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Some Causes of Tingling in Hands and Feet


Tingling in hands or feet or both a sure thing experienced by everyone. Tingling may occur due to pressure on nerves when your hands folded under your head while you sleep or due to pressure on the nerves when you bend your legs are too long. Tingling that occurs due to pressure on nerves will usually subside soon after the cause of the pressure is removed.

However, in many cases that occurred tingling in hands or feet or both be very severe, episodic, or even chronic. Tingling also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, itching, numbness, and muscle weakness.
If so, then the tingling can be a sign of nerve damage, which can be caused by a variety of traumatic injuries or injuries due to repetitive motion, bacterial or viral infections, exposure to a certain toxins, and systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy often occur on the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy can worsen over time and cause the sufferer difficulty moving and even cause disability.

Diabetes is one of the main causes of the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy, in which approximately 30% of cases of peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes. In diabetic neuropathy, numbness and various other symptoms often occur in both legs and will spread to the top, followed by tingling in the hands that spread in the direction of the arm. Approximately two-thirds of people with diabetes have mild to severe nerve damage. In some cases, this phenomenon is an early sign of diabetes.

Meanwhile, about 30% of cases of peripheral neuropathy others occur without any obvious cause. This situation is known as idiopathic neuropathy.

Approximately 40% of cases of peripheral neuropathy caused by many things such as mentioned below.

  1. pinching of nerves
One of the causes of tingling in the hands and feet are pinched nerve as occurs in carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve palsy, peroneal nerve palsy, and radial nerve palsy.

  2. Systemic Disease
Are included in the systemic disease that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are kidney disorders, liver disorders, blood vessel damage and blood diseases, amyloidosis, connective tissue disorders, chronic inflammation, hormonal balance disorders (hypothyroidism), cancer, and benign tumors about nerves.

  3. Lack of Vitamin Specific
Vitamin E, B1, B6, B12, and vitamin B3 is essential that the body needs to maintain healthy nerves. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause pernicious anemia, which can cause peripheral neuropathy. However, the levels are too high in vitamin B6 in the body can cause tingling in the hands and feet.

  4. Alcoholism
An alcoholic prone to deficiency of vitamin B1 or other essential vitamins because of poor diet, which is one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy. In addition, alcoholism itself also can cause nerve damage called alcoholic neuropathy.

  5. Exposure To Toxic Substances
The meaning here is a toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, thallium, and some types of industrial and environmental chemicals. In addition, some types of drugs, especially chemotherapy drugs, antiviral drugs, and antibiotics can also cause tingling in the hands and feet.

  6. Infection
Some types of infection that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are Lyme disease, herpes, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, and HIV / AIDS.

  7. Autoimmune Diseases
Some examples of autoimmune diseases that can cause tingling in the hands and feet are Guillain-Barre syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  8. Congenital Abnormalities
There is a congenital disorder that can cause tingling in the hands and feet, the disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth.

  9. Injury
As a result of a trauma; nerve can be pinched, destroyed, or damaged and cause pain. Some examples of causes of nerve entrapment is a herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) or dislocation (shift) bone.

How does the solution?

Before knowing what can be done to overcome the tingling in the hands and feet, the doctor must perform various checks both physical examination and investigation to find out what the cause of the occurrence of the tingling.

Your doctor may also ask you some questions such as:
• any symptoms you are experiencing
• Do you frequently consume alcoholic beverages
• Where you work
• Have you been exposed to certain toxic substances
• Are you at risk of being infected by HIV or various other germs
• Do you have a family member suffering from a neurological disease
In addition, your doctor may also do some investigation following, namely:
• Blood tests to detect diabetes, deficiency (deficiency) of vitamin, impaired kidney function, liver function disorders, metabolic disorders, and disorders of the immune system activity
• Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid
• Examination of electromyogram (EMG), to check the electrical activity in the muscles
• Examination of nerve conduction velocity
• CT scan
• Nerve biopsy
• A skin biopsy to see how things end of the nerve fibers

Successful treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and cause disease. However, until now there is no treatment that can be done to cope with peripheral neuropathy (tingling) that are passed down in families.

However, most of the acquired neuropathy (not congenital) can be improved by treatment, for example in a patient with diabetes keep blood sugar levels remain stable (not high) can help slow the occurrence of diabetic neuropathy.
When neuropathy caused by certain vitamin deficiencies, then the provision of vitamin supplements can help overcome neuropathy usually experienced.

In addition, there are several things that need to be patient to prevent recurrence or worsening symptoms such as tingling symptoms:

• Maintain ideal weight remains
• Avoid exposure to various types of toxic substances
• Exercise as recommended by your doctor
• Eat a balanced diet
• Avoid or limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages
• Stop smoking

In some circumstances, peripheral neuropathy can be treated with antidepressants or anti-seizure medications.


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