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Some Natural Ingredients Mosquito Repellent

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Who does not upset with Nyamu. Insects this one is very disturbing, and also cause a variety of diseases, ranging from malaria to dengue fever can be fatal, is caused by a very small insect.

Although more prevalent mosquito night, namuan most dangerous mosquitoes around us, is the dengue mosquitoes are active during the day. Besides bite itch, mosquito noise can also interfere with the activity of the rest of us.

Therefore, a lot of manufacturers who produce mosquito repellent. Who would not want to use hazardous materials, especially for children. There is also a mosquito repellent that smeared, but very sensitive skin and sometimes makes burning.

For that, you need to create a natural mosquito repellent, using materials that exist around us, even in your kitchen. Here we provide 11 natural way make mosquito repellent:

1. Oil Catnip
It is one of the most effective oil stau repel mosquitoes, you can use it to rub it directly on the skin or entering into a spray bottle and sprayed into the room.

2. Neem Oil
This oil is one of the insect repellent that is safe and natural. Neem oil can be mixed with coconut oil, and is very effective against mosquitoes cause malaria. You can apply directly to your skin. And this oil will also help in treating other skin infections.

3. Garlic
It is easy and simple to make mosquito coils of garlic. You can use garlic oil concentrate that can be rubbed on the skin to avoid mosquitoes. Or pounding it and pass it on in the room. The smell of garlic oil and substances in it makes the mosquitoes away.

4. Eucalyptus oil and sunflower oil
Mixture of eucalyptus oil and sunflower oil in the same amount, powerful repel mosquitoes. You can also rub or spraying on the skin.

5. Lavender
Lavender oil is one of the safe insect repellent. Lavender flowers can be rubbed on the skin and lavender oil placed on pulse points, effective to repel mosquitoes.

6. organic soybean oil
It is an effective mosquito repellent. Soybean oil is quite cheap and easy tersedia.Minyak can also be a very good moisturizer.

7. Extra Vanilla
Shed some vanilla extract or vanilla essence to your pulse points, will repel mosquitoes.

8. Peppermint and Citronella
Combine this oil in equal amounts and add 1/4 cup of water or apple cider vinegar, put it in a bottle, shake so evenly. Then spray on skin or clothing very well repel mosquitoes.

9. Grapeseed oil and jojoba oil
Combine the two minyakini and apply on the skin. Very effectively repel mosquitoes and away from you. Surely safely and naturally.

10. Tea Tree Oil
This oil has antimicrobial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only that, this oil is very healthy and good in healing, also can kill mosquitoes. You can put it on the skin with a lotion or spray and spray making the clothing and interior of your home.

11. Oil Geranium
This oil is an essential oil, and as a wound healer strong. This oil is also good to keep mosquitoes from you. Apply a few drops on your pulse points. Or spraying on clothing.


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