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Showing posts with label Career. Show all posts

How to Become a Nice Person in Office photo

Have you ever found a co-worker with attitude sucks in the office? Most people would never experience, dealing with employees who frequently violate the rules in the workplace.

Certified career coach Lisa Quast share their experiences in the face of an employee in the office bitch. Told Quast, James (a pseudonym) was never realized his attitude invite wrath of his colleagues.

Women who also works as a business consultant is also telling, James always access the email during the meeting and came too late. Worse than that, to show off his responsibility to his superiors, James still come into the office when he was ill.

James came into the office and show the other employees, he was suffering from the flu but still working. That is only one proof that your workplace can be uncomfortable when the employee does not follow the rules of the company.

Be careful, the negative attitude of your employees can have a negative impact on the productivity of other employees. To ensure the employment situation remains enjoyable and productive, lest you become employees who disturb the peace of others.

Here are several ways to be a pleasant employees in the office:

1. Do not go to the office when you're sick or body condition is declining.

2. Always arrive on time to the office. Do not let the work team had to wait for you to start a meeting in the office. 

3. Use the vibrate mode on a cell phone (mobile phone) while in the office personally. Ringtone on your cell phone could potentially disturb other colleagues who were concentrating finish the job.

4. Lunch in the cafeteria or at a rest area. Consuming lunch at your desk can disturb other colleagues because it could produce a scent that stung menu. 

5. If your desk is close together with other colleagues, avoid talking too loudly in the middle of talking on the phone.

6. Avoid wearing perfume or cologne with a pungent odor in the workplace. 

7. Especially for women, do not wear too sexy in the office. You better show the advantages and the ability to work on your boss and coworkers other than showing off your body.

8. Do not take or borrow other people's stuff without asking first.

9. Do not talk to high or loud tone when communicating with other colleagues. Show respect and empathy for others. By doing so, you will be much more respected.

10. Noting someone else who was speaking at the meeting. Stop accessing mobile phone or your computer during the meeting is in progress.

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Several Ways to Make Your Success in Career

Success in Career photo

Sometimes, we find it difficult to succeed in a career. Various efforts we have done was make a career racing or as desired.

In contrast, many other people who could easily succeed in a career. We also sometimes amazed by their success.

Even sometimes admiration turned into envy and then assume success in a career that is obtained by the other person was just a fluke.

When in fact, there are ways that can make us successful in a career without considers that it is only by luck alone.

There are certain techniques or ways that can make us successful. But indeed, the method requires a willingness and hard work.

Citing the pages, Monday (07/07/2014), here are 6 tips so that we can be successful in a career:

1. Set goals

Setting goals in a career is the most important initial step in order to be successful. If you do not know what the destination is certainly going to make the effort you put in will be worth it.

With goals, you can determine the direction to go and step by step to do.

2. Imagine success

imagine success is seen as a fairly powerful way to achieve the goal.

By imagining, a hormone that is in the head gets stimulus so that it can push you to achieve that goal.

Imagining success can also keep you motivated, giving rise to a positive vibe in life to encourage you to try harder to achieve success in a career.

3. Maintain a healthy

Maintaining health is very important to succeed in a career and is also currently enjoying success in a career. Therefore, do not get to achieve the targets in a career goal, you are too much work so forget about health.

Measuring the strength of the body is very important. Do not get too heavy to pursue a career and then fell ill.

Do not get too, because when pursuing health careers forgetting factor, then when success is the fact that even ill to enjoy it.

4. Announce the target

Sometimes, you save yourself targets in a career. By saving themselves the target is most likely you will be overtaken by yourself to achieve it.

By announcing your target to another person, there is a sort of encouragement from others to achieve these targets. There is a feeling embarrassed if other people when we do not know the target is reached-tired so will motivate yourself.

5. Affirm yourself

Train firm for yourself is the best way to achieve success ineffectively. Determined to achieve success in a career a positive effect in themselves.

Avoid speaking negative things that make you falter to achieve success.

6. Train discipline
Everyone knows that discipline is the key to success.


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Some Bad Habits employee there is also a positive impact

productive thinking photo

Employees are happy daydreaming and watching Youtube at work is often considered not to be diligent and have poor performance in office. In fact, have a bad habit of not necessarily make you a bad employee.

Citing pages, Saturday (30/08/2014), a number of researchers from various universities try to seek the benefits of a number of bad habits that made the employees at work. The result is quite astonishing.

There are some bad habits that can actually make you feel happier and more zealous. Here are five bad habits that can help you more quickly achieve success:

1. Always Mess

Seeing people who mess and rarely tidy up equipment is quite disturbing. But make no mistake, a number of studies have found, messy habits may actually enhance one's creativity.

Things fall apart encourage you to think outside the box and provide solutions that are more varied.

2. Love Watching Videos Funny At Work

According to some surveys, activities wasting the most time at work is the use of the internet as watching videos on Youtube. Interestingly, several studies have shown, this is considered bad habits can actually increase the focus and help employees do the job accurately.

3. Gossiping

Discuss various things about other people almost become a pleasure all employees in the workplace. It turns out, share stories about others can evoke the mood and spirit of your work.

Researchers at Brown University found that employee morale increased after gossiping for 20 minutes with colleagues. In fact, 96 percent of employees admitted quieter in the office after gossiping with some friends.

4. Grumpy

Issued anywhere anger also has become a habit of some people. Sometimes he does not care about other people's feelings during anger terlampiaskan.

Reveals anger was found to reduce stress in the workplace. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University show, people who hid his anger would be difficult to focus on the workplace.

5. Daydreaming

Sometimes, you are too focused on a problem and instead of finding a solution, the confusion even more swollen. With daydreaming, you will free your mind and find a lot of solutions to the problem is happening.

Scientists at the University of British Columbia found that daydreaming can evoke ability to solve problems for employees. So, have a bad habit of not necessarily have a negative impact on your career.


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