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One leaf in question is the papaya. Here are some health benefits of papaya leaves.

Cure dengue. The trick, 5 boiled papaya leaves with 3 cups of water. Boil up into a glass of water.

Relieve menstrual pain. The trick, of the leaves of papaya, tamarind, and salt to taste, Mix all ingredients,
boiled until cooked, drink while still warm.

facilitate digestion

Anti-acne mask. The trick, dried papaya leaves, crushed and mixed with water. Stir, and wipe his face.
Appetite enhancer

Facilitate breastfeeding. The trick, 3 leaves of papaya are still young, squeeze the leaves put on fire. Then paste in the breast.

If you want to make a side dish, so that is not too bitter vegetable, cooked boiled before first use less land. After a bit mushy new season

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