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Benefits Pineapple for Health

Nutrition in In Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit rich in nutrients, carbohydrates and fiber. In addition, pineapple also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and sodium. Every 100 grams of pineapple contains only 50 calories.

Benefits Pineapple for Health

helps Digestion
The content of vitamin C in the pineapple makes your digestive tract produce more enzymes that assist in the digestion of food. Bromelain is one of the enzymes found in pineapple that can assist in the digestion of proteins. In addition, bromelain is a neutralizing agent which can prevent an increase in acidity in your stomach.
People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and often flue gas is recommended to consume pineapple for pineapple can help calm your stomach and intestinal walls.

Prevent Flu and Cough
In addition to helping the process of digestion, the amount of vitamin C in the pineapple also can help prevent the flu because it can increase your endurance.
Bromelain contained in pineapple also can suppress the cough reflex and help thin the mucus. Pineapples can even prevent asthma attacks and bronchitis because it can thin the mucus in the respiratory tract and helps cleanse your respiratory tract.
If you are experiencing sore throat, it is recommended to consume pineapple along with honey.

Strong Bones
Pineapple contains magnesium that can help strengthen your bones. These minerals can assist in the formation of bone and connective tissue.
In addition, the content of vitamin C in the pineapple also can help prevent the occurrence of various bone disorders and serves as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation).
Calcium, thiamine, and biotin are also contained in the pineapple also can help make your bones stronger.

Help thin the blood
Bromelain is an enzyme in pineapple that can help thin the blood, which can help prevent heart attacks.
Lowering Risk of Macular Degeneration Occurrence
Beta carotene in pineapple can help protect the retina of your eye. The researchers found that the consumption of pineapple can reduce the risk of macular degeneration due to aging process significantly.

Other benefits
Various other benefits of pineapple for your health is:
• Prevent the occurrence of arthritis, joint pain, acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis (bromelain as an anti-inflammatory agent)
• Boost immunity (vitamin C)
• Helps control blood pressure and heart rate (potassium)
• Strengthens the gums
• Prevent the occurrence of lung cancer and oral cancer (vitamin A as an antioxidant)

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