Faithful lover is everyone's dream, but when we girlfriend cheating it is a very painful thing. Below are tips to know you're a lover or boyfriend cheating.
Suddenly lover Give More Attention
If your lover suddenly pay attention more than ever it deserves to be suspicious. Because it could be the lover is covering perselingkuhannnya. He did this so that you do not suspect. In order to anticipate this case you should ask why so considerate lover, but if the answer lover disconnected or does not make sense, chances are you're cheating lover.
You Call Your Girlfriend moderation
Tip this one opposite to the first tips. Tip this second you call your lover only modest, for example your lover contact you via telephone, SMS, BBM, Line, WhatsApp etc. once every three days, and if the reply sms or chat seem indifferent and lazy. This happens because your lover is already saturated with you. Usually this is a sign of your lover will ask for breaking and may already be a substitute you in his heart.
Often lover Evade
This one is one of the characteristics of your lover cheating. The cause of this is the lover you are bored with you or likely she cheated. It is usually seen when we invite met, the lover always say busy or stall-ngulur time and still many reasons to shy away from you. It could be your lover concerned with the time for the affair.
Often lover Emotions Unclear
Your lover often angry unclear is one of the characteristics of your lover is already bored with you or already have another lover. The reason your lover always emotions against you because you want your lover to hate him. Usually after you root angry quarrel with your lover that may cause trivial. After a long fight your lover will ask the break up to you .This is the way to escape from your lover so that he could more freely affair with mistress.
Those are some tips to know the characteristics of your girlfriend or boyfriend were having an affair. May be useful for you to have a lover.