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Showing posts with label Healthy Food. Show all posts

Some drinks that can Boost Immune

juice that can Boost Immune photo

The immune system protects us from infections that invade the body. By having a strong immune system, will make you live healthier longer.

Indeed, many diseases and medications that can weaken our immune system. However, it can be avoided by taking a few drinks that can boost your immunity.

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and aktioksidan which can boost the immune system. As the following eight types of beverages, which, when consumed regularly, will give you a strong immune system. 

Here's the full review.

1. Lemon juice.
Lemon juice is one of the best drinks to boost immunity. This drink is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice also helps maintain the acid-base balance in your body. If taken regularly, your body will be more susceptible to infection.

2. Apple cider vinegar.
The main ingredient of this drink is apple juice. Apple juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, iron and fluorine. Everything is very necessary to boost immunity. Apple juice also contains acid that can help improve the efficiency of the immune system.

3. Green tea.
Green tea is the perfect drink to boost the immune system. This drink contains a substance called epigallocatechin (EGCG). This substance can fight bacterial and viral infections. A recent study showed that EGCG shown to control the development of cancer.

4. Cranberry juice.
This juice contains high antioxidants, such as flavonoids and vitamin C. Both are very important for the immune system. Besides delicious, cranberry juice also helps prevent heart disease.

5. Beet juice.
These drinks contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, sulfur, calcium, iron, carotene, potassium and magnesium. Beet juice has all the substances needed to boost your immune system. Among other benefits, namely, can improve brain function, purify the blood and strengthen the liver and bile baldness.

6. kiwi juice.
Kiwi juice is rich in vitamins A, E and C. These vitamins will boost your immune system. This juice will also provide fiber and potassium to the body and can protect you from heart disease.

7. broccoli juice.
These vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, calcium, protein and sulfur. All substances contained in broccoli juice can boost the immune system.

8. Carrot juice.
Carrot juice contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus which can boost the immune system. Drinking carrot juice regularly, can improve liver function and have a strong immune system.

Some Benefits of Vitamin B12

Benefits of Vitamin B12 photo

Do you know the importance of vitamin B12 compared to other vitamins? This vitamin is water soluble and can make nerve cells in your body to be healthy.

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is responsible for the smooth process of different body functions. If your body is deficient in vitamin B12, usually marked with a body that is easily tired.

There are several categories of people who need vitamin B12 to survive. Like, heavy drinkers, smokers, nursing mothers, pregnant women and the elderly. 

And here are seven reasons why vitamin B12 is important for your body.

1. Reduce fatigue.
Vitamin B12 is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose in the body, resulting in energy and reduce fatigue. In addition, vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells. Several studies have shown that vitamin B12 supplementation is proven effective to help combat fatigue.

2. Improving mental health.
In this function, vitamin B12 can help regulate the nervous system to stay healthy, reduce stress, depression and brain shrinkage. The role of vitamin B12 in cognitive enhancement has been found in several studies.

3. Improving digestive health.
It is necessary for the maintenance of the digestive system. Vitamin B12 may protect the heart against dangerous diseases that threaten life, with increasing levels of unhealthy cholesterol and protect against high blood pressure and stroke.

4. Prevent cancer.
Vitamin B12 may protect you from cancer of the breast, lung, colon and prostate. This vitamin plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair process, which has a close relationship with cancer. A study has found that high intake of vitamin B12 which is coupled with vitamin B6 and folate, can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30-40 percent, this is done in participants who had a cancer gene in it.

5. Keeping skin healthy.
Vitamin B12 supplements can help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. In addition, this vitamin also helps in cell reproduction and renew skin cells die.

6. Reduce the risk of birth defects.
As already mentioned above that, vitamin B12 can help in the process of DNA synthesis of cells. Therefore, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to defects in DNA. Several studies have linked vitamin B12 deficiency with neural tube defects and a higher risk of Down syndrome in children. The importance of vitamin B12 can be seen clearly when there are defects in the DNA.

7. Helps to treat hepatitis C.
Vitamin B12 is known for his roles to boost immunity. This function is reinforced by a study published in the Gournal Gut, which assess the role of vitamin B12 supplementation in patients with hepatitis C. Of the 94 patients suffering from HCV infection, they take vitamin B12 supplements along with the treatment of hepatitis C and showed an increase in response to virus after treatment is completed.

(various sources)


goat photo

At home you may no goat meat you need though. But not a few women who are reluctant to process the meat goat for meat smell disturbing smell.

It turns out the smell of goat meat can be eliminated. Even naturally. Here are the tips.

1. Use Lime Juice
Lemon or lime is famous for kasiatnya eliminate the fishy smell or prengus in food ingredients, including meat and poultry. Therefore, before we process the goat meat, we should also use lemon or lime to eliminate the smell.

2. Use the Cucumber
There is another alternative to eliminate the typical smell goat meat, using cucumber slices. Cucumbers are already cut us mash along with goat meat. We stir together with the meat for 10-15 minutes or until the dominant smell of cucumber.

3. use the Turmeric and Ginger
In addition to orange juice and cucumber, we can use pieces of ginger and turmeric. It should be noted, the amount of turmeric that we use not too much, if you want a lot of ginger. This process takes place when the first boiling the meat. So we boiled goat meat along with ginger and turmeric.

4. Use Radishes or Green Beans
Perhaps impressed rarely heard, but it turns out turnips and green beans can also be used in an effort to eliminate the smell of the meat when cooked. We can add slices of radish or a handful of green beans in boiling process the meat first.

goat meat sale photo

5. Using a guava leaves
Guava leaves also can we use in the process of boiling the meat to remove the smell of 'prengus' goat meat. It's easy, by adding a few leaves of guava in the first boiling the meat.

6. Use Charcoal
Another alternative is to use charcoal dalah when boiling the meat first. How to cut small pieces of charcoal and then wash and mixed into the first goat meat stew.

Similarly tips in removing odors in the process of sacrificial dishes, especially goat meat. Easy is not it?

Good Luck

Tips on How to Choose a Good Egg

TIps how to choose a good egg photo

EGG is often used as a diet or supplement ingredients to bake. However, due to the closed condition of the eggs it is difficult to know the condition of the egg. If we are going to cook an omelet, it will be found out as soon as the egg is poured into a bowl. But if we want to make rendang eggs it is difficult to know where the eggs are still good and not.

The need to know where the eggs are good for boiling is essential. Because if the eggs are rotten already boiled, certainly difficult to distinguish from eggs that are still good. Here are tips on how to choose when buying eggs at the market

1. In this case, choose the color of his skin reddish brown (dark brown), and when it is like that in the guarantee of eggs still in fresh condition. But otherwise avoid choosing the color of his skin looks pale brown or whitish skew. In a sign of age because of the characteristics of the eggs has long displayed. And it is in this way was fairly simple and the easiest, yet has often been tested and generally always succeed. Between choosing a good quality eggs that do not.

2. When the current in touch surface is rather rough, it is even characterize eggs in new condition. And if in the sense of its shell appears smooth and shiny look would indicate otherwise.

3. In the next tips, you can also do it by shaking the eggs keatas- down or backward kedepan- deket by ear. If the condition of the eggs in a sense there is a part moves in it or voice, then conclude the yolk has shifted part pisisinya even damaged. And when in motion not heard anything even hinting eggs are in good condition.

4. Sometimes encountered in a number of traditional markets, sellers often offer their shell eggs broken or rendered retak.Dan price difference can be half the price of normal.Hanya in worrying about remembering its existence has been mixed with kotoran.Membuat germs (bacteria) can be more easily entry of fractional skin cracks and earlier.

To be more convincing if the eggs were purchased it good or not to be cooked, you can do the following tips.

1. The most fresh eggs will sink in a horizontal position because there is no air cavity in it.

2. Eggs aged one week, the position of the bottom (large) will be slightly biased upwards (like menungging) because the air space in the greater part. With so if boiled, peeled eggs will easily than a new egg.

3. Eggs exceeding 2 weeks of age, the greater the air space so that the position of the eggs completely vertical. When peeled, the bottom is flat.

4. Eggs age of the fourth week, the egg floats on the water surface. Freshness missing or lacking altogether.

This time you must already know how to choose the eggs are still healthy when purchasing and selecting good eggs to be cooked

Some Tips to Prevent Hunger

Hunger photo

When we are under stress, certain hormones will increase so that we tend to look for something that makes it convenient. Foods containing fat or sugar usually is something that can cause a sense of comfort. This condition will be repeated if we can not control stress.

Mean heart restrict calories, what power continuous stomach rumbling. Stomach hungry again quickly though already filled it into complaints of many people. If ignored, this condition can make it difficult to concentrate. But if followed, might the scales continue to grow.

There are various ways that we can do to prevent a hungry stomach is not easy.
Here are Some Ways to Prevent Hunger

1. Sports
Quite a lot of people who actually eat more after exercise. In fact, the number of calories in the larger of the newly burned. Actually, this circle can be terminated with a fun physical activity or sports activities considered as something fun.

Quite a lot of physical activity that actually burns calories but do not feel "heavy" like sports, such as dancing, walking, riding a bike, swimming, and much more. Although not as many calories are burned if you are exercising at the gym, but if done regularly every day of the results will not disappoint.

2. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep not only makes appetite increased, but also makes us more interested in junk food. Research also shows that lack of sleep will make us eat more, especially carbohydrates and fat. So, there is no longer any reason for not prioritizing bedtime.

3. Drinking water
Consuming enough water has been shown to suppress appetite. A study showed that people who drink 7 glasses per day to consume 200 fewer calories than those who drank one glass of water. Drink a glass of water before a meal can also be a trick to make the stomach feel fuller so that food intake is reduced.

4. Eat on time
Our bodies like consistency, including eating a timely manner. Try breakfast at least one hour after you wake up and take a break of 3-4 hours before lunch. Eat according to meal times will reduce the desire to eat. In addition, note also the type of food. Always consumption of lean protein, vegetable fat (like avocado), and a modicum of healthy starch. This diet will make your body is always energized.

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Tips Reheating Foods with Microwave

Reheating Foods with Microwave photo

NOT deny the existence of the microwave for a number of very important people. When activity in the morning so busy and in a hurry, warm food with microwave very helpful.

But, that microwave durable and have full functionality, you need to consider several things when heating food with the advanced tools. 

As reported Timeofindia, Monday (09/02/2015), here you need to know before using the microwave.

Select the appropriate container
Make sure the container you will use to warm the food is suitable and appropriate for use in the microwave. For example, use containers made of porcelain, glass, and heat-resistant plastic.

Set the power / heat
It is always advisable to set the power appropriate to the type of food you want to heat. Reheating with hot 100 percent is not recommended. Proper heat for example 30, 50, 80, and others, according to how hot you want for food. The lower the power, the more time it takes. But this method is considered the best for perfect heat.

Use the lid
Do not heat food without cover when entering into the microwave. It is feared that the ingredients in the food will gush out and contaminate the microwave.

Use gloves
Do not occasionally take the container in the microwave without using gloves. Sometimes certain equipment becomes hotter when it is used to warm the microvawe.


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Tips to Recognize Fresh Broccoli

How to know fresh Broccoli photo

Broccoli is usually able to last approximately one week. However, recognize some of the signs before buying broccoli to know if it is still suitable for consumption.
Broccoli is a green vegetable that is widely consumed as good nutrition for the body. These vegetables are suitable cooked anything, either eaten raw, steamed, fried, baked and even.

As reported by eHow, Wednesday (21/01/2015), here are some tips to recognize broccoli are still of good quality.

Smell the aroma
Place the broccoli in the near nose and inhale deeply. Might be a distinctive smell of broccoli. If the smell was pungent and unpleasant, it is better not to be consumed.

How to know it can also put broccoli in the fridge. Wait a moment, if it smells bad, spread, and sharp, it indicates broccoli that you buy is not fresh.

press stalk
Try hitting the broccoli stalk with two fingers. Broccoli is still of good quality, the stalk feels solid when pressed.

Fresh broccoli should be dark green. If it starts to turn yellow or green color fading, do not be consumed. Nutritional content is definitely reduced.


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Coconut water for health photo

Did you know that coconut water is low in calories, fat and cholesterol free, contains more potassium than bananas, and very good for people with dehydration.

Coconut water is actually digestible carbohydrates in the form of sugar and electrolytes. Approximately 30 ml unsweetened coconut water contains 5:45 calories, 1.3 grams of sugar, 61 mg of potassium, and 5:45 mg of sodium.

Based on a study, researchers found that coconut water is better to replace lost fluids compared to energy drinks or water, but only if you consume coconut water in considerable numbers.

A study in 2007 found that coconut water enriched by sodium has the same effect as well as energy drinks are often used for rehydration fluids after a physical activity.

An other study found that coconut water also makes people who consume less nausea, feeling fuller, does not interfere with digestion, and more easily consumed in large quantities for merehidrasi body.

Although it is true consuming coconut water can help merehidrasi body after losing a lot of fluid, but the researchers are still unable to ascertain whether the various issues which says that coconut water can help overcome various types of diseases including cancer is true.
The researchers say further research is needed on this.

The researchers also say that most people who exercise actually does not require the consumption of energy drinks or coconut water to restore lost fluids and electrolytes.

Consuming water alone is usually sufficient. However, if you perform strenuous physical activity or prefer the taste of coconut water as compared with the taste of water, the coconut water can be an option.

(various source)

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In addition Anti-Oxidant and Adding Vitality, fruit is also cheap and easy to come by

 Anti-Oxidant and Adding Vitality fruit photo

Watermelon is one of the most popular fruit among the general public. It feels fresh, sweet and has many health benefits that are very useful for the body.

You can find a watermelon in the supermarket till roadside fruit sellers. Abundant water content in it capable of tempting anyone who saw it during the day when the weather is hot.

In addition to treating thirst and treat dehydration, watermelon fruit for health benefits also can keep you from a variety of malignant diseases.
Outstanding properties are well known all over the world. Thus, it is unfortunate if you are like eating dark red fruit is not yet know.

You can get the benefits in watermelon by consuming directly or made other preparations such as fruit juices, salad or beverage packaging. Because of its diuretic, watermelon important role in maintaining the health of the kidneys and bladder.

Meanwhile, the anti-oxidants in it efficacious for treating asthma and keep you from colon cancer.

1. Overcoming the free radicals trigger disease
Lycopene is an anti-oxidants contained in this bright red fruit. Its function is very important in neutralizing free radicals in the body so that you avoid bad cholesterol and heart attack or stroke.

2. Reduce the risk of prostate cancer
Still related to lycopene. According to the results of research experts, watermelon contain lycopene with higher concentrations than other fruit or vegetable. The risk of prostate cancer will decrease if you regularly consume watermelon.

3. Boost the immune system
Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in citrulline, an amino acid that can be processed into useful amino acids essential for the health of Arginine.
This substance plays an important role in the wound healing process and reduce ammonia. If the blood levels of ammonia in excess it can cause fatigue, kidney disease and liver disease.

4. Increase the number of adult male sperm
The presence of lycopene in watermelon is useful to increase sperm count, improve sperm quality and speed of movement.
Research by health experts conducted in 30 infertile men aged 23-45 years who were given 20 mg of lycopene twice daily for 3 months. The results showed an increase in sperm count and sperm structure refinement.
Of the 30 respondents, 6 of them managed to impregnate their wives.

5. Curing impotence
There are also other useful substances called citrulline. This substance works by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which plays a role in the ability of male erection that can cure impotence.

6. Increase energy
The benefits of watermelon next is the body's natural energy boost. The content of electrolytes, sodium and potassium play an important role in replacing body fluids because swept away sweat.
In addition, watermelon is rich in B vitamins needed to produce energy. Food experts recommend this fruit as a source of vitamin B6, B1 and magnesium.

(various sources)

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Tips How to Increase Weight body

Some people will desperately trying to lose weight, but there is also a wish to fatten the body. Adding eating it can be used as a simple alternative to gain weight.

Well, here are some foods that are believed to increase the weight:

• Eggs
An egg has a protein content as much as 5-6 grams so effectively raise the weight. Egg yolks are also believed to have a fat content which is good for the body.

• Milk
The content of nutrients in the milk is very good for the body. Not only that, various types of foods containing milk also has a protein content as much as 8-9 grams. Milk also contains fat that can raise your body weight.

• Vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables are also good to fatten the body because it can make the process more smoothly metabolism of nutrients in the body.

• Bread wheat
The best carbohydrate content in the grain can help your digestion becomes more smoothly.

Well, that's some kind of food that is believed to help to fatten weight. But, remember that you should not eat them in excess in order to avoid obesity.

Good luck!

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Tips Longevity of those who already live

long life tips photo

Some people who can more than 100 years old and in good health. What is their secret? Many 100an year-old man was in the habit or routine morning.

Their habit is unique, there are a nap and others. Here are a few things that made them so they can live longer:

1. Do not look at the calendar, age is just a matter of numbers that do not need to be considered. But Celebrate life every day.
2. Invest in quality matters, it will never be stale.
3. "I always go out, even though it was just touring around the house. The key to staying young is always moving.
4. Exercise fitness, for me it was not necessary. It was too much
5. Take vitamins, forget. I also do not advise people to pegi to the doctor.
6. Fall in love and get married. Sex is important.
7. Even if you feel hatred to someone or something, stored in the liver only. Never hurt anyone else for any reason.
8. Never give up to fight for love.
9. Nobody can mengontrolmu.
10. Take time to cry
11. Perform traveling while young. Do not worry about money, which is an important way. The experience was far more valuable than money.
12. Do not ever compare. You will never feel happy life. The grass is always greener.
13. If a relationship shy, do not be enforced.
14. Do something that "you really" every day
15. Do not be stingy
16. Forgiveness
17. Find passionmu and turn.
18. Have a pet, because in life sometimes feel lonely
19. Learn to adapt
20 Take your time to grieve for the things you have lost
21. Life is beautiful. Feel pretty. We do not need to be happy all the time, but we need to be satisfied.
22. Love people, Find what you love about them.

The advice of the 100-year-old who was interviewed by Jay Leno. He gives advice:
23. Think positive
Do positive photo

In 2011 Huffington Post interviewed a female centenarians (people aged over 100 years old) named Ruth. Since 1992 women have been committed weekly Pilates classes. In addition, he also ekstentrik.

NBC has also been interviewed a doctor who is 100 years old that are still active in clinical practice. He has some medical wisdom that we need to know. He also gives advice on love, forgiveness and passion:

source: Huffington, and various other sources

Disposing of Belly Fat in a easy way , cheap and Natural

Disposing Belly Fat photo

Excessive abdominal fat but can interfere with your performance and damage the health. Although there is no "miracle drug" that can cut the fat in the abdomen. But if you exercise combined with proper diet then you can trim the fat in the abdomen.
Eating a healthy diet does not mean you have to eat foods that do not taste good. There are many different kinds of foods that can make you a tasteful and help trim the fat in the abdomen.

Here are foods that can help trim the fat in the abdomen:

10 grams of monounsaturated fats to keep you from storing excess abdominal fat. Helps the absorption of carotenoids to fight cancer cells.

422 mg of potassium helps shrink the big belly
Enhance the growth of good bacteria that support digestive health. yogurt helps stabilize insulin levels.

Antioxidants in berries increases blood flow to supply the muscles with more oxygen. This will help you have more energy to move back.

skimmed milk
Good drink after a person exercising that skim milk

green tea
therein helps burn fat.

Vitamin C found in oranges helps burn more fat by about 30 percent during exercise.

whole wheat
Fiber can help keep insulin levels steady so you do not store excess fat and sugar. The result is a longer lasting energy and fat cells shrink

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Tips to prevent baldness at a young age

boldness photo

Baldness in men can affect anyone, including those who are still in their 20s. Whereas in previous generations, even men with 40s still have thick hair and not show signs of baldness.

Of baldness at a young age is a serious problem for the current generation. According to Dr. Fred Zuli, hair specialists from Sweden as quoted from Indiatimes on Tuesday (03/02/2015), premature baldness occurs due to four main factors: stress, bad habits, pollution and lack of nutrition.

Serious hair loss at a young age, according to Dr. Apoorva Shah, is because there is something wrong with the body or physical. "In reaction to physical or mental stress that extreme, the hair will fall out in the next few months," he said.

In addition to stress, lifestyle also plays an important role for hair loss. Less nutrition and smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is some other cause.

So, how to prevent hair loss at a young age? Here's his review:

Eating right
Hair is composed of a protein called keratin. So it is very important for you to include elements of protein in the diet. Enough protein content, useful for the body such as to produce cells and grow hair. Dr. Shah advised to eat spinach, almonds, walnuts, tofu and milk are beneficial for hair growth. In addition, green tea is also good for blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes hair loss.

external treatment
Not only men, women also experience the same problem with her hair. In addition to stress, hair loss in women also occur because of excessive hair styling. Therefore, a skin moisturizer. Dr. Shah advised to apply coconut oil or almond oil 3 times a week.

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Carbon monoxide is produced when the smoke and into the body can prevent blood carries oxygen and nutrients to folokel locks of hair. Nicotine in cigarettes also narrow the blood vessels that can memberlambat new hair growth. Same with cigarettes, alcohol can also cause difficulty in the body to absorb important nutrients. Therefore, stop consuming alcohol and cigarettes are very good that the new hair growth is not impaired.

Give nutrition to the hair
Some substances that can prevent and treat hair loss at a young age is: Vitamin B3, B5, B9, and E, which can be found in oranges, spinach, chicken, fish, broccoli and soybeans. Then, another hair food is Zinc can be found in wheat, dairy, and egg yolks; Magnesium is found in milk, tuna, bananas and cashews; and Iron of fish, green vegetables, cereals, and nuts.


Impact of High Cholesterol Levels for Health

High Cholesterol Levels photo

When I hear the word cholesterol, usually you will only imagine the heart disease and the process of becoming the rigidity of blood vessels. Where blockages in blood vessels commonly we know leads to heart disease, stroke, and even further, death.
But you know, the impact of uncontrolled cholesterol levels that are widely not only blocked arteries alone? High cholesterol is broad, one of which is to increase a person's risk of stone formed in the bile sac.

What is a stone in the gall bladder? What to do with high cholesterol? And how could cause this? Here's the explanation:

How Can?
bile, cholesterol, batuEmpedu is part of a large family of human digestive organs, a small pouch is adjacent to the liver. Although small, its contribution in the conduct of the human digestive process is fairly large.

Gall bladder is fully engaged in the process of formation of bile which is sprayed into the intestine to aid digestion, especially fatty foods, at the end of the tunnel intestine, the liquid will be pulled back to be reused. You need to understand that the bile is made from cholesterol, which is of course taken from cholesterol in human blood.

If cholesterol is too concentrated, there will be a saturation process and the formation of stones in the gallbladder, this stone can block the bile that must pass, so can you imagine how great disturbance. The patient will feel a tremendous pain in the right upper abdomen, pain often radiating to the shoulder and usually felt after eating fatty foods. Handling? Surgical removal of the stone.

Who's at Risk Exposure Gallstones?
Those at risk of gallstones is known to 4F, which is female, fat, forty, fertile, which means that women aged 40 years and over, still productive for reproduction and fat.
So what should we do to prevent these stones?
Reduce consumption of fatty foods (including food coconut milk, fried)

Eat foods high in fiber, such as wheat and vegetables. high-fiber foods will bind bile so it can not be reused, so that bile was forced to take a new cholesterol to be processed into bile, this means that the levels of cholesterol in the blood will be automatically dropped.

Some Hidden Benefits of Pineapple

exotic fruits photo

Pineapple, rough-skinned fruit is from Brazil and has the Latin name Ananas comosus. For the first try, may feel itching fresh on the tongue.

Myth says, pineapple is not good for women because it can cause vaginal discharge. In fact, there is no research that revealed about this. So, for the women do not have to worry, let alone apparently saved many benefits behind the myths circulating pineapple.

Here are the benefits of which may not have been known to many people:

1. Treating worms

How: Peel the pineapple and wash thoroughly. Then, grated pineapple flesh, then squeeze and strain results of the scars. Drinks water juice results to patients wormy little by little.

2. Treating sprains or bruises due to hit

It's easy, just stay alone drinking pineapple juice regularly.

3. Treating burns, itching, and ulcers

How: finely crushed pineapple peeled and cleaned, then smeared on the injured part.

4. Lose weight

Weight loss is a severe problem for women. Not infrequently woman sad sometimes even depression know weight gain. Apparently, pineapple can reduce weight.

Quite easy, pineapple is not too ripe shredded or juiced, then squeeze the juice or parutannya results with a clean cloth. Then, drinking water juice regularly, 2 times a day.

5. Eliminate dandruff

Not uncommon for people who complain because dandruff hair, as this can reduce a person's confidence. Pineapple juice and filter water that has been blended or grated can help reduce dandruff.

Only by adding lime juice, pineapple juice and lime can be directly rubbed on the scalp. Get used to do it 2-3 times a week, do it before going to bed, leave overnight.

6. Improving the quality of sperm

For the men who have not given offspring, can try to consume pineapple regularly, because the pineapple can improve sperm quality.

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List of Countries which Reject Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering can be done in a variety of fields, ranging from bacteria, animals and plants for a particular purpose. But specifically for genetically modified food, a World Health Organization began highlighting.

Several recent studies show that the genetic engineering technology have demonstrated the negative side effects of this product. Genetic engineering in the field of food is recognized as a new technique in producing food. In the United States, there are approximately 165 million hectares are planted with genetically modified crops.

Center for Food Safety, headquartered in Washington DC revealed that approximately 75% of all grocery store products contain at least one genetically modified ingredients. Many people do not know that they consume products that genetically modified foods.

Many countries of the world have banned the cultivation or use of GM foods in their territory. Because recent studies show that these foods contain protein types as elements or risk to human health.

Indeed, there has been no comprehensive research report about the side effects of GM foods published. However, small-scale study recently conducted, said food product contains a genetically engineered proteins that cause allergy problems.

In addition, some scientists think that the protein and the genetic composition that is in these foods can harm the body's regulatory system. Because of the ten countries prohibit the cultivation of food by using this technique.

1. Italy
Almost in all regions and provinces in the country this pisa agreed to reject genetically modified food. The Italian government has approved a ban was enacted. But the Sar government granted the right to change the decision

2. French
French public has expressed his distrust of genetic engineering. So pemerinta France has suspended production of corn in 2009.

3. Germany
Germany is a country that also prohibits genetic engineering. In Germany have made the voting procedure diladakan by some communities. One is a church organization that has banned genetic engineering is in its territory.

4. Luxembourg
Luxembourg government also banned the production of corn and the country is on the list of the ten countries that have banned GMOs.

5. Austria
Here not only the cultivation of genetically modified crops with prohibited, sales were also banned because it is considered a negative effect on those who consume them.

6. Ireland
Since 2009, the country also has banned its citizens to cultivate genetically modified crops. here is a ban on the cultivation of almost all crops since 2009. Genetically Engineered Food products using genetic engineering are required to be labeled so that people know.

7. Switzerland
The country has completely prohibit genetic engineering in food, both plants and animals up to the corners. The ban was approved in 2005 by referendum. They decided that the ban applies to five years, but until now the ban was still in force until now.

8. New Zealand
Recently with genetically modified crops has grown in New Zealand. Local authorities have banned genetic engineering experiments were performed on salmon. However, in some regions such as Wellington adan Auckland has started a free themselves from products that dihasilan with genetic engineering.

9. Australia
In some areas, they approve of genetic engineering but since this problem spreads, the majority of this country LDI region also agree with that decision. Only in South Australia yet. In the region of Tasmania and Western Australia also prohibit commercial penamaman with genetic engineering,

The Australian government itself has also been announced that the country is free from genetic engineering.


Energizing Drink danger for Our Bodies photo

Basic needs for the human body is eating and drinking enough, in both the number and value of its nutritional content. Conceivably, if the human body is not met the intake of food and beverages. The impact will be very bad for the growth of the human body itself. For that keep the body healthy, strong, and develop properly encouraged to consume foods and beverages that are natural and do not contain chemicals.

Lately found many energy drinks that contain harmful substances that can cause high blood pressure, heart beat fast, and stroke. This is a side effect of the energy drinks.

If too much consume energy drinks, the risk is very fatal that can cause death. If you are a field worker who often experience fatigue and less fit to live a work activity, do not drink energy drinks. Should augment drinking water is more beneficial to the body.

Below are some of the effects or dangers if too often consume energy drinks for health.

1. Energy drinks are not recommended for people with hypertension

The effects of energy drinks is stimulate the heart to work more quickly than usual in order to have greater energy to restore lost energy during the move. But for those of you who have hypertension do not advisable to drink energy drinks because it can lead to a high risk of a heart attack until death.

2. Energy drinks contain caffeine high

Caffeine is often found in the content of coffee, this substance is also contained in energy drinks. The effects of caffeine are generating energy by stimulating the nervous system in the brain and if excess will cause addiction to drink constantly. Other side effects of caffeine is that it can lead to awake. If you want to rest at night, you should avoid drinking energy drinks. Drink water more tangible benefits.

3. Contains artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are often found in the composition of energy drinks. This low-calorie artificial sweeteners but are high in fat. If you are too often consume energy drinks, your weight will be growing and will cause obesity. Too much drinking energy drink two to three glasses a day will cause the concentration to be disturbed and it will affect the activities you will do everyday. Just as if you are still a student, you will be hard to think to do the questions given by your teacher. Or you are already working, you will be hard to concentrate to complete your job properly.

4. Contains artificial preservatives

In the energy drink also contains artificial preservatives such as Sodium Citrate. Too much drinking energy drinks hoard artificial preservatives into the body. If this practice is not fixed soon it will pose a high risk.

5. Contains vitamin B artificial

Vitamin B is made in no benefits for the body because it directly discharged to the sewer. Another case of vitamin B is supported with other vitamins that serve to maintain the energy to prevent rapid fatigue on exertion, but are difficult to find on the composition of sports drinks that have a lot of vitamin content.

6. It contains substances that can anesthetize the brain

Other hazardous substances contained in energy drinks is Taurine. This substance is not so obvious benefits but its side effects are directly on brain performance degradation. Because this substance if too much is consumed can anesthetize the brain to stimulate energy. The point energy is given it is only apparent or real.

7. Energy drinks can cause miscarriage

If you are a woman who frequently consume drinking energy drinks, better stop bad habits from an early age, due to the side effects of drinking energy drinks can cause miscarriage. On the content of energy drinks contained high levels of caffeine and if not eat too much it will greater risk of miscarriage.

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Several types of drugs that can be tried Cough Naturally at Home

Coughing can actually disrupt the activity. Besides causing chest pain, coughing also put pressure on your brain.

Which is annoying, cough often come at night at bedtime. Well, do not worry just yet because the cough because home treatment is much better than choosing a drug. Try it some natural way, as quoted Boldsky, Sunday (02/01/2015):

1. Honey, coconut oil and Lemon
Heat a little oil. When it is hot, turn off the heat and put in a bowl. Add the honey and add the lime juice. This syrup can help you when coughing.

2. onion juice
Combine onion and garlic to taste with warm water and add one tablespoon of honey.

3. Stew brown sugar
Boil water and add two tablespoons of brown sugar. Wait until the water begins to warm up and drink this mixture slowly.

4. Ginger, garlic and pepper
Mix grated ginger grater, garlic and a little pepper in a cup of boiling water. Drink this syrup twice a day to get rid of your cough.

5. Olive oil, pepper and honey
Heat the olive oil, add the pepper and stir. When the mixture has chilled, add honey.

6. Honey and herbal teas
Drinking two cups of herbal tea with honey twice a day will help to get rid of your cough. Expand also drink warm to avoid itching in your throat.

7. Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Lemon juice should be consumed if you start to feel sore throat.

8. Green tea and honey
Green tea with honey is the best combination to get rid of the cough.

9. Water salt and lime juice
Prescription cough syrup and other natural is a mixture of salt water and lime juice. Again, be sure to use warm water.

10. Ginger, garlic and honey
Homemade cough syrup the other is a mixture of ginger, garlic and honey. Ginger and garlic can be crushed and mixed with hot water. Use this material to get rid of the cough.

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Some types of vitamins that should be consumed each day woman

vitamins for women health photo

Actually, compared with men, women are creatures who are always busy for 24 hours a day in his life. Especially if they are working women and housewives at a time where in the morning until late afternoon they had to work and after work until late at night they have to take care of his family. In order activities undertaken women are not disturbed, then the required physical condition of men. And the most easy way to maintain health is to eat vitamins and minerals.

Reporting from, the following is an important vitamin required for women consumed regularly.

Calcium is required for the type of nutrients consumed by women. Because compared to men, women are more prone to osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency. Some important sources of calcium are dairy products and eggs.

vitamin D
Vitamin D is very important to help the absorption of calcium. No matter the amount of milk you drink, but if you do not take vitamin D, calcium can not be absorbed by the body. One of the best sources of this vitamin is sunlight in the morning.

vitamin A
For women, vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy when she was menstruating and prevent vaginal infections. Vitamin A is also important to prevent breast cancer.

vitamin B1
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine is essential to convert sugars into energy. Types of foods containing vitamin B1 is lean meats, nuts, and seeds.

vitamin B2
Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is very important for women because it has several important benefits such as boosting the immune system, maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails, slow the aging process, as well as the most important is to improve the health of the reproductive system.

vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine and useful for women to treat premenstrual syndrome, menstrual problems and nausea during early pregnancy. In addition, vitamin B6 is also useful for treating depression during pregnancy.

folic acid
For pregnant women, vitamin B6 is beneficial to prevent miscarriage and reduce the risk of birth defects. Green vegetables are important sources of folate.

vitamin C
Not only useful for boosting the immune system, vitamin C is also important to improve the health of skin, hair, nails, and slow the aging process.

vitamin E
Among women, vitamin E is a popular kind of vitamins are consumed. Because of this vitamin can prevent complications during pregnancy, protect body cells, and prevent problems associated with menstruation.

Choline is a nutrient that is derived from vitamin B complex. This vitamin is very important for pregnant women to prevent birth defects. Choline can be found in eggs.

Nutrition at the top should you consume in the form of fresh and healthy foods. Because if you take vitamin in supplement form, the side effects will be higher.

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Some of the benefits of grapes for Health

grapes fruit photo

Although not cheap, and still rarely found in local markets, but the people must have been familiar with the grapes. The grapes are not only delicious, sweet, and interesting, but it also contains many health benefits.

This fruit can be added to fruit salads and has many advantages. Here are some of the health benefits you can get by eating grapes, as reported by Healthy Site (20/01).

1. Preventing heart disease
filled wine polyphenols and flavonoids such as quercetin, which can prevent heart disease, and reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Wine can also lower blood pressure and prevent inflammation that can trigger heart attacks.

2. Lose weight
Such as cucumbers, grapes can also be a friend of you who are dieting. Approximately 100 grams of wine contains 67 calories. In addition, because the wine contains a lot of water and fiber, this fruit will help you feel full faster and prevent hunger.

3. Prevent Cancer
The antioxidants in wine, as well as anti-inflammatory agents in it good for preventing cancer. Antioxidants such as myricetin and quercetin prevents the cells exposed to free radicals and prevent the cancer coming.

4. Eye Health
The eyes are an important part of the body. The wines have antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin can prevent age-related eye diseases.

5. Preventing constipation
Wine and grape juice is recommended for those who suffer from constipation. Not only filled with fiber, wine can help bowel movements and improve digestive health by triggering the production of digestive enzymes.

6. Good for patients with diabetes
Although most of the fruit is good for diabetic patients, but some fruits contain high glycemic levels. Wine is one of the fruits are safe for diabetics. Wine has a sweet taste, but with a low glycemic level. Based on research in the Journal of Nutrition, wine could even help the body produce insulin function.

7. Improve memory
The role of wine in the process of memory formation has been recognized by researchers through research. Some substances in wine are known to improve memory and cognitive abilities of a person.

8. Enhance the immune
The antioxidants in wine is claimed to reduce the risk of disease immunity. Research shows that eating grapes can prevent inflammation and boost the immune system response and helps a stronger immune against infection.

In addition to the above benefits, the wine can also help remove toxins from the body due to its high water content in it. That's some of the benefits of eating grapes. Feel free to include it in your diet every day.

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