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GallBladder Cancer



What  is Gall bladder cancer ?
Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the tissues of the gall bladder , bladder cancer is the starting point empeduyang cancer is less common , comparison of the growth of gallbladder cancer in men and women is 1 : 2 , especially women aged 60 and over is more easily affected by the disease , the prognosis is not good , the possibility of living a period of 5 years only 3 % .

Possible growth of gallbladder cancer is lower in comparison with lung cancer and gastric cancer , but the last few years the growth of gallbladder cancer cases show an increase . Due to the early stage symptoms are not clear , gallbladder cancer is not easily diagnosed , while the results of the intermediate stages of therapy and finally stage is rather poor , over 80 % of gallbladder cancer patients die within one year below . If it can be diagnosed at an early stage , surgery or therapy on time , 5-year survival probability of gallbladder cancer patients can achieve more than 90 % . The examination of gallbladder cancer is very important , the earlier the disease is found , the initial run of treatment .

Causes of gallbladder cancer is dangerous and vulnerable groups
Cause really could invite gallbladder cancer is still unclear , but it may cause the following are the causes of gallbladder cancer is dangerous .
1 ) Female patients aged 50 and over , or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder that grows repetitive .
2 ) Gallstones . The possibility of patients who had gallstones to gallbladder cancer is 38 times that number of people who do not have gallstones .
3 ) Hardening of the gallbladder . Gallbladder wall calcification commonly found in women aged 65 years and over , is the last stage of the gall bladder inflammation is acute , the percentage hardening gall bladder tumor that turned into a peak at 22 % .
4 ) gallbladder polyps greater than or equal to 10 mm , the percentage turn into cancer reached 23 % .
5 ) Like to eat preserved foods , fried foods, spicy foods and the like can increase the risk of gallbladder cancer involvement . Smoking , drinking alcohol , high -fat diet high in calories can serve as a factor supporting the growth of gallbladder cancer .
6 ) The woman beginning her first menstruation , menopause early age , and that spawned countless number of pregnant can increase the likelihood of cancer of the gallbladder , may be related to hormonal changes in pregnant women .
7 ) Youth fat , body weight 20 % - 30 % of people whose age exceeds the peer can also increase the possibility of the growth of gallbladder cancer .

Symptoms of gallbladder cancer
1 ) Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract : the majority of patients will experience poor digestion , do not like greasy food , burping , etc. .
2 ) Right upper stomach ache : upper right abdomen feels uncomfortable, accompanied by ongoing pain , sometimes pain is noticeably louder , and shoulder pain leads to the right.
3 ) lump in the upper right abdomen .
4 ) jaundice and itchy skin : often occurs in advanced disease , encountered yellowish skin , mostly accompanied by itchy skin that is difficult to heal and more severe when the evening .
5 ) Fever and thin : about 25 % of patients will experience fever , advanced stage patients usually too lean , even showing poor conditions .

When the above symptoms are experienced , should go to hospital for a check on time , as early as possible to eliminate the possibility of involvement of gallbladder cancer , for disease -prone groups should check periodically , the earlier the disease is discovered, the initial run of therapy can extend the life of life patients effectively .

The diagnosis of gallbladder cancer
1 ) Ultrasound : check the size of the lesion in the gallbladder ; ascertain the presence or absence of cancer ; check whether there is any spread to the lymph nodes and liver .
2 ) CT Scan : for those who have an ultrasound check and strongly suspected gallbladder cancer , need to check the CT scan with contrast . With so may indicate whether the tumor invaded into the liver and spread to the lymph nodes .
3 ) MRI : ascertain whether the lesion to the liver , or when the patient had obstructive jaundice MRI should be considered .
4 ) PET - CT : make sure the location of the lesion in the gall bladder and also helps to ascertain whether there is a lesion in another part .
5 ) Laboratory tests: check the premises clear whether there is an increase in the tumor marker results may help to manufacture the diagnosis of gallbladder cancer .

Assessment of gallbladder cancer
Stage I: The cancer is only limited organ mucosal layer , and also a source of cancer . Operations can provide excellent results .
Stage II : the cancer invades organs to the muscle layer . Patients after surgery run , 5-year survival probability can reach 20 % - 30 % .
Stage III : the cancer invades organs to the gallbladder wall . Patients after surgery is also the possibility of running the 5-year survival can reach 20 % - 30 % .
Stage IV: The cancer invades organs to the wall of the gall bladder and the surrounding lymph nodes . The majority of patients this stage can run the operation the outside , but on the whole the results are not good , a minority of patients can survive up to 5 years and above .
Phase V : cancer invades organs to the liver directly or even spread to other organs . Gallbladder cancer has been enlarged to the whole body , Pasen life can rarely exceed 1 year .

Symptoms of gallbladder cancer early stage less, nothing specific , but the diagnosis of early stage gallbladder cancer and early operation is essential in maintaining life . Perform operation is a means to increase the life time of the patient . If can not decide whether or not the condition itself normally , should immediately seek a doctor for help , so the diagnosis is confirmed , treatment immediately run , not to be delayed .

Treatment of gallbladder cancer
Operation : 1 . Removal of the gallbladder 2 . Removal of the gall bladder expansion 3 . Partial removal of adjacent organs
Radiotherapy : in certain parts of the remaining or grow back , done therapy of cancer cell killing by high levels of radiation exposure
Chemotherapy : drugs by mouth or intravenously to the blood vessels , passes through the circulatory flow reaches every part and work against cancer .

Targeted gene therapy : specific parts of gallbladder cancer , designed therapeutic drugs is concerned , a drug into the body and will choose the right cancer cells to be killed .


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