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Some food can Maintain Liver Health

food can Maintain Liver Health articles photo

The liver is the body's filtration system that filters out harmful substances in your blood stream. Located on the right side of your abdomen, the liver will filter out everything you eat or drink, including medications.

In addition, other liver function is to get rid of harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs and other toxins, and produces bile, which is needed to digest fats, converting nutrients from food into the blood component, hemoglobin breaks down and destroys red blood cells parents, organize hormones and blood sugar levels to eliminate bacteria from the blood.

Unfortunately, modern lifestyle and consumption of junk food, fried foods, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, environmental pollutants and drugs is a serious problem that makes the liver stress. As a result, the heart is too much work to process toxins or fat. Well, to maintain a healthy heart turns out there are some foods that are considered to cleanse the liver.

Check out his review, as quoted Healthmeup, Saturday (02/14/2015) the following:

1. Carrots
Carrots contain glutathione, a protein that detoxifies the liver. In addition, carrots also contain flavonoids and beta-carotene, which stimulates an increase in liver function.

2. Tomatoes
Besides being rich in glutathione, tomatoes also contain lycopene, which helps protect against cancer.

3. Grapefruit
In addition to other sources of glutathione, fruits like oranges that are reddish it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that stimulate the production of enzymes that can detoxify the liver.

4. Garlic
Garlic is loaded with sulfur can activate enzymes that remove toxins from your body. In addition, garlic is also rich in allicin and selenium, which is a compound helps cleanse the liver.

5. Spinach
Raw spinach is loaded with glutathione, rich in chlorophyll which serves suck harmful metals, chemicals and pesticides in your blood stream, thus protecting your heart.

6. Lime
Citrus fruits such as lemons and limes are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the liver and also improves digestion. Additionally, lemon also helps your body synthesize toxic substances in your body.

7. Cabbage
Cabbage contains glucosinolates to make isothiocyanates (ITC). This substance stimulates the production of two enzymes that detoxify the liver.

8. Onion
Just like garlic, onions also contain sulfur, odor compounds that stimulate the production of glutathione, which can neutralize free radicals in your body.

9. Apples
Apples contain pectin, a chemical that encourages the release of toxins from the digestive tract.

10. Broccoli
Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower trigger the release of an enzyme called glucosinolates in your body that stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and helps removal of toxins from your blood stream.

11. Asparagus
Asparagus can enhance the natural cleansing mechanism of the liver.

12. Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidant known as catechins, which are compounds to improve liver function.

13. Olive oil
Olive oil is also useful to absorb all the harmful toxins in the body.

14. Eggs
Eggs have a high protein including amino acids that are essential for liver detoxification process while choline serves to cleanse the liver of harmful heavy metals from your body and protect the liver from damage.


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