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Ways Debt Free Life

Debt bondage often makes it difficult to organize personal finances. Excessive spending habits may be one reason you get into debt and will be difficult to get out of the windings.

Do not worry, you still can come loose from the shackles of debt even for a lifetime. First, of course you have to know the cause of your debt pile up.

After that, you can also add income so that no deficiency in sufficient daily needs. Here are four powerful ways a debt free life, as quoted from, Saturday (01/11/2014):

1. Do not use a credit card
Credit cards are one of the causes of your very wasteful. The act of removing excess money it just adds to your debt pile.

From now on, throw your entire credit card and start buying with cash. If you do not have the money, stop spending.

2. Find more income
Working hard so you can get more money. Make sure you have a lot more credit than debit cards.

This way can make you happier than the saving spree. So do not spend money recklessly.

3. Pay bills each have the money
FIRST you paid all the bills that come every time you have the money. Also make sure you do not add to the debt every month.

Start paying bills with the lowest number to the highest. Slowly, you will be out of debt.

4. Commit to yourself
Make a commitment to yourself to begin to pay any debts. Promised myself to not shop excessively. Change lifestyle so that you can have the freedom to use the money without debt.



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