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Showing posts with label Women Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women Health. Show all posts

A list of foods that should be avoided menopause

It is undeniable that women are definitely going through menopause at a later date. It seems that it is able to be a bad thing for women because you will experience an unstable hormones, mood swings, and increased body temperature.

Actually, the adverse effects can be avoided by eating the following foods as reported from

Alcohol will only spoil your mood and cause fatigue. Therefore, avoid consuming these drinks when going before menstruation.

Fat, especially the type of bad fats can exacerbate menopausal process.
In addition to fat, sugar and salt to consume excessive also interfere with menopause. So as to control the consumption of such materials for the health of your body.

Caffeine can keep you awake all night. And this will make it difficult to sleep when you need a bedtime to keep the mood and health.

Menopause and hot spices are a bad combination. Because these foods will make your stomach discomfort and increase the body temperature.

That is some kind of food that you should avoid when approaching menopause. You can not avoid it, but at least you can reduce side effects.

Amazing - Some thing about the Female Body


The female body is absolutely amazing. There are many things that can be learned from the female anatomy

HUGE survey conducted to determine the health of women revealed, there are many things that can be learned from the female anatomy as reported WomensHealthMag, Friday (01/09/2015):

1. Vagina (vagina) can clean itself like a cat.

2. The average inside the vagina like a tube of lip gloss.

3. Approximately 10 percent of women ejaculate when orgasm.

4. Women can `tegang` (erection) also. This is because the labia minora contains erectile tissue is made of blood vessels that can be hard when aroused.

5. During pregnancy a woman's stomach can be as big as watermelons and re-shrink as the original size within six weeks after giving birth.

6. Women have 1 million eggs in their ovaries, but more than half of absorbed at puberty.

7. The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings. More than other body parts (and is twice that of the glans of the penis)

8. As many as 1 in 50 women have nipples excess. Some celebrities were born with three nipples.

9. Some women orgasm from nipple stimulation.

10. The largest natural breasts recorded was 5.83 ft or 152.4 cm for the entire section.

source: WomensHealthMag

Some Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

Diabetes is a disease that is not in favor of a specific gender. More women than men suffer from diabetes. And in fact, pregnant women are at much higher risk of developing diabetes that will impact on the fetus.

How to know the symptoms of diabetes in women?
quoted from Boldsky, there are some signs, as follows:

1) Sudden thin or fat drastically
    Diabetes can lead to weight being dropped or rose drastically. This is an indication of the most prominent in women. Indeed down or weight gain does not always signify women develop symptoms of diabetes, but it's good to do a medical check up immediately if it happens in less than three months. Indeed, women are often thin due to a lack of appetite or becoming fat as easily hungry.

2) Extreme thirsty
    Another sign is a feeling of extreme thirst. If the thirst is never lost and feel the body always need water then maybe women affected by diabetes. He had no appetite, but want to continue drinking menerus.Jika this happens, immediately to consult a doctor.

3) Easy tired
    Easy feeling tired and weak body into a basic indication of a person affected by diabetes. Feeling rested but the body was never fit, the woman is quite prominent symptom, though fatigue could be due to too much activity, but need to watch out.

4) Frequent urination
    Urinating is one of the activities of the body to get rid of toxins in the body, but if frequent urination jampir per hour, beware as this could be due to diabetes has been on a serious stage. This sign should not be overlooked. Diabetics can urinate many times due to imbalance blood sugar levels and this is certainly not good, and makes the body become limp. If no sign is immediately to the doctor, do not delay.

5) old wound healed
    If the skin is injured and takes a long time to dry and cured, then there could be a symptom of diabetes. This is because blood contains high levels of sugar so it is difficult to make the wound become dry. If you experience some of the above signs, immediately to consult. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. (

Obese Women More at Risk Cancer

Overweight is a risk factor for cancer. However, compared with women who were overweight men were more at risk of cancer.
Excessive body fat is the direct cause of four of the 10 cases of cervical cancer. Those who have a body mass index of 25 or more, three times more at risk than women of ideal weight. These alarming figures published last week by the World Cancer Research Fund in the journal Lancet Oncology.

High BMI or obesity can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women and colon cancer. Obesity also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, esophagus (gullet) and kidney cancer in men and women.
The scientists reported that 20,000 cases of cancer in the UK each year are directly related to obesity.

"But how obesity may increase the incidence of cancer is the 'subject of heated debate in the clinical and scientific community'," said Professor Nicholas Lemoine, director of Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University, London.
Compared with men, women who are obese are more at risk of cancer. Every year in the UK, 13,000 women with cancer are associated with obesity, twice that of the men. Two common types of cancer is cervical cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer.

A total of 13,000 women per year of cancer are associated with obesity, twice the number of men affected by cancer. Experts suspect, estrogen, especially after menopause, could be the trigger.

Before menopause, estrogen made by the ovaries to thicken the lining of the uterus in preparation for ovulation. Every month, progesterone is also produced to facilitate the lining of the uterus shed during menstruation.

Estrogen also made by the body fat in women. The more fat cells you have, the more estrogen produced.

"After menopause, women with excess body fat will continue to produce high amounts of estrogen and it will coat the lining of the uterus. In fact, there was no effect of the influence of progesterone. This is likely to lead to cervical cancer," said Lam Dr.Matthew, researchers.
High exposure to the hormone estrogen after menopause will also stimulate the growth of abnormal cells in the breast, triggering the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer.

This explanation is also supported by a large research program in the United States and Sweden since 2009, where scientists keep track of cancers associated with obesity in two groups of patients: one that never binding intestinal surgery for weight loss, and which are not.

In a Swedish study, women who perform these operations are less likely to suffer from obesity-related cancers. 42 percent lower risk.

However, studies report different patterns in men, where estrogen is not a factor to cancer.
Different fat distribution in men and women's body could also explain why men are more at risk of cancer in areas of the body close to the stomach. This is because men typically accumulate fat in the abdomen, while women spread in all parts of the body.

Tips on How to Choose Safe Cosmetics for Pregnant Women

Today so many options offered by cosmetics manufacturers to memperjaya effort choice beautify our skin.
Not a few who offer tantalizing promises of which offer instant white face in a matter of time weekly to the cosmetics that can make the face stay young.
In fact, if traced further, not a bit of cosmetic products on the market is not necessarily complete security assurance requirements for the health of your skin. To prevent unwanted things follow some of these tips:

To prevent unwanted things follow some of these tips:

Carefully before buying. Make sure your choice of cosmetic brand registered by the Government-Owned Health Organization.
Customize your cosmetic needs with your skin type. It is also important to adjust the brand products that suit your skin.
Again, carefully before buying. Analysis well all ingredients in cosmetic products are selected. Previous course with the help of medical analysis by medical experts to diagnose skin chemicals that become consumed hitch your skin if any.
Important to have a special for pregnant women. Because, a lot of medical disorder symptoms during pregnancy is important to note whether the interference great to fetus. As with the use of tool polishing lip cosmetics, essential for the observed whether contain dyes and preservatives are harmful to the fetus if ingested.

Ensure Safe Cosmetics Has Passed Test-Owned Health Organization.

Specifically on the type of cosmetic cream bleach, it is recommended to avoid brands that never mentioned in the list of dangerous cosmetics by Government-Owned Health Agency. Especially for the type of whitening creams that promise instant white aggressively in a relatively quick time. Generally they use substances mercury, no mercury, generally beige new bleach visible results after weeks of usage. Symptoms of skin affected by mercury substances including skin is sore when use of the product and after use, then the skin look black when the usage of the product stops even one day absent usage.

Other types of cosmetics that should be pregnant women, acne medication. Because when a mother undergo pregnancy will usually have oily skin that is potentially easy acne. It never hurts to consult with a gynecologist and medical experts you trust skin. Generally, pregnant women were asked to delay treatment until the age of containing up to four months, if imposed feared would interfere with early fetal growth. However, the most appropriate efforts to prevent acne is to keep the skin clean and taking proper nutritious diet.

Do not miss the kind of cosmetic hair dye. Lasting hair dye usually contain harmful substances, not only for the woman who is pregnant with a baby, but also women in general. Avoid appliances chemicals to your body.
Also, as technology advances, there are a few manufacturers that offer products that utilize ingredients from plants and fruits are safe. However, if there are doubts about the content of cosmetic agents to be used, do not hesitate to ask an expert cosmetic surgeon or related beforehand.

Some nutrients are required by Pregnancy

Pregnant women should be selective in choosing the food menu. This does not mean restricting food but the selection of food consumed by the mother must meet nutris understood enough. Nutritional intake will affect the optimal growth and development in the fetus. Thus choose the proper nutrition for pregnant women and also adjust to the needs of the age of your baby.

Suitable composition which consists of rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruit should be balanced so that the variation in vitamin and mineral content can optimize fetal growth. Therefore, to add pengetuan you know nutrition for pregnant women, we will notify nutrition information 10 pregnant women.

Below that is the 10 nutrition of pregnant women, including:

1. The content of B1
The content of thiamine present in meat, eggs, legumes or early kacang2 can provide benefits to optimize the work of the nervous system in women,

2. Vitamin A
Vitamin A and beta-carotene will help in the growth of bones and teeth. In addition, for those of you who want to know the ingredients that contain vitamin A are eggs, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, eggs, chicken liver or potatoes.

3. Vitamin B6
The content of pyridoxine or B6 will help in the formation of red blood cells so as to reduce morning sickness and nausea in pregnant women. You can choose foods that contain vitamin B6 include eggs, chicken, fish, cabbage, carrots, bananas, broccoli or beans.

4. Folate
This is the very role of nutrition in pregnancy, although other nutrients play a role, but the role of folate that is preventing spinal defects in the fetus. Well, for you can prevent the consumption of strawberries, oranges, fruit bits, nuts and green vegetables.

5. Iron
Iron content can prevent premature birth and also can reduce the risk of anemia in pregnant women. Foods that contain iron include beef, oats or green vegetables.

6. Protein
Tiggi protein normally found in meat, eggs and fish are good for pregnant women consumed. Protein will help in optimizing the cell repair damaged body cells

7. Calcium
Calcium helps to bone health, dental health, or prevent clots in the mother understood. You can complete the calcium intake of sardines, green vegetables or milk.

8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C has the benefit to increase the immune system and can help in the absorption of iron. You can consume foods that contain vitamin C include peppers, potatoes, broccoli or strawberries.

9. Vitamin E
The content of vitamin E found in nuts, vegetable oils or spinach can assist in the formation of blood cells and muscle tissue.

10. Vitamin D
Vitamin D may help in the growth of bones and teeth memaksimalkann through phosphorus in it. You can consume vitamin D from milk contains an Untik good fish bones and teeth of the fetus.

Thus a healthy diet will make pregnant women healthy and ready to go through pregnancy and complete the necessary nutrients the fetus.

Tips on choosing Sanitary napkins

Tips on choosing Bandages Women

Sanitary napkins are mass produced and inexpensive because it is made of rayon and plastics. Of course it would seem odd for women sanitary napkin if the current user is still seeing an ad for a safer option pads, for example, the pads are made of cotton or a bandage models like.

Are rarely known by the woman of today is that the choice to use sanitary napkins significantly been considered harmless and safer for the environment. In fact, most of the practical pads such as sanitary napkins are made with rayon, cotton and plastic. So, how safe do you think this material if these objects are in or near your female organs?

Many of the women who still believe that wearing sanitary napkins, sanitary napkins can retain the use of fluid and bacteria that produced the vagina to keep it clean and healthy. But in reality, Rayon which is the number one ingredient in sanitary napkins and some other types of sanitary napkins are, coined the great potential in creating new problems for the health of sex organs and female reproductive organs. This item has the potential to leave fibers in the vagina which can lead to bladder infections, vaginal infections, and Toxic Shock Syndrome.
You need to know that, Rayon is a material produced using cellulose fibers. While cellulose is a natural fiber, but to produce Rayon, specific methodologies are needed such as carbon disulfide, sulfuric acid, chlorine and caustic soda.

Symptoms or side effects of too much exposure to Rayon include vomiting, headaches or migraines, chest pain, and so forth. Besides commonly found in sanitary napkins and tampons, Rayon also widely produced for clothing.

Bandages practically like sanitary napkins and some other types of pads that contain a lot of plastic, can mengahambat circulation of air flow necessary to maintain the moisture balance of the female sex organs. And of course, the use of these items can potentially lead to a group of diseases. In addition, this practical pads also bleached with chlorine, which can create a hazardous chemical substance called "dioxin".

Dioxin is closely linked with breast cancer, endometriosis, immune system suppression and other conditions. So, start to think about what you should use. Perhaps cotton pads can be your best option for now. Besides the sake of your health, it is also for the sake of environmental friendliness.

Some thing Cause Decreased Sexual Desire in Women

Although the woman's sexual desire is not for man, but if there is a decrease in sexual desire in women, of course, can affect the biological needs of his partner. A number of medical studies have concluded that the sex life can control stress, improve physical health, reduce the risk of mental illness and improve the relationship with a partner.

Therefore there are good men knows what is the cause of decreased sexual desire in women.

1. Biological Factors
In sexual intercourse course required considerable energy and the state of a fit body, biological factors such as fatigue and lack of sleep can be a factor that triggers decreased sexual desire of a woman. According to some studies, fatigue lead to decreased levels of DHEA and testosterone, where low levels of these hormones associated with decreased sexual drive.
To overcome if you lack sleep, take more time to rest, do not sleep too late, if it can take some time for a vacation together with your partner.

2. Psychological factors
Psychological factors that cause decreased sexual desire of women, among others: stress, depression, irritation with the couple. In times of stress the body produces the hormone cortisol as a counterweight, but the hormone cortisol inhibits the production of testosterone, thus impacting decrease sexual appetite. If the cause is related to psychological factors, try to take a vacation to soothe

3. While Breastfeeding
In women who are breastfeeding high prolactin levels in the body. High prolactin in the body decrease sex drive of women.

4. Using contraceptives
Containing hormonal contraceptives in some women give effect decreased sexual desire.

5. Changes in Sexual Hormones
• Menopause. At the time of menopause hormones estrogen and testosterone also decreased dramatically, resulting in a decrease in sexual desire, coupled with symptoms of dryness of the vagina due to a lack of vaginal lubrication add a drop in sexual desire.
• Decreased levels of testosterone. Testosterone as we know that there is in men, but women also have the hormones to increase sexual desire and provide lubrication in the vaginal area.
• High levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Women who memiilki SHBG high amounts usually are not eager to have intercourse. SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone. This will lower the libido in women.

Hormone therapy to overcome them:

Estrogen therapy helps increase sexual desire in women with low estrogen levels.

• Topical estrogen
Decreased libido due to vaginal dryness can be treated with vaginal estrogen cream. This cream will help you increase vaginal lubrication and increase sexual desire in postmenopausal women.
• Testosterone Therapy
The use of testosterone supplements also helps to increase sexual desire in women with sexual dysfunction. This therapy can be used in post-menopausal women, who have problems with sexual desire and difficulty getting sexual satisfaction.

Good step in Doing Gymnastics Kegel

Maybe you've heard about Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. You can do this Kegel exercises, anytime and anywhere.

Why is important to do Kegel exercises?
Many factors can weaken the pelvic floor muscles including: pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, aging and overweight. You can benefit from Kegel exercises if you are:

• Often experience leakage of urine when sneezing, laughing or coughing
• Have a desire to urinate that can not be detained (urinary incontinence of urine)
• Leakage of stool (fecal urinary incontinence)

Kegel exercises can also be done when you are pregnant or after giving birth to prevent urinary incontinence of urine. In addition, Kegel exercises, along with therapy and sex counseling, can help women who have difficulty orgasm.

How to do Kegel exercises? 
Here's the explanation:

• Find the right muscles
To identify the pelvic floor muscles, try to dismiss urine while you are urinating. If it works, then you have found the right muscles. However, it is enough once you try it. Because if you do a lot of this during urination, it will potentially increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

• proper technique
When you have identified the muscles of your pelvic floor, empty the bladder and lean. Tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, hold the contraction for 5 seconds and then relax for 5 seconds. Do as much as 4-5 times. You can increase the contraction for 10 seconds and was followed by relaxation for 10 seconds.

• Keep your focus
For best results, focus on the muscles of the pelvic floor alone. Be careful not to bend the muscles of the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Breathe in a relaxed and avoid holding my breath.

• Repeat 3x per day
You can do for at least 3 sets of repetitions to 10 times per day.

When should do Kegel exercises?
Perform Kegel exercises as part of your daily routine. You can do Kegel exercises unnoticed, anytime, anywhere, whether when you're sitting at the table, while relaxing or even while performing tasks such as when replying to an e-mail.

When you can feel the benefits of Kegel exercises?
If you do Kegel exercises regularly and regular, then you can feel the results (such as leaking urine frequency decreases) in a few months.

Are Wife Can Still Having Sex after Menopause ?

Menopause is a condition in which menstruation stops permanently, due to the existing egg cells in the ovaries (ovarian) is up. It usually occurs in the age range 45-65 years.

Some things you should do when entering the menopause:

1. Accept "arrival", that this is a natural process that is experienced by all women, so they can avoid the emotional attitude and depression.

2. Exercise regularly. This can prevent many diseases that occur after menopause, such as osteoporosis and calcification.

3. Increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and foods that contain natural estrogen such as soybeans can prevent and reduce post-menopausal complaints.

What about the marital relationship? 
Of course still be enjoyed. Naturally, reduced estrogen at menopause results in the vagina to become dry, causing pain during intercourse. This is a MAJOR FACTOR female sexual arousal decreases menopause age.

How to cope with providing lubrication / lubricants (available in pharmacies) so as not to cause pain during penetration. Then it should be noted also foreplay / heating, physical, psychological, and atmosphere, all of which must be communicated to the couple.

Extremely Dangerous Tight Pants For Women Health

Currently, women often use tight clothing, including pants, with the aim to look sexy. In fact, tights can make the area around the vagina blackened.

Of course we can not blame the women who want to look sexy. Especially in the realm of fashion, one of the preferred trend is capable of forming hollow body. Some clothes are considered "close embrace" the woman's body, among others, jeans, leggings, shorts, blouse, or a mini skirt.

Without realizing it, the friction that occurs in tight clothes can cause the skin around the area V becomes darker. This of course can make women feel less confident. The area around the vagina is often referred to as the bikini area. This title appears because the area is an area that is often closed when a woman uses a bikini.

Tights can make the area around the vagina blackened because this area is in the folds of the skin, so it will be easy to abrasion while wearing tights. Frequent friction between the skin in the area around the vagina with cloth pants continuously will cause the skin around the vagina area so blackened.

The friction that constantly, especially if the fabric, will cause the skin in the area V darkened. Sweat also will accumulate and cause the skin can not breathe, consequently so darkened. Tights can make the area around the vagina blackened

Food and beverages are prohibited for pregnant women.

For mothers who first pregnancy we suggest you read this article, it is as additional information for you to know.
Remember the time we conceived her first child, mother nag us do not eat it, do not eat it. That does not mean we nagging mother. Our mother actually gave a warning to keep the contents well.
For prospective mothers who are pregnant with first, let's discuss what foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Among the foods and beverages that are prohibited for pregnant women are:

1. Alcohol
Alcohol should be avoided. For Muslims, certainly will not drink immediately. But there are a handful of non-Muslims 'uncivilized' drinking in night clubs when pregnant. Not enough with that, there is a store 'stock' in the fridge. Remember, alcohol consumption by pregnant women will invite physical and mental defects in babies.

2. smoking
What do you think of when you see pregnant women who smoke? Feel like volleyball? Feel like the roller coaster? Feel like 'sekolahkan' him? Congratulations if you are feeling that way.
But there are mothers who are 'selfish' which only concerned with having fun yourself. Reason 'stress' there is one stupid reason. Smoking during pregnancy is often associated with premature births, stunted growth and low weight. Cases of sudden death or 'sudden death' which occurs in infants also often associated with a family of smokers. Loss problem is also more common in women who smoke.

3. Beverages containing caffeine (Caffeine)
Intake of caffeinated beverages or foods such as coffee, cocoa, cola drinks, chocolate and so on and they are also associated with abnormal infant development. This includes babies who are underweight at birth. In addition, caffeine also damage maternal bone calcium content.

4. Peel and drugs
We always hear, "If you are pregnant, may eat Panadol to tak eh?". To answer this, please consult your doctor for a more concrete explanation. Keep in mind, there are drugs that cause harm to the baby if taken by pregnant women. Once again, consult a gynecologist or pharmacist before taking these medications, especially in the first trimester.

5. sugar
While healthy people are prohibited from using sugar, especially pregnant women. Excessive sugar can cause complications such as diabetes during pregnancy. Can cause large babies than ever. Can not imagine how much it hurts when you want to give birth to a large baby. Hurt?

6. Vitamin A
Please stay away from 'multivitamin supplement which contains high doses. Also avoid the 'fish liver oil supplements'. Intake of vitamin A is prohibited during pregnancy because it can cause birth defects was found face, head, heart and nervous baby. The use of high vitamin A in the external preparation such as acne medications are also not allowed. Safer if pregnant women take beta carotene as carrots and so on. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body when the body requires vitamin A.

7. Mercury (Mercury)
While in secondary school before, maybe we never saw the mercury. We'll be thinking, "Hey, there to pregnant women who eat mercury-tu?". Oh, not in that way. Mercury is found in high quantities in seafood such as 'shark-fin', tuna, mackerel and large fish the other. Recruitment in large quantities can cause nerve damage in infants.

8. Food raw or inadequately cooked
Do not eat raw meat. Do not eat raw milk. Do not eat raw eggs. It is dangerous.

Intake of raw foods that are not cooked enough can cause severe complications.
There is a disease that can cause parasite found in raw meat spreads in the body of pregnant women. This disease can cause intra-uterine infections are serious in infants. Parasites in also found in vegetables that are not washed clean.

As mothers diet must be guarded by them is to keep the baby and avoid things that are not in the desire to be born baby after one day.

Differences Have Sex with Men circumcised and uncircumcised

Men circumcised and uncircumcised - photo

Layer of skin folds found in men who are not circumcised penis until now is still a debate as well as a hot topic about health. However, how has it affected your sex life?

Are there differences in sex with men who are circumcised and uncircumcised?

* Sensitivity
According to a Danish study, premature ejaculation or erectile problems often experienced by men is not due to their circumcision. Circumcision which removes half of the foreskin, making him lose sensitivity to light touch though, according to researchers in Korea. In fact, a study from Michigan State University found that the most sensitive part of the penis circumcised men are at the circumcision scar.

* The risk of infection
When men are not circumcised, moisture will be trapped between the penis and the hood, thus triggering bacteria or germs to breed. Men who are not circumcised are vulnerable to fungal infections, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases (especially HPV virus and HIV).

* Health
Differences in sex with men who are circumcised and uncircumcised is related to cleanliness. More difficult to keep the uncircumcised penis clean 100 percent all the time. Although most men are not circumcised able to keep clean his penis, it is still difficult for them.

* Enjoyment more
There is no definitive answer as to how circumcision affects women pleasure during lovemaking. However, a study from Denmark found that women who were married to circumcised men reported feeling dissatisfied with their sex lives when compared with those whose husband is not circumcised. Until now, there are also other studies that say otherwise.

* Pain
According to research from Denmark, women who have sex with circumcised men, likely to experience sexual pain tripled compared to women who have sex with men who are not circumcised. The reason: uncircumcised penis is more smooth and soft.

Troubled Signs Your Vagina

Not a few of the women who have difficulty in maintaining health vagina
Various problems reap into panic when Miss V 'acting'. A course of problem vaginal discharge, itching or suspicious, or begin to appear unpleasant scent that did not previously exist. Female genital problem or so.

Although the signs are not entirely harmless, but if one ignores, might be detrimental impact goes.
Therefore, it is important to recognize the existence of conditions that deserve symptoms suspected. In short, there are some symptoms that you should be aware if there are signs of following in the following pages.

Not a few of the women who have difficulty in maintaining health vagina.
Various problems reap into panic when Miss V 'acting'. A course of problem vaginal discharge, itching or suspicious, or begin to appear unpleasant scent that did not previously exist. Female genital problem or so.
Although the signs are not entirely harmless, but if one ignores, might be detrimental impact goes.
Therefore, it is important to recognize the existence of conditions that deserve symptoms suspected. In short, there are some symptoms that you should be aware if there are signs of following in the following pages.

What Signs Should Caution? Immediately consult a doctor if :

• There is a change in color, odor and increased vaginal discharge - especially if accompanied by fever.
• Redness, itching or irritation of the vagina.
• Bleeding or spots that occur in the menstrual cycle, after sex or after experiencing menopause.
• There is a mass or bulge in the vagina that feels unnatural.

Well, the four conditions that must be observed. Because if left unchecked can be dangerous.

Factors Affecting the Health Anything Vagina ?

• Having sex without using a condom.
You can be at risk of contracting the disease from sexually transmitted infections if not using condoms.

• aggressive sex
Aggressive sex can lead to trauma to the vagina.

• Certain medical conditions
Diabetes can increase the risk of fungal infections and vaginal dryness.

• Antibiotics
Antibiotics are taken continuously can increase the risk of fungal infections.

• Product contraception
Spermicides and vaginal ring may cause irritation of the vagina.

• Pregnancy and childbirth
Tear in the vagina often occurs when a normal delivery and also a decline in muscle strength in the vagina.

• Aging
After the menopause, there will be a decrease in the elasticity of the vagina.

• Hormonal
Hormonal changes, such as a decrease in estrogen can cause thinning of the vaginal lining.

What Should I Do to Maintain Healthy Vagina ?

• Responsible for sexually
Use condoms and maintaining a monogamous relationship and not changing partners.

• Vaccination
Vaccination can protect you from HPV (human papillomavirus), hepatitis A and hepatitis B (viral infection of the liver that can be transmitted through sexual contact.

• Maintain cleanliness of the vagina
Avoid washing the vagina with soap scented douches or the counter (except on indication doctor) because it can disrupt the pH of the vagina. Do not use tampons or scented pads.

• Perform Kegel exercises
By doing Kegel exercises, it will help maintain the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. Do at least 3 sets of Kegel exercises every day.

• Know the medicines you consume
Consult with your doctor about the use of drugs and possible side effects that may occur in the vagina

• Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

Keeping the Right Vaginal Health

Keep the vagina is actually easy to do. Cleaning the female organs can be done with warm water and mild soap without perfume. Better you do it at the time of afternoon showers.

Here are the things you need to consider in maintaining the cleanliness of the female organs:

1. Note Soap Used
Clean the outside of the vagina with warm water and mild soap without perfume. Better to do at the time of afternoon showers. In addition to the warm water creates a relaxing effect, warm water can also relieve pain if she was menstruating.

2. Note that Worn Knickers Materials
Wear cotton underwear, types of textiles made from natural fibers, so that the skin can still breathe, smooth air circulation, and make feeling more refreshed. If you're experiencing vaginal discharge, replace panties 3 times a day.

3. Replacement Pads
If you are menstruating, change pads every 4 hours.

4. Notice cebok Engineering or Mechanical Cleaning Vagina
After defecation, make sure the direction of cleaning the vagina is from front to back. This needs to be done to prevent dirt or virus derived from the sewer does not get to the vaginal area. Also do not forget to dry the vagina using a clean towel or tissue.

5. Consult your doctor preemptively If Using Vaginal Cleansing

Avoid various cleaning products, because nobody knows not cause health problems. If until forced to use a vaginal cleaning, consult prior to the obstetrician and midwife about what products to use.

Several Ways to Maintain Healthy Vagina

Sex organ health should be a major concern of all women. Maintaining the health of womanhood is not an easy task indeed. It takes persistence and thoroughness in treatment.

The most frequent problem is mengenaikeputihan. Whitish itself can be a normal thing to happen. In fact, the production can be increased if a woman is experiencing an increase in the amount of hormones in the time around menstruation or during pregnancy, getting sexual arousal, stress or excessive fatigue, and are using certain medications or contraceptives.

In order to remain healthy and feminine area does not occur abnormal discharge problem, then there are a few things to note:

Here are Several ways to maintain health and hygiene of female genital organs:

1. Use the clothes in cotton or silk instead of synthetic material. Change underwear every day.
2. Do not linger using tight clothing (tight pants, jeans) or stockings because it can increase the humidity of womanhood and ease irritation and growth of bacteria and fungi.
3. Avoid products such as feminine hygiene sprays, color and fragrance wipes, pads that contain fragrance. These products can cause irritation of womanhood.
4. If you are using pads, rutinlah changing pads, at least 2-3 times a day.
5. Make sure your underwear washed and rinsed 2 times with clean so that no irritants that remains of detergents or fragrances, clothing.
6. Avoid using perfumed soaps, deodorant, talcum powder around the area of femininity.
7. Wash the area of femininity with the direction from front to back to avoid the transfer of bacteria from the anus area to the area of femininity.
8. Do not perform vaginal douching because it can cause irritation and eliminate the good bacteria that are useful to keep the area healthy womanhood.
9. Do not keep changing sexual partners and do not have sexual relations outside of marriage.

Healthy feminine area does not require any treatment. The important thing is to keep your feminine area stays dry and clean at all times. Avoid excessive moisture and should not need to use products that can cause irritation to your feminine area.


  1. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Office of Population Affairs. Vaginal Discharge Fact Sheet.
  2. Family Planning NSW. Common Vaginal and Vulval Condition.
  3. University of Richmond: Student Health Center. Vaginal Infections Fact Sheet.

Some causes of vaginal discharge in Women

Nearly 85% of women have problems with vaginal discharge. Sometimes this causes a variety of health concerns because it involves sex organs. Whitish or in medicine called fluor albus, is a collection of fluid and cells out of the vulva. Its function is to clean and protect the feminine area.

Actually if you experience vaginal discharge is clear or light yellow color when attached to clothing in the form of mucus which can dilute or thick depending on the hormone cycle, odorless and does not cause itching, burning, pain, and there are not too much then you do not need to worry about these things . Whitish you are reasonable.

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be caused by a variety of infections, ranging from bacterial infections, parasites, or fungi.

You need to feel worried and immediately visit a doctor if you find you are having vaginal discharge characteristics such as the following:

1. Discharge caused by fungus infection (candidiasis vulvovaginalis)
Yellowish-white whitish form clumps like cream. Itchy, hot and cause pain after urination and pain during intercourse.

2. Discharge caused by parasite infections (Trichomoniasis)
Whitish yellow-green, thick shape, smell bad and frothy. Another complaint is that can accompany any pain during intercourse, bleeding after sexual intercourse and bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.

3. Discharge caused by a bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis)
Whitish-gray colored, shaped somewhat watery, foul-smelling and rarely foamy. The stench is pierced after sexual intercourse and cause abnormal menstrual blood smells. Another complaint that can accompany is itching and burning in the genital area.

4. Signs of Cancer
Whitish brownish, there are spots of blood and foul smelling. Discharge can take place in a long time, did not respond to any treatment and can be accompanied by pain during intercourse.

5. vaginitis due Allergy / irritation Chemicals (cream, liquid, spray materials, fragrances)
Whitish will be more, whitish yellow, can be thin or thick. Complaints that can accompany are itching, burning, pain and redness in the genital area.

Wary of whiteness is an important measure in maintaining the health of the female sex organs. Make sure you consult with your doctor and check-up when experiencing vaginal discharge and other suspicious than usual.

Vaginal Discharge (Fluor Albus)

Fluor Albus is the liquid that comes out of the vagina. Fluor Albus can arise from a variety of circumstances, ie normal / physiological and pathological. Fluor Fluor Albus Albus physiologically normal is caused by hormonal changes, such as during menstruation, stress, pregnancy, and the use of contraception. While Fluor Fluor Albus Albus pathological is arising from certain medical conditions with the most common cause is due to parasitic infection / fungal / bacteria.

Normal vaginal discharge has characteristics include the clear white color, when attached to clothing in bright yellow color, consistency like mucus (dilute-thick) depending on the hormone cycle, odorless and does not cause complaints.

When the discharge from the vagina has become discolored (white milk, gray, to green), smelling, and with many other complaints (such as itching, burning, etc.) indicate that there has been Fluor Albus are generally caused due to abnormal tract infections reproduction by a variety of bacteria, fungi or parasites.

How to Fluor Albus you?
If you include Fluor Fluor Albus Albus abnormal then need to be treated because it can cause the spread of infection to the internal organs and should avoid sexual intercourse beforehand. Fluor Albus If you are experiencing is normal Fluor Albus, then you need to do is maintain the cleanliness of the vaginal area, namely:

· Often replacing panties when sweating or moist

· Avoid using tight pants made of material that does not absorb sweat

· If you want to use a panty liner choose which do not contain fragrances and is not used for more than 4-6 hours

· Avoid using cleaning products that can cause changes pubic acidity and balance of bacteria in the mother's pubic burrow

· If you want to rinse after urination, do it with a direction from front to back using a towel.

Please note that Fluor Albus could be a sexually transmitted infection. When caused by a sexually transmitted infection, then both you and your spouse (husband) should be treated as well in order to complete treatment.

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