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Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Some important secret codes Android smartphones that must be known

secret codes Android smartphones articles photo

Are you familiar with the secret code on your smartphone? Perhaps one of the most frequently used is the code to find out the IMEI number, ie * # 06 #.

However, do you know there are still many other secret code that must be known to every user of Android smartphones? Not only is important in times of crisis, secret codes that are able to provide information that is useful when the smartphone is having problems.

Just as the IMEI code, another Android secret code can be easily activated by entering through the call menu. 

Well, here is a list of some secret code of the Android smartphone.

1. * # * # 4636 # * # * (Displays information about the smartphone, battery, and use of data)
2. * # * # 7780 # * # * (Enabling factory reset - This code will create a new smartphone as a record of all applications and your data will be erased)
3. * 2767 * 3855 # (Reinstalling OS Android, completely erase all data on your smartphone)
4. * # * # 34971539 # * # * (Displays information about the camera)
5. * # * # 255 * 273 283 * 663 282 * # * # * (Backup (backup) data quickly)
6. * # * # 197328640 # * # * (mobile or internet service test)
7. * # * # 1472365 # * # * (Tests GPS)
8. * # * # 0 * # * # * (test the performance of the LCD screen)
9. * # * # 0673 # * # * or * # * # 0289 # * # * (test audio performance smartphone)
10. * # * # 0842 # * # * (Tests shakes and light background)
11. * # * # 2664 # * # * (Test touchscreen)
12. * # * # 232 331 # * # * (Bluetooth Test)

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Some causes of Smartphone Performance Being Slow

causes of Smartphone Performance Being Slow articles photo

Who would not be annoyed if the smartphone suddenly crashes or fancy term 'hangs' when engrossed used? However, you should not just stay silent see favorite smartphone declining performance.

Before you know it, there are some things that you often do that makes smartphones are finally slowing hangs, even 'force-closed' or applications that suddenly shut down when worn.

Well, to avoid annoying things that often hangs due to smartphones, there are 4 types of applications that should not be installed on the smartphone. Here's his review.

1. heavy games
For most users, many Android games that have been considered better than portable game consoles like PSP or NDS. However, they often become obsessed with quality Android games featured.

Unfortunately, games class 'weight' is usually has high quality graphics and often consuming excessive memory space. Impact, smartphones over time will tend to decrease performance, as more data is stored by the game.

Therefore, when installing the heavy gaming, you should not put a lot of weight at the same game.

It is better to put a heavy game and try it first. If it is less satisfactory, you can remove it and install another game.

2. battery saver Applications 
Battery saver application by many experts had said not to have a better functioning of the regulatory system of the smartphone battery.

Not surprising when installing the application of this kind would only meet internal memory or RAM. In fact, in some cases, battery saver application it is important to stop the applications that are running.

As a result, instead of smartphones become more efficient battery but your smartphone becomes slow.

3. Antivirus Applications 
Once again, for the current threat on Android smartphones due to virus attack is still very minimal. In addition, most of the smartphones antivirus is intended to protect user data from theft.

Installing antivirus often actually reduce the speed of the smartphone, especially if you set it to perform a scan on a regular basis. Such activities would consume large amounts of RAM memory and make smartphones often hangs.

4. Blackmarket Applications 
Some applications that look very interesting can be found in the app store 'Blackmarket', or outside of the Google Play Store.

Unfortunately, although it looks promising, not least Blackmarket applications that contain viruses or malicious software. If your original install the application, the smartphone can be infected with a virus.

Most viral infections on its own smartphone proven to reduce performance and cause frequent hang smartphone. Moreover viruses can hide itself. You just know later is a smartphone suddenly slow for no apparent reason.

5. Do not open many apps at once
Smartphone also has performance limitations. Well, if you force him to work beyond their capabilities, automatically the performance will decrease dramatically.

This is the one that is often overlooked by users. Many preoccupation using smartphones and forget if it has opened many applications.

Smartphones are only equipped with 512 MB of RAM for example, would be very slow when forced to run 5 or more applications at a time. The smaller the RAM capacity, the higher the potential to hang.

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Insects Being Food Choices with high protein nutrition

Insects Being Food articles photo

Insects turns admittedly very good for human health. Insects called has nutrients or protein. Even beat beef protein.

Believe it or not, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) reportedly admitted the efficacy of these animals.

Insects question that has been tested, namely, grasshoppers, ants, crickets, termites, larvae of flies, worms (mealworms), silkworm, scorpion, and bee larvae.

According to him, residents in some countries of Asia and Africa have long known mengomsumsi insects. Insects popular as traditional snacks commonly sold on the roadside as a roadside snack food is tasty and affordable.

UN FAO report, there are many insects that contain the same protein as beef and animal fat are better for health.
In addition, vitamin and mineral content in insects are also quite a lot, it can even be higher than usual beef.

However, the processing of food such as boiling, frying and drying of course will affect the nutrient content in insects.

Unfortunately, the stigma in society that food from harmful insects were still large enough so that people are still reluctant to consume insects.

However, the UN believes in promoting socialization and insect breeding culture, the people will be accustomed to eating insects.

Several countries in the western region have even started selling the insects in the form of dry food and snacks.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO)

Learning Secrets of Longevity Hunza People

Secrets of Longevity Hunza People

Advances in medicine in the modern era is recognized rapidly. But the disease is also deepened. Founder Tourist Holistic Hospital, DR Husen A Bajry PhD, try to answer this question.

In explanation, Husen invite you to look at the lifestyle of people of Hunza, healthiest and longest man his age in this era.
Hunza people who live on the slopes of the Himalayas known rare illness and live longer. Average age reaches 120-140 years.

Following review of the holistic health expert:
"Historically, many diseases are now emerging is not known at approximately 50 years ago. We now live in a world that is almost instantaneous, which people rely on instant foods as well, such as many that are in the supermarket.
The food is processed and designed to suit the tastes of our tongue, and with the addition of preservatives, flavorings, and dyes are toxic and enslave our bodies.
Worse yet, the instant lifestyle not only limited to food, but when we were sick we enslaved our bodies with a variety of drugs that can instantly eliminate the pain complaint.

How can we improve the quality of public health if our generation is formed by a pattern of living and eating 'junk food' (bad eating) since childhood!

How can we improve the quality of our health if we do not understand our own bodies!

How can we improve the quality of our health, if we only enslave the body at any time

How can plague will not spread when the immune system destroyed community!

How can we expect the people of the world are healthy and free of disease if: the doctor sick, sick leaders, scientists sick, sick community leaders, religious leaders pain, teachers and educators sick?

One thing that is undeniable, the day we are increasingly difficult to find family healthy and disease free.
If you do not believe me above, please see your own family!

One thing you should realize, healthy can never be achieved by simply relying on doctors and medicine.

Healthy can only be achieved by treating the body more wisely, taking into account the balance of the norms of the body as a whole, a good balance of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

In addition, we need to realize together, every food and drink into our bodies will determine the future of our body. Therefore, careful selection.

Hunza people. You know the Hunza?
Human healthiest and longest age in this era. Hunza people who live on the slopes of the Himalayas known rare illness and live longer. Average age reaches 120-140 years.

Research experts, found, longevity secret Hunza people are lifestyle and diet choices.
They are accustomed to make fresh fruits (not fruit as we eat the all transgenic), dried fruits, and vegetables of various parts of the menu of the main meal menu.
They rarely eat processed foods or cooked; they eat very little meat and fatty foods.

Hunza Map photo

They live on the slopes of the Himalayas, in northwest Kashmir, south of Pakistan or in southwest Afghanistan.

The place is filled with fresh mountain air pollution-free with clear water springs out of the rocks that can be taken without having to be cooked.
They are rarely affected by degenerative diseases and malignancies. They almost no modern lifestyle diseases that swept the world today, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, kidney failure, liver, lung, cancer, and other degenerative diseases "

Let us begin to improve lifestyle habits of ourselves, improve environmental quality that is closest to ourselves, improve lifestyles, improve mindset and heart to keep thinking positive, and invite people closest to us to jointly take action and thinking better

source: DR Husen A Bajry PhD (PendiriTourist Holistic Hospital)
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Several Ways First Aid on Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning First Aid Articles photo

One of the possible health hazard is food poisoning. Victims of food poisoning should immediately get medical help. On track travelers, the government usually provides health posts that provide 24-hour service to deal with health problems that occur on the travelers.

However, before people with food poisoning were taken to the nearest health facility, there are some first aid we can do:

1. If the patient is a lot of food poisoning vomiting and diarrhea, give sufficient replacement fluids such as water, oral rehydration salts or mixtures of water-sugar 2 teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon or coconut water to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost body.
2. Give tablet activated carbon to absorb toxins in the digestive tract are taken with water.
3. If there are no tablets of activated carbon, can consume milk to bind toxins in the digestive tract and stimulate the patient to vomit so that the toxins out and do not circulate in the body. However, if the patient has diarrhea, should not be given milk.
4. If the patient is about to vomit food poisoning, induce vomiting in patients with head down so that the liquid state of vomit does not enter into the respiratory tract.
5. In children, should be immediately taken to the nearest health facility to get help immediately.

To prevent food poisoning, make sure you always wash your hands before eating, pay attention to the cleanliness of utensils and attention to cleanliness and freshness of the food you eat.

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Explanation Injury Scratched by Paper Feels More Painful

Injury Scratched by Paper articles photo

Why paper scratched wound more painful than cut knife? Actually, small wounds that are often underestimated was just the opposite - worse than imagined.

According to Scientific American research scientists as described in the last Janurari final edition, the paper scratched wound is not only a small tear as it looks. But the jagged scar that cut right through the collection of nerve cells are most sensitive.

"The wound is not that simple scratch paper. Edges sheet of thin objects that do seem subtle, but it is actually jagged," said Ferris Jabr of Scientific American.

"Pieces of paper scratch the skin was more like a chainsaw smaller than the knife. Although not look horrible, paper leaving chemical particles, may irritate the wounds inflicted," added Jabr.

Jabr uncover, because there is no blood flowing when scratched paper. People also tend not memperdulikannya.

"Because of superficial wounds, they do not bleed or fast freeze. But the damage skin tissue and nerve cells neurons," he explained.

"Every time we move, it will open the wound and interfere with nerve injured neurons," explained Jabr.

On the basis of it. nothing wrong with using plaster cover scars that do not open and do not cause pain and prevent infection.

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Some Tips on How to Prevent Food Poisoning

How to Prevent Food Poisoning Articles photo

Food poisoning is an illness caused by food and drink unhygienic and contaminated. Infectious germs such as bacteria, viruses and parasites are the most common cause of food poisoning. Food contamination can occur from the process of preparation to presentation of food.

Food poisoning can make individuals feel uncomfortable experience. Symptoms The most frequent complaints are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that usually can occur immediately until a few hours after consuming food. Food poisoning is varied there are mild and cause dehydration and death threats.
To prevent food poisoning, it needs a healthy lifestyle and clean. It should be applied not only at home but also when eating outside the home.

Here are some steps that can be followed to prevent food poisoning:

• Hand washing, cooking utensils and food before and after holding and preparing food. Use warm water and dishwashing soap special wash separately peralatasan cook and eat.
• Separate storage of raw food with cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination. Cross-contamination is the involvement of the cooked foods that have been processed properly by the bacteria / germs / viruses from tableware or objects that are not hygienic.
• Make sure the food is cooked completely mature in all parts
• Discard food if you are not sure food is stored and prepared either way, odor and appearance has been inconclusive
• Avoid letting the food too long at room temperature, if you do not want to directly consume food, you can store it in the refrigerator. Food should be a maximum of 90 minutes at room temperature if it is more than that directly store in the refrigerator. Food stored in the refrigerator can last up to 2 days.
• Make sure the temperature is below 5 ° C refrigerator
• Keep the meat at the bottom of the freezer so as not to contaminate other food

Most people still think that the only possible food poisoning food purchased outside the home. However, it turns out the food cooked at home can cause poisoning makana if the process of making and presentation is not true. Food poisoning can be fatal. Healthy is the dream of everyone. Therefore, it is better we prevent disease while we can.

Some Causes of Toddler can not walk in time yet

Some Causes of Toddler can not walk article photo

Normal conditions, age 12 months your child can walk. Although the ability to walk on every child is different. There are children who have a greater ability early, ie at the age of 8 months or some are more than 12 months. During the fair vulnerable age your child is not classified in the category of hard running. Whereas if your child has reached the age of 18 months and still can not walk then you should worry. Could your child have trouble walking?

At the age of 15-18 months is still within the normal time vulnerable if your child has trouble walking but if exceeding the age of 18 months should conduct tests to determine the interference experienced by the child. Generally associated with gross motor disorders that disrupt the balance so it's better to do since early stimulation before it's too late.

In the stage of motor development of each child is different. Even so important for parents to do the stimulation that can help in providing the basic stimulus in the motor development of children. The ability of children to walk begins with several stages which are prefixed ability at age 12-18 months who walk with the help or the child's ability to walk 5-15 minutes without assistance. Meanwhile, at the age of 18 to 24 months your child is able to walk without difficulty.

This causes the mother wondered why children at 18 months of age have not been able to walk, a lot of the causes of which are:

1. Nerve Problem
Motor movements in children is determined by the maturity of the nerve to regulate the movement. When your child is born is still undeveloped nerve in accordance with the function but optimal growth with appropriate stimulation will prepare kematang nerve to support the motor.

2. The balance is disturbed
Impaired balance can be caused by dysfunction of the child has sensory integration (DSI). This disorder is characterized by fear of children when such activities such as swimming, climbing toys sway or other activities. Even children have difficulty in holding his head while sitting, impaired while on the move, or awkward movements accompanied by a delay in activity.

3. Sensory Disorders
Delay running in children over the age of 18 years can be sensitive because aan experience in the feet or hands. In children with impaired sensitive then your child will have to walk on tiptoe or often experienced that generally fall while standing his age was able to walk and berlari.Anak which saw strong sensory issues can sometimes make you jittery and uncomfortable and often impaired to light and sound.

4. Psychological Obstacles
Children who do not megalami physical problems are likely to experience psychological problems associated with parenting, trauma or habits that children are not given stimulation. It is therefore imperative to make observations that can help monitor your child's motor development in advance of your parenting style to observe vulnerable time in accordance with the child's ability to develop motor movements.

Some Tips Overcoming Unruly Children

Unruly Children Articles photo

As a baby, the child is looked so adorable, the age of the range toddlers age 2-3 years they grow into a so awesome, has a curiosity that is so great that this behavior is not uncommon to make his father and his mother laughed grimly. With age, this little one into a unique person who has hopes and desires of its own and even this desire can not be in accordance with what is expected by the father and mother.

In some cases, the father and mother found her son a carefree and tractable suddenly turned into explosive personal, sentimental, dissidents, hyperactive, aggressive whiny and some other properties that are less favored. Here, the role and patience father and mother as a parent being tested.

But not to worry, we need to understand that the above properties is normal thing to happen in children. As adults are not always perfect, this little one is also sometimes can behave unpleasant and considered annoying. But the most important thing is to teach the limits of reasonableness in this little one is a mandatory task for a parent.

Causes of Unruly Child
If the mother's father found the little one who suddenly becomes angry, have a negative character and unruly, before rebuked him blindly, there is a good father and mother introspection first, is there a character that makes this little one feel less attention, frustrated or depressed. Because basically, the less attention the child will do anything to make it to the attention of his parents and the people around him. So do not be surprised when it was dikeramaian, then suddenly this little one became unruly and tend dissidents. In addition, the other reason is because the child is having problems in adapting to its environment. Or maybe it is typical of people who tend to be anti-social pulled himself from the environment.

When faced with an unruly child, scolding is not a smart solution to solve the problem. Instead, let the children continue to apply as such, because the father and mother are tired with his behavior, also not a wise move. As a parent, never mind the duty of educating children. In order to overcome the father and mother unruly child.

Here are smart tips to overcome them:

1. Perform Approach
When the fuss and unruly child, responded with loud and heat does not resolve the problem, otherwise the child will be even more fussy and difficult to manage. When this happens didean general, the father and mother would be less hassle. For that, do subtle approach and began to give him wise counsel, for he understands what he wants is not a good thing. keep consistency father and mother, as for example when he wants ice cream, after his father and mother forbade him to say no, then keep up this little one under. That way the child will be getting used and according to the words of the mother's father.

2. Shows Strong Commitment
In addition to the consistency needs to be maintained, strong determination is also necessary to point out. When faced with a difficult fight that moved at this little one, parents should always show a strong determination. This is important, because when we mneyerah, although not say, children will be able to know whether they can win or not. With strong determination you must have the internal strength to keep this little one of the things that are bad for him. Children should be able to see the determination and inner strength to straighten parents when they are wrong and to know that you do so on the basis of compassion.

3. Create Special Regulations
Other smart tips that can be father and mother to do is to create special rules that have been discussed in advance with the little one. This regulation would have consequences for the child tries to avoid the mischievous deeds. The more the father and mother patiently then children will be more easily controlled. And do not forget to enact regulations that have been made to keep this little one considering the limitations. In addition, always give him the award when he was doing good things is by giving praise.

Some Health Benefits of Celery

Health Benefits of Celery articles photo

Eating celery soup without it feels like there are less so. Pieces of fresh celery can indeed give aroma to both the cuisine.

In addition, water and fiber-rich celery and is considered as the plant that gives a tremendous impact on health. Reporting from The Times of India, Friday (02/13/2015) following eight benefits of celery for the body.

1. Celery has the property to reduce blood pressure. The content in it helps relax the muscles arteries so that blood vessels dilate. In addition, it can also reduce stress hormones.

2. Helps calm and soothe the mind of stress. Celery additional food on the menu at night can help you sleep better.

3. As noted above, celery is rich in fiber which is good to help make the stomach full longer so easy weight down.

4. Supplementary celery in cooking can make digestion so smoothly. This is because celery contains water and fiber to make CHAPTER so regularly.

5. Research shows that eating two celery stalks every day can help reduce LDL cholesterol by seven points.

6. Not only carrots are good for the eyes, celery too. Requirement of Vitamin A per day can be obtained from the stalks of celery.

7. Increase your sex drive.

8. Celery including vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates that do not contain sugar but rich in nutrients.


Some food can Maintain Liver Health

food can Maintain Liver Health articles photo

The liver is the body's filtration system that filters out harmful substances in your blood stream. Located on the right side of your abdomen, the liver will filter out everything you eat or drink, including medications.

In addition, other liver function is to get rid of harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs and other toxins, and produces bile, which is needed to digest fats, converting nutrients from food into the blood component, hemoglobin breaks down and destroys red blood cells parents, organize hormones and blood sugar levels to eliminate bacteria from the blood.

Unfortunately, modern lifestyle and consumption of junk food, fried foods, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, environmental pollutants and drugs is a serious problem that makes the liver stress. As a result, the heart is too much work to process toxins or fat. Well, to maintain a healthy heart turns out there are some foods that are considered to cleanse the liver.

Check out his review, as quoted Healthmeup, Saturday (02/14/2015) the following:

1. Carrots
Carrots contain glutathione, a protein that detoxifies the liver. In addition, carrots also contain flavonoids and beta-carotene, which stimulates an increase in liver function.

2. Tomatoes
Besides being rich in glutathione, tomatoes also contain lycopene, which helps protect against cancer.

3. Grapefruit
In addition to other sources of glutathione, fruits like oranges that are reddish it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that stimulate the production of enzymes that can detoxify the liver.

4. Garlic
Garlic is loaded with sulfur can activate enzymes that remove toxins from your body. In addition, garlic is also rich in allicin and selenium, which is a compound helps cleanse the liver.

5. Spinach
Raw spinach is loaded with glutathione, rich in chlorophyll which serves suck harmful metals, chemicals and pesticides in your blood stream, thus protecting your heart.

6. Lime
Citrus fruits such as lemons and limes are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the liver and also improves digestion. Additionally, lemon also helps your body synthesize toxic substances in your body.

7. Cabbage
Cabbage contains glucosinolates to make isothiocyanates (ITC). This substance stimulates the production of two enzymes that detoxify the liver.

8. Onion
Just like garlic, onions also contain sulfur, odor compounds that stimulate the production of glutathione, which can neutralize free radicals in your body.

9. Apples
Apples contain pectin, a chemical that encourages the release of toxins from the digestive tract.

10. Broccoli
Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower trigger the release of an enzyme called glucosinolates in your body that stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and helps removal of toxins from your blood stream.

11. Asparagus
Asparagus can enhance the natural cleansing mechanism of the liver.

12. Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidant known as catechins, which are compounds to improve liver function.

13. Olive oil
Olive oil is also useful to absorb all the harmful toxins in the body.

14. Eggs
Eggs have a high protein including amino acids that are essential for liver detoxification process while choline serves to cleanse the liver of harmful heavy metals from your body and protect the liver from damage.


Some Habits Family Supports Heart Patients

Supports Heart Patients article photo

Healthy is not private property, but is the right of every person and all ages and begins in the family. If a person is alive and living in a healthy family, then that person will tend to apply the pattern sehatdan life will return to form healthy family. If one family member is sick, it will be difficult for the whole family. Than cure, let's start with preventing illness. Healthy living starts from the family!

Four Healthy Lifestyle
Based on the study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, found four healthy behaviors that influence to prevent death, especially from heart disease. Research conducted in 6299 subjects aged 444-84 years showed that those who have a healthy life has a risk of death 80% lower than in those who do not have a healthy life.

Four healthy lifestyle is not smoking, eating a healthy diet with balanced nutrition, regular physical activity every day and maintain a healthy weight and healthy. The effects of these four healthy lifestyle affect each other. The more healthy habits that are applied in the family, then the sound effects are obtained higher.

If you already maintain a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight, then by physical activity then you will be healthier. However, smoking is one of the most important elements are the most dangerous. Because, even though you've done 3 other healthy behaviors, but you smoke then your health condition even worse than someone who does not perform healthy behaviors at all.

Healthy Habits in the Family
Application of healthy behavior should begin in the family. Here are 5 easy steps to have Healthy Families:

1. Get used to eating a healthy diet with balanced nutrition. Avoid and minimize foods with preservatives, dyes, and salinity and high cholesterol. Limit consumption of fast foods, instant food and canned food.

2. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Set and get used to a healthy diet and regular. Avoid consumption of high-calorie snack between meals or at night before bed.

3. Set aside 30 minutes every 3 times a week for the entire family can play and physical activity, such as playing hide-and-seek, catch the ball, playing rope and other games that can be enjoyed by all family members and involve physical activity. At the very least, plan weekend activities are protected from passive activities and just sit in front of the television or computer.

4. Set aside a specific time to do homework together. Doing chores such as sweeping, mopping, cleaning the yard, is a physical activity which, if undertaken together can also produce a pleasant atmosphere and familiarizing family.

5. Do not smoke. If there are family members who were smoking, provide motivation and support for start stop smoking. Ask your doctor if you stop smoking aid deemed too difficult and require medical assistance.

We can not change the genetic code of the family who carry certain diseases or alter our age. However, we can start a healthy lifestyle today to reduce the risk of death due to diseases that can arise due to poor lifestyle. Healthy behavior is a choice of 100% in the control of a person and his family.

What about you and your family? Have you and your family a healthy life? You have the ability to determine the health status and quality of your life, starting today. 

1. Michael O'Riordan. Four Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Lower Risk of Death, Slow Progression of CAC. Heartwire. Medscape Reference. [Last Edited Jun 4, 2013; Cited Jun 7, 2013].
2. Roy Benaroch. Five Simple, Fun Ideas for Family Fitness. [Last Edited January 17, 2012; Cited Jun 7, 2013].

Some Tips Overcoming Stuffy Nose in Babies

Stuffy Nose in Babies photo

Jikabayisedang experience resulting cold sore nose is blocked, you as a mother is very worried at the time the baby usually have difficulty sleeping, irritability, and difficulty breathing. With so she should know the right way to overcome the blockage of the nose in infants. There are several traditional ways and safe that can be done at home mom. Here it is the most common way when the baby's nose is blocked, among others:

Evaporation naturally
One way to overcome congestion in infants is by evaporation or inhalation. You can do this a natural inhalation at home. The way you can provide steam from hot water that has been spilled by oil telon. It is very easy, you just have to put a small bucket containing hot water and a bit of oil has spilled telon in the corner of the room. Let your baby inhaling the vapor of water. This at least can help your baby to relieve nasal congestion. And also can carry your baby with help to face down on your hands and position your baby with face above the bucket of warm water. It can help the baby to inhale steam from the warm water.

Warm the baby's body
Give always a sense of warmth to the baby whose nose is blocked. It can relieve respiratory and provide comfort to your baby. You can bathe your baby using warm water and then drying the baby when the sun was still morning. In this way a baby can feel the warmth also can help reduce nasal blockage in infants. By the time your baby is asleep, you should set the temperature of your room. You are advised not to use the air conditioner. Low temperature on the air conditioner will aggravate the situation of your baby's nose. Before going to sleep, you also can apply telon oil on the abdomen, back and chest area of the baby, accompanied by a gentle massage.

Massage your baby's nose
Gently massage the baby's nose in the upper area of the nose and eyebrows with a little rubbing the oil telon, this is very helpful in relieving nasal blockage of the baby. that mucus in the baby's nose out, you can press gently by using a handkerchief or a cotton bud around the baby's nose. But you have to be careful, use a very soft handkerchief and do not include cotton bud too deep into the baby's nose.

Adjust the position of the baby's sleep
By the time your baby's stuffy nose, good sleeping position on the baby will be a little relief to the respiratory system of a baby. Tilt the baby's body when sleeping, so by the time your baby's stuffy nose left you can tilt the bed to the right side, if the right nostril is clogged you can tilt it to the left side. However, try to position the head remains higher than the position of your baby's body.

saline solution
Since the first water is believed to dilute salt solution snot in infants. Also facilitate the blockage that occurs in the nose and also restore naturalness membranes in the nose. You can do a way of dissolving a half tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Then enter this solution in nasal sprays for your baby or baby Dapa using a pipette. Squirt the solution into the baby's nose twice. Do it every day at least 3 times. Suggested very cautious in doing so especially for new mothers should seek the help of your parents who have experience doing this.

Some Tips & Solutions Prevent Cellulite

Tips & Solutions Prevent Cellulite Articles photo

Often a woman who gave birth her baby feel a sense of discomfort due to the presence of cellulite on the body that arise during pregnancy. It is often a worry because it will damage the appearance.

Often a woman who gave birth her baby feel a sense of discomfort due to the presence of cellulite on the body that arise during pregnancy. It is often a worry because it will damage the appearance. For women who still have a skin toned, smooth and beautiful body, but remained concerned about the threat of cellulite in the future, you'll want to do early prevention. One way is to find out what it is cellulite and how to overcome them.

As a woman does not want to be the center of attention while swimming at the beach is not because you are a sexy body, but because there is a unique pattern that is visible on your skin. Listen and look at things below on who likes to make tough cellulite.

What's cellulite?
Prior to prevent you need to know first what is cellulite? According to the description of experts, cellulite is a layer of fat under the skin which is located on top of your muscles. If your cellulite simply involves layers of course, may not be visible cellulite. Cellulite is a term to describe the stretch marks, the folds of fat on the skin. A woman tends to store fat in different places that amount is greater than man. As the information for you, cellulite does not only happen to women, because men can have cellulite. But it seems they are not concerned with the presence of cellulite in the body.

Parts of the body are attacked
Usually cellulite will appear on certain body parts, such as the buttocks, lower back, hips, abdomen, upper inner thighs and rear, on the upper back above the shoulder, ankle, inside and back, and upper arms.

age factor
Cellulite usually appears at the age of about 14 years. Not heredity but can arise due to poor lifestyle. Also in women taking birth control pills.

Hormonal cycle in women
In pregnant women, cellulite that occurs as a result of increased levels of estrogen and progrestron drastically to produce more fat and store it in order to protect the fetus.

How to prevent it:

1. Drink plenty of water
One way to prevent the existence of cellulite in your body by drinking water. Because water will nourish and moisturize your skin.

2. Exercise regularly
Especially if you frequently eat foods low in nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can be bad. To avoid cellulite, doing regular exercise and reduce sit for too long because it can form the cellulite. With exercise, the risk of cellulite will be lower than those who do not exercise because the burned body fat and build muscle so no fat accumulated in the skin.

3. Eat healthy by eating protein, fiber, and vitamins
In the past, cellulite is known as the problem of people who are obese or obese because often eat foods rich in fat. You should eat a diet low in fat and high in fiber and carbohydrates that complete more easily digested by your body. A healthy diet can reduce the formation of cellulite.

4. Reduce the use of high boots
If you often wear high heels, this will create a support network load increases fat. Long durability will decline to more easily enter the fat and cellulite occurs.

5. Reduce sugar, animal fats, and salt
Fatty foods and contain a lot of sugar and excess salt can interfere with the absorption of food in your body.

6. Reduce alcohol and caffeine
Bad habits by eating these materials above may interfere with the metabolism of fat in your body.

7. Smoking
The habit of smoking can weaken and result in clogging the capillaries in your skin tissue. And also substances in cigarettes can damage the system Demis ie supporting fatty tissue that causes the formation of cellulite.

8. Get enough rest
Take a break with fairly and subtract sit too long.

Cellulite can not be eliminated but you can minimize the zoom with camouflaged using lotion. Knowledge of cellulite you need to know so that you can avoid it. Do not get discouraged and think that cellulite is an imperfection in your body for cellulite just a term to describe the folds of fat on the surface of your skin. So, sikapilah wisely when you find cellulite on your body.

Some Tips to Avoid Wrong Habits in Cooking

Wrong Habits in Cooking photo

Always pay attention to the way you cook and understand what are the things that can be done and should not be done, so that you and those of your loved ones benefit from food consumed.

As one activity that is fun, cooking really does not require any special skills. Armed with determination and a strong will to learn, a person can actually do it yourself self-taught, utilizing the internet and cookbooks to find a wide variety of recipes that you want to create.

With cooking, you can make yourself a wide variety of processed foods both local and international flavor. However, learning self-taught cook has its own weaknesses rather than formal learning, failures you experience often will make you become easily discouraged and eventually stop trying.

Armed with information from a MasterChef culinary magazine, in which there are some errors described in the cooking is often done unconsciously that can affect the taste and shape of the food being processed, including the following:

1. Do not heat the cooking oil is too hot
Ideally heat required to heat the cooking oil that is ready to be used is in the range between 160-190◦C. Try not to heat the cooking oil over 200◦C. It is intended that the substances contained in the cooking oil is not quickly broken that ultimately it is a carcinogen, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not use the same cooking oil many times
Often found in the food stalls oil used for frying has been used for some time, even up to a dozen times in order to save costs. Avoid doing this because cooking oil or used oil fried food is actually very good for health and can affect the taste of the dish. Therefore, cooking oil should not be used for frying more than 3 times and immediately discard when already turned into a rancid smell, so the dishes we eat still has a taste and remain good for our health.

3. Do not be too often flip through cooking
Do not be too often flip through cooking, so as not to undermine the goal teksur and taste of the food. Leave it alone until cooked through, or if necessary the lid tightly so that the aroma and flavor is maintained.

4. Do not wash the meat
There is an assumption that is circulating in the community that has been so clean before processed meat should be washed beforehand. This assumption is wrong and should be changed, know that by washing the meat will allow harmful bacteria in the raw water used for washing will contaminate the meat. The solution is to make sure to buy meat in places that are kept clean, not exposed to the open air, vehicle fumes, dust and direct sunlight. When the meat falls or better gross briefly soak in warm water and clean using a thick cloth or tissue.

5. Do not cook vegetables too long
It is customary mothers everywhere that vegetables should be cooked until completely cooked and tender, but the habit is wrong because the actual vitamins contained in the vegetables very easily destroyed by heat during the cooking process, so for those who eat the actual do not get any benefit from the vegetables they eat. Therefore, vegetables should be cooked but still no more than 10 seconds, although the texture was still feels hard most important is vitamin content in vegetables and many germs are dead.

6. Do not peel vegetables
According to information from the dietician group of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, eggplant, potatoes, and cucumbers should not need to be processed when peeled, it sounds very strange indeed, but the study found that the vitamin content jutru most in the skin of vegetables , so that the skin peeling of vegetables will make vitamin content so more and more reduced.

7. Do not overuse charcoal
The food is processed by burning using charcoal as satay, grilled corn, steak, grilled fish, grilled tempeh, and so it is very good, but there are dangers lurking to watch. Keep in mind that wood charcoal as a medium to burn has two carcinogenic compounds that are dangerous to health, ie Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs), so if consumed too often, it can increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

Failed in cooking are common. It takes persistence, patience, and patience until you are really good at it. Keep continue to learn and do not easily give up. Cooking is not something to be feared but rather should be enjoyed. Always pay attention to the way you cook and understand what are the things that can be done and should not be done, so that you and those of your loved ones benefit from food consumed. Happy cooking!


Some Tips to Educate Children from Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

It is important to educate our children to avoid sexual harassment. Here are some tips that concerns us:

1. Distinguish the body that may be touched and not
From now on, you can take a piece of paper with the full body of the shoulders, head, shoulders, knees, feet so on.

Next, provide a marker or a few pieces of paper in red and green. Red paper is used for body parts that should not be touched. Instead, the green paper is a part of the body that can be touched others.

To be exciting, you can apply this way while playing. For example, tell your child to stick red paper or mark the body part that he is not comfortable to the touch using the red marker. Whatever alasnnya, grant the child to answer.

Next, ask the children to mark the parts of the body may touch other people. For example, in the hand to shake hands.

If the Son of red marks on the lips and so on, it's okay. Because by doing so, he will be aware of the body that he felt comfortable and did not. If still not in accordance with the values in the family or culture, especially with the genitals, that is where you give sex education to your child.

Sex education itself, can be done by saying something like, "Son if here, in part panties, this is a red triangle, a private area that should not be allowed to touch anyone. Anyone. Even touching mama, mama will help to pee."

2. Independent in toilet
In addition to teaching about the anatomy that should and should not be touched. Also advised parents to teach their children to lock the door to the toilet.

You can encourage and teach locked in toilet school or shopping so she felt safe during defecation. With this little thing, the child will learn part of sex education.

3. Recognize the false alarm
His name is also the children. Sometimes he says, he does not like to be touched in certain parts. But we can say, it is only in the hands. It's called false alarms. When that time came and reported child, let that because when a child has the courage to report it means he will already be aware of his body.

Some Tips How to Eliminate Spicy Flavor

Tips How to Eliminate Spicy Flavor photo

Are you a spicy food lover? If yes then you are not alone because I am also a fan of spicy food. In addition to adding appetite turns eating spicy foods like chili is also beneficial for our health is also a tablet, but if only consumed within reasonable limits and not excessive yes.

Well, everyone already knows that the effects of spicy foods can make your mouth feel on fire and when too much can also disrupt our health, especially the health of the digestive tract. But because it was already like spicy food, although nevertheless still consumed, even some people to tears due to hold a spicy flavor caused by the food.

To eliminate this spicy flavor usually most people would consume mineral water banyakpadahal the wrong way and instead will create a burning sensation spread throughout your mouth. And what dong to remove this spicy? Easy, just use the 6 powerful ways below. Curious? yuk immediately we see the text below.

1. Milk or Milk Products Other
Spicy foods mengakibat mouth felt hot so as soon as possible should be neutralized so that you do not like worms withstand the heat of the spicy flavor. Well, if you want to eliminate spicy flavor quickly it can try to consume milk or other dairy products. The content of fat in dairy products can neutralize heartburn

2. Sugar
The second way is to consume sugar. Burning sensation in the mouth due to spicy food will soon disappear because the sugar will absorb the spicy taste in your mouth. How, do not direct the sugar ingested but wasted on the tongue and suction for 30 seconds.

3. Rice
Rice is the staple food for the people of Indonesia, almost all Indonesian people eat rice every day. But did you know that, in addition to the staple food rich in carbohydrates turns rice is also useful as an antidote to spicy. Eat some spoon when you're feeling kepedasaan, rice grains can pull spicy taste in your mouth.

4. Lime
Who does not know with lime, other than good for the health of the fruit is also very good for our skin beauty tablets. But it turns out the benefits of lime not only that but the fruit can also neutralize the burning sensation in the mouth due to spicy food. Can reliably cool lime burning tongue. So, if you're spiciness then cut lime was then suction.

5. Peanut Butter
Do you like peanut butter? The food is usually used as a spread on bread. Peanut butter is known to have health benefits for the body, but the benefits of peanut butter this one I'm sure not many people know that as neutralizing spicy flavor. Peanut butter is equal to dairy products that contain fats that can cool the spicy taste in the mouth.

6. Fruit Juice
The effects of eating spicy also can make head feels dizzy. If it were so means you are very dehydrated. To overcome immediately drink fruit juice to neutralize spicy and relieve dizziness in your head.

That 6-fire way to eliminate the spicy flavor of your mouth. So, for those who like to consume spicy foods then can try the tips above to cool their mouths from burning due to spicy food.


 TIPS TO MAKE HEALTHY FOOD INSTANT NOODLES photo Almost everyone must have enjoyed the instant noodles, especially the Indonesian as instant noodles is fast food most easily found anywhere, whether in urban or in the township. Can say that the instant noodle is food million people. In addition, an easy way of presenting the course of instant noodles are tasty and delicious food to be enjoyed in the moment there is no time to cook a large meal.

Although the instant noodles are a million people food, but eating instant noodles continuously so no obligation for the consumer especially in the timeframe that bergitu close. For example, in the first week in consumption is noodles every time. Of course it can disrupt the balance of the body in a healthy diet especially the fact that the instant noodles contain a lot of sodium and MSG that makes people much worry to consume instant noodles.

However, if you can consume well noodles and instant noodles to know how to be healthy, you can actually memanfatkannya to enjoy instant noodles without worrying. Here will give you 5 easy ways that you eat instant noodles into a food that is not dangerous so menjad healthier:

1. Reduce Instant Noodles Seasoning
The most mengkwatirkan consumers is due to seasoning in instant eg, as much as possible you reduce the use of seasoning in instant noodles that you create. You can use half of the existing seasoning or also you can use herbs that you created yourself.

2. Give balanced Nutrition
It is true that the instant noodles provide nutrients for our bodies, but the fact is that the intake of carbohydrates that cause nutritional imbalance that goes into our bodies. As much as possible you provide materials that can add to the nutritional value of instant noodles that you create such just like cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and others while you can also add meat, eggs and others as protein intake.

3. Do not Eat Raw-Raw Noodles
Surely you've enjoyed the noodles with the simplest way is to squeeze the noodles, and then give him seasoning in eating, or the term eating them raw. It certainly is not healthy, it can disrupt your digestive. So you have to process it according what the instructions on the packages of noodles there.

4. Do not add rice
Instant noodles are not satisfied when not in add rice? Well it could be like that. However, this can disrupt your health. Because Instant noodles are high in carbohydrates, if you add the rice which has a high carbohydrate also it will cause the body to have a high sugar content if done continuously.

5. Reduce Consumption Mie Intan
And in the end, you have to do is to reduce the amount of noodles in your life. You can eat noodles once a week, 2 weeks or 1 month for instant noodles is not a staple food that should be consumed daily, so eat noodles reasonable course.

That's 5 easy ways that instant noodles into a healthy meal in the lives of us. Hopefully you can be wise again in the consumption of instant noodles so good for your health.


Some Benefits Turmeric for Health

Some Benefits Turmeric for Health photo

Turmeric is part of the natural spices are very often we meet in Indonesia. Various benefits were already often found in Indonesian cuisine types.

In addition, turmeric is also often used as a traditional medicine and alternative. However, some of the benefits of turmeric following would make you believe that this herb can prevent dangerous diseases that without us knowing it would be easy to attack the body.

1. Overcome stomach disorders
In a research journal National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, mentioned a supplement made from turmeric plant, effective against inflammation of the body that cause heartburn and indigestion. Iris turmeric, boiled with water, mix with 1 teaspoon water whiting, stirring until smooth. Strain the water and cold drink after a regular basis for three days will help overcome indigestion.

2. Reduce the risk of heart
A study in 2012 examined the content of curcumin in turmeric is considered capable of preventing heart attacks. A study says when most patients before heart surgery taking curcumin capsules, the result is only 13 percent of patients taking curcumin impaired heart attack.

Turmeric is not a substitute for medication for a heart attack, but because of the content of curcumin acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to reduce the risk of heart attack in people who have undergone surgery by pass jantung.Selain that turmeric is also believed to be a cure for people who have the disorder weak heart.

How to mix turmeric into material for heart problems is mix of turmeric water that has been boiled with two tablespoons of honey, and drink in the morning or evening when the day.

3. Prevent Diabetes
Diabetes is able to be prevented with a lot of things. Research American Diabetes Association says that taking turmeric capsules function curcumin can prevent type 2 diabetes prediabetes be you can make potions kunyi into drinks. Mix with a little honey when drunk.

4. Protect brain cells
Not only curcumin, but the content of ar-turmeron or aromatic turmeron also help repair cells in the brain stem. Research on the content of aromatic turmeron on the function of stem cells in the adult brain say that turmeron aromatic prevent diseases that attack the brain. Journal of the National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health said that, if taken correctly can prevent Alzheimer's.

5. Relieve joint
The benefits of turmeric have also been investigated for someone who experience joint pain. Journal of the National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health said the same turmeric extract with ibuprofren drugs that can reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. A simple recipe is to add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder during breakfast, or you can try mixing them into a glass of warm milk in the morning.


This is the payoff of having sex with men who are not circumcised

having sex with men who are not circumcised photo

Did you know that having sex with a man who is not circumcised was not only affects the appearance and sensation you feel? According to the CDC, circumcision may also help lower the risk of contracting HIV, herpes, and HPV.

Over the decades, the only benefit of circumcision that may have been known by many people is that it can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infection.

However, experts at the CDC managed to find a variety of other positive benefits of circumcision for the health of a man and his partner.

Does this mean that having sex with an uncircumcised men may increase the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease?

The answer is "yes", because if a man who is not circumcised more easily infected by sexually transmitted diseases, so he tends to be easier to pass it on to others.

However, this does not mean that having sex with a man who had been circumcised can make you free from the risk of contracting various types of sexually transmitted diseases.

Source: womenshealthmag

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