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Some Things That Make Women Look Sexy in Men's Eyes

Needless to endeavor to make a woman look sexy in the eyes of men. No need to spend a lot of money to buy a beautiful dress and beautify themselves. No need to diet too desperately to draw attention idol of the heart. Some simple things, can make a woman look sexy in the eyes of men.

1. When he smiled and looked at each other
According to researchers from the University of Scotland, when a woman sees a man with a genuine smile, his face will appear twice more interesting than without a smile.

Eyes full of meaning that a woman also goes into an effective messenger. When a man receives the message, his heart will beat faster.

2. When invisible underfed
Many women think men prefer skinny women. The reality is not so. If a man really loved a woman, she actually prefers when the women looked unhealthy. No less than eat but also no excess weight.

Psychologist Devendra Singh argued that the choice of men is a natural thing that is affected by evolutionary psychology. Humans have the ancient instinct to survive and reproduce. Well, medium-bodied women who are considered able-bodied and more fertile.

3. While the fertile period
Believe it or not, a woman just looked so appealing when he was in the fertile period. The fertile period is in the middle of the menstrual cycle of a woman. This is because, estrogen levels rise before ovulation will make your skin look radiant and firmer.

4. When using body language
Study of psychologist Monica Moore, Ph.D. revealed that women can look sexy with just using their body language. For example, hair or wet her lips. The men would consider such actions as a signal so sexy.

Well, if you are a shy girl, choose your comfort zone. For example, if you are more comfortable being in a bookstore or cafe subscriptions, please do not hesitate to throw the signal to men that you like.

5. When the woman loved
The more a man loves a woman, the woman sexier also seen him. Research also shows, the two men know each other and appreciate each other, then the menariklah women physically.

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