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Fact Survey Teen Sexual Life America

A study of the National Survey of Family Growth in the United States found some new facts about the sex lives of teenagers there. Although the results are not significant compared with the results of the survey in 2002. Interestingly, most parents never imagined that their children have had sex. Here are some facts about the sex lives of adolescents in the United States:

1. 4 of 10 US adolescents (15-19 years) and not married have had sexual intercourse at least once.

2. Young unmarried 18 and 19 years old have sex about two-fold as compared to adolescents aged 15-17 years. Women aged between 15-17 years, about 28 percent said they had sex compared with 60 percent for women aged 18 and 19 years. For men, 29 percent of 15-17 year olds said they had sex compared with 65 percent for those aged 18 and 19 years.

3. Among unmarried adolescents, nearly 8 out of 10 women (79%) and nearly 9 out of 10 men (87%) use some form of contraception when they first had sexual intercourse. For the most part, teens who use contraceptives has changed little since 2002. Condoms remain the most common method used.

4. In 2006-2008, 52% of unmarried teenage girls and 71% of adolescent boys who never married sex in the four weeks prior to the interview using a condom every time they have sex.

5. Less than half of teenage boys are not married (47%) reported they would be "very upset" if they got pregnant partner, while 58% of unmarried young women said they would be very disappointed if they are pregnant.

6. 22% of teenage girls and 24% of sexually experienced teens sexually experienced males said they would "slightly happy" or "very happy" if they were to become pregnant (or get a partner pregnant).

7. Approximately 71% of women and 64% of men stated "agree" or "strongly agree" that "it's okay for an unmarried woman to have a child" percentage for men has increased sharply since 2002, ie almost 50%. They agreed or strongly agreed with this question. The percentage of women has remained the same over a period of time.

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