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Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts

Know Some Cancer Symptoms In Men

Cancer is a deadly disease that should be treated as early as possible. The first thing to do to avoid cancer is to know the signs of the cancer itself.

Men are more prone to suffer from cancer than women, including in the case of a visit to the doctor. In fact, a very common symptom can be found when men realize.

Despite signs of cancer is similar to the symptoms of other diseases, but it does not hurt to know what are the signs of cancer as quoted from Boldsky, Thursday (01/15/2015)

1. Pain during urination

If you experience pain when urinating or find blood in the urine, you should immediately see a doctor. It may be that this is a sign of cancer.

2. Changes in the testes

The most prominent sign of cancer in men is discoloration testes. If by chance you see there is a little darker color of the testis or find a lump, it is better to do the test immediately.

3. Changes in skin

Experts believe that men over the age of 50 years are likely to develop skin cancer. If clayey any changes in skin color that is unusual, it could be a sign of cancer in men.

4. Wounds

Sores in the mouth that does not heal for a few days is suspect.

5. Chronic Cough

Chronic cough for a few days can be a sign of cancer in men. If after taking the medication does not heal well, do further tests.

6. bloody bowel movements

If you find blood in the stools during bowel movements, better directly in the doctor's examination. If you suffer from constipation or hemorrhoids, you can bloody stools.

7. Pain continuous

If men experience pain that occurs continuously meneurs and followed by abdominal cramps, consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms of this cancer may be associated with leukemia or esophagus, liver, pancreas or colorectal cancer.

8. Fever

Early signs of leukemia is often experienced high fever and chills. So, do not ignore these signs.

9. Hard to swallow

A man who have difficulty in swallowing and feel pain, you should immediately see a doctor. It could have been any signs of lung cancer are often in men.

source: Boldsky



The last few years various studies have shown that eating too much sugar, especially sugar is often added in cooking and processed foods, can improve blood fat levels. A study at the University of Minnesota showed that consumption of large amounts of glucose can affect the levels of triglycerides in the blood.

Researchers assume that the human body can not metabolize the sweet snack as soon as that person can eat. So the liver (liver) put some glucose from the snack into your blood stream, or save it for later use.
David Levitsky, Ph.D., professor of psychology and nutrition to add, if the tank is in the heart is full, the excess into triglycerides. Glucose consumption of snacks that you go into your heart as well, but instead deposited into the bloodstream, it is stored as glycogen. The liver can store about 90 to 100 grams of glycogen. If not used, the rest will be stored glycogen in the form of fat (triglycerides).

By maintaining a healthy weight, most people can keep their triglyceride levels at an acceptable level. "If you are overweight or gain weight, the fat will accumulate and be a marker of heart disease and stroke," says Levitsky.
If you're one of those overweight, your first step is to immediately reduce sugary and starchy foods, beer, and sugary drinks. Your body is not designed to handle that much sugar.

The doctor will use an oral glucose tolerance test or an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes. To undergo OGTT, you need to consume 75 grams of glucose to see how your body processes sugar system.
Severe hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) can cause blurred vision, excessive thirst and frequent urination. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is easy to recognize, that you feel weak, cold sweating, and anxiety, blurred vision, or fatigue a few hours after intake of sugar that much. OGTT would be more accurate than normal fasting blood glucose tests to measure blood sugar levels.

If you are accustomed to eating large amounts of food, excessive alcohol, and lack of activity, then you probably will shorten the life of you, even if your weight is ideal though. Repeated blood sugar spikes give stress on the organs that make up your body's metabolic machinery.
And you probably will not feel it. "People can live without symptoms for many years in a state of prediabetes even though they have lost as much as 50 percent of their pancreatic function" Levitsky said. "And they do not even know about it." He continued.

People with prediabetes have the same health risks with diabetes, especially for heart disease.
So start thinking about what you eat today. Sugar makes you addicted, and have good taste makes you continue to want to eat it without feeling full. Limit all high glycemic indexed foods such as soft drinks, sugary snacks, cakes, biscuits, bread, pancakes, and so on.

"The less stress you give your body system, the longer your body will function properly" says Levitsky. And stop blaming sugar for all the health problems that you are feeling right now, because basically all there is in yourself.

Your health can be seen from the changes in the nail

Did you know that the abnormalities of the nails can indicate a problem in the body? Because if less observant, might be interference on the body that occurs in the liver, lungs and heart missed due to underestimate the signs that appear on your nails. What are the signs?

Consider some sense mark your nails following:

1. Nail Pale
Pale nails may indicate some serious diseases such as anemia, heart failure, liver disease and malnutrition.

2. White Nails
If nails showed white with darker end of the nail can indicate abnormalities in the liver such as hepatitis.

3. Yellow Nails
Fungal infections are the most common cause nails turn yellow. As the infection becomes severe, the nails may thicken and off. In some cases a yellow discoloration of the nail can indicate some serious diseases such as thyroid disorders, lung disease, diabetes or skin disease psoriasis.

4. Blue Nails
Nail color changes to blue are not necessarily indicate that the body is deprived of oxygen. This color change can also indicate an infection of the lungs, such as pneumonia. Beberapakelainan at heart can also cause blue nails.

5. Nail Rustle
This nail shape can be an early sign of psoriasis or arthritis (arthritis). Can also change the color, the skin under the nail can turn red - brown.

6. Nail Tableware / Cleft
Nails are dry, and easily broken or torn in many associated with thyroid disease. The nails were broken and split with a yellowish color can indicate a yeast infection.

7. Swelling In the Crease Nail
If the skin around the nail looks red and swollen referred to as inflammation of the nail fold. But it also can indicate lupus or connective tissue disorders. Infection also may show swelling and redness of the nail fold.

8. Line Black On Nails
The emergence of the black line on the bottom of the nail should be examined as they may indicate a type of skin cancer melanoma dangerous.

List of Some Symptoms Penis Problems

Often there are some conditions and symptoms that are a concern about the health of the male penis. Although not all morbid condition leads to a dangerous condition, still a bit of a change in the condition of the penis that assessed the reasonableness needs to be watched.

What are the symptoms that need diwasapadai? Consider the following explanation:

1. Bleeding during urination or ejaculation
If you are experiencing this condition, it could be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or prostate disorders. However, this phenomenon is an indication that deserve underestimated. See a doctor immediately, or further urological surgeon.

2. Lump, warts, skin lesions or redness on the penis or genital area
bermasalahBila penis you find warts, sores, or a reddish spots on the penis or around your genital area, chances are you are experiencing symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

Moreover, if you feel these symptoms when recently had unprotected sexual activity.
Bumps or spots. Especially in areas related to sexual intercourse activity, such as in the pubic area, mouth and oral cavity, rectum / anus. The lump may be a chicken's comb in the area around the anus or genitals, enlarged lymph nodes usually in the groin or watery spots such as chickenpox in the pubic area or mouth.

In HIV infection, the beginning is usually accompanied by symptoms such as the common cold can then heal itself, so that the necessary laboratory tests to determine the presence of HIV infection. Those who have sexual activity behaviors that are harmful to their HIV status should consult a doctor.

STI management is actually should be, so that infections do not go up to the top of the reproductive organs and cause infertility or in the case of HIV, the cause of death.

3. curved penis (penile curvature) are not fair
bengkokTidak penis reasonable question here is beyond reasonable penis usually, for example if there is a change in direction of the arch. Indeed penis bends are very reasonable and normal and genetically difaktori (derivative).
But watch out if there is inappropriate to bend beyond reasonable conditions that cause pain and interfere with sexual activity. Kuravatura penis (penis bends) can be caused by the collision, abnormal sexual activity (rough, out of the ordinary).
Or it could be due to severe collisions, such collisions (trauma) when sports and more. Consult a doctor if it interferes with the activity of urination and sex.
The penis is bent certainly raises concerns in men. Normally, the penis is slightly bent. However, there are circumstances that make the penis bent with varying degrees both up and down, and side to side. This is called the Peyronie's Disease.
Peyronie's Diesase is a state of the formation of a layer of fibrous scar tissue (plaque) that hard under the skin on the top or bottom of the penis. When the penis have an erection, the scar tissue pulling on the penis, forming a bent penis. This condition can cause pain during erection.

4. Taste Burned When Micturition
These symptoms can menjad sign of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia, and others. See a doctor immediately before spreading to more fatal condition.

symptoms of Syphilis
There will be about 3 weeks to 6 months after having sex / sex, generally characterized by:
Arise bumps and sores around the genitals
The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. In general, do not hurt
In a few weeks the wound will be lost, but it is the bacteria will remain in the body and the disease can appear in the form of blisters on the entire body blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will invade other body parts
Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and bone pain, flu-like symptoms
Appear reddish spots on the body around 6-12 weeks after intercourse / sex

symptoms of Gonorrhea
The incubation period is very short gonorrhea in men is usually between 2-5 days, sometimes longer. In women incubation period is difficult to determine because generally does not cause symptoms.
In men, initially there is itching and heat around the urethra, the channel that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. Furthermore, there is pain during urination and cloudy viscous secretions out of the tip of the urethra which is sometimes accompanied by blood. When the infection is getting up, the pain will be growing and increasingly viscous secretions and murky. In addition there is pain at the time of erection and sometimes there are enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.
In women, symptoms, if any, can be so mild that people do not realize it. As many as 30% -60% of women with gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Symptoms may include pain during urination, urination becomes more frequent, and sometimes cause pain in the lower pelvis. In addition, there is a thick and cloudy discharge that comes out of the vagina.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men:
Discharge or clear or cloudy discharge from the tip of the penis
Painful urination
Burning sensation and itching at the tip of the penis
Pain and swelling around the testicles
If left untreated, chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammation in women that can lead to damage to the fallopian tubes (the tube that connects the ovaries and uterus) or cause infertility. In addition, this infection may also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and cause premature birth and infection in newborns (eye infection or pneumonia). Whereas in males, can arise complications such as infection or rectum testes.

5. Abnormal Fluid Discharge from penis
penyakitGejala abnormalities of the penis is also a symptom of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Beyond reasonable fluid usually comes in the form of pus, yellow fluid, or beyond reasonable color and often emit unpleasant aroma.
This condition can not be underestimated and should be addressed immediately. Therefore there are three things that must be done:
Seek immediate medical attention. Do not ask a friend or treat yourself with a dose and rules of use that one for later may cause more severe disease and should be treated with more powerful drugs.
To be honest with your doctor. Open a history of sexual activity immediately to the doctor so the doctor can immediately trace the causes of health problems and can provide appropriate treatment.
Open with partner. At the time of treatment need to be honest with your partner, because sexual partners also need to be treated to prevent recurrent infections. In addition, it involves abstinence when treatment that may not be related at all during treatment

6. Great Pain in the penis
The penis is a potential injury, though not in a state of erection (hard). One of the symptoms of penile trauma is severe pain, immediately perform the checks to the doctor if it is deemed disturbing.
Immediately consult a doctor or make a visit to the doctor to get a full examination if experiencing some conditions described above, in order to prevent the risk of a more fatal.

Diabetes can be known of Changes in Skin

Diabetes is a disease that can affect anyone, both old and young. This disease occurs because the amount of blood sugar levels rise due to disturbances in the body's metabolic system, in which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin the body needs.

The emergence of diabetes is usually influenced by a person's lifestyle is not healthy. Ironically, diabetes is known so late that maintenance carried out to be not optimal and the healing process was not total.

For that you need to know and detect when the disease is attacking you as early as possible. But how? Well you know, according to research published in, diabetes it can be known, and in the detection of a series of symptoms that occur on the skin. And here is a sign - a sign:

1. The appearance of bumps on the skin
When your skin there are lumps that appear suddenly - arrive, you need to beware. Lumps like it could be a symptom of insulin resistance. These lumps will usually appear in skin folds and the more irritation occurs. This could be a sign that the risk of diabetes occurs the greater. Immediately consult your physician when you experience skin irritation occurs arrived - arrived.

2. xanthelasma
You may still not know what it xanthelasma. In medical. xanthelasma is the appearance of white markings on the upper eyelid. This xanthelasma but can detect the risk of diabetes, could also be a marker of disease emergence of cholesterol. The sooner you detect and determine the existence of this xanthelasma, the sooner you recover from this disease.

3. The emergence of vitiligo
Vitiligo is a kind of skin disorder caused by loss of melanin in the skin because it can no longer melanocytes produce melanin. It will be followed by the appearance of spots - white spots on the skin. Vitiligo itself could arise because the immune system is already weakened due to diabetes.

4. The appearance of a skin rash (Granoloma annulare)
A skin condition called granoloma annulore is the appearance of unusual skin rash on the body. Such rash usually speckled - with itchy spots, emergence also arrived - arrived. Immediately doing diabetes test if this rash appears continuously to find out the cause behind the emergence of this disease.

5. Often itching
Immediately consult a doctor when you arrive -Arrived feel itchy without a known cause, it could be a sign of diabetes you start. Because diabetes usually would disrupt the skin's ability to retain moisture so that the skin will feel kerig and itchy all the time.

That 5 symptoms of the skin which can be a sign of diabetes need to watch. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it helps you immediately checked by a doctor to find out what causes it. Who knows, these symptoms are a sign you have diabetes. Hope it is useful.

Tips on How to Overcome Measles in Children

Isolating infected children against measles is one way to prevent transmission.

Measles or commonly known as measles is contagious infection by measles virus. Measles transmission can be through droplets (splash saliva while talking, coughing and sneezing). The measles virus then enters the body through the respiratory tract.

Recognize the Symptoms
Know in advance of measles in children in order to do further treatment again.

Clinical symptoms of measles usually in the form:
1. high body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius.
2. The emergence of a red rash greater than mosquito bites and interlocked.
3. Over time more and more red rash spreads throughout the body.
4. Accompanied eye irritation (belekan).
5. The red rash changed to red, then become scaly.

By the time the rash has become black, the actual healing process has begun, because measles is one of the diseases that can be cured by itself. But if you do not get the right treatment, the healing process may take longer.

Different Measles with other diseases
Differences measles with other diseases is hot when the rash first appears very high. There can be complications such as diarrhea due to internal organs in the large intestine also develop a rash.

Also can occur inflammatory lung infections, also there is otitis media (inflammation of the ear area, sometimes until the damaged ear drums and discharge) to encephalitis.

Age susceptible to measles is aged 6 years and over. And the most vulnerable are toddler age is the age of 203 years. At this age there should be revaccinated, but still little is aware of this. As for children aged 0-6 months are relatively safe from the attack of measles because at this age children still get measles immunity from the mother.

First Aid Measles
First aid that can be done by parents is to reduce the heat. By the time the body temperature reaches over 38.5 degrees Celsius, then avoid compressing the child with cold water. We recommend using only plain water. Compressed in areas such as the large blood vessels in the neck, armpits, and in the thigh.

Because measles is a disease that can be cured by itself, then the parents should be able to keep the child nutrition to be balanced. Children must be maintained in order to avoid dehydration, and then isolating the child in the room to minimize the transmission of measles.

Finally, keep the child in order to be rested. Give vitamin A to maintain stamina. If the rather severe conditions, such as decreased consciousness, sesk breath, dehydration, or children reluctant to eat, then it should be taken to the doctor.

Measles Prevention Tips
Prevention of measles attack can be performed by administering the vaccine in accordance with the schedule. There are three stages of measles vaccine should be done.
1. When children aged 9 months.
2. At the age of 2-3 years.
3. At the age of 5-6 years.

This must be done because measles is a type of disease that can be prevented by vaccines.

Another way to prevent measles attack is to avoid direct contact with patients. Then provide a nutritious and balanced nutrition. Improve yourself and environmental hygiene.

Some Common Symptoms of Measles in Children

Measles is one of the diseases caused by the rubeola virus. It's easy once transmission and generally suffered by children. Because it is so easy it is transmitted, then only with the patient coughs or sneezes can be transmitted to children who previously had never experienced this measles saki.

Transmission can also through hands contaminated with germs. Moreover, should a child with measles should rest only in the home to prevent the spread of this virus.

Symptoms of Measles
After experiencing an incubation period of 10 to 14 days, came the following symptoms:
1. High fever up to 40-41 degrees Celsius.
2. red and watery eyes.
3. Exit liquid mucus from the nose.
4. Dry cough.
5. Appears red spots on the face and whole body after 3-4 days later.

Red patches all over the body which meets this looks terrible, but in fact, this disease is not too serious because it can heal itself. With proper treatment, in just one week, spot-bercaknya will disappear altogether.

How to handle given enough nutritious food to increase endurance, taking medication fever and cough when accompanied by cough, as well as other medications given by doctors. When measles is not addressed, the impact is very dangerous, where children will have pneumonia and middle ear.

Some Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

Diabetes is a disease that is not in favor of a specific gender. More women than men suffer from diabetes. And in fact, pregnant women are at much higher risk of developing diabetes that will impact on the fetus.

How to know the symptoms of diabetes in women?
quoted from Boldsky, there are some signs, as follows:

1) Sudden thin or fat drastically
    Diabetes can lead to weight being dropped or rose drastically. This is an indication of the most prominent in women. Indeed down or weight gain does not always signify women develop symptoms of diabetes, but it's good to do a medical check up immediately if it happens in less than three months. Indeed, women are often thin due to a lack of appetite or becoming fat as easily hungry.

2) Extreme thirsty
    Another sign is a feeling of extreme thirst. If the thirst is never lost and feel the body always need water then maybe women affected by diabetes. He had no appetite, but want to continue drinking menerus.Jika this happens, immediately to consult a doctor.

3) Easy tired
    Easy feeling tired and weak body into a basic indication of a person affected by diabetes. Feeling rested but the body was never fit, the woman is quite prominent symptom, though fatigue could be due to too much activity, but need to watch out.

4) Frequent urination
    Urinating is one of the activities of the body to get rid of toxins in the body, but if frequent urination jampir per hour, beware as this could be due to diabetes has been on a serious stage. This sign should not be overlooked. Diabetics can urinate many times due to imbalance blood sugar levels and this is certainly not good, and makes the body become limp. If no sign is immediately to the doctor, do not delay.

5) old wound healed
    If the skin is injured and takes a long time to dry and cured, then there could be a symptom of diabetes. This is because blood contains high levels of sugar so it is difficult to make the wound become dry. If you experience some of the above signs, immediately to consult. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. (

Obese Women More at Risk Cancer

Overweight is a risk factor for cancer. However, compared with women who were overweight men were more at risk of cancer.
Excessive body fat is the direct cause of four of the 10 cases of cervical cancer. Those who have a body mass index of 25 or more, three times more at risk than women of ideal weight. These alarming figures published last week by the World Cancer Research Fund in the journal Lancet Oncology.

High BMI or obesity can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women and colon cancer. Obesity also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, esophagus (gullet) and kidney cancer in men and women.
The scientists reported that 20,000 cases of cancer in the UK each year are directly related to obesity.

"But how obesity may increase the incidence of cancer is the 'subject of heated debate in the clinical and scientific community'," said Professor Nicholas Lemoine, director of Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University, London.
Compared with men, women who are obese are more at risk of cancer. Every year in the UK, 13,000 women with cancer are associated with obesity, twice that of the men. Two common types of cancer is cervical cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer.

A total of 13,000 women per year of cancer are associated with obesity, twice the number of men affected by cancer. Experts suspect, estrogen, especially after menopause, could be the trigger.

Before menopause, estrogen made by the ovaries to thicken the lining of the uterus in preparation for ovulation. Every month, progesterone is also produced to facilitate the lining of the uterus shed during menstruation.

Estrogen also made by the body fat in women. The more fat cells you have, the more estrogen produced.

"After menopause, women with excess body fat will continue to produce high amounts of estrogen and it will coat the lining of the uterus. In fact, there was no effect of the influence of progesterone. This is likely to lead to cervical cancer," said Lam Dr.Matthew, researchers.
High exposure to the hormone estrogen after menopause will also stimulate the growth of abnormal cells in the breast, triggering the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer.

This explanation is also supported by a large research program in the United States and Sweden since 2009, where scientists keep track of cancers associated with obesity in two groups of patients: one that never binding intestinal surgery for weight loss, and which are not.

In a Swedish study, women who perform these operations are less likely to suffer from obesity-related cancers. 42 percent lower risk.

However, studies report different patterns in men, where estrogen is not a factor to cancer.
Different fat distribution in men and women's body could also explain why men are more at risk of cancer in areas of the body close to the stomach. This is because men typically accumulate fat in the abdomen, while women spread in all parts of the body.

Gene Mutations and Lifestyle bad is Cause Cancer

Reported Dailynews, from three cases of cancer two of them is a mistake or mutation of genes and a healthy lifestyle is not only accounts for 30 to 40 cases.
Based on studies conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said brain tumors, brain cancer, neck, and ovarian caused by genes or "Bad Luck", while cancer of the throat, lungs, and intestines caused by lifestyle.

Today researchers from the United States made a list of cancers that can not be avoided.
They also said random error or mutation, which occurs in the DNA when cells divide during one's lifetime. "Mutations that occur when the chemical letters in the DNA of one swapped between one another that took place during the replication of cells that describes 22 types of cancer from 31 species, while the rest sembilannya caused by lifestyle and heredity.
"The number of these mutations, causing the higher the risk that the cells grow and uncontrollable, which causes cancer," he said.

Professor Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the United States say a smoker who is able to live long, often attributed to have good genes.

The word "cancer free" longevity in people exposed to cancer-causing genes, such as tobacco, often associated with them have good genes, in fact most of them only have luck,
Approximately 332,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with cancer in 2011.

The most influential factors of this disease, the simple fact, with regard to age, the older the person, the cells in our body getting damaged and affect the gene defect that causes cancer.

The greatest risk factor for the disease is only getting older - this is because it has more time for the cells in our bodies to collect genetic damage.
Prof. Vogelstein said all types of cancer are caused by bad luck, the environment, and the descendants of the three accounts for the development of cancer.

This study also showed that every person at risk of developing cancer with a poor lifestyle, such as smoking, and so forth.

Ebola Know and How to Prevent

Humans tend to be afraid of something unknown. As AIDS in the 80s is a scourge for many people, now we are anxious to hear the Ebola disease.

Humans tend to be afraid of something unknown. As AIDS in the 80s is a scourge for many people, the world is now anxious to hear the Ebola disease. Should we have the knowledge of a new disease so that we can recognize and especially avoid it. Below I have collected some information about Ebola.

What is the Ebola?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a US government agency that works at reducing and preventing disease, Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease (can reach 38.6 degrees Celsius) accompanied by headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, the whole body feels the pain , bruising and bleeding for no reason. Seeing the initial symptoms, the disease is similar to the flu, but it goes more violent. The difference in this disease with dengue fever (dengue fever) have ever known is the Ebola virus is spread by bats, while the dengue virus is spread by mosquitoes. Ebola virus can infect humans and apes. The virus can not be spread through the air, the mode of transmission is more like the HIV virus that causes AIDS, through blood and body fluids.

The disease was discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in West Africa, specifically in the Congo, the country Idi Amin. At this time, the countries in Africa that many contracted Ebola is Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

in the US
Although it has been done by filtering the prevention of migrants from abroad, especially the new ones back or come from countries in West Africa, to be quarantined if they are suspected of having Ebola, the US still missed. A journalist who worked in Liberia, Ashoka Mukpo, came home with this disease. At this time he was treated in an isolated room in a hospital Omaha, Nebraska. Ashoka's father, Dr. Mitchell Levy, said that her son was not sure how she was infected. When he sprayed the possibility to clean up something that has been contaminated, the virus was sprayed back into his face. He was given medication that was tested its efficacy, which is never given to a patient with another Ebola and it helped.

Ebola victims
So far there are 210 health workers in Africa who died of Ebola. Because it is in the US late last September, 1000 in Las Vegas nurses protest by lying on the sidewalk in front of the Bellagio Hotel and wrapped around her body with chalk strokes to mimic the way the police marked the location of the victim. They consider the US government does not act tough enough to deter the entry of Ebola virus into this country.

US encourages its citizens to the extent possible to avoid traveling to countries where the disease is endemic Ebola.

But if forced to also visit there, it is recommended to do the following:
Frequent hand washing or wearing anti-bacterial cleanser.
Avoid contact with blood or mucus, especially from people who are sick.
Do not touch the stuff that has been exposed to blood or mucus of infected people.
Do not touch the bodies of people who died from Ebola.
Do not touch the bat, pig or monkey forest, blood or mucus and do not eat meat produced from these animals.
Avoid the hospital where the patient is being treated Ebola.
Immediately to your doctor if you suffer from high fever, while in the care of doctors do not make contact with people who are healthy.

When you travel abroad and had a high fever and vomiting feeling of wanting to get to the doctor and ask for a blood examined in the laboratory to detect whether it contains the Ebola virus.

Same symptoms with Ebola However this disease Kill More

The latest data from the World Health Organization, WHO, says that more than 7,500 people have died of Ebola, mostly scattered in several West African countries such as Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. However, it turns out there is another disease that is more deadly than Ebola. The disease is malaria.

The danger, is the magnitude of the victim because malaria is because during this time everyone was too focused to combat Ebola. Similarly, as quoted from Fox News, Tuesday (12/30/2014).

"It would be a huge failure for everyone if many people died of malaria in the middle of the Ebola epidemic," said Dr. Bernard Bahlen, deputy director of the US President's Malaria Initiative.

In Guinea, last year the number of malaria deaths reached 15 thousand to 14 thousand of them are still under the age of 5 years. 12 million people do not have access to health centers so that death is not counted in the 15 thousand deaths.

As a comparison, based on data from the World Health Organization, to date approximately 1,600 people died from Ebola Guinea.

Malaria alone is the leading cause of death in infants in Guinea and finished 2nd leading cause of death after AIDS.

A few days ago, one of the Cuban doctors infected with Ebola. Apparently, one of the Cuban doctors were also affected by malaria. Fortunately, one of the private hospitals have adequate equipment so that the doctor can be saved.

Ebola and malaria itself has a lot of the same symptoms. For example, fever, dizziness headache and muscle aches. While malaria caused by mosquito bites, Ebola is only caused by the infection of their body fluids that have been previously infected.

Because of this, many people who think they are exposed to Ebola when exposed to malaria. For menanggulianginya, 1.5 million antimalarial drugs have been distributed to various places to prevent the disease from spreading and also treat those already infected.

Some Causes of Body Odor

Morning you had a shower, put on deodorant has even been using perfume in the whole body, but why odor-odor remains seliweran arise, where this come from? Or of the person next to you?

Before you glanced away to people around you, there are several sources of body odor which is not as easy as it lost with a bath or with the use of fragrances from our body, what are, here are:

The smell that comes when you are under stress
There are several types of sweat that can be caused by the body, and sweat the most unpleasant smell is sweat that appears when under stress thus produced apocrine glands.
Apocrine glands produce sweat that is not too wet and bacteria are very pleased with fats and proteins contained in this sweat. Because of the large number of these bacteria that makes odor. This differs from the sweat sweat incurred while exercise or heat, where this kind of sweat contains a lot of water and minerals.

Your foot is 'smell'
Bacteria are very happy to stay on our feet because the toes are usually located in a dark, warm, and humid which is a habitat for bacteria. As many as 10-15% of people produce more sweat, so some people may have foot odor is unpleasant.

Rarely wash lingerie (bra)
Of course we as women have some kind of bra that fits perfectly with us so that we can use over and over again until we sometimes did not wash. Several types of fabric bra has the ability to absorb sweat so that when used repeatedly without washing can cause a bad odor.

Broccoli consumption of too much
Sure you've heard that a diet containing high onions can trigger bad breath, this is true. Some foods such as broccoli can cause new onset of mouth.

Genetic disorders 'trimethylaminuria'
Mutations of several genes that are named as trimethylaminuria, can affect the body so it can not break down chemicals called trimethylamine. The content is what makes the smell of the fish and when it accumulates in the body so bad breath, urine and sweat can cause odor of fish.

When you consume alcoholic beverages, the alcohol may be out of the pores and cause body odor.

When diabetes is not treated, it can arise condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. When this happens, it can be a change in body odor.

Headaches can be a sign that torment you with a brain tumor

For those of you who often underestimate the headaches are often perceived, be careful, because the headache may be a symptom of the emergence of tumor cells in your brain.

Forward-looking statements are disclosed if Dr. Aamar Hamasli, from Washington University Medical School. Amaar said, although the symptoms are difficult to predict, but the headaches are prolonged and continuous, can be a trigger for the start of the growth of tumor cells in the brain which can gradually eat away at your brain runs out.

"The average person with a brain tumor will have complaints such excruciating headaches, and other neurological disorders in the head," said Amaar, as reported by the Times of India.

To prove the statement, Ammar conducted a survey in 95 patients with brain tumors to be studied. As a result, 11 of the 95 people tested, admitted if the headache is the only complaint that they experienced before finally sentenced to suffer from a brain tumor.

Four patients with proven, admitted experiencing excruciating headaches that ultimately demands further handling. While the remaining seven people, claiming to have complaints headaches that come suddenly and in very often.

For patients who experience severe headaches, treatment should be done is put through a neuro imaging, or mapping the brain to figure out who suffered from plaque disruption or blockage depicted. Having managed to get a picture of the disturbances that occur in the brain, then the doctor can decide what treatment will be performed in these patients.

Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared women. Based on available data, of the many cancer patients in Indonesia, cervical cancer reaches its third. And from WHO data recorded, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death among women of the world.

Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the area of the cervix or the entrance to the narrow part of the uterus that is at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.

Cause of Cervical Cancer
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but can also move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories are already exposed to the HPV virus, can infect someone who use it if it is not cleaned properly.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid intake. Another bad habit that can cause cervical cancer is frequent intercourse with multiple partners, having sex with a man who frequently change partners and have intercourse at an early age (have intercourse at age <16 years may even increase the risk of cervical cancer 2x ). Another factor that causes cervical cancer is the offspring of cancer, the use of Pill for a very long time, too seringmelahirkan.

Characteristics of Women Suffer Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer requires a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer in the beginning of an infection. Therefore, when the initial phase of development will be difficult to detect. Therefore, it is suggested the women to perform a pap smear test at least 2 years, IVA test (visual inspection with acetic acid, etc. Although difficult to detect, but the following characteristics could be a clue to the woman whether he was suffering from cancer symptoms cervical or not:

1. When having sex as feeling pain, often followed pleh bleeding.
2. Experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and the amount of excess
3. Frequent pain in the pelvic region
4. Experiencing pain while urinating
5. At the time of menstruation, blood coming out in large quantities and excess
6. When women have advanced stage will experience pain in the thighs or one leg has swollen, becomes greatly reduced appetite, weight unstable, difficult to urinate, experience spontaneous bleeding.

Cervical Cancer Prevention
Here are some things that can be done for women in terms of preventing kankerserviks not to befall him, among others:

1. Live a healthy lifestyle by eating enough nutritious food and nutrition
2. Always maintain a healthy body and environmental sanitation
3. Avoid cleaning the genitals with dirty water
4. If you are a smoker, quit this bad habit
5. Avoid having sex during early childhood
6. Always be faithful to your partner, do not bergonta let alone followed by intercourse.
7. Perform a minimum pap smears done for 2 years, especially for those who have actively having sex
8. If you have never had sex, it's worth doing HPV vaccination
9. Expand the consumption of foods that contain beta carotene vegetables pretty much, vitamin c and e.

However, if you already detected cervical cancer, then there are several methods of treatment that can be done. If cervical cancer is detected early, the treatment is done by eliminating cervical cancer is by way of surgery, laser surgery well, electricity or by freezing and dispose of cervical cancer tissue (cyrosurgery)

For advanced cervical cancer cases will be treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy way, but if it is detected severe enough, is nothing else but to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly so that cancer does not develop.

Some Signs Esophageal Disease Osteoporosis

Often experience pain in the spine, even to change the backbone becomes bent? Is it true that a sign of osteoporosis disease. To recognize the signs of disease osteoporosis, we will help you in this article.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is dangerous, classified as dangerous because the patient does not experience specific symptoms so it is difficult to distinguish from normal conditions. Even people realized after a fracture can occur repeatedly until the short period of time.

Osteoporosis can be suffered by women or men although more risk of the most widely experienced by women. One reason is the reduction estrgen when entering menopause hormones that can affect calcium in some cases such tulang.Meskipun found that osteoporosis can occur at a younger age under 40 years, even in children at the age of 20 years.

In detecting osteoporosis you have to do a medical examination, one using test CT, densitometry and laboratory tests. For women who are experiencing menopause can perform through a special supplement for the prevention of postmenopausal women.

Well, for megetahui signs of osteoporosis, then you may see some changes in your health condition.

Here is a sign of developing osteoporosis:

1. Frequent Pain
You often mengalmai pain in the back even to chronic? Be careful, this is a sign that you have osteoporosis. You feel pain caused by the state of collapse that occurred in the spine causing sudden pain and pain increases when you stand or walk. Areas of the body that is part of the back pain.

2. Experiencing limb fractures
In patients with osteoporosis will experience a fracture of the leg. Limb bones consists of inner and outer, while you are developing osteoporosis will fracture the outside so that it becomes thin and cracked.

3. Experiencing stunted growth
osteoporosis is not only attack at the age of 40 years but can now attack the age of 20 years so if you suffer stunted growth, which is not optimal height and experience decreased body immunity immediately went to reduce the risk of osteoporosis young age.

4. Frequent muscle cramps
In adulthood higher risk of osteoporosis especially in women who experience menopause. Signs of osteoporosis that occurs muscle cramps, trouble sleeping, experiencing heart palpitations and weight often experience sore.

5. Bone fracture
Osteoporosis is often attacked in the elderly it is characterized by the presence of faults. Fractures at the waist or pinggung triggered by heavy weight and lack of adequate calcium. Then next is bent body, bones ache occurs, cramps and often suffer from insomnia in the elderly.

6. waist or back pain
Calcium deficiency will increase osteoporosis as well as pregnant and lactating women who are at risk of calcium deficiency osteoporosis. Signs of osteoporosis include dental pains, cramps and pain in the waist or back. So important in keeping the intake of calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

Thus the signs of osteoporosis is very difficult to distinguish from normal circumstances one is to perform the examination so that it can be prevented early on.

For the Son of So and Against Rebels

To your fathers, know that the duties and responsibilities you are also not less amazing, both with your dear wife, you have to work together, hand in hand to guide us your children, so that we can grow into those that can be useful for self own and other people around us.

But ironically, the hope for hope is as if only a mere wishful thinking, the reality of everyday life are often found in cases where a child bravely against their parents, not even rare that a child who could physically hurt her parents. Why does this happen?

Do not blame your children when suddenly they dare to fight you or does not want to follow your advice. You need to know, this is happening because there is a sense of dissatisfaction in their hearts, on the pattern of parenting skills, or due to lack of attention from you.

Therefore, if any of you are currently facing a rebellion of your child, than you are constantly hostile to them, here are some things you need to know about the causes of why a child suddenly become rebellious and brave fight her parents.

1. authoritarian attitude of parents

Authoritarian parents strongly influence the child's personality, because of pressure by the pressure felt, eventually will make the child must take a stance on whether it will continue to comply with their parents or be indulging. Try not to become a parent, you can teach discipline and rigor to your child, but remains flexible in its application process.

2. Telling children at an inopportune time

When you want to send your child to do something, while she was busy with activity, usually a child will refuse to obey the orders of his parents because he felt disturbed. When you have so avoid to force it, as long as you can still do it by himself, he did. However, if it is very urgent and you need help right away, then try to pass it in a good way, give him the understanding that assistance from her very you need. Thus, they will feel needed though was annoyed because your child will realize it is part of their responsibility.

3. Parents can not meet the wishes of the child

If the parents can not fulfill his desire, as a form of protest they will usually show the hard side of his head with the hope desires can be fulfilled or just want to get the attention of their parents.

4. Children are allowed to grow up to experience leadership crisis

Usually occurs when parents are too busy with itself, can cause problems at work or because it really was not concerned about his family. Know that children crave discipline and example of their parents. However, if in the role of parent families are no longer functioning, then do not be surprised if they dare to fight you.

5. The influence of the surrounding environment and friendship

Family environment where you live also influence the development of your child's personality. Friends of play are involved in the process of establishing their identity. Therefore, if you live in a bad neighborhood, then do not be surprised if suddenly your child can utter an expletive.

6. Modelling the behavior of parents

Children are a true imitator, they will imitate what is seen and heard. As a parent, if you find your child brave fight, then introspeksilah yourself, ask yourself whether you've already set a good example to them, or just the opposite. If you expect to have an obedient children, give them exemplary, immediately stop quarrels with your partner and never repeat it again. Establish a positive attitude in your child since they were little, so that when they grow up will be reluctant to revolt or against you.

Tips on How to Maintain Healthy Gums Stay

In addition to dental health, do not underestimate the health of the gums. Gums is home to the teeth. Thus dental health begins with healthy gums. The problem is, many do not know it. In fact, many people complain about sore gums.

Gum disease begins with plaque which is a collection of leftovers, a product of bacteria and saliva. If not cleaned, plaque can cause gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums.

Symptoms, gums appear red, swollen and bleed while brushing. If gingivitis is left will become periodontitis where the infection will spread to the bone and tissues supporting the teeth. This periodontitis if left unchecked can lead to loss of bone supporting the teeth that can lead to tooth loss.

So how to keep gums healthy ?

1. Brushing your teeth properly. The trick is to brush your teeth vertical, ie from the direction of the gums to the teeth. Make sure the entire surface of the teeth brushed, do not rush usually takes 2-3 minutes and use moderate pressure while brushing.
2. Use a toothpaste that contains Zinc Citrate which serve to protect the mouth of bacteria and plaque for 24 hours and maintain healthy gums.
3. Make sure, you use toothpaste that contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that may protect against free radicals.
4. Diligent toothbrush at the right time and recommended by dentists that morning after breakfast and at night before bed.

Tips Symptoms and Prevention Due to Food Poisoning

Here are the symptoms to look out for on food poisoning:
• Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, decreased urine output, dizziness, sunken eyes;
• Diarrhea;
• Abdominal cramps;
• Vomiting;
• Fever;
• CHAPTER bloody or black.

After eating foods that are suspected to be contaminated, could these symptoms arise. These symptoms may last from 30 minutes since the food consumed and varies depending on the causative organism.

In staphylococcal contamination (infection caused due to the presence of gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus) may occur within 1 hour, up to 10 days in cases of campylobacter (infection of the digestive tract or blood infections caused by Campylobacter bacteria oleah). Even parasites such as Giardia infection, symptoms may last from one day to several months depending on the type of infection.

How to Avoid Food Poisoning
• Ensure that food from animal products (meat, milk, eggs) is well cooked or pasteurized.
• Avoid eating meat or raw. Always make sure the expiration date before buying and preparing food.
• Choose and prepare fish and other sea foods carefully to ensure product freshness.
• Do not let the eggs, meat, poultry, seafood, or milk are in a long time at room temperature. Always store food that is not eaten in the refrigerator.
• Wash your hands, cutting boards and knives with antibacterial soap and warm water after preparing raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs. Wooden cutting board is not recommended because it is more difficult to clean.
• Avoid milk or products that do not go through the process of pasteurization.
• Do not re-enter the food that is liquid into the freezer if it is completely melted.
• If you have diarrhea or vomiting, do not prepare food for others, especially children - children and the elderly, because their immune system is more vulnerable than others.
• Always wash your hands after contact with animals as well as human and animal feces.
• Give breast milk for your baby. Breast milk is the best food for babies and can avoid the risk of food poisoning.

Main Causes of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is not a popular type of cancer compared with breast or cervical cancer. But in fact, colon cancer or large bowel cancer is a type of cancer is the third most frequently found in both women and men.

Therefore, it is not surprising now much research was conducted to study the cancer. One of these studies focused on the trigger colon cancer. A recent study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health could be the first study to reveal the latest facts about colon cancer.

Research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was mentioned that colon cancer is most likely caused by bacteria in the intestinal lining called biofilms. Such slippery mucus layer that can develop in the intestine, causing blockage of the large intestine, which in turn might lead to cancer.

Bacterial biofilms can melumuti laipsan the intestinal wall and can cause inflammation and other intestinal disorders, in addition to the cancer itself. These bacteria are usually characterized at the plaque on the teeth and green moss on rocks damp.

WebMD launch, these bacteria are usually more attached to the right side of the colon, with a percentage of 98 percent. Meanwhile, 12 percent, affects the left colon.

According to Dr. Cynthia Sear, and Bloomberg School & Public Health, the discovery of a biofilm on the right side of the colon associated with a higher likelihood of developing colon cancer. "The development of faster growing cancer cells in the gut right side than on the left side," he said.

Cynthia also said that it is necessary in the early detection and treatment of patients with this cancer. "This cancer can be cured if treatment of early and not too late," he said.

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