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Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Food and beverages are prohibited for pregnant women.

For mothers who first pregnancy we suggest you read this article, it is as additional information for you to know.
Remember the time we conceived her first child, mother nag us do not eat it, do not eat it. That does not mean we nagging mother. Our mother actually gave a warning to keep the contents well.
For prospective mothers who are pregnant with first, let's discuss what foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Among the foods and beverages that are prohibited for pregnant women are:

1. Alcohol
Alcohol should be avoided. For Muslims, certainly will not drink immediately. But there are a handful of non-Muslims 'uncivilized' drinking in night clubs when pregnant. Not enough with that, there is a store 'stock' in the fridge. Remember, alcohol consumption by pregnant women will invite physical and mental defects in babies.

2. smoking
What do you think of when you see pregnant women who smoke? Feel like volleyball? Feel like the roller coaster? Feel like 'sekolahkan' him? Congratulations if you are feeling that way.
But there are mothers who are 'selfish' which only concerned with having fun yourself. Reason 'stress' there is one stupid reason. Smoking during pregnancy is often associated with premature births, stunted growth and low weight. Cases of sudden death or 'sudden death' which occurs in infants also often associated with a family of smokers. Loss problem is also more common in women who smoke.

3. Beverages containing caffeine (Caffeine)
Intake of caffeinated beverages or foods such as coffee, cocoa, cola drinks, chocolate and so on and they are also associated with abnormal infant development. This includes babies who are underweight at birth. In addition, caffeine also damage maternal bone calcium content.

4. Peel and drugs
We always hear, "If you are pregnant, may eat Panadol to tak eh?". To answer this, please consult your doctor for a more concrete explanation. Keep in mind, there are drugs that cause harm to the baby if taken by pregnant women. Once again, consult a gynecologist or pharmacist before taking these medications, especially in the first trimester.

5. sugar
While healthy people are prohibited from using sugar, especially pregnant women. Excessive sugar can cause complications such as diabetes during pregnancy. Can cause large babies than ever. Can not imagine how much it hurts when you want to give birth to a large baby. Hurt?

6. Vitamin A
Please stay away from 'multivitamin supplement which contains high doses. Also avoid the 'fish liver oil supplements'. Intake of vitamin A is prohibited during pregnancy because it can cause birth defects was found face, head, heart and nervous baby. The use of high vitamin A in the external preparation such as acne medications are also not allowed. Safer if pregnant women take beta carotene as carrots and so on. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body when the body requires vitamin A.

7. Mercury (Mercury)
While in secondary school before, maybe we never saw the mercury. We'll be thinking, "Hey, there to pregnant women who eat mercury-tu?". Oh, not in that way. Mercury is found in high quantities in seafood such as 'shark-fin', tuna, mackerel and large fish the other. Recruitment in large quantities can cause nerve damage in infants.

8. Food raw or inadequately cooked
Do not eat raw meat. Do not eat raw milk. Do not eat raw eggs. It is dangerous.

Intake of raw foods that are not cooked enough can cause severe complications.
There is a disease that can cause parasite found in raw meat spreads in the body of pregnant women. This disease can cause intra-uterine infections are serious in infants. Parasites in also found in vegetables that are not washed clean.

As mothers diet must be guarded by them is to keep the baby and avoid things that are not in the desire to be born baby after one day.


Of course, there are several considerations that must be considered before deciding to use the method of cesarean surgery include health and fetal development. For a mother who gave birth to twins more use of the use of hospital clinic or midwife, it is associated with some of the needs of postpartum mothers who gave birth to twins. Although the choice ultimately depends on you whether you will consider delivery in a hospital or birth center. Consult with your physician to determine the condition of pregnancy before birth. Is it true that twins should by cesarean? cesarean surgery is one method of delivering babies through cuts in the abdomen and uterus (incision). Six out of ten pregnant women twins cesarean delivery. Although your chances of having a caesarean section is higher than if you are single pregnant but the chance to give birth to a normal baby is still possible for you to give birth to twins.

Factors that determine the twins using surgical methods cesar is the position of your baby. So some pre-natal assessment is done by determining the location of both the fetus if elongated or stretched to the position of the head is below the normal delivery can be done. ANC is very important if the obstetrician or midwife to locate the first and second fetus differently marked with one of the fetal head of one of the unborn under the several actions can be performed. If the fetus you both transverse layout but has a small size of the first fetus is most likely still be delivered vaginally. However, if the fetus is then the possibility of using both breech cesarean method to minimize the risk of cord out while if the fetal position not only extends the possibilities of using cesarean surgery.

In addition to the fetal position things into consideration to give birth to twins is a risk of health problems such as umbilical cord, abnormalities of the location of the placenta or amniotic twins in the umbilical cord wrapped around especially where multiple fetuses 3 over three born in Caesarean. For those of you who want to give birth normally despite carrying twins you can do to maintain good health during pregnancy. Some of the exercises can be done at the end of your pregnancy to push the head down position (optimal fetal position), in addition to the normal delivery can be obtained by continuing to maintain positive thinking during your pregnancy, it is to create positive thinking. Normal delivery is to be the desire of every pregnant woman therefore several ways you can do such as eating healthy foods, especially honey, honey has benefits for you to make your body healthy, have enough energy to have a good immune pre delivery. In addition, the tradition is often done by running community is to launch labor. Scientifically walk regularly at the right time in the afternoon and evening will help you in a normal delivery. Do it in a few minutes not too memporsis your workout because too tired is not recommended for those who are pregnant let alone prepare for the birth of twins.

Process of Pregnancy

Process of pregnancy. When a woman having sexual intercourse with a man then it could be that women will get pregnant (occurrence of pregnancy). Pregnancy occurs when the sperm into the uterus of a female egg that has matured. a man on average emit semen as much as 3 cc, and every 1 cc of normal semen will contain about 100 million to 120 million pieces of sperm cells. Once the semen is emitted (ejaculation) into the base of the genital tract wife, millions of sperm cells will be running through the uterine cavity,
and arrive at a mature egg in the fallopian tubes that exist across rahim.Pada time of ovulation, the mucus lining in the cervix (neck of the womb) becomes more liquid, so that the sperm easily penetrates into the uterus. Sperm move from the vagina to the end of the funnel-shaped fallopian tubes within 5 minutes. Cells lining the fallopian tube for fertilization and facilitate the formation of the zygote (fertilized egg cell). If she is in a fertile period, or in other words there is a mature egg cell, then there pembuahan.Pada fertilization process, only the head of the sperm to penetrate the egg and united with tail telur.Bagian cell nucleus which is going to release the sperm locomotor self. Fertilized egg cell will undergo hardening exterior. This causes the egg can only be fertilized by a sperm.

Nucleus of the fertilized egg would have cleavage into two parts after 30 hours. 20 hours later the egg nucleus is going back split into four parts. Three to four days after fertilization, the cells will arrive at the uterus.Dalam period of one week after the change, will produce a mass of cells in the form of amalgam ola needle, which is called (blastocyt). In the next process, which is about the next 5 days, the blastocyst will implant into the stick and endometrium.

For two to four weeks of Mining, development, blastocyst obtain nutrients from the endometrium. At this developmental period, will form the placenta. The placenta is an organ shaped discs containing maternal blood vessels (mother) and embryos. This cross the placenta, embryo will get the nutrients from the maternal. Through this lasenta also occur exchange respiratory gases and waste disposal embryo metabolism. Blood flows from the embryo to the placenta through the umbilical cord arterial and central venous return through and past the embryonic heart.

Danger Signs of Pregnancy

Four danger signs of pregnancy:
• Bleeding from the birth canal
• very severe headache
• Disturbances in vision
• Abdominal pain is very great

In addition there are 18 things to look out and had to give birth in hospitals, namely:
• Once in operation cesarean section (cesarean section)
• Bleeding from the birth canal in addition to mucus mixed with blood
• Delivery of less than 37 weeks (preterm)
• rupture of membranes is accompanied with out mekonial condensed (liquid turbid color)
• rupture of membranes accompanied not feel fetal movement
• Membranes have broken more than 24 hours or rupture in less than a month kemanilan
• There are signs of infection symptoms: high body temperature, chills, abdominal pain and smelling amniotic fluid
• Blood pressure over 160/110
• High fundus 41 cm or more twin pregnancies
• There are signs of reduced fetal movements (10 movements in 1 day)
• The head of the fetus have not entered the pelvis in labor
• Location of the breech, latitude / poor
• The lowest part is not only the head, but there are other parts for example the hand / arm
• The cord out before the baby is born
• Shock
• Anemia
• Yellow
• Multiple pregnancies



Calculating the Fertile Period Pregnancy

Calculate the fertile period. Pregnancy is a time of start of conception in the womb of a woman until her baby is born. Pregnancy occurs when a woman had sexual intercourse during the fertile period and ovulation or male partner's sperm will fertilize the eggs mature woman. Pregnancy is a matter of waiting for the couple who crave the presence of a child in the family. With the presence of the baby, the family will be fully decorated by peals of laughter of children, the sound of cheerful children, families feel more "alive" and most importantly, the family feel more complete. However, there are times when couples feel disappointed because the long-awaited pregnancy nevertheless not come. The difficulty to conceive as to cause deep stress on the couple.

Many of the obstacles that make them difficult to get pregnant at the start of fertility problems, the level of their psychological, hormonal dysfunction, etc. However there are times when pregnancy is not because they do not they get the right to have sex. They do not know, when entering the woman's fertile period so that the opportunity for greater ovulation.

Fertile period is of great significance for those who want to become pregnant and for those who want to delay pregnancy. For those who want a pregnancy, the fertile period can be used as a benchmark for sexual intercourse because this time of ovulation is happening so that the possibility of pregnancy is very large. While for those who want to delay pregnancy, the fertile period is a period that should be avoided to prevent pregnancy.

Many ways and methods that can be used to determine when the fertile period, namely:

Calendar system.
Determining the fertile period using the calendar system, there are two ways:

Calculating the Fertile Period With Menstrual Cycle Disorders
For the regular menstrual cycle, fertile period lasted 14 +/- 1 days following menstruation. This means that the fertile period took place on day 13 to day 15 before the date of your period to come.

For irregular menstrual cycles then first of all it should be noted menstrual cycle length at least for 6 cycles. Of the number of days in the longest cycle, reduced by 11 will obtain the last fertile day of the menstrual cycle. While the number of days in the shortest cycle minus 18, obtained the first fertile day of the menstrual cycle. For example: the longest cycle = 31, while the shortest cycle = 26, then the fertile period can be calculated, 31-11 = 20, and 26 -18 = 8, so the fertile period lasts on day 8 to day 20.

To further facilitate informed fertile period with the calendar system can use a tool called a calendar pregnancy (pregnancy wheel). With this tool you can determine your fertile period, whenever and wherever. In addition to the fertile period, pregnancy calendar can also calculate 17 benefit other important information during pregnancy, such as weight and length determine the development of the fetus, when the forecast was born, when the maximum limit of birth etc.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy is the most eagerly anticipated by a woman who wanted her to have a baby (family hoping). With the onset of pregnancy indicates that couples have fertility levels are good and it also indicates that they do not have significant health problems. With the arrival of the signs of pregnancy, the presence of a baby in their family tinggalah wait time. The family feels more complete with the presence of the highly anticipated baby.

But sometimes, the couple do not know exactly about the signs of pregnancy. They sometimes still confuse where signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms) is actually the sign of the coming period, because many cases it happens that the signs of pregnancy are usually similar to the signs of the coming period. Ignorance about this also causes some cases of miscarriage (miscarriage).

This is due to do an activity or consumption of foods that should not be done during pregnancy, when in fact she had become pregnant. By knowing the signs of pregnancy also lead to thorough preparation to meet the pregnancy to be neglected. Conversely, many cases the family stress due to signs that have been regarded as a sign of pregnancy, it turns out after doing a couple of times a test result was negative. Shadow and dream their pregnancy wait finally be gone.

Many women consider that the signs of pregnancy only see from one side only, which is delayed menstruation. Indeed, one of the signs of pregnancy is delay in menstruation. However, late period is also not only caused by pregnancy alone, many things that influence, diet, stress, exhaustion, hormonal disorder etc. Well, to further ensure longer, in addition to the delay in menstruation, also look at the signs of pregnancy other, namely:

Changes Occur In Breast
If pregnancy occurs, the breast will be enlarged, it is caused by increased production of hormones estrogen and progesterone. In addition, breast conditions also will feel more soft, this creates a higher sensitivity, up to the breasts will feel sore or painful when held. Similarly enlarged nipple and darker color will, sometimes itchy. Veins in the breast will also be seen as a result of breast tension.

In addition there is the activity of the hormone HPL (Human Placental Lactogen). The hormones produced by the body during pregnancy the mother had to prepare the milk for your baby when it is born into the world.

The emergence of blood spots or spots that followed cramps
The blood spots appear before the menstrual period to come, usually occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. The blood spots caused by implantation (implantation bleeding) or attachment of the embryo in the uterine wall. The emergence of blood spotting during pregnancy is sometimes misunderstood as menstruation.

In addition, the release of blood spots are usually followed by abdominal cramps. Stomach cramps on the condition of pregnancy will occur on a regular basis. And this condition abdominal cramps, will continue until the second trimester of pregnancy, until the uterus lies at the center position and is supported by the pelvis.

Nausea and vomiting (Morning sicknes)
Approximately 50% of women who become pregnant will have these signs. The trigger is increased hormones suddenly in the bloodstream. The hormone is HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin). Besides the blood, this hormone increases also occurred in the urinary tract. Hence, the tool pack pregnancy test done through the medium of urine, this is done to measure the levels of the hormone HCG. The increase in these hormones will result in a painful effect on the stomach lining and cause nausea. Nausea usually disappears into the second trimester of pregnancy. If, nausea and vomiting still occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult and consult on this matter with your doctor, because it will interfere with your pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting is common morning sickness because it usually occurs during the morning. But in reality, nausea and vomiting may occur in the afternoon and evening as well. Even morning sickness occurs only when the mother is certain to smell or fragrance.

Frequent urination / urination (Frequent urination)
After menstruation delayed one to two weeks, the desire to urinate more often than habit. This is due to the growing fetus in the uterus presses the bladder, and as a result of an increase in blood circulation. Besides bladder faster met by urine and the desire to urinate more frequently. Improved sense of urination is also caused by the increase in pregnancy hormones. Although this urinate frequently, not to restrict or restrain him. In addition, avoid dehydration by further increasing fluid intake into the body.

Dizziness and headache (Headaches)
Dizziness and headache disorders are often felt by pregnant women caused by physical factors; fatigue, nausea, hunger and blood pressure, low. While the emotional cause that is the feeling of tension and depression. In addition, an increase in blood supply to the rest of the body can also cause dizziness when changing positions mother.

Fatigue and excessive sleepiness (Fatigue)
Fatigue and drowsiness in pregnancy than caused by hormonal changes, also due to the performance of some of the vital organs such as the kidneys, heart, and lungs, increasing. Vital organs are not only working to meet the needs of mothers, but also for the growth and development of the fetus. Mothers belly getting bigger with age pregnancy also provide a burden for the mother's body.

Constipation occurs due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone in addition to relax the muscles of the uterus, also resulted in loosening the muscles of the intestinal wall, causing constipation or bowel obstruction. But the advantage of this situation is allowed peyerapan better nutrition during pregnancy.

Often spit (hypersalivation)
Signs of pregnancy is due to the effect of changes in estrogen, usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. This condition usually disappears after the second trimester of pregnancy

The rise in basal body temperature
In case of pregnancy or ovulation, then the mother's body basal temperature will rise. This condition will persist during pregnancy. This condition will not go down to the condition prior to ovulation.

Signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms) above is private, not all women in early pregnancy absolutely have signs above, meaning that the enactment of the above signs of pregnancy there are indeed all experience, varied, but some do not have any complaints. To further ensure, surely must be checked for pregnancy (pregnancy test), whether done at home using a test pack or carried out in the laboratory performing tests on your blood.

The long journey to the next 9 months of pregnancy need at guard with a good knowledge of the pregnancy. Because of course a healthy pregnancy will eventually produce fruit quality in the heart yearning parents.

Suggested List of Foods Consumed Women During Pregnancy

Early age pregnancy is a pretty intense time for the women as mothers. Many mothers who are still not aware that they are pregnant. Usually unconscious pregnant women will take place until the age of more than 12 weeks gestation. In fact, that age is no longer a critical time for brain and nerve growth in the fetus. For this reason, it is better if the expectant mother prepare as early as possible to begin with the preparation of good nutrition for pregnant women.

Well, at the beginning of pregnancy usually pregnant women or mothers would drop, good appetite, emotional and health conditions. But on the other side of the fetus in the mother's womb will require nutrition and good nutrition and maternal energy to ensure its sustainability. Therefore, the pattern of consumption were mothers in early pregnancy should be maintained and cared for properly. Women who had experienced during pregnancy generally will often experience nausea and vomiting, it is certainly going to get worse if the lack of food intake that makes an empty stomach. Things like this can be avoided by eating frequent but light meals. Although pregnant women feel nausea and vomiting is prolonged, but as much as possible try to keep eating healthy and nutritious food. For healthy and nutritious food will affect the quality and quantity of milk and placental growth and maintain the stability of blood pressure.

Here are some types of healthy and nutritious food that can be consumed by pregnant women.

1. Spinach
Green vegetables consumed this one good for pregnant women. Because spinach contains high enough folic acid. Adequate folic acid is required at the beginning of pregnancy to prevent fetal neural tube defects (birth defects of the brain section and spinal cord). In addition, spinach also contains fiber, manganese, iron, vitamins A, K and C are all of the components of this vitamin is so good for women during pregnancy. Well, from now on it would not hurt if you started with the spinach or spinach to the menu of your daily diet.

2. Papaya
Tropical fruit which can be easily found in any place in Indonesia has a good content for health, including both consumed for women during pregnancy. The content of vitamin C, fiber, folic acid and potassium contained in papaya is very good in helping to meet the nutritional needs and nutrition of pregnant women and the fetus. For that papaya fruit is highly recommended for consumption for women during pregnancy. In addition, papaya is also a natural way to treat constipation often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the third trimester.

3. Greens
Green vegetables other than the consumption of spinach you need also to help meet the nutritional needs and nutrition in women during pregnancy. Other green vegetables beneficial for blood metabolic system. Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale are rich in iron body is urgently needed to form hemoglobin in the body manusia.Produksi hemoglobin to transport oxygen throughout the body and produces energy. In addition, green vegetables also contain minerals which is absolutely necessary content of the mother and fetus.

How to Lose Weight After Childbirth

For young mothers who are planning to have a baby, being fat after giving birth is a reasonable fear. After giving birth generally showed considerable weight gain greater than the original weight before pregnancy. But do not worry excessive all that can be overcome with a healthy lifestyle behaviors. As for tips that can be done by mothers to go back to lose weight is as follows:

Several research activities mengungakapkan that breastfeeding can help mothers to lose weight gradually, at least for 6 months after birth. In this process a number of hormones are released into the body, these hormones that will help the uterus to restore the body to its original shape as before pregnancy. sa breastfeeding information when it equates to burn calories by 200 to 500 calories per day. Same amount of calories if you swim for a few hours or ride a bike for an hour.

Consult with your doctor what exercise is safe to do and when to begin. This is especially important for mothers who gave birth by Caesarean section. Try to find friends also who gave birth in the exercise in order to motivate each other.

Mingle With Baby
One fun way is the activity with the baby. Indirectly it will burn fat in the body. For example, by taking a walk with the baby using a stroller and push or carry. It can burn fat in our body.

Changing Eating Habits
Better to eat 3 times a day with a complete menu rather than eat one time but the added sweet snacks and less salubrious for example chocolate, snacks. For mothers who are breast-feeding do not forget to pay attention to the nutritional adequacy of the food dikonsumsi.Jangan forget consume lots of water.

Create a Realistic Target
Weight may not return to pre-pregnancy size in an instant. Therefore, to motivate yourself, outboard photos before pregnancy in a place easily visible, for example in the refrigerator.

Enough Sleep
Maybe you can not sleep a full 8 hours per night caring for your baby. However, lack of sleep can hinder your efforts to lose weight. A study found that mothers who have just given birth to sleep for five hours or less a night tend to be more difficult to lose weight than those who slept 7 hours.
When tired, the body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that can lead to weight gain badan.Selain that, when exhausted, you're likely not going to pay attention to your needs. You will not pay much attention to where the food is healthy. You even tend to choose foods that can be processed and obtained easily. Additionally, you will be doing your physical activity.
Maybe you've often advised to go to sleep when your baby sleeps, and this is true. Ayamlah sleep as often as possible during the day and go to bed early, at least until your baby starts sleeping.

Ask for help
If you're trying to lose weight, ask your doctor and dietitian. The dietitian can help you plan your meal to help you lose weight safely and effectively. While the doctor can guide you in determining the amount of weight that should be taken down and when it is appropriate to begin exercising.

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