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Signs You Infected Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be transmitted through sexual contact either with the process via vaginal intercourse, anal, or oral. The infection can be spread from woman to woman, or from man to man.
Some infectious diseases can be cured with antibiotics, but the disease such as HIV is no treatment to cure, but there are therapies to alleviate the symptoms. When a person is infected with an STD would be difficult to see, therefore it is very important to see if you've been having sex without protection with a partner is not fixed.

What are the clinical symptoms appear ? Here's the explanation:

Symptoms Clinical Infectious Diseases When Infected Sex
Many are not aware that they are infected by STDs, including some affected wnaita chlamydial infection. If untreated, chlamydia can affect female fertility. As many as 50% of women and 10% of men infected with gonorrhea no symptoms. Immediately perform the checks if you find the following symptoms:
1. Pain during urination urine
2. Itching, burning or tingling feeling in the genitals
3. Luka, spots or bumps on the genitals and anus
4. The powder is black or white dots on panties (can signify nits)
To your knowledge, any symptoms appear differently on gender. 

Here's what the symptoms that appear when the woman:
Symptoms Infected Infectious Diseases Special Sex In Women:

1. Whitish yellow or green colored
2. smelling vaginal discharge
3. Bleeding outside sikluas menstruation or after intercourse
4. Pain during intercourse
5. The lower abdominal pain

Thus the symptoms of contracting sexually transmitted diseases in women. The conditions of different symptoms appear on the male gender. Because in addition to physiologically different, although most of contracting the same disease, but the condition of different symptoms.

Here is an explanation symptoms in male sex, when men of contracting sexually transmitted diseases:
Symptoms of Emerging Infectious Diseases Special Sex in Men:

1. The release of fluid from the penis
2. Irritation of the genitals
Exposure above symptoms have yet to determine exactly 100% of your contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases, but it never hurts to do pemeriksakan to get clarity of symptoms experienced.

How can I be safe while having sex ? 
Use a condom to protect you from the transmission of STDs. Although condom use is still at risk, the best prevention is not to have sex freely and fully responsible for the health of themselves.

Dangers of Anal Sex


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