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Showing posts with label Fertile period. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fertile period. Show all posts

Calculating the Fertile Period Pregnancy

Calculate the fertile period. Pregnancy is a time of start of conception in the womb of a woman until her baby is born. Pregnancy occurs when a woman had sexual intercourse during the fertile period and ovulation or male partner's sperm will fertilize the eggs mature woman. Pregnancy is a matter of waiting for the couple who crave the presence of a child in the family. With the presence of the baby, the family will be fully decorated by peals of laughter of children, the sound of cheerful children, families feel more "alive" and most importantly, the family feel more complete. However, there are times when couples feel disappointed because the long-awaited pregnancy nevertheless not come. The difficulty to conceive as to cause deep stress on the couple.

Many of the obstacles that make them difficult to get pregnant at the start of fertility problems, the level of their psychological, hormonal dysfunction, etc. However there are times when pregnancy is not because they do not they get the right to have sex. They do not know, when entering the woman's fertile period so that the opportunity for greater ovulation.

Fertile period is of great significance for those who want to become pregnant and for those who want to delay pregnancy. For those who want a pregnancy, the fertile period can be used as a benchmark for sexual intercourse because this time of ovulation is happening so that the possibility of pregnancy is very large. While for those who want to delay pregnancy, the fertile period is a period that should be avoided to prevent pregnancy.

Many ways and methods that can be used to determine when the fertile period, namely:

Calendar system.
Determining the fertile period using the calendar system, there are two ways:

Calculating the Fertile Period With Menstrual Cycle Disorders
For the regular menstrual cycle, fertile period lasted 14 +/- 1 days following menstruation. This means that the fertile period took place on day 13 to day 15 before the date of your period to come.

For irregular menstrual cycles then first of all it should be noted menstrual cycle length at least for 6 cycles. Of the number of days in the longest cycle, reduced by 11 will obtain the last fertile day of the menstrual cycle. While the number of days in the shortest cycle minus 18, obtained the first fertile day of the menstrual cycle. For example: the longest cycle = 31, while the shortest cycle = 26, then the fertile period can be calculated, 31-11 = 20, and 26 -18 = 8, so the fertile period lasts on day 8 to day 20.

To further facilitate informed fertile period with the calendar system can use a tool called a calendar pregnancy (pregnancy wheel). With this tool you can determine your fertile period, whenever and wherever. In addition to the fertile period, pregnancy calendar can also calculate 17 benefit other important information during pregnancy, such as weight and length determine the development of the fetus, when the forecast was born, when the maximum limit of birth etc.

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