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Let Caring for the environment as best we can

With the threat of global warming or increasing the heat in the Earth we all can participate to preserve the environment and thus save the only planet we live on.

With the threat or increasing the heat of the earth, we can all participate to preserve the environment and thus save the only planet we live on. Air pollution include carbon dioxide greenhouse impact. Glass house is the house where people grow in winter. Sun rays penetrate the glass warms the plants in the house. Hold the glass in the evening air warmth of the room so the plants do not freeze to death. Air pollution serves as a glass house that holds the warmth of the sun on the earth, because the earth hotter, average weather on Earth is 15 degrees Celsius. It sounds so cold, especially in Indonesia, which average about 30 degree weather. But the weather was 15 degrees Celsius causing Arctic ice melt. It is feared would flood the earth. What can we do to prevent this danger? Every day we can do something to save the earth.

drinking water
If you do not like with tap water or well water should be cooked first and had to buy bottled water, use a large bottle with a pump or and wear glasses every day that you can wash and reuse. Small plastic bottles former drinking water becomes difficult to destroy waste. You can collect them for recycling.

clean water
Remember how miserable people in Africa who had to walk many kilometers to get clean water. Therefore do not waste excess water when washing dishes or washing the car. Likewise, when a shower, the water should not be allowed to flow continuously when we are not using.

shopping Bag
If you are into the market or supermarket, always remember to wear shopping bags like those of the past. When forced to wear a bag from the store, ask if there is a paper bag. It can take decades before plastic bags destroyed.

cans of soda
As well as water bottles, soda cans piled meet the trash. We can collect them for recycling.

Prevent forest fires
If you picnic or camping near the forest do not leave lit cigarette butts or wood fireplace that has not died completely. Forest fires resulting in smoke that can interfere with breathing and also harm the environment. Not long ago a famous Hollywood actor, Harrison Ford, while making a documentary about nature conservation in Indonesia threatened with deportation because of too much meddling in a matter of logging in violation of the law. It is said that the forestry minister we feel offended when asked why people are allowed to harvest timber in a nature reserve, this action clearly violated the law, but they were not arrested. He complained that the question papers are not given in advance so that he can assemble the answer.

Use cutlery from aluminum, not plastic which once used discarded.

plastic trash
Wear old plastic bags to line the trash. There is no point in buying a new bag, in addition to spending money also adds to the trash.

The battery can be recharged
Although a little more expensive but you can use a rechargeable battery, so you use it repeatedly.

Household furniture
Buy the former because of the new wood furniture means fewer trees in the forest. You can memulasnya with varnish or paint to make it look like new.

Reduce toxins in the home
Use baking soda, vinegar or soap to clean the house, do not rely too much on cleaning materials that contain chemicals. Wear a rat trap and not rat poison to eradicate it.

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