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Tips to Cure Phobia

Understanding Phobia

A phobia is a fear that excessive against objects or certain situations that are often unreasonable and not based on reality. The term "phobia" comes from the word "phobia", which means fear or anxiety that are not rational; perceived and experienced by someone. A phobia is a disorder characterized by persistent fear and irrational towards a particular object or situation.

Although there are hundreds of kinds of phobias but basically phobia phobia is part of the 3 types of phobia, which according to the book of DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder IV) three types of phobias that are:

1. Simple or specific phobia (Phobia of an object / circumstances) as in animals, enclosed places, heights, and others.

2. Social Phobia (Social Phobia of exposure situations) as afraid to be the center of attention, people like this happy avoid crowded places.

3. The complex Phobia (Phobia to place or crowded situations and open for example in public transport / mall) person like this could have been afraid to leave the house.

Causes of Phobias

Phobias can be caused by various things. In general phobia due to ever experienced great fear or personal experiences are accompanied by feelings of shame or guilt that everything is then pressed into the subconscious. Traumatic events in childhood is considered as one of the possible causes of phobias.

Then how to describe people who are afraid of something though never experienced trauma in childhood? Martin Seligman in his theory known as biological preparedness said fears that plague depends on the relevance of the stimulus to the ancestors or the history of human evolution, or in other words the fear caused by heredity. For example, those who are afraid of the bear, at the time of their ancestors still living in caves, never torn and almost eaten by a bear, but survived, so that we can produce as offspring. Seligman said that we had been prepared by our evolutionary history to be afraid of something that could threaten our survival.

In the case of more severe phobia, anxiety symptoms neurosa accompany the patient. The patient will be constantly in a state of phobia although no specific stimuli. There is always one who makes his phobia comes back, for example thanatophobia (fear of death), etc.

We need to know that phobias are often caused by heredity, environment and culture. The changes that occur in various fields are often not in line with the rate of change that occurs in the community, such as dynamics and social mobilization are very fast rise, among others, the effects of development in all areas and the influence of modernization, globalization, and advances in the information age. In fact, the changes that occur is still too little to touch the children through adolescence. Supposed to change the quality of children through the process of growth and development should be considered early, especially when it is still in the formative period (formative period) basic personality types (basic personality type). This is to obtain the next generation of quality.

Various personality traits / karakterologis needs special attention how the environment allow good growth process and how the environment to provide the best source of excitement for children's development, particularly in the family.

Various matters relating to the duties, obligations, the role of parents, including a mother and a father figure to the growth and development of children, they are often vague, nebulous. Until now still not clear on specific characteristics of parenting (rearing practices) which is ideal for children. Such as what age a child should begin to be taught to read, write, according to maturity in general and not to impose. The purpose educate, cultivate and develop the child is that when adults can show an overview and mature personality qualities (mature, wel-integrated) and productive for themselves, families and entire communities. Roles and responsibilities of parents towards the growth and development of children is of paramount importance.

Healing techniques

There are several techniques to cure a phobia of them are as follows:

1. Hypnotheraphy: People with phobias are given suggestions for eliminating phobias.

2. Flooding: Exposure Treatment extreme. The phobia sufferers are horrified to dogs (cynophobia), put in a room with some tame dogs, until he was not scared anymore.

3. Systematic Desentisisasi: Do mild exposure. The phobia sufferers who fear the dog was told to relax and imagine being in place beautiful nature reserve where the patient was visited by dogs cute and tame.

4. Abreaction: phobia sufferer who are afraid of dogs accustomed first to see a picture or a movie about a dog, when it can be quiet and then proceed to see the real objects from far and getting close slowly. If there are no obstacles, it can be continued by holding the dog and its phobias disappear when they will be able to play around with the dog. Sure if phobia due to traumatic experiences more difficult to remove.

5. Reframing: phobia sufferers told to imagine going back to the past where the beginnings of the patients experienced a phobia, place it formed a new man who is not afraid of his phobia.

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