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Know the Dangers of smoking shisha

smoking shisha
smoking shisha - photo

Currently smoking shisha become such a trend among young people. But whether smoking shisha is safer than smoking? Do not be fooled. Shisha and cigarettes as dangerous to health.

Shisha shaped like a water pipe connected with and used by way of smoking. In it, the taste varies heated tobacco to smoke. The smoke then inhaled as smoke through a pipe. If you think that the water will eliminate the toxic effects of tobacco, you are wrong. The tobacco used in shisha as toxic as that found in cigarettes.

Shisha smokers suck fact more toxic than regular smokers. Shisha smoke filled by toxic substances such as carbon monoxide, carcinogens, iron, and tar. The level of carbon monoxide in the smoke shisha more than in cigarettes, as reported by the Health Me Up (15/01).

Shisha smoke can cause lung cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. The amount of nicotine in the body after smoking shisha is also the same as when smoking other and can lead to dependence on tobacco.

In addition, smoke shisha also cause other problems, such as when exposed to the smoke and heat from the shisha. Pregnant women who smoke shisha are also more at risk of having a baby that is lighter weight. If the shisha pipe is not cleaned regularly can cause the wearer contracting dangerous diseases.

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