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Some nutrients are required by Pregnancy

Pregnant women should be selective in choosing the food menu. This does not mean restricting food but the selection of food consumed by the mother must meet nutris understood enough. Nutritional intake will affect the optimal growth and development in the fetus. Thus choose the proper nutrition for pregnant women and also adjust to the needs of the age of your baby.

Suitable composition which consists of rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruit should be balanced so that the variation in vitamin and mineral content can optimize fetal growth. Therefore, to add pengetuan you know nutrition for pregnant women, we will notify nutrition information 10 pregnant women.

Below that is the 10 nutrition of pregnant women, including:

1. The content of B1
The content of thiamine present in meat, eggs, legumes or early kacang2 can provide benefits to optimize the work of the nervous system in women,

2. Vitamin A
Vitamin A and beta-carotene will help in the growth of bones and teeth. In addition, for those of you who want to know the ingredients that contain vitamin A are eggs, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, eggs, chicken liver or potatoes.

3. Vitamin B6
The content of pyridoxine or B6 will help in the formation of red blood cells so as to reduce morning sickness and nausea in pregnant women. You can choose foods that contain vitamin B6 include eggs, chicken, fish, cabbage, carrots, bananas, broccoli or beans.

4. Folate
This is the very role of nutrition in pregnancy, although other nutrients play a role, but the role of folate that is preventing spinal defects in the fetus. Well, for you can prevent the consumption of strawberries, oranges, fruit bits, nuts and green vegetables.

5. Iron
Iron content can prevent premature birth and also can reduce the risk of anemia in pregnant women. Foods that contain iron include beef, oats or green vegetables.

6. Protein
Tiggi protein normally found in meat, eggs and fish are good for pregnant women consumed. Protein will help in optimizing the cell repair damaged body cells

7. Calcium
Calcium helps to bone health, dental health, or prevent clots in the mother understood. You can complete the calcium intake of sardines, green vegetables or milk.

8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C has the benefit to increase the immune system and can help in the absorption of iron. You can consume foods that contain vitamin C include peppers, potatoes, broccoli or strawberries.

9. Vitamin E
The content of vitamin E found in nuts, vegetable oils or spinach can assist in the formation of blood cells and muscle tissue.

10. Vitamin D
Vitamin D may help in the growth of bones and teeth memaksimalkann through phosphorus in it. You can consume vitamin D from milk contains an Untik good fish bones and teeth of the fetus.

Thus a healthy diet will make pregnant women healthy and ready to go through pregnancy and complete the necessary nutrients the fetus.

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