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Couple Changes Trigger Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is a type of cancer that is located between the vagina to the uterus in the female body. The most common cause is due to unhealthy sexual intercourse or frequently changing partners. If left unchecked, can lead to death.

Cervical cancer was initially caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) that live in the human genital area. "There are more than 120 types of HPV viruses that exist, but 70% of the viruses that cause cervical cancer are HPV 16 and 18

Cervical cancer can be recognized when the cervix looks like thrush, thus making the blood vessels were injured when a woman had sexual intercourse. As a result, there is bleeding or contact bleeding. If this occurs, the woman should be examined to determine whether the cervix has been attacked by a virus, because it is this which can cause cancer.

There are two ways to prevent this disease, namely:

1. Primary prevention
Prevention is usually done for unmarried women. By way of giving sexual education, one of which is to avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners, and the importance of early examination. In addition, adolescents also need to get the HPV vaccine given three times within six months to prevent cervical cancer.

2. Secondary prevention
For women who are married and already had sexual intercourse, secondary prevention is very important. Prevention among others by doing pemeriksaanpap smear to determine the condition of the cells of the cervix, and then analyzed to detect the presence of cervical cancer early. Furthermore, HPV DNA tests will be done to determine whether the cervix has been exposed to the virus 16 and 18, which is the cause of cervical cancer.

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