The expression of love is as it should is shown daily, but the desire to express feelings of love can certainly be done anytime.
As a couple, of course, has become instinct careful to devote all your attention, touch, and generosity. Always give the best also one of them.
Sometimes things look simple and the simple fact captivate the couple.
According to the pages HuffingtonPost, Monday (02/02/2015), this is the way to how a couple shows her feelings that may be practiced:
1. Couples who do things that are not favored by him.
2. Couples who pay attention to their partners with full and undivided.
3. Willing to clean the house and beyond the division of labor at home.
4. Accept and acknowledge the feelings of love partner. Pasanan happiest are those who see and respond to their partner. Thank you or smile is required.
5. Stop and prevent conflict. Feel remain calm and maintain a balance with a partner.
6. Finding humor stories favored by couples. New humor and attract attention.
7. Behind Hugging, kissing behind. Smiled.
8. Make dinner.
9. Willing to sleep in a place that is not preferred for the convenience of the couple.
10. Stay in touch with each other even though busy. Contact was still peppered with words of love.
11. Being the first contact you after an argument. Not that succumb and become the guilty party, but more pressing his ego.
12. Make it a priority relationship from year to year. Small example turning off the phone when you're with.
13. Being the first to give applause to the various talents, kecerdasa, compassion, and generosity partner.
14. Do not waste time on small issues and increase instead. Return the focus on your spouse.
source: huffingtonpost.com
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