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Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts

Dental Disease Symptoms Should Caution

Sometimes dental disease as enemies in a blanket. Without realizing it can appear and attack suddenly. In some circumstances, oral disease can occur without symptoms. Therefore it is advisable to regularly visit the dentist at least every six months for regular inspection and cleaning of the teeth.

Maintain oral health as well as a routine visit to the dentist every 6 months, very important. This is to prevent diseases that have grown to be more to detect it as early as possible. Make sure you use a toothpaste that contains Micro-granules, which can clean the tooth surface to between teeth that are difficult to reach and contains Zinc Citrate which has antibacterial properties that help maintain healthy gums up to 24 hours.

Here are some of the symptoms of gum disease that you should consider:

Beware of Dental Disease Symptoms!
Here are some of the symptoms of gum disease that you should consider:

• Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums can be a sign of inflammation of the gums or gingivitis, bleeding gums, but also can occur akibatluka or related to a specific disease. Bleeding gums are widely experienced by the general public is usually due to inflammation of the gums caused by plaque and tartar pile.

• Dental Shake
Bacteria are the main cause of gum disease. Dental plaque mixed with leftovers if not cleaned can harden into tartar, which tartar containing these bacteria can cause damage and gum disease that can lead to tooth rocking.

Causes of bad breath manifold and not only caused by food or hygiene oral cavity were not awake. Bad breath can be associated arising from several diseases, both network-related diseases in the oral cavity or disease in the body that require serious medical treatment, such as lung infections, sinus, or diabetes. Gum disease and cavities also contribute to bad breath problem.

If you have symptoms like these, immediately visit the dentist. Your dentist will diagnose the problem and will provide early handler.

One disease that comes after flooding

Dengue fever is a disease that often appear and attack the residents in the area of post-flood. As is known, this disease often appears after the rainy season, because the disease carrier aedes aegypti mosquito breeding in many former rain water does not flow.

For more details, see below:

Febrile illness accompanied by bleeding under the skin, the lining of the nose and stomach caused by a virus that is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Could result in death.

1. Sudden high heat for 2 to 7 days
2. Looks spots red spots on the skin
3. Sometimes there is bleeding in the nose
4. There may be vomiting or bloody bowel movements
5. Often feels pain in the gut
6. When severe, the patient restless, hands and feet cold and sweaty

1. You can drink as much as possible
2. Apply with water
3. Give the medicine go down the heat
4. Bring to a doctor / health center / hospital

1. Clean the water tank once a week
2. Tightly closed meeting water reservoirs
3. Bury or cast in place
4. Get rid of hangers
5. Sprinkle abate powder in water reservoirs
6. Take care of personal hygiene, home and environment

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Lump is most common symptoms are a sign of breast cancer alert. However, breast cancer can provide other symptoms other than a lump.

Some of the symptoms of breast cancer to be aware and watch out for the women is as follows:

1. Changes in skin color. Redness of the skin or reddish spots such as inflammation.
2. Changes in the skin. Any wrinkles or "dimple" in the area around the breast.
3. Changes in nipple nipple can be entered into, become flatter than usual, or swollen and it does not look like the usual. Or blood discharge from the nipple also need to watch out.
4. Pain in the breast.

Every woman needs to know the condition of her breasts with both and do a breast self-examination with routine every 1 month. Not all changes in the breast is a sign of breast cancer. There are also changes a normal sign. Every 1-2 weeks before menstruation, breast circumstances it can turn into a bit swollen, painful and usually can be felt in all parts of the breast. These changes will disappear within 1 week after menstruation ends.

However, if the complaint to continue breast and interfere in the next 2-3 menstrual cycle, should every woman needs to see a doctor. In addition to examination by a physician, required further investigation such as mammography or ultrasound examination.

Danger Signs of Pregnancy

Four danger signs of pregnancy:
• Bleeding from the birth canal
• very severe headache
• Disturbances in vision
• Abdominal pain is very great

In addition there are 18 things to look out and had to give birth in hospitals, namely:
• Once in operation cesarean section (cesarean section)
• Bleeding from the birth canal in addition to mucus mixed with blood
• Delivery of less than 37 weeks (preterm)
• rupture of membranes is accompanied with out mekonial condensed (liquid turbid color)
• rupture of membranes accompanied not feel fetal movement
• Membranes have broken more than 24 hours or rupture in less than a month kemanilan
• There are signs of infection symptoms: high body temperature, chills, abdominal pain and smelling amniotic fluid
• Blood pressure over 160/110
• High fundus 41 cm or more twin pregnancies
• There are signs of reduced fetal movements (10 movements in 1 day)
• The head of the fetus have not entered the pelvis in labor
• Location of the breech, latitude / poor
• The lowest part is not only the head, but there are other parts for example the hand / arm
• The cord out before the baby is born
• Shock
• Anemia
• Yellow
• Multiple pregnancies



Causes of Cancer

 Causes of Cancer
1. smoking habits

2. Overweight.
Skyrocketing insulin offset weight gain increases the risk for almost all types of cancer, especially kidney, gall bladder and esophagus. Women who suffer from obesity tends to produce sex hormones in fat tissue, so susceptible to cancer of the uterus and breast.

3. Rarely Exercising
People who rarely exercise more susceptible to cancer. Long-term studies show that exercise prevents the formation of tumor cells. Because the activity levels of the hormone insulin to lower body and prevent fat accumulation. No need strenuous exercise, just walking or riding a bike for a few minutes a day can make a difference.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol increases the risk of cancer, especially in the mouth, throat and esophagus. The most dangerous is the combination of alcohol and nicotine because it increases the risk of cancer as much as a hundred fold. A glass of wine a day is relatively healthy because it helps the circulatory system. More than that can be dangerous.

5. Red meat
Red meat can cause colon cancer. So far the cause is unknown, but long-term studies reveal the relationship between the two. The biggest threat comes from beef or pork. Both are almost double the risk of cancer. Instead of meat fish prevent cancer.

6. Carbon
When burning the meat with carbon formed substances suspected to cause cancer, such as poly-aromatic hydrocarbons. Through testing on animals is known, these substances accelerate tumor growth. But long-term studies in humans have not been able to prove that the findings. It could be that the consumption of meat, not how to cook it, that cause cancer.

7. Fast Food
Foods containing vegetables and fruits are high in fiber prevent cancer. Nevertheless, researchers revealed that healthy food does not have much effect on the formation of cancer cells, but only lowers the risk as much as ten percent.

8. Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet radiation contained in sunlight can change the cell. The result is skin cancer. Indeed sun cream to protect the skin from the fire, but when skin darkening due to the sun, the owner has too many receiving ultraviolet radiation.

9. X-Ray radiation
X-Ray radiation damaging human genes. Nevertheless caused by radiation exposure in patients usually quite low. Similarly, magnetic resonance imaging MRI alias. In contrast computed tomography duly done only when absolutely necessary.

10. infection
The human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer. While Hepatitis B and C viruses in many cases damage cells Hepatocytes. Helicobacter pylori (image) settled in the stomach and accelerate the growth of cancer cells. Prevent infection by these viruses can be done with immunization. While the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can be prevented with antibiotics.

11. Anti pregnancy pill
Anti pregnancy pill does slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. But at the same time the drug lowers the risk of ovarian cancer dramatically. Overall, anti pregnancy pill more to protect human, rather than threaten - at least in the case of cancer.

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GallBladder Cancer
Breast cancer can be avoided by Vitamin D
Symptoms of Breast Cancer     


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