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Some Main Causes Traffic Accidents

Regardless of age young or old, male or female, everyone in their daily activities definitely. At every street corner, every day will surely found many people drive to the bustle and their affairs. Only a small fraction of the people who still choose to walk as an alternative way to get to their destination, it was possible only to a certain distance.

Currently not a few people choose private rather than public transport vehicles to transport them to be able to more quickly arrive at their destination and can save costs. In addition, private vehicles will also make the rider to be more free to go wherever they want, without having to wait for long until the vehicles arrive.

However, driving activity can not be separated from a hazard because it is a risk that must be faced by everyone. But do not worry, despite the danger of accidents can happen anywhere and anytime, it's only going to happen if we do not concentrate when driving. Therefore, to understand what are the causes of the accident, then we will be able to always be careful, lest ourselves that instead become victims.

1. The condition of the body is too tired
Concentrations were lost when the body begins to fatigue and drowsiness is dangerous while driving. What we must do is keep the body and mind in order to stay focused on while driving, for example, pausing to rest buy food or drink, only then can move on.

2. Excess transport capacity
When vehicles carrying passengers or excess weight, it would be difficult balance while carrying vehicle and can cause accidents. Therefore, better bring necessary items do not overdo it.

3. The condition of the body being sick
Health problems suffered by the driver can also be one of the causes of the accident, eg respiratory illness, hypertension, diarrhea, irritation of the eyes, heart, headache, fever, and other diseases. So if you currently are in a state of ill feeling better undo intention not to drive first.

4. Driving under the influence of liquor
Driving a vehicle in the state of the body being under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous, because when driving in a state of consciousness is not 100%, and sometimes there are not conscious at all. It thus has often occur around us. The impact that occurs not only harm themselves, but also other innocent people can be victims.

5. The condition of the vehicle which have been unsuitable
Generally occurs in older vehicles that are not suitable to be used to travel long distances or for transporting heavy loads. Such vehicles can be imposed if it remains to harm themselves and other motorists. Worse yet, if the vehicle is still forced to walk on weather conditions such as the current rainy season.

6. Using a mobile phone and listen to music while driving
It is very less noticed by motorists, especially most often committed by teenagers. Victims of this cause is not small, so that driving while talking on a cell phone is not recommended. However, when it is urgent and must immediately answer the phone, try to pause and do not listen to music while using the handsfree for you so can not hear the circumstances around you.

7. No discipline in obeying traffic signs
Indiscipline in obeying traffic signs can lead to accidents. Therefore, always follow the signs are there and do not be speeding even though you are in a hurry.

8. Do not respect other road users
Do not follow selfishness yourself as cutting road vehicles without the bow, or do not give way to pedestrians when crossing. Remember accident will not happen if everyone did not fight each other and respect each other every road user.

Some of the above explains that the main causes of accidents are often due to the negligence of the driver. Therefore, before driving everything must be prepared first start of the physical condition, heart, and mind. Despite the above incident is still not happening to you, but if you are not afraid of any time it should be left or abandoned people you care due to an accident on his own negligence. So from now on, always keep your safety in driving and warn other motorists, especially your loved ones to always keep safety in driving.

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