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Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

Some Causes of Young Sudden Death

Causes Young Sudden Death photo

Are you ever surprised by the sad news of the death of someone so suddenly at a young age? Sudden death is not common, but it happens more often found in both old age and at an increasingly young age.

Some medical conditions that can cause sudden death at a young age to look out for are:

1. Stop Heart
Sudden death due to cardiac arrest can be caused by several things, among which are:
• There is a problem on both blockage of coronary arteries and blood vessels of the heart that is not normal
• thickened heart muscle that makes the heart's blood pumping process becomes very difficult.
• The presence of heart rhythm problems inherited genetically

2. Rupture of Blood Vessels
Rupture of blood vessels mainly be caused by several things:
• Dilation of blood vessels and depletion of blood vessel walls, in the medical world called aneurysms. This condition can occur in blood vessels as large as in the main vessels in the heart or blood vessels of the brain or kidneys.
• Blood pressure is too high and uncontrolled can cause blood vessels to the brain ruptures.

3. Epilepsy
Seizure / epilepsy suddenly and not addressed can lead to difficulty breathing and cause death. For it is very important that epileptic / epilepsy for routine control for the disease control.

4. Head Injuries
Head injury often causes death due to an accident, both motor vehicle accidents and workplace accidents.

To anticipate a variety of health conditions that may be detrimental to you, make sure you familiarize healthy life by living a healthy lifestyle, periodic medical examination through medical check-up program, do not underestimate the health complaints you experience and attention to personal safety in the move.

• Liberthson RR. Sudden Death from Cardiac Causes in Children and Young Adults. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 1039-1044.
• Black M, Graham DI. Sudden unexplained death inadults the caused by intracranial pathology. J Clin Pathol. January 2002; 55 (1): 44-50.

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Being Oily Skin caused by several things Here

Oily Skin caused photo

It is important to know and understand what kind of skin you have. There are three different types of skin, ie oily skin, dry skin, and a combination of both. Therefore, knowing the type of skin is very necessary to deal with issues affecting the skin of your face.

For the owner of oily skin, the skin is very easy to get dirty. As a result, acne and other skin problems spate often occurs in this type of skin.

If you are one of the owners of oily skin, maybe you should try to avoid some habits are quoted from page Boldsky, Friday (02/06/2015):

1. Use of Cosmetics
Using a lot of make-up will only add one more problem oily skin. Make-up will block the oil in the skin. Use make-up at the time of need alone.

2. Wash your face too often
If you like to have oily skin, you should not wash your face too often because it will be more open pores.

3. The use of cream
Indeed, this depends on the product cream, but using excessive facial cream will still make the skin more oily. Using the cream in the long term will make the skin oily.

4. Skin Care Required
Glad using blush-on with a brush? Be careful because it can cause skin irritation. Extremely should also be noted, that the advantages of using facial products will actually make the skin oily.

5. One Product
You have to know your skin type before purchasing a beauty product. As an example, if you use a cleaning product for dry skin, it will make the skin more oily.

6. Clean Face
Within a day, the skin will be exposed to a variety of dirt and dust even at home. So keep clean face.

7. Food Oily
Eating greasy foods will only make the face more oily. The reason is quite simple because the oil content in the body increases.

8. Menstrual Cycle
Hormonal changes during menstruation will stimulate oil kelejar. This is the reason why the attack of acne during menstrual periods often occur.

9. Stress
When symptoms of perceived stress increases, then this will increase oil production from the oil glands.

10. Changes in Weather
The weather changes from warm to humid or otherwise will make skin oily. So, treat the skin in any of these conditions.


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Tips Longevity of those who already live

long life tips photo

Some people who can more than 100 years old and in good health. What is their secret? Many 100an year-old man was in the habit or routine morning.

Their habit is unique, there are a nap and others. Here are a few things that made them so they can live longer:

1. Do not look at the calendar, age is just a matter of numbers that do not need to be considered. But Celebrate life every day.
2. Invest in quality matters, it will never be stale.
3. "I always go out, even though it was just touring around the house. The key to staying young is always moving.
4. Exercise fitness, for me it was not necessary. It was too much
5. Take vitamins, forget. I also do not advise people to pegi to the doctor.
6. Fall in love and get married. Sex is important.
7. Even if you feel hatred to someone or something, stored in the liver only. Never hurt anyone else for any reason.
8. Never give up to fight for love.
9. Nobody can mengontrolmu.
10. Take time to cry
11. Perform traveling while young. Do not worry about money, which is an important way. The experience was far more valuable than money.
12. Do not ever compare. You will never feel happy life. The grass is always greener.
13. If a relationship shy, do not be enforced.
14. Do something that "you really" every day
15. Do not be stingy
16. Forgiveness
17. Find passionmu and turn.
18. Have a pet, because in life sometimes feel lonely
19. Learn to adapt
20 Take your time to grieve for the things you have lost
21. Life is beautiful. Feel pretty. We do not need to be happy all the time, but we need to be satisfied.
22. Love people, Find what you love about them.

The advice of the 100-year-old who was interviewed by Jay Leno. He gives advice:
23. Think positive
Do positive photo

In 2011 Huffington Post interviewed a female centenarians (people aged over 100 years old) named Ruth. Since 1992 women have been committed weekly Pilates classes. In addition, he also ekstentrik.

NBC has also been interviewed a doctor who is 100 years old that are still active in clinical practice. He has some medical wisdom that we need to know. He also gives advice on love, forgiveness and passion:

source: Huffington, and various other sources

Impact of High Cholesterol Levels for Health

High Cholesterol Levels photo

When I hear the word cholesterol, usually you will only imagine the heart disease and the process of becoming the rigidity of blood vessels. Where blockages in blood vessels commonly we know leads to heart disease, stroke, and even further, death.
But you know, the impact of uncontrolled cholesterol levels that are widely not only blocked arteries alone? High cholesterol is broad, one of which is to increase a person's risk of stone formed in the bile sac.

What is a stone in the gall bladder? What to do with high cholesterol? And how could cause this? Here's the explanation:

How Can?
bile, cholesterol, batuEmpedu is part of a large family of human digestive organs, a small pouch is adjacent to the liver. Although small, its contribution in the conduct of the human digestive process is fairly large.

Gall bladder is fully engaged in the process of formation of bile which is sprayed into the intestine to aid digestion, especially fatty foods, at the end of the tunnel intestine, the liquid will be pulled back to be reused. You need to understand that the bile is made from cholesterol, which is of course taken from cholesterol in human blood.

If cholesterol is too concentrated, there will be a saturation process and the formation of stones in the gallbladder, this stone can block the bile that must pass, so can you imagine how great disturbance. The patient will feel a tremendous pain in the right upper abdomen, pain often radiating to the shoulder and usually felt after eating fatty foods. Handling? Surgical removal of the stone.

Who's at Risk Exposure Gallstones?
Those at risk of gallstones is known to 4F, which is female, fat, forty, fertile, which means that women aged 40 years and over, still productive for reproduction and fat.
So what should we do to prevent these stones?
Reduce consumption of fatty foods (including food coconut milk, fried)

Eat foods high in fiber, such as wheat and vegetables. high-fiber foods will bind bile so it can not be reused, so that bile was forced to take a new cholesterol to be processed into bile, this means that the levels of cholesterol in the blood will be automatically dropped.

Some Mistakes in Using Money and solutions

wasting money photo

It's no secret, the money becomes the main needs of many people. Even so, there are still many people who spend their money without a clear purpose. Worse, mistakenly manage money it can lead you in debt.

As quoted by Forbes, Thursday (11/28/2013), to prevent it, you should start looking out mismanagement of money is often done. Afterwards, learn to change your attitude as a solution to overcome these errors.

For those of you who have difficulty managing money, here are five mistakes that are often made use of money and solutions to overcome them:

1. Do not have the budget expenditure

To achieve the target of various expenses, you need to have a personal budget. Unfortunately, many who do not want to take the time to put them together. Finally, you can not choose which one is the most priority things to buy. Without a budget, you might end up having a lot of debt.

Solution: When receiving a salary, draw up a personal shopping list. Write the expenditures that will reduce your income. Do not forget, set aside about 20% -30% of your savings to save or pay off debt. If it is still difficult to share it, limit the cash you carry.

2. Do not have an emergency fund

When newly receives a monthly salary, many of you spend it on a variety of everyday purposes. But be careful, a lot of unexpected events such as pain in the middle of the month, the car is damaged, or an accident.

Unexpected events that can actually make you so owe. Many people who end up having to pay huge interest because it requires a loan in the near future.

Solution: Make sure you have the savings to deal with emergency conditions are not expected to occur earlier.

3. Do not have a target retirement savings

Many employees are aware of the importance of retirement savings. Unfortunately, many employees who do not have a target amount of savings to be prepared in the face of retirement. These activities together with the aim without a target. Finally, the process of saving and investing becomes ineffective.

Solution: You can use a calculator calculating the pension funds are now starting to bloom available in a number of online sites. By doing so, you can find out how much you need to prepare.

4. Do not have a plan property purchases

Entered a new phase of life after getting married, everyone would want to live in their own homes. To make it easier to get it, you need to plan the purchase of property.

Solution: Consult your property purchase plan at a financial planner in order to get the right information, in particular about the purchase of a home.

5. Do not have life insurance

Having life insurance is very important because no one knows when someone could die. Not even a few possibilities you could have an accident that causes paralysis. Insurance payments does require patience of users considering it took until many years to pay it off.

Solution: If your company offers life insurance, make sure you follow it. In addition, get complete information mengenasi payment process and the amount that you will receive afterwards.


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Some Bad Habits employee there is also a positive impact

productive thinking photo

Employees are happy daydreaming and watching Youtube at work is often considered not to be diligent and have poor performance in office. In fact, have a bad habit of not necessarily make you a bad employee.

Citing pages, Saturday (30/08/2014), a number of researchers from various universities try to seek the benefits of a number of bad habits that made the employees at work. The result is quite astonishing.

There are some bad habits that can actually make you feel happier and more zealous. Here are five bad habits that can help you more quickly achieve success:

1. Always Mess

Seeing people who mess and rarely tidy up equipment is quite disturbing. But make no mistake, a number of studies have found, messy habits may actually enhance one's creativity.

Things fall apart encourage you to think outside the box and provide solutions that are more varied.

2. Love Watching Videos Funny At Work

According to some surveys, activities wasting the most time at work is the use of the internet as watching videos on Youtube. Interestingly, several studies have shown, this is considered bad habits can actually increase the focus and help employees do the job accurately.

3. Gossiping

Discuss various things about other people almost become a pleasure all employees in the workplace. It turns out, share stories about others can evoke the mood and spirit of your work.

Researchers at Brown University found that employee morale increased after gossiping for 20 minutes with colleagues. In fact, 96 percent of employees admitted quieter in the office after gossiping with some friends.

4. Grumpy

Issued anywhere anger also has become a habit of some people. Sometimes he does not care about other people's feelings during anger terlampiaskan.

Reveals anger was found to reduce stress in the workplace. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University show, people who hid his anger would be difficult to focus on the workplace.

5. Daydreaming

Sometimes, you are too focused on a problem and instead of finding a solution, the confusion even more swollen. With daydreaming, you will free your mind and find a lot of solutions to the problem is happening.

Scientists at the University of British Columbia found that daydreaming can evoke ability to solve problems for employees. So, have a bad habit of not necessarily have a negative impact on your career.


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Some of the reason why you often feel tired body


Tired is a humane thing and considered normal for everyone. Therefore, no one can fit at any time, because all definitely need a break. However, did you know that tired that frequency is unnatural for our bodies? All must be a reason.

Here are 10 reasons why you often feel tired body:

1. Lack of Drinking Water
Water is one drink that healthy for our body. The body requires the intake of fluids to support our daily activities. Thus, if the intake of fluids, we are not fulfilled it will make us tired. For tips, it is advisable for us to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

2. Less Sports
Lack of exercise turned out to be harmful for our body. According to research from the University of Hong Kong, the long-term effects of exercise never as dangerous as smoking. If the smoke only affect lethal means lack of exercise can also affect deadly later.

Exercise has many benefits that make the muscles and move because the actual order that our body functions to make the body wants to move, in addition to exercise will increase your heart rate so that the blood along with oxygen and nutrients can be supplied with either throughout the body.

3. Less Consume Iron
Iron is one of the intake of the body that must be met. Body iron deficiency will lead to tiredness, dizziness and feeling restless uncertain. Moreover, the condition often occurs in women during menstruation, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Lack of iron can cause anemia. So it is advisable to eat foods that contain enough iron and vitamins. Iron is obtained from meat, seafood, vitamin C as oranges, strawberries, papaya, and tomatoes.

4. Skipping breakfast
Many people overlook the breakfast because it was not accustomed to eating breakfast, diet, and do not have time. And if we want to get used to, breakfast has many benefits, which improve concentration, increase endurance, as well as reducing fatigue and drowsiness.

5. Always Forcing Yourself
Always push yourself a perfectionist traits. Indeed we are in doing any work must act professionally, but not necessarily have to push yourself when we can not afford. We tend to do anything in a hurry or haste, meng'iya'kan all the bosses we say, and sometimes procrastinate-nuda job although the results are completed on time. That's what we unknowingly make our body is tired.

6. Junk Food
Junk Food or Fast Food synonymous with the food of the city. Fast food is usually eaten by people for reasons not had time to cook for themselves, or even just on the grounds of "cool" or "luxury". In fact, if we understand more Junk Food is a food rich in sugar and saturated fat, so it is possible for fans of fast food they will be affected by the disease of obesity.

7. Less Clean Environment
Less clean environment also affect the performance of our body. In the dirty environment saved many vector-borne germs and toxins. Thousands and even millions around us. It all affected because our lifestyles are less healthy. When germs or toxins are allowed to enter our bodies would endanger the health of our bodies.

8. Depending on Caffeine
Coffee actually has benefits for health if consumed in appropriate levels or no more than four cups a day. However, if the coffee is consumed too much would cause adverse effects to our body. Some of the negative effects that cause restlessness, headaches, digestive disorders, disorders of urination, and also insomnia. Insomnia will certainly make us tired so would interfere with our activities in the morning.

9. The Now Playing gadget Rest
Probably most of you have a special reason to play gadgets at rest. There are as a matter of urgency, there is no time, or even for fun because they can not sleep. However, please note that it can disturb your rest time, which means your rest time will be reduced, so that will make you tired when on the move tomorrow.

In addition, if you are too often playing gadget will be bad also for eye health AYou, our eyes will feel dry and hot. According to dr. Ikhsan Revino, ophthalmologists and clinics SMEC, the eyes are used for too long to see the gadgets being offset by a break will cause the eyes tired and sleepy.

10. Staying up late in Time Weekend
Weekend is a time for your vacation. It is unfortunate if you are wasting precious time on things that are less useful. Most of us actually take advantage of the weekend to stay up late just to watch a movie or watch the ball until morning. Take time to rest, so that the body fit back when busy days we have come.

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Some Dangerous Habit While Driving

Tens of millions of traffic accidents that occur in the world each year inevitably also caused by the negligence of the driver.

Incident on the asphalt is not only due to reckless behavior in terms of driving technique, but also a small habit to irresponsible when driving.

Because, in the face of danger, the driver said to only have about two seconds to think and act.

So, what bad habits are dangerous while driving? 
Here are five bad habits of drivers who reported Motorheads, Thursday (15/01/2015):

1. Forget turn on the turn signal
Although simple, this basic habits are often performed many drivers. Change lanes or turn without signaling the turn signal is one of the main causes of accidents.

Besides dangerous, this habit is also considered to be the most annoying for most drivers. Other road users can not predict in which direction the vehicle in front of it will go so it is not enough time to adjust.

2. Using a cell phone while driving
Not new if the habit of using mobile phones while driving is known to be one of the causes of road accidents. However, this fact is often still considered trivial by some drivers.

While using the device, the driver's concentration and focus automatically even having to answer a call or message.

In the United States (US), the local authorities did not fail to contribute to apply strict rules about banning the use of cell phones while driving.

The driver who had an accident as a result of the use of mobile phones is considered partly responsible for thousands of deaths.

3. Drove While Drowsy
Drowsiness is a natural condition that occurs when the body is exhausted. Typically, the driver with long distance sleepy vulnerable due to fatigue and fatigue during driving.

When sleepy, concentration and focus automatically reduced and the effect on driver response slowing the face of danger.

Just as the use of mobile phones, even though they had often known by the driver, it is often overlooked that one endless accidents.

4. Eating and drinking while driving
Eating and drinking is not prohibited when driving. However, if not done carefully, it can also be a factor that brings havoc.

Because the two activities can also shift some focus and concentration while driving.

5. Driving under the influence of drugs
In a written warning, downing some drugs before driving clearly prohibited. The reason, some drugs do have side effects make drowsiness.

In addition to driving, the same thing also applies if you operate the machine. Although seem trivial, it is often unnoticed, either because of ignorance or indifference

So remain cautious in driving

source: Motorheads

Some Habits that Make You Smart

smart habits

Has a sharp mind is the desire of everyone. Not infrequently a lot of people doing a lot of things in order to increase their versatility. Starting from a simple manner until there are sufficient funds to spend a lot. Actually the term smart people and stupid people that do not exist, which is the lazy and the industrious. Someone said to be clever is the one who managed to overcome his easy to learn and willing to change into a better person again. Versatility is obtained not by way of instant but through various processes as well. 

Here are the things that can make you smart.

1. Make it a habit to read
Reading is one of the ways that we can do to gain knowledge and information. By reading we will often train our brain to work in understanding the content of reading that we read. The more you read the more insight and new knowledge that you have acquired.

2. While watching TV select events that educate
Television is a medium of information that we often encounter every day. Watching television has become a lifestyle most people both in the cities and villages. But it is unfortunate television show now has been dominated by events that are less educated. So we have to be smart to choose a good television show for us. Choose an educational television program that can increase your knowledge anyway. Although dominated by short-changing event, but still there is a television station that broadcast the show was good and educational for us to watch.

3. Play games and sports that sharpen the brain
If you love to play games, try to choose a game that can stimulate your brain to work. Now many manufacturers of games create games that can sharpen the brain. As well as exercise, such as chess, archery, and shooting requires us to focus and concentrate. An athlete usually can think and make decisions quickly so that this activity is suitable to improve the ability of our brain.

4. Fight the fear and get out of your comfort zone
Too long in making your personal comfort zone that is not growing and you have limited capabilities. As much as possible each day self motivation to be able to do things you've never done before. Opponents fear you, do not be too long to think. Too long to think only going to make the greater your fear and in the end you fail to do so.

5. Learn about art and music
No harm you learn music and learn to play one musical instrument. Many studies prove that the study of music can increase a person's level of intelligence. Music is used to balance the ability of our brain. Therefore, now many schools that incorporate musical material in the learning process.

6. Hang out with people who are good
Interact with smart people to remember is to have the nature want to hear and want to learn from them. By interacting with them we will know how to view and their mindset. It can motivate us to be able to grow better to be equal interlocutors for them.

7. Giving an opinion on the latest news
Give opinions can stimulate our brain to think critically in response to the news. By giving our opinions could also increase the ability of the brain and train our brain to always actively continue even if the age is no longer young.

8. Resting brain
Not only do we need to rest your body but also need to rest your brain. Use the time off as well as possible without thinking of things make us uneasy aka restless. An effective way to rest our brains are in bed, resting brain can also restore the ability of the brain as originally so ready to be used again to think again.

9. Apply knowledge you have learned
By practicing knowledge we've gained, can make the science attached and will not disappear from our brain even though we still need to learn more, this method is quite effective to continue to develop the ability of your brain.

10. Lots of eating healthy foods
Nutritional intake also has the effect to increase our intelligence. Expand to eat foods that can nourish our brain such as fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, and so forth. These foods contain many chemical compounds that are needed for the growth and development of our brains.

Maintaining Healthy Skin with Maintain cleanliness of the bed

bed linen

There are some other medical reason that reinforces the reason why you have to change the bed linen regularly.
Because, if the cleanliness of the bedding is left unguarded, it will emerge other health threats are emerging.

What are the consequences?

1. Dead Skin Cells Invite Mites
At bedtime, especially night our body cells repaired and refurbished with new cells, so it is with the skin.
The remains of dead skin we must stick to the sheet that we use, although not visible to the naked eye. The remains of dead skin is what will make the bed linen is a popular place mites.
Mites are microscopic animals that can not be seen with the naked eye. Many mites present in house dust. Borne dust mites and bed linen will be perched on the remains of dead skin that are in there so that the sheets are rarely replaced will contain a lot of mites.
This is a kind of mite infestation, which in some people can not stand or allergic to them remove secretions. Therefore, rarely changing bed linen can cause itching, especially for people who are allergic to dust mites. Dust off the sheet even when inhaled can cause shortness of breath.

2. Causes of Scabies mites are
One disease that is emerging from the filthy condition of the bed is scabies. Scabies mites are present due to the emergence or fleas in the old bed had not been cleaned.

Scabies is a form of skin disease caused by a parasitic mite sensitization against Sarcoptes scabiei var small, hominis and its products. Scabies is recognized if found at least two of the following complaints:

• Itching in the lesion area at night
• Generally occurs in the group who have close contact (such as houses, dormitories, etc.)
• The presence of lesions (injury) typical form of white or gray tunnel averaged over 1 cm which in the end are skin lesions such as acne or resilient. Generally there are in between the fingers, wrists, inner side of the forearm, elbow outside, folding armpits, nipples, navel, buttocks, genitals and lower abdomen.
• Found presence of mites in the form of eggs, larvae or adult mites.

The problem is scabies often resemble other skin disorders who also had complaints of itching so difficult to diagnose, and of course, complicate treatment.

3. Bed linen Moist Being Prickly Germs and Mushrooms
Moreover, when sleep is not uncommon to sweat, especially when in the heat. The sweat on the sheets can cause moisture to be a place favored by bacteria and fungi. Changing and washing bed linen regularly will certainly reduce our chances of contracting various diseases.
And if it can happen also in the tools that are sleeping in air-conditioned room, which is actually less risk of air conditioned rooms invite moisture and tends to dry. The answer is the same. Although it feels dry, the moisture content of the invisible and can not progress unless the diet measured with sophisticated tools. So, for the prevention of overall highly recommended to begin regular hygiene of your bedding.

Thus, although changing bed linen sounded as something trivial but in fact if ignored could affect our health.

Some Overcoming Fatigue and Weakness in the Body

Do you feel tired all the time? 
Feeling tired and lethargic (fatigue) is a common complaint, especially in people who are middle age. Follow the ways below to increase energy back.

1. Get rid of the possibility of disease.
Fatigue is a common symptom of many diseases, such as diabetes, anemia, thyroid disease, dansleep apnea. Consult a doctor if you feel tired excessive. Some medications can cause fatigue, including some antihypertensive drugs, antihistamines, diuretics, and other woods.

2. Perform physical activity.
Many studies have shown that physical activity increases energy in the body. Sport improve the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and muscles. Even walking for 15 minutes can increase the body's energy.

3. Do yoga.
After 6 weeks of yoga classes, volunteer at a British study reported increased energy and self-confidence.

4. Inadequate water needs.
Drink water in large numbers and make ends meet. Due to lack of fluid (dehydration) lowering energy.

5. Adequate sleep.
Recommendations The Royal College of Psychiatrist is: sleep and wake up at the same time each day, inadequate time and wash your bed with warm water before going to bed for at least 20 minutes.

6. Consumption of omega-3.
A 2009 study in Italy showed that subjects who consumed fish oil capsules for 21 days to feel more powerful and energetic.

7. Reduce body fat.
Inadequate eating, avoid fatty foods, choose a menu that has a balanced nutrients that can increase physical activity.

8. Eat more often.
Eating smaller amounts more frequently frequency to stabilize blood sugar levels, including a healthy snack.

9. Reduce stress.
Do activities such as listening to music, reading, or a walk.

Hopefully useful and Good luck


Living in a big city, the time runs out. Arriving at the house the night and had to leave again after dawn so as not to be stuck in traffic. Unfortunately sometimes difficult to get enough hours of sleep due to insomnia.
Various factors can affect insomnia. Follow some way below that is not difficult to sleep at night.

1. Create a regular sleep schedule.
Sleep and wake up at the same time each day will program the body to sleep better.

2. Create a good sleep environment.
Keep your bedroom as dark as possible and as calm. The room temperature should not be too cold or hot. Temperature, lighting and sound environment should be controlled so that the bed helps to easily fall asleep and not wake at dawn.

3. Make sure the bed is comfortable.
Hard to sleep in a bed that is too soft or too loud, or too small.

4. Exercise regularly.
Perform regular exercise such as swimming or walking. Do not do strenuous exercise too close to bedtime.

5. Reduce caffeine.
Reduce stimulants such as caffeine in tea and coffee, especially at night. The effects of caffeine can last up to 24 hours and may disturb the sleep process and prevent sleep in. Drink warm milk instead.

6. Do not eat or drink alcohol excessively at night.
Alcohol can interfere with sleep at dawn.

7. Do not smoke.
Smokers are more difficult to sleep, woke up more often, and sleep more often impaired.

8. Try to relax before bed.
Bath with warm water, listen to soft music, do yoga.

9. Make a list of things to do the next day.
Take time before bed to write things to do in the morning to prevent you doing in bed so can not sleep.

10. When trouble sleeping, do not persist in the bed.
Wake up and do the activities that make up sleepy laid back.

Good sleep habits can reduce the lack of energy during the day, making more work spirit and effective.
Hopefully some of the above steps may resolve the problem you have trouble sleeping at night. good luck


• Most of us spend more time outside the home. It makes the time we have at home is very important. We must be good to divide their time between family and personal. We see many people who become successful in their career and family even though filled with overcrowding. Successful people are those who start their day with a positive attitude and good. They are getting enough rest and sleep quality was good.
When you are asleep, your mind will continue to run. This is why it is important for us to rest in a positive state of mind. We can rest soundly and ready for tomorrow. Successful people do rituals to refresh and fill their minds with positive things. Here are 6 things that successful people do before they sleep.

• 1. Read books positive
Reading books can positively make up our minds to be relaxed and calm. Books can build a positive spirit and inspire us. The book is a window to the world that will open our horizons and can provide lessons in our lives. Book with useful tips and build can give you ideas about what we can to be better. Our thoughts will be positive and give new vigor in life.

• 2. Meditate
Meditating is a time when we concentrate and learn to concentrate. Spend 10 minutes each day to do this. Find a place away from the noise, and adjust your breathing and calm your mind. Focus on a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Leave the thoughts that come from the world. It will train the concentration and calm your mind. When you are accustomed to, you will be more calm when faced with situations that interfere with your mind.

• 3. Contemplating days elapsed
A successful person always introspection. They will always reflect on that day is over and think of better things to do. They will know the mistakes they did on that day and make a determination to fix it. They also can assess themselves when they face a choice or circumstances on that day. Write a journal every day is a means to reflect and make goal-goal better in days to come.

• 4. Spending time with family
A successful person is one who can make time for his family. By the time they get home, they turn off cell phones and computers and spend time with family. They leave work and affairs office and focus on their loved ones. It will provide excellent impact in family relationships. If you're out of town for a business trip a time to contact you by phone family. Times have modern and rapid technological advances. You can use the internet to see your family melaluivideo call. Successful people never find an excuse for not spending time with their beloved family.

• 5. Make a list of activities
The next thing successful people do is make a list of activities for the next day. They are not going through tomorrow without careful planning. They do not waste time on things that are not necessary. Their activities are focused on what they want to accomplish the next day.

• 6. Imagining success tomorrow
Positive thoughts can affect your spirit in the face of tomorrow. Many people who are not excited because they can not imagine that they can achieve success. A successful person always imagined success and what they want to achieve. For example, a successful trader can already imagine how the merchandise sold out on tomorrow. Successful people are always staring tomorrow with a determination to be better. They can not wait to sleep and excited when they woke up.

Successful people do things that build and inspire. They do not spend their time watching television or playing video games. They fill the mind with positive things that evoke the spirit in everyday life.

Leave Some Bad Habits for kidney health

Kidney is one of the vital organs of the body that has the function to filter the blood and toxins in the body. The kidneys also produce several types of hormones that will help you to absorb some kind of important minerals. Without it, the health of your body must be disrupted.

That is why you should be aware of some habits that are able disrupt kidney health. Reporting from, here is the destroyer of kidney health habits.

Did you know that drinking alcoholic beverages is able to damage the kidneys? This is because the kidneys have to work extra hard to filter out the toxins in alcohol. Therefore, when this practice is done on an ongoing basis so your kidneys can be damaged.

One of the habits that damage the kidneys are smoking. Because cigarettes will affect the health of blood vessels and interfere with blood circulation to the various important organs of the body.

In addition to alcoholic beverages, soda also tend to damage the kidney health. A recent study concluded that soda will make your urine contains proteins that become the destroyer of kidney health.

Stress in the bladder
Stress in the bladder usually occurs when you frequently postpone urination. Stress will also provide unhealthy pressure on the kidneys. Therefore, do not delay your desire to urinate.

Less drinking
Drinking water is important to remove toxins from the body. Because when toxins accumulate in the blood, it will hurt the kidneys.

rarely exercise
Lack of exercise frequency also affects the health of the kidneys. Because when you are less likely to exercise the organs are not regenerated well and make the weight increases were finally able to damage the kidney health.


Tasks, overtime work, to accompany the child that never sleep, sleep deprivation and various other reasons are now common place in many adults, especially those living in urban areas. The number of hours of sleep is ideal for adults between 6 to 8 hours failed fulfilled.
As a result, the next day after the body so sleepy, weak, lacking energy even be more irritable. While waiting for the night to restore normal sleep, it is better to do the following six things when overnight sleep deprivation as disclosed nutritional therapist Alison Cullen as reported by Cosmopolitan UK, Tuesday (01/13/2015).

1. Many protein consumption
Increase consumption of protein-rich makanana such as meat, chicken, seafood, and nuts. Protein helps keep blood sugar levels stable. If too many carbs such as bread and biscuits instead make the body become slower.

2. Find the fresh air during the day
At lunch, try to eat outside the office. It will stimulate the pineal gland produces melatonin so you will get a pounding energy.

3. Try setting the breath
Yawning is the body's way of telling you that you need oksiger. Lack of oxygen in the cell to make you feel more tired. So try adjusting the body's respiratory agat get oxygen.

4. Eat foods rich in magnesium
Lack of sleep for the body take magnesium in the body in large quantities. It makes you feel sensitive to pain and easy to make sick. Oieh therefore much to eat foods rich in magnesium.

5. Drink lots of water
"Water is the most inexpensive, fast, easy to 'treat' sluggish," said Alison. Even the ability to surpass coffee.

6. Drink green tea instead of coffee
"Instead of drinking coffee to overcome drowsiness, better to drink green tea. The caffeine in coffee is only making a false energy and even make dehydration worse," said Alison.

7. Eat dried fruit
When the body sleepy, happy eating sweets. But Alison advised to eat dried fruit when it comes the desire to eat sweet foods that will not affect blood sugar.

source: Cosmopolitan UK

Peeing Standing Male Urinary Stone Risk

It has been commonplace way male urinary done by standing, pee standing besides ethically deficient because animals do pee standing up. As humans, there must be a distinction between human and animal behavior one way to urinate more polite and have healthy elements.

Today in the toilet anywhere, including in the shopping center mall kind to other public places until the terminal though, we find special toilets for male urinary definitely hang position (urinals) and 'force' men do pee standing up.
In fact, the habit of urinating in a standing position has a health risk.

Peeing Standing For Men There Urinary Stone Risk
Maybe you've heard this one disease, one reason could be because you piss the wrong way, when you pee standing, precipitation occurred stasis or your urine in the bladder that causes concentrates sediment to settle and make a start arranged to form bladder stones.

Here's the explanation:

1. Flow Urinating Will Better and Healthier
When we perfect squat like during defecation, we will be depressed bladder and urine all we will get out of the body without a trace and minor coughs try to be more depressed again bladder us and no longer trace of urine. This is consistent with the explanation that the increase in intra-abdominal pressure will lead to increased pressure intra vesica (bladder) which makes the flow of urine is passed for the better.

2. For More Completed
When we urination by squatting usually in follow us flatulence (remove metabolic waste anymore and rarely occurs when urination with stand).

3. Position Stand Leaving Urine
When we dispose of urine to the bladder stand we are not depressed so that the urine is still lagging behind most of the body, stasis occurs and the possibility for the formation of bladder stones be increased
Therefore let us familiarize pee squatting manner, when in a public toilet then choose the closed toilet or washroom and do not use the toilet piss hanging (urinals). How was this small step can prevent us from disease course, we all avoid.

Know Your Electronic Cigarette and danger


Nowadays various kinds of affairs certainly disusaikan with the development of Science and Technology. Because of the sophistication of cigarettes even already made the electric version of the so-called electric cigarette. Now many say berbahaya.kita electric cigarette does not already know that smoking is harmful to health. Therefore this time I will discuss thoroughly about the electric cigarette that much adored - puja of the smoker. Yukk voyeur clearer information.

Understanding Electronic Cigarette
Electronic cigarette, also known also as Nicotine Delivery System Elecronic commonly abbreviated as well as the E-Cigarette is a new breakthrough or innovation of traditional forms of rook into modern cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is known to be healthy designation is also environmentally friendly. In addition, it is also quite smoking cigarettes can save money pocket and not smelly cigarettes plus LGI can be recharged.

Tobacco Vs Electric
These cigarettes have an elongated shape as a regular cigarette but looks more sleek and modern. When smoking these cigarettes do not burn tobacco but with the help batrai burning liquid will cause steam and can get into the lungs - the lungs of the wearer. Now these cigarettes have been sold in the market especially in various online stores.

How to work electric cigarette just like a regular cigarette is smoked using a mouth, after that the air will flow from the sensor and turn on the electric cigarette that will trigger a small heater to work with batrei power. Well after that, the heater will heat up the liquid nicotine before synthesis in place and at that moment the light that lights up at the end of the cigarette will emit light. The heater was going to make propylene or can we call PEG will also smoke.

Electric Cigarettes Really Safe?
E-cigarrete a lot of controversy. However, according to the WHO (The World Health Organizatin) stated strongly disagree with the circulation of these cigarettes. Moreover, these cigarettes will be used as a tool in the effort to stop smoking. Plus there are some substances that exist in berbagahaya electric cigarette itself. Examples of compounds that berbahay among others:

• Heavy Metals, Though he said electric cigarette is safer, but studies in United find inhaled toxic fumes
• Contains kromonium and nickel are many
• There are even some fumes that contain lead and zinc
• There is Diethylene glycol content and Nitrosamiin
• Smoke from electric cigarette will also be at risk of causing bad aerosolsehingga on -paru pary.
• and much more.
Electric Cigarettes Side Effects
• With this wear will continue addicted smokers. In fact, maybe this electric cigarette addiction will be more severe because of the ease of smoking.
• Electronic Cigarette contains carcinogens that could trigger the arrival of cancer. In fact there is one brand electrical level karsinogeniknya more than 10.
• There are several brands of electric cigarettes containing Formslin and acetaldehyde.
• kerika smoke smoked per day will be bad for health
• Risk of damaging the lungs - pulmonary or respiratory system running

Fact Electric Cigarettes
1. Children Non Buying Cigarettes
Not kebayangkan that this cigarette is collected, even for children mungkn according to the unique shape of this cigarette or according pararemaja cheap and can be bought very easily then they will be free to use it whereas until now only cigarettes healthy or not is still controversial. If children try then 2 years later the child - the child will smoke with the actual.

2. Electric Cigarettes not Make Quitting Smoking
Many say cigarette smoking addicts elekrrik will make a stop. Says who? This cigarette is also dangerous because it continues to be used mennerus. Whatever it is kind cigarette smoking is still no foreign substances that enter into the body we.

3. Not all States Allow Cigarettes circulating
The real proof of dangerous electrical roko are a lot of countries that oppose that these cigarettes do not circulate. Lots of various media, explaining that this cigarette is strictly prohibited at all.

I knew it from several sources that I find is cigarette smoking remains in the form of apapu still dangerous if taken continuously. So if you still want to believe in the electric cigarette health labels ?. Remember Electric Cigarettes Extremely Dangerous !, so cigarettes do not make as much as possible so you can have a reason to stop smoking. Although I also know that this depends on the trust of each - each. It returned again to yourself whether choosing to believe and try to quit smoking or you still chuckle buy this electric cigarette.

Thank you for visiting,

Some Benefits of Hot Water Bath for Body

Warm bath that has many benefits, ranging from weight loss, removing toxins, to prevent acne. So, from now on, take a bath using warm water.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of warm water:

1. Lose Weight
Hot water can help maintain a healthy metabolism, which can help you lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to start your day with a glass of warm water and lemon. In addition, hot water can also help break down fats found in your body.

2. Overcoming Blockage In Nose and Throat Pain
Drink hot or warm water is one of the natural ways to relieve flu, cough, and sore throat. This hot water can liquefy phlegm and help clear mucus from the respiratory tract you. Hot water can also relieve sore throat and stuffy nose tackle by mucus.

3. Overcome Stomach Cramps Menstrual Due
Hot water can also help relieve menstrual cramps result. Burning sensation in the water can soothe your stomach muscles, which will help relieve cramps and muscle spasms.

4. Throw Poison
Hot water can help the detoxification process in your body. When you consume hot water, your body temperature will start to rise and make you sweat. This can help the body remove toxins. To obtain maximum effect, add the lemon juice into your drink.

5. Preventing Aging
The process of detoxification prevent premature aging. In addition, hot water can also help repair skin cells caused by exposure to free radicals and make the skin more elastic and soft.

6. Prevent Acne and Boils emergence
Hot water can cleanse your body as a whole, which also remove the causes of acne and boils.

7. Maintaining Healthy Hair and prevent dandruff
Drinking hot water is also good for the health of your hair. Your hair will be softer and shiny. Hot water increases the strength and activate the nerve endings at the root of your hair, which makes your hair stronger and healthier.

In addition, activation of hair follicles also make faster hair growth. Hot water can also keep your scalp moisture and prevent scalp becomes dry and prevent dandruff.

8. Increase Blood Circulation and Nervous System Health
Drinking hot water can also improve your blood circulation, muscles and nerves that make your work better. In addition, hot water also protects your nervous system from damage by breaking the fat around it.

9. Assist Work Digestive System
Some research suggests that drinking cold water during or after a meal can make the oil on the food you consume hardened. This can cause a buildup of fat in the intestinal walls, which can lead to colon cancer.
Consuming hot or warm water can make you avoid the problems mentioned above. In addition, the consumption of hot water can also help work your gastrointestinal system and prevent constipation.

Beer gives Bad Impact of Health

In principle it is not an exaggeration either. However, for the affairs of beer or other alcoholic beverages, did you know that a little or a lot, the same effect damage your liver?

Although only a week you drink 1 bottle of beer medium (300 ml), you already have the risk of fatty liver conditions in your liver (fatty liver). Fatty liver is a condition where you have liver fat accumulation exceeds 5% of the total weight of your liver.

What impact?
Surely if left nan death fatal consequences. Slowly but surely, your body has failed absorption of some nutrients from the food eaten. If so, metabolic waste products can accumulate and damage to your brain. Danger is not it?

Symptoms like what?
Fatty liver that occurs generally do not cause typical symptoms. But the most common is usually the patient will not feel as weak-weak, tired and often appears discomfort in the right upper abdomen.

Additional inspection:
Check the laboratory:
If you suspect any of these symptoms and then you move on laboratory tests to confirm it, usually on laboratory test results can be found mild to moderate increase of enzymes in your liver.

Physical examination of the liver organ:
Physical form of the liver can be found enlarged liver volume.

Ultrasound examination:
When done in the liver imaging such as ultrasound, can be seen clearly has happened fatty liver.

Besides Drinking Beer / Alcohol, Other Causes There's More?
Yes, tragically there are other causes of fatty liver conditions, namely:
Cholesterol or hyperlipidemia
The age factor

How How to Treat?
To treat fatty liver can be initialized by improving your lifestyle. Control blood lipid levels by limiting the consumption of fat in food. Consuming hepatoprotective can also help repair liver cells are damaged and lower levels of liver enzymes.

Prevention can be done in them are overcome obesity with improvements in food consumption patterns impartial. Repair dietary patterns, improve lifestyle, as well as reproduce sports activities, the impact would be able to improve the levels of fat in the blood.

Allowing myself to live a healthy life is very proven to prevent us from dangerous diseases, especially metabolic diseases such as fatty liver example as mentioned above.

The lower the ability of some Men in Upper Beds

Having a spouse is a wonderful thing. And will be more beautiful if life at home and outside the home is well maintained. But sometimes occur imbalance, in a relationship, either at home or outside the home.

As life on the bed, which can make a marital relationship is maintained. But sometimes a man in a hurry male trait, create an intimate relationship is not so enjoyed her partner. So what causes it?

Can not satisfactory, can not make orgasm, can not even maintain an erection is often the reason for the weakness of men about the affairs of the bed. Here are 10 reasons why men can be very weak:

1. Anxiety
Some people may suffer acute anxiety, which will affect every aspect of life, not terkecualikeharmonisan on the bed.

2. Smoking
Men may feel 'manly' when they are blowing smoke from his mouth. Yes, smoking is killing! Prior to kill you, kill a man in you. A study shows that smoking affects sperm count and quality of erections.

3. Alcohol
Excessive intake of alcohol, can bring you into the 'wild mood' but after that can kill the mood of your partner. Performance man in bed is reduced after many meminuman alcohol.

4. Premature Ejaculation
The inability of a man to maintain ejaculation, can ruin a relationship in your bedroom. There are certain methods to prolong erection. Better to try the method to improve the quality of intimate relationships.

5. Lack of experience
Men who are just starting 'wild adventure,' can cause damage due to their lack of experience. They often wonder, how to improve performance in bed. In some men, tights can also be the reason behind their poor performance. They can seek medical help.

6. Lack of testosterone
After 30 years, men may reduce testosterone levels in the body. This hormone that makes men desire impulse decreases and affects stamina and ability.

7. Lifestyle stress
Stress can be toxic. Kill your performance. For a moment free from the stress of life, can help improve performance in bed.

8. erectile dysfunction
The inability of a man to get the 'violence on the genitals' before intercourse, may turn into an insult. Well, if there is a medical reason behind the condition, the doctor can help.

9. Drugs
Several types of medications can affect the life of the bed. Men who are undergoing treatment for a variety of serious illnesses, may have to wait for their drug use may hamper performance.

10. The medical condition
Some diseases such as diabetes, can also be an important reason behind the performance of a poor man in bed. Also, certain neurological problems, also can mengganggukehidupan men. Such people should seek medical help.

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