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Several Ways to Minimize Image Blur on DSLR Cameras


Photography enthusiasts must have very fond of various techniques in photography. One technique commonly used is using the camera setup by using a low shutter speed. Settings on this camera will give a very dramatic effect so as to produce a captivating image and also artistic.

In this occasion we would like to share some tips and tricks that are appropriate for you to use DSLR photography enthusiasts who like to be exploratory. Various techniques in the world of shooting, especially in the use of a camera that has a low shutter speed settings, it is easy to do when we have a tripod. However, many of them have trouble when taking pictures without using a tripod due to hand trembling so make images become visible blur (out of focus). Therefore, a well-known photographer Natalie Norton share some tips and tricks for us in tackling image blur due to hand trembling.

Consider some of the following tips so that you can anticipate this.

1. Folding elbows into
Folding our elbow to the chest is one effective way to reduce vibration caused by our hands. When we take pictures in low shutter speed conditions, the slightest movement can lead to a fatal thing. Our image will appear out of focus or blur. Even when we breathe, the movement of the breathing will also have an impact on the image making process. Folding into the elbow can help obtain a high stability in the shooting.

2. Lift your left shoulder
Many photographers use his right eye to take a snapshot. At this time tips you can use your left eye to take a snapshot. Furthermore, lift your left shoulder and left elbow to the chest press. Before shooting it helps you press the shutter button along with you exhale. It is proven to cope pulsate hand when shooting.

3. Use your knee as Tripod
You can minimize the movement of the hand to optimize the use of your knee when sitting. Place your elbows on his knees to get the stability that you want. In addition, you can also use your other hand to provide full support in taking pictures using a low shutter speed.

4. Lying
Lying is the next way you can do when you want to take a picture from the viewpoint of a low (low angle). The problem is, we will have little trouble in the target image because the lens is almost the same angle with the ground. Therefore, you can use the palm of your hand as a cornerstone of the camera. Use also the fist when you want to take pictures with the viewpoint slightly higher. To get the perfect picture does require a bit of hard struggle is not it?

5. Position the machine gun
This position is a position that is used to hold the machine gun. Natalie basically rarely use this technique because of its position that a bit odd and also a bit difficult. But you can try this position if you feel comfortable and also easy to operate the camera in this position. Just because this position is difficult for Natalie, does not mean this position is not worth trying.

6. Hold the camera lens with a squatting position
In this latter position, you can see that this position is perfect for shooting low-angle view. Although not as low as when making a way lying, but this position is qualified enough to give stability to ensure low image shutter speed you perform excellent. Use your knees to support your elbow, so this position will be very steady.

That was a bit of a way that you can apply in the process of taking pictures using the camera settings are air-low shutter speed. Vibrations arising from the movement of the hand or other factors that could ruin the moment would you capture using your favorite camera. Hopefully this article can add your insight in the world of photography.

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