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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts



All active smokers who want to quit smoking know that quitting smoking is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Although already know the bad effects of smoking, often still many smokers who have difficulty stopping.

Even so, there is one way that you can try to stop smoking, which is the tulsi leaf chewing. Tulsi leaves or also known as Holy Basil is one of the types of leaves are similar to basil. Chewing the leaves is claimed to help smokers to stop smoking habit.

Chewing tulsi leaves will control the level of stress. When stress levels with low, you can control the urge to smoke or nicotine addiction better. In addition, the antioxidants present in the tulsi leaves can also help you reduce the damage caused by cigarettes and tobacco. Tulsi leaves can be used to stop smoking and recover from the damage caused by cigarettes.

In addition to help quit smoking, tulsi leaves can also provide some of the following health benefits, as reported by Boldsky (8.12).

1. Healthy heart
Antioxidants called eugenol in the tulsi leaves is known to protect the health of the heart and blood pressure control. It is one of the health benefits of tulsi leaves.

2. Prevent fever
Tulsi leaf contains anti-bacterial, antibiotic, anti-fungal and that can prevent mild fever. Use the tulsi leaves to stop the experienced mild fever.

3. Reduce stress
Chewing tulsi leaves every day will help cope with stress and improving blood flow. If you want to reduce stress, there is no harm in trying to chew the leaves of tulsi.

That the benefits of tulsi leaves. Although the leaves are still not popular in Indonesia, but this leaves worth trying to stop smoking or to get a variety of health benefits

Know the Dangers of smoking shisha

smoking shisha
smoking shisha - photo

Currently smoking shisha become such a trend among young people. But whether smoking shisha is safer than smoking? Do not be fooled. Shisha and cigarettes as dangerous to health.

Shisha shaped like a water pipe connected with and used by way of smoking. In it, the taste varies heated tobacco to smoke. The smoke then inhaled as smoke through a pipe. If you think that the water will eliminate the toxic effects of tobacco, you are wrong. The tobacco used in shisha as toxic as that found in cigarettes.

Shisha smokers suck fact more toxic than regular smokers. Shisha smoke filled by toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, carcinogens, iron, and tar. The level of carbon monoxide in the smoke shisha more than in cigarettes, as reported by the Health Me Up (15/01).

Shisha smoke can cause lung cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. The amount of nicotine in the body after smoking shisha is also the same as when smoking other and can lead to dependence on tobacco.

In addition, smoke shisha also cause other problems, such as when exposed to the smoke and heat from the shisha. Pregnant women who smoke shisha are also more at risk of having a baby that is lighter weight. If the shisha pipe is not cleaned regularly can cause the wearer contracting dangerous diseases.

Research that Blood Type O More resistant to Some Diseases

Blood Type O

Anyone can have a heart attack if not very clever to maintain their physical health, especially the overweight and eat more unhealthy intake. However, a recent study found a specific blood groups are also more at risk.

"It's very interesting, because we were finally able to ensure that people with blood type other than O not only more at risk of cancer and heart disease, but knowing that this fact affects the risk of death of the blood groups," said lead researcher Dr. Arash Etemadi .

Why so? Because after observing 50,000 middle-aged and elderly participants from Iran for seven years, a team of researchers from the National Institutes of Health, the US found that participants who had a blood type other than O, namely A, B or AB risk of dying earlier because of various diseases. Chances of reaching 9 percent.

Another risk that haunt owner blood factions are cardiovascular disorders (15 percent) and gastric cancer (55 percent).

"And this association is so strong, do not care if we have to consider other factors such as age, gender, smoking, socioeconomic status and ethnicity of participants," said Dr. Etemadi as quoted by LiveScience, Friday (01/16/2015).

Dr. Emetadi estimate risk of death in addition to blood group O was obtained from special factors, such as in the blood groups A tend to have total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) which is higher than any other blood type.

"They are not blood type O also has a tendency to experience blood clots, making it more vulnerable to heart problems," he said.

But do not worry, this is not to say epidemiologists blood group as the only risk factor for heart problems. For the length of the short life span and a high risk of heart disease is influenced by various factors, including exercise habits and overall health condition.

"Early death could be due to a combination of many factors, and is not merely for your blood type," concluded Dr. Emetadi.

This boy Having Durability As Army Future - Without the Pain

Isaac Brown. KMEG14 - photo

A 5-year-old boy named Isaac Brown. Since birth Brown never feel pain. Boy's body immune from pain, even though he had never cried when he fell and injured. A rare genetic condition makes it never could experience pain. Brown was born with Congenital abnormalities insensitivity to Pai (CIP), the disorder that makes the body of the sufferer never feel pain, even when he suffered a fracture. "The days of toddlers, really be a nightmare. He jumped to the ground and threw her on the table. He thought it fell loving, "said his mother, Carrie Brown. As reported by the ABS News.

Not only that, the mother also added that Brown never put his hand on a glass coffee was so hot, but that he also never put his hand on a hot stove so without feeling the slightest pain or suffering. Even when he fell and fractured Brown never complained of pain or even cry. Not no action was taken to cure the illness of the child, even Carrie and her husband Randy Brown has several times back and forth to the doctor to find out and treat the strange conditions that suffered by her son. But to no avail, the doctor said that the rare disorder experienced by Brown could never be treated.

The only medical advice is what Brown teaches how to recognize pain. And now Brown has begun to understand that it is a condition that bloody bad for him, but unfortunately he still does not understand that there are different variations of the level of pain. Congenital insensitivity to Pain or also known by the medical term Heteditary Sensory Neuropathies (HSN) is a disorder or setbacks that occur in the nervous system resulting in loss of feeling or sensation from the outside, especially in the area around the feet and hands.

This disease is so complications, has many types, are derived and are extremely rare. But certainly from the overall types have similar symptoms that loss of sensory nerve function and response control of temperature and pain. As a result, a person with a disease such as this will have his lack of freedom to move spontaneously when exposed to stimuli from the outside.

As quoted by the Daily Mail, Isaac Brown also suffer from anhidrosis, which is a rare condition that only affects less than 100 births in the United States. This condition makes the sufferer unable to control their body temperature, also can not feel hot or cold. In fact, In summer when the temperature is at its peak, Brown was forced to shut up in the house or wearing a cooling vest in order to lower the body temperature so hot. The good news, the Brown family said that they are currently working with the Mayo Clinic who examined DNA Brown in hopes of uncovering the genetic mutations that lead to the disruption he experienced.

Although Brown was not like normal children in general, but both parents Brown says they still accept the conditions of his beloved son is. Because he thinks Brown is a precious asset in the life of his parents.

We pray just hope efforts currently being pursued by the family immediately got a bright spot that Brown soon get further help.

source: Daily Mail, ABS News

Sore Throat Causes and How to Avoid It

Characteristics And How To Treat Strep Throat
Pharyngitis or often called Strep throat is a disease caused by infection of the throat section (pharynx) and become inflamed. Nearly 80% Laryngitis caused by a virus, can cause fever and another 20% are caused by bacteria, allergies, and cigarettes.

It is important for us to know the early symptoms before exposure to strep throat are:

Caused by bacteria
Bacterial infection is more severe than infection by the virus. Usually people affected by inflammation caused by bacteria may have been infected 2-7 days earlier. If the infection is caused by streptococcus bacteria should quickly medicine, because if it is not taken seriously the infection can spread to the heart valves and can cause rheumatic fever disease.

Pain when swallowing.
Swollen neck glands.
Bright red throat and there are white patches.
Increased body temperature or fever, and often accompanied by chills.

Caused by a virus
Inflammation caused by a virus is usually lighter, but treatment with antibiotics is not effective if the infection is caused by a virus because antibiotics can lead to resistance (immunity) bacteria to antibiotics.
The characteristics of viral infection:
Stinging, itching, and dry in the throat
Coughing and sneezing and cause hoarseness
Usually do not have a fever, but in some cases had a slight fever and aches in every joints.

If you've already been exposed to strep throat, then you should avoid some foods and foods that contain high nutrient to restore your body's endurance.

Here's the natural way to overcome strep throat:
Stay away from foods that contain protein and high in calories such as meat, milk, eggs, chicken, and fish,
Eat fruits and foods that contain lots of vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, E, B6, B1, and folic acid are useful to enhance the immune system.
Drink plenty of warm water
Avoid consuming drinks and food cold
Avoid foods that are greasy, spicy, and sour because it can cause inflammation of the throat got worse
Gargling with warm salt water to reduce swelling
Keeping your diet in order to remain healthy life.

I hope these tips can be useful for us all

Some Easy Ways to Overcome a sore throat

Do not rush to take the drug or to the doctor when the sore throat. Some studies found that gargling with warm salt water can reduce sore throat.

As presented Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Jeffrey Linder, MD., Regardless of the cause, sore throat need attention because it can interfere with the activity and tend to flu or strep throat symptoms. Treatment can be given as soon as possible with home remedies like gargling with warm water with salt.

"Warm salt water can reduce the swelling in the throat, helps remove mucus and reducing irritation and bacterial growth," Linder said, as quoted by Health, Friday (16/01/2015).

According to Linder, doctors usually recommend dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. "Remember to rinse not swallow it."

In addition to gargle with salt water, Linder also advised to suck candy cough medicine commonly sold in the Over the Counter (OTC) in pharmacies. Candy cough usually can stimulate the production of saliva, which can help keep your throat moist.

But do not choose, ask your pharmacist for a recommendation candy that can resist the taste of cough and reduce pain.

source: Health

Multiple Benefits of Wearing Socks while sleeping

wearing socks

If you are one of those people who wear socks while sleeping, you have done the treatment needed by the body during sleep. Shocked? It is not a strange thing. Turns wear socks while sleeping, a lot of benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of wearing socks while sleeping.

1. Wearing socks while sleeping can prevent dry feet
The first advantage wear socks while sleeping is to prevent skin cracked feet and keep them warm and protected. Have not we all been awakened by pain in the feet? We do not know about you, but certainly it is not a pleasant thing.

2. socks keep feet warm
Many people complain of cold feet is the most uncomfortable while sleeping. If you are one who bothered with cold feet during sleep, begin to put socks. There is no better way to avoid cold air during the rainy season in addition to wear socks.

3. Reduce excessive sweating on feet
Condition of excessive sweating on feet, known as hyperhidrosis can be overcome with this habit. Socks will absorb excessive sweating on feet feet feet that can be spared from foot odor.

4. Make a smooth legs
In addition to preventing the foot from drought, socks also can make the feet remain soft. The trick is to use a moisturizer on your feet then wrap your feet with socks.

5. Prevent fungal and other infections
Another benefit of wearing socks while sleeping is able to protect the feet from dust and bacteria that cause the growth of fungi and other infections on the feet.



The last few years various studies have shown that eating too much sugar, especially sugar is often added in cooking and processed foods, can improve blood fat levels. A study at the University of Minnesota showed that consumption of large amounts of glucose can affect the levels of triglycerides in the blood.

Researchers assume that the human body can not metabolize the sweet snack as soon as that person can eat. So the liver (liver) put some glucose from the snack into your blood stream, or save it for later use.
David Levitsky, Ph.D., professor of psychology and nutrition to add, if the tank is in the heart is full, the excess into triglycerides. Glucose consumption of snacks that you go into your heart as well, but instead deposited into the bloodstream, it is stored as glycogen. The liver can store about 90 to 100 grams of glycogen. If not used, the rest will be stored glycogen in the form of fat (triglycerides).

By maintaining a healthy weight, most people can keep their triglyceride levels at an acceptable level. "If you are overweight or gain weight, the fat will accumulate and be a marker of heart disease and stroke," says Levitsky.
If you're one of those overweight, your first step is to immediately reduce sugary and starchy foods, beer, and sugary drinks. Your body is not designed to handle that much sugar.

The doctor will use an oral glucose tolerance test or an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes. To undergo OGTT, you need to consume 75 grams of glucose to see how your body processes sugar system.
Severe hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) can cause blurred vision, excessive thirst and frequent urination. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is easy to recognize, that you feel weak, cold sweating, and anxiety, blurred vision, or fatigue a few hours after intake of sugar that much. OGTT would be more accurate than normal fasting blood glucose tests to measure blood sugar levels.

If you are accustomed to eating large amounts of food, excessive alcohol, and lack of activity, then you probably will shorten the life of you, even if your weight is ideal though. Repeated blood sugar spikes give stress on the organs that make up your body's metabolic machinery.
And you probably will not feel it. "People can live without symptoms for many years in a state of prediabetes even though they have lost as much as 50 percent of their pancreatic function" Levitsky said. "And they do not even know about it." He continued.

People with prediabetes have the same health risks with diabetes, especially for heart disease.
So start thinking about what you eat today. Sugar makes you addicted, and have good taste makes you continue to want to eat it without feeling full. Limit all high glycemic indexed foods such as soft drinks, sugary snacks, cakes, biscuits, bread, pancakes, and so on.

"The less stress you give your body system, the longer your body will function properly" says Levitsky. And stop blaming sugar for all the health problems that you are feeling right now, because basically all there is in yourself.

Know Your Electronic Cigarette and danger


Nowadays various kinds of affairs certainly disusaikan with the development of Science and Technology. Because of the sophistication of cigarettes even already made the electric version of the so-called electric cigarette. Now many say berbahaya.kita electric cigarette does not already know that smoking is harmful to health. Therefore this time I will discuss thoroughly about the electric cigarette that much adored - puja of the smoker. Yukk voyeur clearer information.

Understanding Electronic Cigarette
Electronic cigarette, also known also as Nicotine Delivery System Elecronic commonly abbreviated as well as the E-Cigarette is a new breakthrough or innovation of traditional forms of rook into modern cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is known to be healthy designation is also environmentally friendly. In addition, it is also quite smoking cigarettes can save money pocket and not smelly cigarettes plus LGI can be recharged.

Tobacco Vs Electric
These cigarettes have an elongated shape as a regular cigarette but looks more sleek and modern. When smoking these cigarettes do not burn tobacco but with the help batrai burning liquid will cause steam and can get into the lungs - the lungs of the wearer. Now these cigarettes have been sold in the market especially in various online stores.

How to work electric cigarette just like a regular cigarette is smoked using a mouth, after that the air will flow from the sensor and turn on the electric cigarette that will trigger a small heater to work with batrei power. Well after that, the heater will heat up the liquid nicotine before synthesis in place and at that moment the light that lights up at the end of the cigarette will emit light. The heater was going to make propylene or can we call PEG will also smoke.

Electric Cigarettes Really Safe?
E-cigarrete a lot of controversy. However, according to the WHO (The World Health Organizatin) stated strongly disagree with the circulation of these cigarettes. Moreover, these cigarettes will be used as a tool in the effort to stop smoking. Plus there are some substances that exist in berbagahaya electric cigarette itself. Examples of compounds that berbahay among others:

• Heavy Metals, Though he said electric cigarette is safer, but studies in United find inhaled toxic fumes
• Contains kromonium and nickel are many
• There are even some fumes that contain lead and zinc
• There is Diethylene glycol content and Nitrosamiin
• Smoke from electric cigarette will also be at risk of causing bad aerosolsehingga on -paru pary.
• and much more.
Electric Cigarettes Side Effects
• With this wear will continue addicted smokers. In fact, maybe this electric cigarette addiction will be more severe because of the ease of smoking.
• Electronic Cigarette contains carcinogens that could trigger the arrival of cancer. In fact there is one brand electrical level karsinogeniknya more than 10.
• There are several brands of electric cigarettes containing Formslin and acetaldehyde.
• kerika smoke smoked per day will be bad for health
• Risk of damaging the lungs - pulmonary or respiratory system running

Fact Electric Cigarettes
1. Children Non Buying Cigarettes
Not kebayangkan that this cigarette is collected, even for children mungkn according to the unique shape of this cigarette or according pararemaja cheap and can be bought very easily then they will be free to use it whereas until now only cigarettes healthy or not is still controversial. If children try then 2 years later the child - the child will smoke with the actual.

2. Electric Cigarettes not Make Quitting Smoking
Many say cigarette smoking addicts elekrrik will make a stop. Says who? This cigarette is also dangerous because it continues to be used mennerus. Whatever it is kind cigarette smoking is still no foreign substances that enter into the body we.

3. Not all States Allow Cigarettes circulating
The real proof of dangerous electrical roko are a lot of countries that oppose that these cigarettes do not circulate. Lots of various media, explaining that this cigarette is strictly prohibited at all.

I knew it from several sources that I find is cigarette smoking remains in the form of apapu still dangerous if taken continuously. So if you still want to believe in the electric cigarette health labels ?. Remember Electric Cigarettes Extremely Dangerous !, so cigarettes do not make as much as possible so you can have a reason to stop smoking. Although I also know that this depends on the trust of each - each. It returned again to yourself whether choosing to believe and try to quit smoking or you still chuckle buy this electric cigarette.

Thank you for visiting,

Findings Procrastinator aging that makes muscles become younger

The findings of modern medical science increasingly amazing. For example, to answer the long quest of mankind about what and how the secret of youth, previously rumored scientists have discovered the mechanism of drug that can inhibit the aging process.

However, because basically all human beings want to always stay young and longevity, "youthful drug" just was not enough.
Therefore, how the people who are already old?
That's why scientists then work harder to answer these questions and challenges. So in the end the experts managed to get a finding which is exceptionally remarkable.

As reported by the BBC website, the US scientists said to have succeeded in reversing aging in animals.
These remarkable findings obtained after scientists doing research in mice.
In conducting this research, the scientists used a chemical substance to restore the freshness and youthfulness of cells in mice.

In mice, the treatment for one week has been done scientists have managed to reverse the two-year-old mice became six months.
That means scientists succeeded with such research, and said that it was the same as changing the human muscular 60-year-old into a muscle like a new person aged 20 years. It's just the muscle strength of the muscle that changed was not increased.

The above findings, the researchers say the "findings was incredible."
Because, during the aging process is still regarded as something absolute.
But with these findings, scientists from Harvard Medical School, it has been shown that in some aspects of aging can be reversed.

In experiments conducted, showed that by increasing the levels of a chemical called "NAD", then living beings can regain their youth.
NAD's own numbers will continue to decline with age.

Dr. Ana Gomes of the department of genetics at Harvard Medical School said,
"We believe this work is very important." While on the shortcomings of the results of this research can not restore muscle strength.

Dr Gomes also said that muscle strength can be restored with the other treatments.
The latest studies on the identification of the mechanisms of aging and how to reverse it, which is done by American scientists, published in the journal Cell.

Understanding the causes of Height Growth

Does not mean that the body is not high is not attractive, but high posture (especially if slim) would provide added value for a woman. Someone who has a high posture is more "good looking". pleasing to the eye, and a little more prominent when compared with the posture that has mediocre.

So in the world entertaintment usually someone who has a high body posture would be an advantage. So also, in the end have a high body posture is a dream of every person.

Basically, high posture is due to "innate" or heredity.
A person who has a parent with a "high genetic", generally also will have a higher posture. As an easy example, the average height of women asia is normally between 165 to 170 cm. So if someone has a height of more than 170 cm, it includes women who have a high body posture.
And "benchmark" is certainly different from those in Europe or America, for example. Which mostly have a posture higher than the average population of asia.

However, someone who does not have a high gene not mean it can not add to "ration" tall posture. Because with some practice and a specific therapy, a person with high gene turned out to be slightly higher ration plus body. Even some simple exercise, swimming, skipping, basketball for example, is believed to add to the high share of a person's body. And some people also use certain supplements to increase height.

The problem is, when someone wants to add height (eg with sports or specific therapy) what is the ideal age for it?
Or, what is the maximum age, in which the high growth will stop a person's body?

It is quite important to know, because if a person does not attempt to add height as "futile" and be disappointed. Because naturally "rations high gain" weight a person is going to stop at a certain age.
And if it is "high gain ration" agencies that someone is going to stop at a certain age, at what age is it?

According to health experts, the construction of bones in the human body is divided into several sections. One part of his name epiphyseal plate. Epifilis plate section is responsible on a person's bone growth. During part of the epiphyseal plate is not closed, then there will always be the possibility of a person's body to grow taller again.

If carried out by X-ray imaging photo, at a young age, it will be seen epifilis plate tenuous. And if the bones are terutup, the bone growth in one's means has reached the maximum. Naturally there is a fundamental difference in the maximum age limit bone epiphyseal plate closure between men and Wanit. This difference is caused by differences in the amount of hormone-owned body. Where basically, the development of human bones is regulated by growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and hormones maturity ..

In women, the growing amount of these hormones is relatively faster, and eventually closing the epiphyseal plate also occur more quickly than men. For example, the epiphyseal plate on the femur women will close at the age of 15-19 years. As for man, his thigh bone epiphyseal plates will close at the age of 17-21 years.

As another example, in the upper arm bone at the close of women ages 18-22 years. While the men will be closed when entering the age of 20, to 25 years. This means that it is natural that a woman has the opportunity increase his height is shorter than a man's.
However, if the average is taken, a limit on the growth of human bone is between the ages of 17-20 years.

For that if someone wants high badanya can develop optimally, the most ideal age to boost this growth was primarily on the age under 14 years. Because at this age period of bone growth entering a golden period. very important for a person to pay attention to food intake at a young age, especially under 14 years, when bone growth during the gold. For that, it is very important for someone to pay attention to the intake and diet at this golden age. When food intake is given in accordance with the needs of the body, it will be very beneficial for bone growth. Thus, hope to have a high body is not an impossible thing.

But when someone has entered a period of maximum growth, which is between 17-20 years, when the epiphyseal plates have closed, the bones are not able to grow flowers again. Thus, efforts to increase height through exercise, therapy and taking supplements will not help much. So if have time height growth has stalled, you should not push yourself. Drink supplements for example.

Know the Dangers For Triglycerides and Body Health

If at any time you do a general check up, the lab results that you receive, in addition to the results of the analysis are quite numerous, in addition to cholesterol, usually one of which included also the results of the analysis of triglycerides.

Triglycerides were what ?

Simply said, Triglycerides are the one type of fat (lipids) in the blood.
When eaten, the body will turn it into calories as a source of energy for daily strength. While the unused calories are converted into triglycerides.
And by the body Triglycerides are stored in fat cells, then a will be releasing hormone Triglycerides as energy.

Then, what is the difference between the Cholesterol Triglycerides ?

Triglycerides and cholesterol both in fact equally including types of lipids in the bloodstream, yan circulate throughout the body with the help of lipid transport proteins ataulipoprotein. However, both triglycerides or cholesterol can not dissolve in the blood.
In a simple sense of difference between triglycerides and cholesterol are, Triglycerides will save calories that are not used, and then provide backup energy for the body when in need. While cholesterol, the body is used to build cells and certain hormones.

From the health side, Triglycerides itself is one of the benchmarks that are important for heart health. When high levels of triglycerides, the risk of heart disease will also increase.
And it can happen if the calories that enter the body more than the calories burned body.
Then the body will have high triglycerides or called denganHipertrigliseridamia.

And what danger If Triglycerides Too High ?

In addition to a higher risk for heart disease, high triglycerides will contribute to the hardening of the arteries or thickening of the arterial wall, disebutaterosklerosis.
In addition, high triglycerides also may be one indication of type 2 diabetes, the occurrence of hypothyroidism or low thyroid hormone levels, liver disease, kidney or the presence of a rare genetic disease.
Triglycerides can also be a side effect of drugs such as beta blockers, birth control pills, steroids, diuretics or breast cancer drug, Tamoxifen.

How triglycerides are normal?

By doing a simple blood test can actually uncover how the levels of triglycerides in the body. According to medical standards, the levels of triglycerides in the blood are categorized into:

1. Normal, if the levels of triglycerides in the blood of less than 150 mg / dL or less than 1.7 mmol / L
2. The high limit, if the levels of triglycerides in the blood of 150 -199 mg / dL or 1.8 to 2.2 mmol / L
3. High, if the levels of triglycerides in the blood of 200-499 mg / dL or 2.3 to 5.6 mmol / L
4. Very high, if the levels of triglycerides in the blood of 500 mg / dL or more, or 5.7 mmol / L or above.

According to The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that triglyceride levels of 100 mg / dL or 1.1 mmol / L or lower is considered to be the most optimal.

In blood tests, your doctor will usually check high triglyceride levels as part of a cholesterol test, or often referred to as a lipid panel or lipid profile.

And usually required to fast for 9-12 hours before the blood sample was taken for measurement of triglycerides accurate.

Your health can be seen from the changes in the nail

Did you know that the abnormalities of the nails can indicate a problem in the body? Because if less observant, might be interference on the body that occurs in the liver, lungs and heart missed due to underestimate the signs that appear on your nails. What are the signs?

Consider some sense mark your nails following:

1. Nail Pale
Pale nails may indicate some serious diseases such as anemia, heart failure, liver disease and malnutrition.

2. White Nails
If nails showed white with darker end of the nail can indicate abnormalities in the liver such as hepatitis.

3. Yellow Nails
Fungal infections are the most common cause nails turn yellow. As the infection becomes severe, the nails may thicken and off. In some cases a yellow discoloration of the nail can indicate some serious diseases such as thyroid disorders, lung disease, diabetes or skin disease psoriasis.

4. Blue Nails
Nail color changes to blue are not necessarily indicate that the body is deprived of oxygen. This color change can also indicate an infection of the lungs, such as pneumonia. Beberapakelainan at heart can also cause blue nails.

5. Nail Rustle
This nail shape can be an early sign of psoriasis or arthritis (arthritis). Can also change the color, the skin under the nail can turn red - brown.

6. Nail Tableware / Cleft
Nails are dry, and easily broken or torn in many associated with thyroid disease. The nails were broken and split with a yellowish color can indicate a yeast infection.

7. Swelling In the Crease Nail
If the skin around the nail looks red and swollen referred to as inflammation of the nail fold. But it also can indicate lupus or connective tissue disorders. Infection also may show swelling and redness of the nail fold.

8. Line Black On Nails
The emergence of the black line on the bottom of the nail should be examined as they may indicate a type of skin cancer melanoma dangerous.

Some Benefits of Hot Water Bath for Body

Warm bath that has many benefits, ranging from weight loss, removing toxins, to prevent acne. So, from now on, take a bath using warm water.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of warm water:

1. Lose Weight
Hot water can help maintain a healthy metabolism, which can help you lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to start your day with a glass of warm water and lemon. In addition, hot water can also help break down fats found in your body.

2. Overcoming Blockage In Nose and Throat Pain
Drink hot or warm water is one of the natural ways to relieve flu, cough, and sore throat. This hot water can liquefy phlegm and help clear mucus from the respiratory tract you. Hot water can also relieve sore throat and stuffy nose tackle by mucus.

3. Overcome Stomach Cramps Menstrual Due
Hot water can also help relieve menstrual cramps result. Burning sensation in the water can soothe your stomach muscles, which will help relieve cramps and muscle spasms.

4. Throw Poison
Hot water can help the detoxification process in your body. When you consume hot water, your body temperature will start to rise and make you sweat. This can help the body remove toxins. To obtain maximum effect, add the lemon juice into your drink.

5. Preventing Aging
The process of detoxification prevent premature aging. In addition, hot water can also help repair skin cells caused by exposure to free radicals and make the skin more elastic and soft.

6. Prevent Acne and Boils emergence
Hot water can cleanse your body as a whole, which also remove the causes of acne and boils.

7. Maintaining Healthy Hair and prevent dandruff
Drinking hot water is also good for the health of your hair. Your hair will be softer and shiny. Hot water increases the strength and activate the nerve endings at the root of your hair, which makes your hair stronger and healthier.

In addition, activation of hair follicles also make faster hair growth. Hot water can also keep your scalp moisture and prevent scalp becomes dry and prevent dandruff.

8. Increase Blood Circulation and Nervous System Health
Drinking hot water can also improve your blood circulation, muscles and nerves that make your work better. In addition, hot water also protects your nervous system from damage by breaking the fat around it.

9. Assist Work Digestive System
Some research suggests that drinking cold water during or after a meal can make the oil on the food you consume hardened. This can cause a buildup of fat in the intestinal walls, which can lead to colon cancer.
Consuming hot or warm water can make you avoid the problems mentioned above. In addition, the consumption of hot water can also help work your gastrointestinal system and prevent constipation.

List of Some Symptoms Penis Problems

Often there are some conditions and symptoms that are a concern about the health of the male penis. Although not all morbid condition leads to a dangerous condition, still a bit of a change in the condition of the penis that assessed the reasonableness needs to be watched.

What are the symptoms that need diwasapadai? Consider the following explanation:

1. Bleeding during urination or ejaculation
If you are experiencing this condition, it could be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or prostate disorders. However, this phenomenon is an indication that deserve underestimated. See a doctor immediately, or further urological surgeon.

2. Lump, warts, skin lesions or redness on the penis or genital area
bermasalahBila penis you find warts, sores, or a reddish spots on the penis or around your genital area, chances are you are experiencing symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

Moreover, if you feel these symptoms when recently had unprotected sexual activity.
Bumps or spots. Especially in areas related to sexual intercourse activity, such as in the pubic area, mouth and oral cavity, rectum / anus. The lump may be a chicken's comb in the area around the anus or genitals, enlarged lymph nodes usually in the groin or watery spots such as chickenpox in the pubic area or mouth.

In HIV infection, the beginning is usually accompanied by symptoms such as the common cold can then heal itself, so that the necessary laboratory tests to determine the presence of HIV infection. Those who have sexual activity behaviors that are harmful to their HIV status should consult a doctor.

STI management is actually should be, so that infections do not go up to the top of the reproductive organs and cause infertility or in the case of HIV, the cause of death.

3. curved penis (penile curvature) are not fair
bengkokTidak penis reasonable question here is beyond reasonable penis usually, for example if there is a change in direction of the arch. Indeed penis bends are very reasonable and normal and genetically difaktori (derivative).
But watch out if there is inappropriate to bend beyond reasonable conditions that cause pain and interfere with sexual activity. Kuravatura penis (penis bends) can be caused by the collision, abnormal sexual activity (rough, out of the ordinary).
Or it could be due to severe collisions, such collisions (trauma) when sports and more. Consult a doctor if it interferes with the activity of urination and sex.
The penis is bent certainly raises concerns in men. Normally, the penis is slightly bent. However, there are circumstances that make the penis bent with varying degrees both up and down, and side to side. This is called the Peyronie's Disease.
Peyronie's Diesase is a state of the formation of a layer of fibrous scar tissue (plaque) that hard under the skin on the top or bottom of the penis. When the penis have an erection, the scar tissue pulling on the penis, forming a bent penis. This condition can cause pain during erection.

4. Taste Burned When Micturition
These symptoms can menjad sign of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia, and others. See a doctor immediately before spreading to more fatal condition.

symptoms of Syphilis
There will be about 3 weeks to 6 months after having sex / sex, generally characterized by:
Arise bumps and sores around the genitals
The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. In general, do not hurt
In a few weeks the wound will be lost, but it is the bacteria will remain in the body and the disease can appear in the form of blisters on the entire body blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will invade other body parts
Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and bone pain, flu-like symptoms
Appear reddish spots on the body around 6-12 weeks after intercourse / sex

symptoms of Gonorrhea
The incubation period is very short gonorrhea in men is usually between 2-5 days, sometimes longer. In women incubation period is difficult to determine because generally does not cause symptoms.
In men, initially there is itching and heat around the urethra, the channel that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. Furthermore, there is pain during urination and cloudy viscous secretions out of the tip of the urethra which is sometimes accompanied by blood. When the infection is getting up, the pain will be growing and increasingly viscous secretions and murky. In addition there is pain at the time of erection and sometimes there are enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.
In women, symptoms, if any, can be so mild that people do not realize it. As many as 30% -60% of women with gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Symptoms may include pain during urination, urination becomes more frequent, and sometimes cause pain in the lower pelvis. In addition, there is a thick and cloudy discharge that comes out of the vagina.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men:
Discharge or clear or cloudy discharge from the tip of the penis
Painful urination
Burning sensation and itching at the tip of the penis
Pain and swelling around the testicles
If left untreated, chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammation in women that can lead to damage to the fallopian tubes (the tube that connects the ovaries and uterus) or cause infertility. In addition, this infection may also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and cause premature birth and infection in newborns (eye infection or pneumonia). Whereas in males, can arise complications such as infection or rectum testes.

5. Abnormal Fluid Discharge from penis
penyakitGejala abnormalities of the penis is also a symptom of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Beyond reasonable fluid usually comes in the form of pus, yellow fluid, or beyond reasonable color and often emit unpleasant aroma.
This condition can not be underestimated and should be addressed immediately. Therefore there are three things that must be done:
Seek immediate medical attention. Do not ask a friend or treat yourself with a dose and rules of use that one for later may cause more severe disease and should be treated with more powerful drugs.
To be honest with your doctor. Open a history of sexual activity immediately to the doctor so the doctor can immediately trace the causes of health problems and can provide appropriate treatment.
Open with partner. At the time of treatment need to be honest with your partner, because sexual partners also need to be treated to prevent recurrent infections. In addition, it involves abstinence when treatment that may not be related at all during treatment

6. Great Pain in the penis
The penis is a potential injury, though not in a state of erection (hard). One of the symptoms of penile trauma is severe pain, immediately perform the checks to the doctor if it is deemed disturbing.
Immediately consult a doctor or make a visit to the doctor to get a full examination if experiencing some conditions described above, in order to prevent the risk of a more fatal.

Dependence Smart Device Users Can Threaten Life

The emergence of a variety of brands of smart devices on the one hand, make human activities increasingly facilitated. However, on the other hand the presence of the device is considered alarming. User data privacy is threatened, because smart devices have the ability to monitor user.
Head of the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Edith Ramirez, confirmed it in a discussion in the arena of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015, Las Vegas, USA.

Launch the BBC, Wednesday, January 7th, 2015, for the Ramirez urged technology companies can ensure a minimum gadget collects user data.

Ramirez felt, warning it reasoned. He estimated that, in the very near future the world are increasingly exposed to the Internet of things (IOT), which will hit all regions ranging from the home, car, and products are subject to human (wearable). Smart devices that are present in human activities with sensors that can monitor users.

Consequently, important data such as credit history, health, preferences confidence, to get family, friends, and others could be leaked.

In fact, he added, without realizing technological devices can monitor what users are doing. These women propose a simple example, such as when users watch television. With the smart TV, kind of spectacle user preferences can be tracked.

The danger, of this kind of information can diumbar to other organizations to be used for commercial purposes. "Will you who are not aware of information that will be shared to others?" said he asked.

Female boss was aware, IOT does have benefits to boost economic growth and quality of health. However, he reminded the IOT should not compromising individual privacy.

"I question the idea that we should put the user at risk of sensitive data, which is a day of Companies may find the value of that information," he explained.

He said that the data has become a necessity for and treatment of the data can be used for specific purposes that are more useful.
Closing the discussion opportunity, Ramirez added that any company that ignored the privacy of users will get social sanction, not to be trusted again by the consumer.

Liver Pain because Mostly Eating & Drinking Beer

You're frustrated broken heart? Or just pingin tasting a little alcohol at the end of your busy day? We suggest you stay away from beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages. Or for those who escape the stress to the activities of eating, you should avoid nevertheless. Because one-one you have even more heartache.

Do not false arrests, Heart Hospital really can happen in people addicted to alcohol. Heartache here is liver disorders such as fatty liver (fatty liver).
Fat in small amounts in the liver (liver) is normal. However, if the amount of fat take 5% - 10% by weight of your liver, then most likely you have a condition called Fatty Liver. Where fatty liver can be caused by alcohol or for the majority of cases, non-alcoholic. Over time, the disease can lead to some serious conditions until death.

Fatty Liver Disease when viewed from the cause can be divided into two, namely:

Alcoholic Liver Disease / Heart disease due to alcohol (ALD)
Over 15 million people in the United States consume alcohol excessively and as much as 90% -100% ALD disease arises. Fatty liber can appear after consuming alcohol in moderate or severe. This disorder can occur only with the consumption of alcohol in the amount of weight in a short time (acute alcoholic liver disease). Genetic also instrumental in the development of this disease. Some other conditions also affect this disease is hepatitis C, high iron intake, obesity and diet.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
NAFLD is a disease that is often arise especially in America. This situation is similar to alcohol-induced liver disease, but people who suffer from this disease do not consume alcohol or consume alcohol only in small amounts. The liver may be enlarged, and the time seiringnya liver tissue can be replaced by connective tissue, called cirrhosis. In this disease if left untreated can develop into cancer and cause of death. The cause of this disease remains unclear, but it is closely associated with overweight and obesity.

In those circumstances it is also common to find high cholesterol or triglycerides as well as the state of diabetes or pre-diabetes. There are several factors that can increase the risk of diseases such as some types of drugs, viral hepatitis, autoimmune liver disease, drastic weight loss and malnutrition.

Symptoms that often arises is:

Often weak-weak
Decrease in appetite or weight
weak stamina
difficult concentration
Pain in the right upper abdomen or the middle of the abdomen
enlargement of the liver
Abnormalities in the skin of black discoloration of the skin, especially on the neck or underarm areas. If this condition persists symptoms can appear in the form of the body becomes yellow, bleeding inside, and liver failure.

How to handle?
Regular checks are carried out blood tests to check liver enzymes, ultrasound or biopsy of liver cells. There is no specific treatment for the disease in. Treatment is usually tailored to the cause, as if caused by alcohol, then stop the consumption of alcohol is the most appropriate treatment. When caused by excess weight then the best way is to lose weight. Try to consume foods with proper nutrition and increase physical activity.

The solution?
Restricting calories (avoid high-calorie foods)
Another important thing is to limit foods that are easily digested carbohydrate content, such as:
Non-wheat bread
Added sugar found in beverage cans.
Avoid drugs that aggravate liver disease.
Several studies were to investigate the effects of antioxidants or diabetes medications such as vitamin E, selenium, and metformin for this disease.
And last importantly, stop the consumption of alcohol.

Beer gives Bad Impact of Health

In principle it is not an exaggeration either. However, for the affairs of beer or other alcoholic beverages, did you know that a little or a lot, the same effect damage your liver?

Although only a week you drink 1 bottle of beer medium (300 ml), you already have the risk of fatty liver conditions in your liver (fatty liver). Fatty liver is a condition where you have liver fat accumulation exceeds 5% of the total weight of your liver.

What impact?
Surely if left nan death fatal consequences. Slowly but surely, your body has failed absorption of some nutrients from the food eaten. If so, metabolic waste products can accumulate and damage to your brain. Danger is not it?

Symptoms like what?
Fatty liver that occurs generally do not cause typical symptoms. But the most common is usually the patient will not feel as weak-weak, tired and often appears discomfort in the right upper abdomen.

Additional inspection:
Check the laboratory:
If you suspect any of these symptoms and then you move on laboratory tests to confirm it, usually on laboratory test results can be found mild to moderate increase of enzymes in your liver.

Physical examination of the liver organ:
Physical form of the liver can be found enlarged liver volume.

Ultrasound examination:
When done in the liver imaging such as ultrasound, can be seen clearly has happened fatty liver.

Besides Drinking Beer / Alcohol, Other Causes There's More?
Yes, tragically there are other causes of fatty liver conditions, namely:
Cholesterol or hyperlipidemia
The age factor

How How to Treat?
To treat fatty liver can be initialized by improving your lifestyle. Control blood lipid levels by limiting the consumption of fat in food. Consuming hepatoprotective can also help repair liver cells are damaged and lower levels of liver enzymes.

Prevention can be done in them are overcome obesity with improvements in food consumption patterns impartial. Repair dietary patterns, improve lifestyle, as well as reproduce sports activities, the impact would be able to improve the levels of fat in the blood.

Allowing myself to live a healthy life is very proven to prevent us from dangerous diseases, especially metabolic diseases such as fatty liver example as mentioned above.

Some Things that Must Know About Farts

Hidden or not, people would fart. But although it is a matter of routine, there is a fact that has not been known to everyone. Researchers discover interesting things about bacteria in the intestinal gas production.

Fart is the result of bacteria that live in the gut, said Purna Kashyap from the Mayo Clinic who examined mikrobiom. People consume a lot of carbohydrates, but the body does not have the enzymes needed to process them. Finally carbohydrates reach the intestine, where microbes destroy and take energy through the process of fermentation. Arising from the process gas.

99% of the gas produced in the intestine is composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. It all does not smell, and therefore most of the fart does not smell at all. 1% that smells caused by sulfur. Sulfur-containing foods include beans, onions, cauliflower, broccoli and milk products.

In addition due to bacteria, a gas formed from the inhaled air. This gas is odorless, consisting mostly of nitrogen and oxygen, but if the fart sound comes out the same. Air enters the body, especially when people sleep, but it also could increase if people consume beverages containing soda and chewing gum.

Modern society assess negative fart. Yet this is the work of bacteria in the gut ecosystem. In addition, people can also benefit. Scientists are still trying revealed all mikrobiom role in the digestive system. But it is well known, too, that the same bacteria that produce gas also forms of vitamins and fatty acids that keep the health of the intestinal lining, and immune support.

People familiar with the smell of their own farts. As well as the particular smell when entering someone else's home, but did not smell anything at home. Odor caused by bacteria in the gut differ slightly from one person to another. Therefore, we fart smell disturbing others, but did not bother us.

Because fart mostly contain gases that can burn, such as methane and hydrogen, fart ignitable. But you should not try, because it can be dangerous.

Sometimes, after a fart arrested for want polite, people feel a fart away by itself. But this is not possible. People stop notice, and therefore are not aware if the fart out slowly. In physics fart easily explained: fart is gas bubbles, should come out and there is only one way out.

For many people, fart does not need to be restricted. Similarly Kaskyap said. The amount of produced show good balance of bacteria and food consumed. If not impaired or feel ill, you should process was not disturbed. So people do not need to try to reduce bacteria in the gut.

Differences Have Sex with Men circumcised and uncircumcised

Men circumcised and uncircumcised - photo

Layer of skin folds found in men who are not circumcised penis until now is still a debate as well as a hot topic about health. However, how has it affected your sex life?

Are there differences in sex with men who are circumcised and uncircumcised?

* Sensitivity
According to a Danish study, premature ejaculation or erectile problems often experienced by men is not due to their circumcision. Circumcision which removes half of the foreskin, making him lose sensitivity to light touch though, according to researchers in Korea. In fact, a study from Michigan State University found that the most sensitive part of the penis circumcised men are at the circumcision scar.

* The risk of infection
When men are not circumcised, moisture will be trapped between the penis and the hood, thus triggering bacteria or germs to breed. Men who are not circumcised are vulnerable to fungal infections, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases (especially HPV virus and HIV).

* Health
Differences in sex with men who are circumcised and uncircumcised is related to cleanliness. More difficult to keep the uncircumcised penis clean 100 percent all the time. Although most men are not circumcised able to keep clean his penis, it is still difficult for them.

* Enjoyment more
There is no definitive answer as to how circumcision affects women pleasure during lovemaking. However, a study from Denmark found that women who were married to circumcised men reported feeling dissatisfied with their sex lives when compared with those whose husband is not circumcised. Until now, there are also other studies that say otherwise.

* Pain
According to research from Denmark, women who have sex with circumcised men, likely to experience sexual pain tripled compared to women who have sex with men who are not circumcised. The reason: uncircumcised penis is more smooth and soft.

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