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Stomach distended and risks

Fat deposits in the abdomen not only interfere with the appearance but also can lead to many health problems. Distended stomach can happen to anyone, not just those who have a fat body. Someone who has a body mass index (BMI) with normal body shape like an apple and waist circumference (waist circumference) wide also have to be careful.

According to a study published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, more than 70% of patients with a heart wide waist circumference died during the study than patients with smaller abdominal circumference. In addition, waist circumference be a stronger predictor than body mass index in determining the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Body fat is composed of two types, namely visceral and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat located under the skin. While there visceral fat in the abdomen and surrounds vital organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys.

Many studies prove that excessive visceral fat (obesitassentral) can cause metabolic syndrome, increases the risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.
Visceral fat causes the release of proteins and hormones that can trigger an inflammatory response (inflammation) and vascular endothelial damage. In addition, visceral fat can cause insulin resistance that leads to diabetes mellitus.

Is your waist circumference to normal?
Measuring waist circumference is easy. In the standing position, use the meter, wrap in the middle of your abdomen, just above the pelvic bone. Measure the circumference of your waist upon exhaling. Waist circumference was normal for people asia:

• Male: <90 cm
• Women: <80 cm

If waist circumference than normal, then you have a high risk of health problems. Segerakonsultasikan with your doctor to undergo a weight loss program and assess whether there are other risk factors.

The good news is the slightest amount of weight down (5-10% of the weight of the moment) can reduce the risk of developing these diseases. Start a healthy diet and regular exercise to get the ideal body weight and free from disease.

Distended abdomen is not only beautiful to look at but also carry health risks to the owner. Problems with distended abdomen is not only limited to the extra layer under the skin (subcutaneous fat), but also include visceral fat located in the abdominal cavity, surrounding internal organs. Health risks that may develop include:

• Cardiovascular disease
• Diabetes Type 2
• Colorectal Cancer
• Sleep apnea

Your weight is determined from the balance calorie intake with energy burned. When you eat too much, but lack of exercise, abdominal fat also accumulate.

However, it also affects the aging process. As we get older, muscle mass begins to decline, especially if you are less active lifestyle.

Decreased muscle mass reduces the speed of the body use calories to maintain weight loss even more difficult. Moreover, in some men fat cells in the arms and legs lose the ability to store fat, so the excess fat stored in the abdomen.

How do I know that your belly fat is too much?

• Use the meter, measure the circumference of the waist (just above the hip bone). When the stomach fell, measuring recline.
• Exhale and measure the circumference of the waist without trying to resist the stomach.
Waist circumference of more than 89 cm for women and more than 102 cm for men indicated concentrations of unhealthy belly fat and become an important health risk factor. What is your waist circumference?

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