Definition List

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1. Leukemia
What is it leukemia ?
Leukemia is a type of disorder of the hematopoietic stem cell creation system which is also a fairly malignant disease. Abnormalities of the ability to further differentiation and maturation of leukocytes stagnant at different stages of development of cells in the bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues. Figures accumulation of abnormal cells and infiltration of other organs and tissues, and suppression of normal hematopoietic function. Leukemia generally cause anemia, bleeding infection, and symptoms of infiltration in the organs.   Readmore …

2. Brain Cancer 
What Is brain cancer ?
Brain cancer is a new biological growth in the cranial cavity, which is also known as intracranial tumors. The position of the incident there in different kinds of cells, including brain, brain nerves, meningeal brain, skull, pituitary gland and other organs as metastases from metastatic brain tumors.

Because the cranial cavity everything form bone, brain tumor grows large will cause increased pressure within the cranial cavity, which then cause symptoms of headache, vomiting, blurred vision, cramps, coma and other symptoms, the position and nature of the pathological lesions of brain cancer can be different due to differences in age. Read more …

3. Prostate Cancer
What Is Prostate cancer ?
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate organ male, is the result of the growth of prostate acinic cell abnormal and irregular. Read more …

4. Lung cancer
Around the world every 30 seconds , one person died from lung cancer
According to statistics , lung cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide , with a high mortality rate . around the world every 30 seconds a person dies due to lung cancer , there were 1.2 million new cases each year . It is understood that in 2010 , in Indonesia the number of adult male smokers was 66 % of the total , in addition to the more than 9,700 thousand cigarette use. This is a problem in Indonesia are caused by tobacco which affects the growth of lung cancer cells .
Approximately 10.7 % of patients after resection of lung cancer , died within 30 days  

5. Liver Cancer
What  Is it liver cancer?
The definition of liver cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the liver, including primary and metastatic liver cancers. Liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors encountered in clinical, based on the results of the latest survey, in the world each year there are 60,000 new patients liver cancer, liver cancer incidence is on the order of six from a list of all cancer incidence, mortality rate is on the order three.  Read more …

6. Skin Cancer
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the skin epidermis. Skin cancer often occurs on exposed parts of the body, such as the head, face, neck, back of hands and other places, occupying a total of approximately 81.1% incidence

Skin cancer is more common in older people, with a peak incidence between the ages of 51 years ~ 60 years, more men than women, with a ratio of 2:1 as, among white people (Europeans) have the highest incidence rates.  Read more …

7. Ovarian cancer
What was ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer is a disease of malignant tumor cells in the ovaries of women. Is one of the most frequent tumor found in female reproductive organs. Due to the tissue in the ovarian and endocrine function complexity, it is difficult to detect whether the tumor is benign or malignant. The time of diagnosis, the majority of cancer cells have spread to the surrounding organs.  
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8. Colon Cancer
Colorectal cancer is a lesion that occurs in the mucosal epithelium of the colon. Causes of colon cancer can be due to various factors, such as carcinogens, environmental or genetic effects. Colon cancer usually occurs in the rectum and sigmoid junction. The incidence of colon cancer is the third, after the gastric and esophageal cancer, the prevalence was higher in patients aged 40 -50 years, approximately 15% of colon cancer patients aged 40 years, the ratio between the patient's colon, the male and female cancer is 2 : 1.  Readmore …

9. Stomach cancer
What is a stomach cancer?
Gastric cancer is a cancer that is in the stomach, derived from epithelial cells of the abdominal wall, can occur various parts of the stomach (pylorus antral area the most, followed by the fundic area gastric cardia, gastric slightly smaller), invasion into and various parts of the stomach. 

10. Pancreatic Cancer
What  Is that pancreatic cancer?
The pancreas has two functions of the endocrine and exocrine, endocrine cells derived from cancer, called neuroendocrine carcinoma cancer, relatively rare, Steve Jobs died from this cancer. Neuroendocrine carcinoma in many cases relatively low level of ferocity, the disease process is rather lengthy, how treatment with pancreatic cancer that is often found also different. Derived from exocrine cancer cells, pancreatic cancer is often called a type of pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor. The rate of pancreatic cancer worldwide increased, more common in the elderly, men more than in women age 40-65 years, but recent years occurred at a younger age. The rate of pancreatic cancer malignancy is very high     Read more …

11. Thyroid Cancer
What  Is it thyroid cancer?
Thyroid cancer is a thyroid tissue has kankerasi, derived from a malignant tumor of the thyroid epithelial tissues, based on pathological divided into papillary and follicular adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma.   Read more …

12. Vaginal cancer
What  Is the Vaginal Cancer?
Vaginal cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the vagina. Vaginal cancer can originate from cervical cancer spread, or membranes derived from the spread of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and cancer of the lining of corion, other than that of the bladder, urethra or rectum also often cells can spread to the vagina.  Read more …

13. Penis cancer
What is cancer of the penis?
Penile cancer is a malignant tumor of the male reproductive system, cancer of the penis papilloma at an early stage, after a few years and then spread into squamous cell cancer. The main symptoms include redundant prepuce, phimosis, Balanitis of prepuce, penile injury.  
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14. Larynx cancer
What  Is larynx cancer?
larynx cancer is a malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue mucosa of the larynx, throat cancer is the most common squamous cell carcinoma    Read more …

15. Esophageal Cancer
What is cancer of the esophagus?
Esophageal cancer is cancer that refers to any piece in the tissue cells of the esophagus, dysplasia occurs with the formation of malignant disease, is one of the common malignant tumors of the digestive system, then susceptible to systemic abuse and proliferation.
Types of esophageal cancer can be divided into four.   Read more …

16. Endometrial Cancer
What  Is cancer endometrial lining?
Cancer of the endometrium lining is a malignant tumor that grows in the lining of the endometrium glands, is one of the three kinds of malignant tumors of the reproductive organs, occupies about 7% of all cancers in women, accounting for 20% - 30% of her reproductive tract malignant tumors. Cancer of the endometrium lining can grow at any age, the most common age is 58-61 years, 50% - 70% of disease after menopause. Recent … 
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17. Bladder Cancer
What is a bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer refers to malignant tumors of the bladder mucosa, is the most common malignant tumor in the urinary system. Bladder mucosal epithelial cells called urothelial cancer produced by urothelial cells called urothelial carcinoma, occupies the position of 90% -95% of all bladder cancers are most commonly found. Bladder cancer is less common squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.  Read more …

18. Nasopharyngeal Cancer
What is cancer of the nasopharynx?
Nasorafing cancer is a malignant tumor in the nasopharynx area. Nasopharyngeal cancer is a malignant cancer that is also harmful to health if ignored because it also has become one of the killer diseases in the present.  Read more …

19. Duodenal Cancer
What is a duodenal cancer?
duodenal can be regarded as the primary tumor, or tumor caused by metastases to adjacent organs such as the stomach secondary, bile duct, pancreatic cancer. Based on the pathogenesis of different positions, colon cancer can be divided into duodenal: adenocarcinoma of the duodenum, duodenal carcinoids, duodenal leiomyosarcoma, and malignant lymphoma of the duodenum, including duodenal adenocarcinoma is more common.  Read more …

20. Kidney Cancer
What is it kidney cancer?
Kidney cancer is a malignant tumor derived from urinary tubular epithelium, in general growth is rather slow, but sometimes it can be very fast, it can grow on any part of the renal parenchyma. Kidney cancer can be a gradual invasion into nearby tissues and organs through the primary tumor, metastases can also exit through the lymphatic or venous blood vessels.  Read more …

21. Anal Cancer
What is Cancer Anal?
Anal cancer is a malignant tumor derived from cells in anal, most often occurs in the anal canal or at the edge of the anal skin. Which occur in the lower part of the dentate line to be about anal cancer, whereas squamous cell cancer occurs in many organs surrounding the anal canal and anal. Anal canal squamous epithelium and surrounding tissue is often caused by chronic irritation of anal fistulas, hemorrhoids, wound surgery, and long-term damage to the cyst.  Read more …

22. Testicular Cancer
What is testicular cancer?
Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor of the testis tissue. Testicular cancer is divided into 2 types spermatogonial cell cancer and non-cancer cell spermatogonia.    Read more …

23. Multiple myeloma
What is multiple myeloma?
Multiple myeloma is a malignant cancer cells derived from plasma cells (a type of white blood cell produced in the bone marrow). Normal plasma cells tasked to produce antibodies that fight infection and cancer of plasma cells - myeloma cells proliferate in the bone marrow, which makes the patient can not live a normal life, body condition, among others, such as anemia, bone pain, fractures, decreased immunity, symptoms of the disease hypercalcemia, proteinuria, and renal insufficiency.  Read more …

24. Adrenal cancer
What is a cancer of the adrenal?
Adrenal cancer is a malignant tumor of the conditions contained in the adrenal glands, which are divided into sub-adrenal cortical adenoma, adrenal cortical cancer and tumors of the adrenal medulla. The adrenal gland is an endocrine organ that is very important, its position is very close to the kidneys. Although the adrenal gland itself is very small, but highly variable tumor growth, in general ... Readmore

25. Eye cancer
What is a cancer of the eye?
Eye cancer is a malignant tumor growth of malignant tumors in the eyes, that is to say, part of the light-sensitive tissue in the retrobulbar. Tumors in the retina of the eye, we often say that "cancer eye" refers to squamous carcinoma cells of the eye of a long history of eye disease. Relatively rare cancer of the eye, but to a certain age might occur. Eye cancer generally occurs only in one eye, then spread from one eye to the other .... Read more

26. Soft Tissue Cancer
What is a soft tissue cancer?
Where lies originating from the mesenchymal tissue, fiber, fat, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, mesothelial, synovial, vascular, lymphatic and other malignant tumors of soft tissues (excluding internal organs), which is known as soft tissue cancer, or the name other soft tissue sarcoma that. Can occur in all soft tissue sarcomas of the body, mainly in the stem retroperitoneal limbs, head and neck, but many more have palng percentage of about 60% that occurred in four limbs. 

27. Tongue Cancer
What is cancer of the tongue?
Tongue cancer is the most common oral cancer, tongue cancer occurs at the edge of the tongue, followed by the tongue, back of the tongue and base of the tongue, etc., are often the type of ulcer or infiltrative type.  Read more

28. Bowel Cancer
What is intestinal cancer?
Colorectal cancer is a common malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract, and a third of the most common cancers every new colon cancer patients in approximately 1.23 million worldwide. For the majority of the age of onset of 40 years, 30 years of age account about 15% of events. See more males to female ratio of 2-3:1  Read more

29. Bile Duct Cancer
WHAT IS bile duct cancer?
Bile duct cancer is a malignant tumor derived from bile duct that is outside the liver, liver wall area to the bottom of bile. Location of the tumor in the position to make the diagnosis of bile duct cancer is divided into two categories: bile duct cancer in the liver sections and the outer duct cancer liver.diantaranya bile duct cancer outside the liver is further divided into the upper bile duct cancer (cancer of the bile ducts in mulu liver), bile duct cancer the middle and bottom, but bile duct cancer in the mouth liverlah most rare.  Read more

30. Gallbladder Cancer
What  is bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the tissues of the gall bladder, bladder cancer is the starting point empeduyang cancer is less common, comparison of the growth of gallbladder cancer in men and women is 1: 2, especially women aged 60 and over is more easily affected by the disease , the prognosis is not good, the possibility of living a period of 5 years only 3%. 

31. Oral Cancer
What is it oral cancer?
Cancer of the oral cavity is a common designation of a malignant tumor that occurs in the oral cavity, including lip cancer, cancer of the gingiva, tongue cancer, cancer of the oral cavity palate, jaw cancer, cancer of the mouth, oropharyngeal cancer, salivary gland cancer, cancer of the maxillary sinus and cancer that occurs in the mucous membranes of the skin on the face. 
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