1. Parents fight
Pearl eyes of children, will record the words - words that terlontarkan by papa mama in front of his eyes. Husband and wife who fight never stops, even fighting, domestic violence, etc., will make its own pressure in the child's heart; there are some parents of their relationship is not good, rarely communicate at home, growing up in this family, the child will feel depressed, and will damage the mental health, making the child into a cold, lonely.
2. Parents Angry
Angry at the child, of course, would hurt the child. In fear, they may exist:
(1) according to what you say
(2) shock, and did not dare to move
(3) cry, not going to do what you allow, and also did not do what he wants to do
(4) learn how you angry, throwing things into the underground favorites.
Should not be angry with the child, you should explain clearly, should do what, and at the same time your child will feel you care with it. If possible, before angry, give warnings, such as: "I can not stand it wanted to be angry, you should quickly do ...."
3. Attention
Research shows, a strange old man gives negative effect on the child's mental, making adolescence to adulthood the child would be problematic. No matter whether too loving child, or children who are silenced, or children who are not considered, only to feel ignored, she will be hurt. Children were allowed to stand would hate her mother, and children who are too spoiled to be hated brother sister.
4. Parents who are dishonest
Loss of trust would lose the honor at the same time, the head of the family does not hold words, would lose the honor of his own, and would interfere with the child's development. Conditions will be shaping the nature of bad children, being someone who is not responsible, in this way the child will easily pick the habit of "reckless", "not trusted". This habit will make him lose a lot of friends and opportunities.
5. Do not be impatient to answer questions children
Kecuekan will eliminate the enthusiasm of a child's parents will be asked, and will eliminate the curiosity and thirst for knowledge; trust children to parents is full. So when a parent gives a wrong answer, it would be difficult to be fixed in their minds. If parents did not answer the question at the moment, you should mengiyakn questions, and tell him that you do not have the time, and promised to answer her questions later.
6. Do not accept friend of the child
Parents should respect the child's choice of friends. Parents also have to stand in position children to see their friends. At the same time parents should also know the difference between children and parents in choosing a friend, and respect these differences. there are times when we must give our children face, and we will give our children face as well.
7. Ignoring Excess children
Each child has its advantages and disadvantages, although every child is born different, the speed of learning is different, they see themselves may be high value and may be low, but the judge good or bad children, can not be seen from one side only.
Parents should not judge one side of her own, and should see their strengths, believing with kehebatanmereka, praise them, so that they develop in accordance with their respective advantages - each.
8. Accusing the child in front of guests
Many parents like to say how bad his son in front of the crowd, like he was complaining, and without realizing it will make the child feel guilty, no one likes to him, making him feel the parents are not satisfied with him, and he would stay away from her parents emotionally .
Some of the above is the case - the most feared of the child, they are very afraid of the cold conditions, strained, and families are dull. The dream of the child's family is a warm family, have love, relaxed, complementary and active.