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Glossary Internet Must Know

In today who does not know the internet, an electronic media who have helped in facilitating human life. Internet media has many uses, ranging from the merely for entertainment such as playing games and watching movies, to involve communication and work, causing children to the elderly, many are dependent upon it.

Behind the convenience offered by the Internet turns in it contains many terms 'odd' that not many people understand it. Therefore, the following 20 a common Internet terms, and hopefully can help you who are experiencing a loss to find out what it means:

1. Internet
Not funny when we often use the internet but do not understand what the internet anyway, following a brief explanation, quoted from TermasMedia: "Interconnection network (the Internet) is a global system of the computer network in the world that are connected to each other. Internet is derived from the Latin "inter" which means "between". the Internet is a network that consists of billions of computers in the whole world. "

2. account
Account or accounts, is "room" in a website that contains personal data held by any Internet user, so that he or she can enter and manage the office.

3. Website
The website is a collection of pages or address information provided via the Internet, so it can be accessed around the world as far as the website is still connected to the Internet network. For more details on the website can be found here.

4. Password or keyword
Password is a password or key words to enter an internet account. Just like in real life, the password is the key to enter a home.

5. E-mail
E-mail is a letter or an electronic message that is sent and received through the medium of a computer connected to the Internet network.

6. connection
Connection is a network connection between the computer and the internet, so that each computer can communicate with each other.

7. WWW (World Wide Web)
WWW is the name given to all parts of the internet that can be accessed with a web browser software, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, Baidu, and much more.

8. Blogger
Blogger is the name given to a person as manager of a blog, while his own blog is an online forum or page that contains or consists of various writings or information in a text format that can be inserted pictures.

9. Hacker
Hacker is the name given to a data thief, modifying the data, or the destroyer of the internet system. The hackers are very dangerous, but not a few of the hackers who still consider the rules-kadiah or manners in the surf.

10. Chat
Chat is a computer program that is used in an Internet network to send and receive messages to each other in written form in real time (no lag time), and this time is no longer boring chat because each user can already do videocall

11. Captcha
Captcha "Completely Automated Public Turing Computers and Human Apart", is a sequence of characters or symbols are displayed randomly security and vague on an internet page.

12. Log in / sign in and log out / sign out

Log in / sign in = in, and log out / sign out = out

13. Browser
The browser is a computer program that is used in the Internet network as a tool for your browser or surf the web.

14. Crash or Hang
Crash or Hang, is a condition in which a computer and internet connection is experiencing instability, causing the user can not perform activities in a long time, usually to overcome this user is prompted to restart the computer.

15. Download and Upload
Download dalah an activity on the Internet that aims to download / retrieve a file from another source (server), the files are usually in the form of music, movies, photos, and text data. While the additions are in the internet activities which aim to send data can be text, music, movies, or photos.

16. Server
The server is a computer system that aims to provide certain types of services. For example, an online game server, server recharging electrical, telecommunication service provider's server, and so on.

17. Cookies
Cookies are not cookies are delicious on the tongue, the Internet cookies term refers to a data file that is written and stored on the hard disk of a computer by a website server, aims to identify Internet users, so it is concerned no longer need to re-enter personal data.

18. Wireless
Is a wireless Internet connection that uses electromagnetic waves as the intermediary, for more details can be seen here Wireless.

19. Modem
Modem is a two-way communication tool in the internet are taken from two words Modulator and Demodulator. Modulator has a function to convert the signal information into a carrier signal that is ready to be delivered, and the demodulator itself serves as a receiver. There are two kinds of modems, the modem GSM and CDMA modems.

There are still tens, or even hundreds more internet terms that can not be enumerated here. Use the internet wisely and seek out and discover the positive benefits of internet surfing activities so that you are much more meaningful.

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