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In addition Anti-Oxidant and Adding Vitality, fruit is also cheap and easy to come by

 Anti-Oxidant and Adding Vitality fruit photo

Watermelon is one of the most popular fruit among the general public. It feels fresh, sweet and has many health benefits that are very useful for the body.

You can find a watermelon in the supermarket till roadside fruit sellers. Abundant water content in it capable of tempting anyone who saw it during the day when the weather is hot.

In addition to treating thirst and treat dehydration, watermelon fruit for health benefits also can keep you from a variety of malignant diseases.
Outstanding properties are well known all over the world. Thus, it is unfortunate if you are like eating dark red fruit is not yet know.

You can get the benefits in watermelon by consuming directly or made other preparations such as fruit juices, salad or beverage packaging. Because of its diuretic, watermelon important role in maintaining the health of the kidneys and bladder.

Meanwhile, the anti-oxidants in it efficacious for treating asthma and keep you from colon cancer.

1. Overcoming the free radicals trigger disease
Lycopene is an anti-oxidants contained in this bright red fruit. Its function is very important in neutralizing free radicals in the body so that you avoid bad cholesterol and heart attack or stroke.

2. Reduce the risk of prostate cancer
Still related to lycopene. According to the results of research experts, watermelon contain lycopene with higher concentrations than other fruit or vegetable. The risk of prostate cancer will decrease if you regularly consume watermelon.

3. Boost the immune system
Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in citrulline, an amino acid that can be processed into useful amino acids essential for the health of Arginine.
This substance plays an important role in the wound healing process and reduce ammonia. If the blood levels of ammonia in excess it can cause fatigue, kidney disease and liver disease.

4. Increase the number of adult male sperm
The presence of lycopene in watermelon is useful to increase sperm count, improve sperm quality and speed of movement.
Research by health experts conducted in 30 infertile men aged 23-45 years who were given 20 mg of lycopene twice daily for 3 months. The results showed an increase in sperm count and sperm structure refinement.
Of the 30 respondents, 6 of them managed to impregnate their wives.

5. Curing impotence
There are also other useful substances called citrulline. This substance works by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which plays a role in the ability of male erection that can cure impotence.

6. Increase energy
The benefits of watermelon next is the body's natural energy boost. The content of electrolytes, sodium and potassium play an important role in replacing body fluids because swept away sweat.
In addition, watermelon is rich in B vitamins needed to produce energy. Food experts recommend this fruit as a source of vitamin B6, B1 and magnesium.

(various sources)

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