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Things that Cause Love Fades

Maintaining existing love is not as easy as the first time he said it, it's why many couples who had the affair after so long, suddenly decided to split up in the middle of the road.

Many poets love portrait of love as something abstract, something invisible but can be felt, something that can heal but also can hurt.

Someone love life like a wheel spinning, sometimes is above but someday could be under. Now, for those who are carried away by the passion of love to your partner, let's together to identify some reasons why someone passionate love can fade, so that you as a couple can avoid it, so that your love towards your partner can always awake until whenever.

Avoid having the following properties

1. Proud
Imperious = always look down on others. Know that such an attitude to hurt your partner. Cavalier attitude that still maintained over time will make your partner does not respect you more, and if the couple had not appreciate you, it means that he began to lose his love for you.

2. Arrogant
Feel yourself arrogant = truest, most powerful, or the most powerful. Know that your partner is expecting a colleague who might be persuaded to cooperate. Therefore, if today you still expect the presence of your colleagues are always there at your side, throw away this attitude.

3. Authoritarian
Authoritarian = Arbitrary. Not only couples, but all people without exception, hate people who have such an attitude. Authoritarian attitude will make other people feel oppressed, so that such an attitude will never make running smooth and harmonious relationship.

4. Lightly hand
Lightweight hand = is meant here is not helpful, but likes to hit. An abusive spouse is very dangerous, has a lot of couples suffer physically because of his having an attitude like this. Everyone expects to be treated gently by her partner, but if any of you who can not stop this habit, then be prepared to be abandoned by your spouse.

5. Slacker
As a team, like two oxen pull the cart, if one of them lazy, then it will be a heavy burden on her. Therefore, avoid slacker attitude, always eager to undergo any activity in your daily life, so that your partner can feel admiration for your hard work and sacrifice.

6. The slob
Certainly it would be so painful at all if you have a dirty pair. Respect yourself and your partner to always keep clean, especially your body. Others, especially your spouse, will assess, if someone can respect himself, then he must also be able to appreciate others.

7. Do not faithful
In a relationship of loyalty is a fixed price, because no one in his right mind is willing to happily betrayed by his partner. Therefore, always be faithful to your partner, and show your sincerity, because it will bind the love you both.

8. Possessive
Possessiveness is often indicated by limiting the space for couples, loving couples too much - so have a fear of losing, easily jealous, always think negatively when the pair close to the opposite sex, and always wanted to know at any time partner activities. Therefore, so that your partner does not feel confined, as far as possible avoid such attitudes.

9. Not responsible
Because you are not a child anymore, then as adults have a sense of responsibility is obligatory, and your responsibility is tangible proof that you are ready to mate.

10. Selfish
Everyone hates them are selfish, because selfishness tend selfish and have no desire to cooperate with others. Therefore, such an attitude should be defeated by increasing adult person in terms of thinking and acting.

11. Inconsistent
Very frustrating once if you have a friend or even a spouse who does not have the establishment, tend fickle and inconsistent. Therefore, try to our best to always be consistent in every case.

12. No firm
As a man has a firmness is an obligation, because most women are eager partner have good confidence in taking a decision. Therefore, indecision man can make a woman's heart into doubt, which in turn can affect his love for the couple.

13. Rigid
Tendency rigid attitude often shown through some things like: can not get along with others, can not kidding, too serious, clumsy, irritable, and so on. Therefore, be flexible and friendly person, so that other people, including your spouse, can always feel comfortable when he is around you.

14. Emotional
Someone who is easy temperament and emotion it was terrible, most couples will soon be away and lost sympathy, if found her partner have such an attitude or character.

Each person must have one and even possibly other properties that have not been mentioned above. However, if everyone really loves his partner sincerely, then there is no word impossible to be able to change these properties.

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