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Several Ways to Maintain Healthy Vagina

Sex organ health should be a major concern of all women. Maintaining the health of womanhood is not an easy task indeed. It takes persistence and thoroughness in treatment.

The most frequent problem is mengenaikeputihan. Whitish itself can be a normal thing to happen. In fact, the production can be increased if a woman is experiencing an increase in the amount of hormones in the time around menstruation or during pregnancy, getting sexual arousal, stress or excessive fatigue, and are using certain medications or contraceptives.

In order to remain healthy and feminine area does not occur abnormal discharge problem, then there are a few things to note:

Here are Several ways to maintain health and hygiene of female genital organs:

1. Use the clothes in cotton or silk instead of synthetic material. Change underwear every day.
2. Do not linger using tight clothing (tight pants, jeans) or stockings because it can increase the humidity of womanhood and ease irritation and growth of bacteria and fungi.
3. Avoid products such as feminine hygiene sprays, color and fragrance wipes, pads that contain fragrance. These products can cause irritation of womanhood.
4. If you are using pads, rutinlah changing pads, at least 2-3 times a day.
5. Make sure your underwear washed and rinsed 2 times with clean so that no irritants that remains of detergents or fragrances, clothing.
6. Avoid using perfumed soaps, deodorant, talcum powder around the area of femininity.
7. Wash the area of femininity with the direction from front to back to avoid the transfer of bacteria from the anus area to the area of femininity.
8. Do not perform vaginal douching because it can cause irritation and eliminate the good bacteria that are useful to keep the area healthy womanhood.
9. Do not keep changing sexual partners and do not have sexual relations outside of marriage.

Healthy feminine area does not require any treatment. The important thing is to keep your feminine area stays dry and clean at all times. Avoid excessive moisture and should not need to use products that can cause irritation to your feminine area.


  1. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Office of Population Affairs. Vaginal Discharge Fact Sheet.
  2. Family Planning NSW. Common Vaginal and Vulval Condition.
  3. University of Richmond: Student Health Center. Vaginal Infections Fact Sheet.

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