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Several types of drugs that can be tried Cough Naturally at Home

Coughing can actually disrupt the activity. Besides causing chest pain, coughing also put pressure on your brain.

Which is annoying, cough often come at night at bedtime. Well, do not worry just yet because the cough because home treatment is much better than choosing a drug. Try it some natural way, as quoted Boldsky, Sunday (02/01/2015):

1. Honey, coconut oil and Lemon
Heat a little oil. When it is hot, turn off the heat and put in a bowl. Add the honey and add the lime juice. This syrup can help you when coughing.

2. onion juice
Combine onion and garlic to taste with warm water and add one tablespoon of honey.

3. Stew brown sugar
Boil water and add two tablespoons of brown sugar. Wait until the water begins to warm up and drink this mixture slowly.

4. Ginger, garlic and pepper
Mix grated ginger grater, garlic and a little pepper in a cup of boiling water. Drink this syrup twice a day to get rid of your cough.

5. Olive oil, pepper and honey
Heat the olive oil, add the pepper and stir. When the mixture has chilled, add honey.

6. Honey and herbal teas
Drinking two cups of herbal tea with honey twice a day will help to get rid of your cough. Expand also drink warm to avoid itching in your throat.

7. Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Lemon juice should be consumed if you start to feel sore throat.

8. Green tea and honey
Green tea with honey is the best combination to get rid of the cough.

9. Water salt and lime juice
Prescription cough syrup and other natural is a mixture of salt water and lime juice. Again, be sure to use warm water.

10. Ginger, garlic and honey
Homemade cough syrup the other is a mixture of ginger, garlic and honey. Ginger and garlic can be crushed and mixed with hot water. Use this material to get rid of the cough.

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