Think Before Marriage -
Wedding that you will live with him will not be short, as long as it will be a lot of changes going on within you and him, the power of love you every day will continue to be tested until the time you have parted ways.
He began a new chapter in home life is often confusing, there will be many questions that often arise would lead to various kinds of doubts. To overcome this smooth communication between the two sides is the solution. Various kinds of misunderstandings and doubts will be resolved together if each partner wants to be humble and unselfish. Therefore, before you get married there are some questions you should ask to your potential partner so that everything can be gone well.
1. Are you sure to choose him
It's important to know how strong your beliefs about your potential partner, it aims to ascertain whether or not you feel overwhelmed when deciding to be willing to become his life companion. Also ask him to express his own feelings honestly and without any coercion from anyone.
2. Will stay where after married
Ask you both will stay where after getting married later. Whether to stay in their own homes or temporarily staying with the parents of the husband or wife. Make a deal together at the beginning in order to avoid misunderstandings.
3. Who will be responsible for the family economy
Ask and make mutual agreement who will be responsible for the economy of the family, so that the division of labor allows one party can concentrate on taking care of and caring for the family at home. But today ideally every couple should work. Like a pool when the pool has two springs will certainly be quickly filled and in case if one of the ponds dry out will still have water, but this is just an exception.
4. How many children do you want to have
Check with your partner. Plan your family with the best possible including the number of children who want you both have. Be sure to always tailored to the capabilities of your economy, health and education so that someday your children can be met.
5. Who will take care of the children later
If it turns out you both agree to work together there must be the responsible care of the family at home, including who will care for your children later. Bahasalah this issue before you were married, if necessary, involve siblings or your parents so that they understand your situation.
6. Do you need a housekeeper
This problem should already be completed and agreed upon ahead of time before you get married. Customize your financial ability is unable or unwilling to pay for services of a housekeeper.
7. Would you be willing to budge mutual
In married life will surely always be obstacles that come to confront. Therefore, ask if you would be willing to both each other someday succumb when faced with a situation contention? Promise and hold the determination of this agreement so that any disputes will always be resolved peacefully.
8. Are you both willing to promise to put family above all else
You need to understand that once married you will not be able to freely as they did before getting married. You must understand that the time for the family is much more valuable than anything. Therefore, ask yourself whether once married you both are willing to put the interests of the family above all else.
9. Will she love you until the end of life
Wedding that you will live with him will not be short, as long as there will be many changes that happen to you and him, the power of love you every day will continue to be tested until the time you have parted ways. Ask it to him and ask him to answer honestly whether he is willing to love you sincerely to the end of life, and then ask him to hold it with a courage that your marriage with him will always be filled with happiness.