Erratic weather and spend the whole day in the room with the air can cause the skin to become dry drastically. It is also caused by lack of oil consumption in food or error when cleaning the body.
Dry skin causes the display to look bad like cracked. Moreover, if the dry skin itchy and leave a rash.
But not to worry anymore, because there are many effective ways to overcome this problem the skin as quoted from page Boldsky, Thursday (02/05/2015):
1. If not happy bathing with cold water then use warm water rather than hot water. Therefore, the natural oils of the skin layer can be broken.
2. After a shower, do not dry yourself with a towel. Let the water after bathing themselves seep into the body. This will help make the skin soft and dry skin.
3. Scrub the skin at least twice a week dlaam. If you have sensitive skin, do it once a week. This will be useful to grind the dead skin.
4. Excellent for routine use suncressn or sunblock so avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
5. Consumption of foods containing Vitamin E and Omega 3.
Good luck! Hopefully dry skin problems quickly resolved.
source: Boldsky.com
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