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Tips on How to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young

Always associated osteoporosis in women who experience menopause. Menopause is characterized by the cessation of menstruation due to the hormone estrogen. The function of the female hormone estrogen which is to bind the bones so that when estrogen is reduced, the effect on bone density.

However it turns out now at risk of osteoporosis in women or men before the age of 30 years. Osteoporosis at a young age. Even at the age of 20 years of osteoporosis can occur although it can be caused by a variety of causes. Before knowing how to prevent osteoporosis young age you should identify the causes and risk factors of osteoporosis. Based on the cause of osteoporosis is divided into four sections, namely postmenopausal osteoporosis that occurs due to lack of estrogen hormone that decreases bone density. Osteoporosis this type experienced by women in the age of 40-71 years.

While the senile osteoporosis occurs because of lack of calcium associated with age and the balance in the body. Generally occur in men or women at the age of 70 years and over, although women are more at risk of senile osteoporosis. Furthermore associated with medical conditions or known as secondary osteoporosis. Although only dilami by 5% of patients with osteoporosis but an unhealthy lifestyle will determine the risk of secondary osteoporosis.

Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis last is osteoporosis that occurs without any known cause. Generally occurs at the age under 20 years old who had normal vitamin levels and functions and also does not have a clear cause of bone density. After knowing the type of osteoporosis is one of them at a young age then you must immediately stop. For the prevention of osteoporosis then you can do the tips prevent osteoporosis young age.

Following these tips for preventing osteoporosis young age:

1. Reduce the risk factors
One risk factor that is too thin so that when the bone with a light body weight, the less active in cells that form bone mass tends not fully formed. Next is the attitude of the body, one sleeping or sitting will trigger the risk of osteoporosis.

2. Nutrition correct
Adequacy of calcium may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. So it is recommended to consume 2 cups of milk in a day, as well as consuming food products susu.Lengkapi also with vitamin D can help the absorption of calcium. Packed with protein such as tofu, tempeh and nuts, thereby reducing the risk of fracture risk and negative effects of fracture healing.

3. Regular exercise
Supine exercise will increase the risk of osteoporosis that would impede the process of bone mass density osteoblasnya thus be reduced. Are suggested to exercise to stimulate bone forming bone mass.

4. Changing lifestyles
Poor lifestyle will increase the occurrence of osteoporosis young age. You can reduce a fizzy drink that will stimulate the formation of parathyroid so can release calcium in the blood. Then beverages containing caffeine and alcohol will affect the calcium in the ticket. The habit of smoking because nicotine substances which can accelerate the absorption in the bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis at a young age.

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