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Know Dandruff and Solutions

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Dandruff is the most common skin problems. Although including health disorders of the skin, dandruff is actually not harm the body, also does not cause pain. However, skin problems that one still make sufferers feel disturbed, both physically and psychologically.

Physical disorder caused by the presence of dandruff include itching in the scalp and can lead to hair loss. Meanwhile, the psychological impact of the appearance of dandruff is much more complex. Someone will feel embarrassed and lose confidence when dandruff flakes appear as small white or gray shirt fell from. Moreover, if the clothes worn black, the presence of dandruff there would appear very clearly. This is of course very disturbing appearance. Discomfort due to dandruff can also arise when scalp itch and should be carded to overcome, but this event could have occurred when a person was in the crowd, performing in front of people, or is attending formal occasions and important. Scratching head in a situation like that would feel uncomfortable. In addition, the activity can be disrupted.

What's the real dandruff?

Dandruff is flaking scalp cells that have died in excessive amounts. Actually, peeling dead skin cells is a normal event. This is because the skin constantly experiencing change on a regular basis. Experiencing skin renewal after the exfoliation of dead skin cells. In adults, the average skin regeneration occurs every 21 to 28 days.

Seven Causes of Dandruff Dandruff is caused, among others:

Conditions oily scalp
The temperature of the hot air that causes the scalp becomes sweaty and greasy. This condition can lead to the appearance of dandruff.
Stress can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body. This hormone imbalance can lead to the production of excess oil on the scalp and can lead to dandruff.
The use of excessive hair cosmetics or unsuitable.
Malassezia fungi that can cause scalp irritation
Genetics or heredity. A child of parents who have dandruff will usually prone to dandruff as well.
Dietary habit. Certain types of foods or beverages can trigger the growth of skin fungus.

How To Overcome Dandruff

The presence of dandruff can make sufferers feel very disturbed. Therefore, take measures preventing dandruff does not come to be very important to do. These preventive measures will prevent other people from the negative impacts of dandruff are sometimes psychologically becomes simple.

To prevent the arrival of dandruff can be done by, among others, as follows: Keeping the scalp with shampoo regularly. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo containing zinc pyrithione (ZPT). Anti-dandruff shampoo containing PGR can help reduce dandruff and relieve itching in the scalp. This is because this type of shampoo has antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Avoid using hair cosmetics case of hair spray, gel, or excessive hair oil. The use of various cosmetics excessive hair can trigger the growth of skin fungus.

Limit consumption of foods and drinks that can trigger the growth of skin fungus, eg alcoholic beverages.
Avoid stress because stress is one factor among the factors triggering the onset of dandruff.

Increase the consumption of food containing vitamin B, to maintain healthy hair and skin, because vitamin B in Akif control dandruff. Vitamin B is found in many dark green vegetables, nuts, egg yolks, and grains.

Moment basking in the sun in the morning and afternoon. This method is also useful for maintaining healthy hair and skin.
Increase the consumption of foods that contain lots of zinc, to boost the immune system and check the oil gland activity. Foods that have a high content of zinc include meat, fish, soy, egg yolks, and grains.

Avoid scratching the head of the head. Sores or blisters on the scalp that may occur due to scratching the head can lead to a secondary infection.

If dandruff cause side effects, such as the scalp flaking, immediately consult a doctor.

Three Natural Ingredients To Overcome Dandruff

Prepare 1 orange juice that has old. Split into two parts. Then, rub the scalp at night before bed. Wash your hair and scalp clean up the next morning. Do this treatment on a daily basis.
Prepare 3 to 7 pieces pandan leaves. Wash thoroughly, then milled until smooth. Add 1/2 cup of water while squeezing. Squeeze and strain. Juice of pandan leaf is applied to the scalp evenly. Wait up to 30 minutes or 1 hour. Wash your hair and scalp clean. Do this treatment on a daily basis.
Prepare 2 pieces of ripe pineapple. Peel the skin, then shredded. Squeeze and strain the water. Apply the juice of pineapple evenly to the scalp at night before bed. Wash your hair and scalp clean up the next morning. Do this treatment on a daily basis.

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