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Vitamin E Can Delay senile

Of course we know that vitamin E together with other vitamins have a good effect to our body. However, recently discovered that turns vitamin E has the effect of inhibiting the development of Alzheimer's disease. Recent studies have shown that vitamin E has the advantage in slowing the symptoms of dementia especially for patients with a form of mild to moderate disease. Vitamin E at a dose of 2,000 IU safely has proven to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease (senile) according to the study published in JAMA.

Researchers from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System examined 613 patients with Alzheimer's by dividing the 3 groups. The first group received vitamin E, the second group was treated with drugs memantine (a drug that functions in maintaining nerve function in patients with Alzheimer's) and the third group placebo (fake drug).

After 2.3 years the group receiving vitamin E showed terjadiperlambatan in impairment in performing daily activities such as making plans, making food and shopping as compared with patients who received placebo. In the group that received vitamin E occurs slowdown in impairment of daily activities as much as 19% or can be equated to 6.2 months. In the memantine group showed no clinical benefit.

Although many studies have shown that there is no evidence of vitamin supplements for health, but researchers have found vitamin E herein does not function as a supplement, but as a kind of treatment due to vitamin E supplements usually dose is 400 IU, whereas in this study used 2,000 IU .

This study only shows that that vitamin E can only improve the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease instead of curing and vitamin E did not show any advantage role in reducing the decline in cognitive function and memory loss in Alzheimer's patients. Vitamin E in this study proved to be able to improve the quality of daily life functions so as to reduce bebaan care of Alzheimer's patients.

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