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Some Tips Solution for toothache

Tips Solution for toothache photo

If you experience a sense of pain in the teeth after eating acidic foods, sweet, or hot or cold water to drink, it means you have sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth are becoming a common problem experienced by many people.

Due to the sensitive teeth, eating and drinking so bad that arise sense of pain that are to pierce. Even in some conditions, a breath of the mouth can cause the sensation of pain.
But what causes this feeling pain?
Tooth ache or tooth sensitivity caused by the opening of dentin (the layer under the enamel) that stimulation of food and drinks can be directly entered through the dentinal tubules associated with tooth nerve fibers and cause a sense of pain.

You can avoid sensitive teeth and care for sensitive teeth and prevent further damage by doing the following tips:

Reduce and avoid foods and beverages that are acidic and contain soda.

Avoid the habit of withholding food and drinks are acidic linger in the mouth. Examples such as hold sodas and coffee in the mouth longer, suck-suck acidic fruits such as citrus and mango seed. This can lead to erosion of the teeth that trigger condition sensitive teeth. Get used to using a straw to minimize contact with the tooth surface acidic beverages.

Use a toothbrush with a small head, round and fluffy, brush teeth from the gums to the teeth with light pressure so as not to cause a decrease in the gums and sensitive teeth.

Stop bad habits ground his upper and lower teeth and if this disorder is getting worse and can not be controlled, can consult a doctor to be made occlusal splint used night when sleeping to protect the teeth from the friction of non-functional at night

Avoid brushing teeth immediately after eating or drinking something acidic and soft drinks, wait a half to 1 hour.

Use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, the content in this toothpaste such as hydroxyapatite (HAP), potassium citrate, sodium monofluorophospate can help reduce the sense of pain in 30 seconds and optimize the process of remineralization of the teeth.

Consult a dentist if the sense of pain in the tooth is still settling after use toothpaste to find whether the aching tooth or tooth sensitivity due to other causes more severe

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