains in position during exercise, can cause the wearer to experience difficulty breathing if used at all times.

• circulation problems can also occur in the use of a tight bra, especially a bra that is destined for the sport if encircling rubber ribs are too tight. The use of this type of bra is prolonged is not good, because the breasts are pressed to the chest that can cause bottlenecks in circulation, which in turn can damage the breast tissue.

• Pain in the shoulder area, neck and back was apparently also can be caused by the use of a tight bra. Trapezius muscle that connects the neck to the shoulder will be strained by the use of bras that do not provide scaffolding. photo

4. Underwear tight Risk Factors and Health Premature Ejaculation Sperm.
This is just a myth, because premature ejaculation occurs due to interference with the physical and psychological condition. As for the tight pants that are often associated with a low sperm count in men has not been proven.

The formation of sperm (spermatogenesis) is strongly influenced by the high temperature and that is why the testicles located in the scrotal sac that is outside the body. Located aims to maintain the temperature of the testicles to be 1-2 degrees below body temperature. In theory, using tight underwear will put testes become closer to the body and increases the temperature of the scrotum. This situation is potentially lead to a decrease in both sperm count and motility (movement) of sperm.

However, until now the research trying to prove this theory is less and less convincing. As reported by The Journal of Urology, researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook says that testing on approximately 100 men who use the boxer (more loose pants) and briefs (underwear tighter) not found the difference in sperm count, concentration or temperature of the scrotum (testicles). Furthermore, although the difference was not found the men were tested without using underwear.

5. The Importance of Choosing a Healthy Underwear
Election forms and types of fabrics in important legal turns. Because of its user must be precise in order to avoid health problems as above.

• Choose a comfortable, not too tight, absorbs sweat and does not interfere with your slightest movement ranging from respiratory motion.

• We recommend using a loose underwear and do not need to use a bra when sleeping. Besides disturbing comfort during sleep, is also a way to rest the whole body of the pressure exerted in everyday clothing.

• Keep the inside of your clothing, especially underwear replace 3x / day, always dry each wash the genital area.

So, make sure you choose clothes that are not only stylish as you want, but note also the convenience factor and health.

(various source)

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