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Some Habits that Make You Smart

smart habits

Has a sharp mind is the desire of everyone. Not infrequently a lot of people doing a lot of things in order to increase their versatility. Starting from a simple manner until there are sufficient funds to spend a lot. Actually the term smart people and stupid people that do not exist, which is the lazy and the industrious. Someone said to be clever is the one who managed to overcome his easy to learn and willing to change into a better person again. Versatility is obtained not by way of instant but through various processes as well. 

Here are the things that can make you smart.

1. Make it a habit to read
Reading is one of the ways that we can do to gain knowledge and information. By reading we will often train our brain to work in understanding the content of reading that we read. The more you read the more insight and new knowledge that you have acquired.

2. While watching TV select events that educate
Television is a medium of information that we often encounter every day. Watching television has become a lifestyle most people both in the cities and villages. But it is unfortunate television show now has been dominated by events that are less educated. So we have to be smart to choose a good television show for us. Choose an educational television program that can increase your knowledge anyway. Although dominated by short-changing event, but still there is a television station that broadcast the show was good and educational for us to watch.

3. Play games and sports that sharpen the brain
If you love to play games, try to choose a game that can stimulate your brain to work. Now many manufacturers of games create games that can sharpen the brain. As well as exercise, such as chess, archery, and shooting requires us to focus and concentrate. An athlete usually can think and make decisions quickly so that this activity is suitable to improve the ability of our brain.

4. Fight the fear and get out of your comfort zone
Too long in making your personal comfort zone that is not growing and you have limited capabilities. As much as possible each day self motivation to be able to do things you've never done before. Opponents fear you, do not be too long to think. Too long to think only going to make the greater your fear and in the end you fail to do so.

5. Learn about art and music
No harm you learn music and learn to play one musical instrument. Many studies prove that the study of music can increase a person's level of intelligence. Music is used to balance the ability of our brain. Therefore, now many schools that incorporate musical material in the learning process.

6. Hang out with people who are good
Interact with smart people to remember is to have the nature want to hear and want to learn from them. By interacting with them we will know how to view and their mindset. It can motivate us to be able to grow better to be equal interlocutors for them.

7. Giving an opinion on the latest news
Give opinions can stimulate our brain to think critically in response to the news. By giving our opinions could also increase the ability of the brain and train our brain to always actively continue even if the age is no longer young.

8. Resting brain
Not only do we need to rest your body but also need to rest your brain. Use the time off as well as possible without thinking of things make us uneasy aka restless. An effective way to rest our brains are in bed, resting brain can also restore the ability of the brain as originally so ready to be used again to think again.

9. Apply knowledge you have learned
By practicing knowledge we've gained, can make the science attached and will not disappear from our brain even though we still need to learn more, this method is quite effective to continue to develop the ability of your brain.

10. Lots of eating healthy foods
Nutritional intake also has the effect to increase our intelligence. Expand to eat foods that can nourish our brain such as fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, and so forth. These foods contain many chemical compounds that are needed for the growth and development of our brains.

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